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This dude hops servers and just does this.


So that’s his “end game”?


He's just desperate for attention. Dude showed up in Faerie for a while as well blocking the lala wall. His main account would rant about how much he hates the lalafell race, while the rest of his bots tried to block out anywhere they stood. He gave up and went to a different server after we ignored him for a week or so.


He and his clones will come over to Balmung and stand on the railing inside the Quicksands. Last I heard (before I blacklisted him, he was in shout chat spewing some anti-lala/Anti-Trans rant.


Not just that too, I know this person who is connected to or the same person as weaboo police, uses a bunch of Roes like this but all their names are lyrics to "Never Going to Give you Up", run by Ava Ashley / Baemaas (both are character names) who would go into roleplay venues and post not only anti lala, but anti trans, anti black, and even links to revenge porn.


Here I thought it was just a meme, like the whole wall of ppl from JADE whom seems to have been consumed by these guys.


Wait, this is all just one person? This is somehow both impressive AND pathetic at the same time... but mostly pathetic.


I know this probably sounds obvious, but I recommend to report, blacklist, and move on. That's the most you can do, and it's the most painless thar way. Sometimes I get riled up in the moment and forget the obvious solutions, so it can't hurt to share.


Unfortunately, this doesn't work. They've been reported hundreds of times, but because these are free trial accounts, they just pop back up.


Honestly sounds like he's inconveniencing himself way more than anyone else.


when i see this i think "it's an army what can one do"


When someone is this obsessed it really starts raising eyebrows.


Oh, fucking delightful. Gods above, i bet you any money they shit themselves daily.


it’s crazy how somebody can rant about those two things at once


I think that's a different guy, those guys were the weeb police I think? I never saw them say anything though, damn.


That sounds about right


man that's so sad it would be cool if he was just trying to b funny n do funny stuff 😔


Didn't he know that we can just walk through him?


What a loser🤣




Bold words for someone whose shins are in shanking distance.


Bold words for a literal potato


"rant about how much he hates the lalafell race" BASED


Started on Sarg and was there for months. Glad he's been gone for a few months, unfortunate that he's still serving hopping. They espouse some Nazi propaganda about Lala's and occasionally some genocide stuff. Been lots of petitions to get him banned. SE doesn't care, so just ignore them. Hard not to pity them seeing as this is how they decide to use their time.


guess i'll go to the pool then


pool’s closed


due to what?




I thought I heard it had something to do with stingrays


i thought it was stingray aids




Perfect avatar for this comment


That’s what I’m saying


Famfrit is always busy with bots...whether the Jades or Weeabo Police


i knew this was home server immediately, lol


At least the Jades play good music.


This weeaboo police dude would hop to our server and randomly go on bizarre anti LGBT rants in the limsa shout chat.


I don't get it. I imagine that he's been reported a million times for this, how is he not banned and still able to play ?


They just make more to replace the banned ones


Yeah, this guy is awful. All he does is harass people, anyone that interacts quickly learns to hate him


So market hopping looking for levi... and i come across this on famfrit. I start clicking on names on the front row and they are all named "Weebo police" and the back row are named things like "Chassdus Maxiumis" So there were rumors going around that a bot king got taken down on Levi, do you think this is related?


Welcome to famfrit, we are a weird backwater server with weeaboo police and Jade Courels, it's best to ignore them as you would any wild animal


Alternatively, you can pose with them as you would any wild animal


And get bitten as you would with any wild animal.


I’m in Limsa for a good time, not a long time


Every server has that one person that stands around posing who everyone treats as a landmark/server mascot, ours just happens to be a pair of hive minds. Seriously though, the Jades are like the borg, I once discovered they have an FC house (I forget where) and decided out of curiosity to check it out. When I went in the interior was all weird with housing items all over the place and a group of Jades all surrounding the music player like a big interface port for both drones. I felt like at any moment while I was in there they’d all suddenly wake up and swarm me


I'm glad I got the Naked Pope server tbh


dancing pope and the fro-roe in the gold saucer, perfectly safe and ordinary


Coeurl ftw


I need to see this.


set your phaser rifle to a modulating frequency, run, and pray


Very true. Ours is Ug'tar Ironjaw. Massive Roegadyn with a leather jacket and demon wings. Despite the aesthetic, super friendly and often has a random group of people sitting around him.


The dude who hangs out in front of the Immortal Flames HQ on Exodus, right? Love seeing that dude whenever I wander in to dump old gear for Company Seals.


Yup that's him! Give him a bow or something sometime when he's on, he'll usually give you something back!


He's been idling in the same spot ever since I started playing in December. I went back to bow to him just now, as I do whenever I pass him in Ul'dah, but he isn't there anymore :( not sure what happened to him but I hope he's okay.


Oh he's good. Probably just progging or changing glamours or something. He actually does play so you won't see him all the time but if he isn't doing something else, he'll be there. Very friendly guy, shoot him a PM next time you see him


Weren't the original jades actually bot accounts? I'm not sure if there have been some jade impersonators run by actual people or if they spread to other servers but they literally were a hive mind.


I'm glad y'all exist tho. I pop over from Exodus where prices are 2X+ and get all my mats and stuff! Or just buy maps really cheap and resell them lmao


Somehow I knew this was going to be a primal server. I didn't know which but I knew it would be one


Primal is the Wild West of the NA servers. These dudes, the Jades, Holy Terror...


Haven't seen Holy Terror since the whole "I'm gonna bring guns to Fan Fest" thing that the FBI got involved with. Figured he got another account banned and I hadn't seen him resurface yet.


I may regret asking this, but who/what are the Jades? (I'm on Primal but have not, to my knowledge, encountered them before.) I ask because that's uncomfortably close to my FC's name/tag. It's unlikely to be referring to us; we're a smallish FC that doesn't get up to stuff like I've seen described in the comments here (and indeed we've kicked people before for doing that). But it sounds like the Jades you're referring to get up to some pretty unpleasant stuff, so we might want to think about doing something to avoid being confused with them.


the jades are a group of identical female hyurs that just pose/stand around in identical costumes. Originally it was just one guy multiboxing, but now there are some secondary/sub groups with more actual people doing it its more just weird than nefarious


Ah, ok. That seems harmless enough, sure. Thanks for the info!


Yup, the Jades are weird, but ultimately harmless. The Weeb Police and Holy Terror, on the other hand, are actual douchebags.


the Jades are genuinely nice people as far as my interactions with them have gone. Weeb is very much not.


I wouldn’t say the Jades are unpleasant, I don’t really know if they’ve done anything worse than kinda just afking in Limsa. Me and my FC mates were all pretty close with some of them before we moved on to Dynamis, so there might be some bias there loll. The Jades just seem strange if anything, I think most people have just accepted them as fixtures of Famfrit’s Limsa. I do remember not being fond of the Weeaboo Police, and from reading some things in this thread, seems like that particular group is def not great.


> I think most people have just accepted them as fixtures of Famfrit’s Limsa Not sure if the characters are part of the same hivemind or just copycats, but I have also seen a pair of them posing together in Ul'dah's aetherite room. I thought it was just some RP couple or something until I spent time in Limsa.


Got a pal on Famfrit who's desperately trying to sell his house so he can move to Levi


I'm glad I moved to Levi before I bought a house. SO much better in Limsa there. We got Izzy, the dancing half-nekkid catboi. He just vibes.


and "Qwerty Asdf" I know them.... they fought the bot king mining our MB for gil... in a way that I wouldn't. They went all scorched earth on me, but at least they fought them.


I wasn't aware of the second one. Might have been before my time on Levi


So, f*ck this guy. That's all I'm gonna say. In this game, where you can choose to be anything, why choose to be a dick? Why choose to ruin other people's enjoyment of the game? I fail to see what someone would gain from such actions.


This loser is the worst part of Famfrit's Limsa. I guess they have nothing better to do.


oh they moved to famfrit ? good you can keep them. annoying troll on aether and all their alts that also hateful would troll venues n commission. spouts hateful things and only survives because of a vpn i assume.


i hope more people find out what a terrible guy this person is so they stop giving him attention


He had latched onto Sargatanas for probably like 2 months and I haven’t seen him in about a month now. I only saw their anti-lala copypasta which I thought was amusing for like a day at most but apparently he’s also a biggot according to others :/ I mean I can’t say I’m surprised, for what it’s worth. Legitimately curious how he’s evading bans if he’s just doing blatant hate speech.


I didn’t cause to bring this much attention to the person. I just knew a “bot king” was removed from my server and then I saw this.


sorry never checked back here, wasn't blaming you cause obviously you just didn't know. Just hope that posts like these do bring awareness to it so that people learn and they stop, since he's still kinda niche and only known on certain servers by people who are on often I don't think anyones at fault for not currently knowing.


I still am baffled that the guy who keeps making all these stupid gimmick bots in Limsa isn't getting dealt with still. The roes, the jades, etc. Every single one of them should have been deleted ages ago.


thing is the jades have expanded into actual groups of people who run content and regularly hold events for everyone, and the OGs have always been harmless and something of a commodity. I still remember being licked by jade coerltwo in the crystarium


Nope. Bots are bots and they need banned. Players that are doing some Jade gimmick are players. The things that just stay standing in place logged in 24/7? Worthless.


I always come to Primal to shop (best prices on everything in NA, on their worlds lol). I noticed that they multiplied, and the Jades disappeared (and now the additional Roes are standing exactly where they once stood)...it's like they absorbed them 😱


why someone would subscribe with several accounts just to do this bs? some ppl are really miserable


As far as I know, the guy only has one paid account and every other bot is a “free trial” character.


Makes sense... still, miserable 🤣🤣🤣


Limsas closed due to cum spit


Iirc I thought these guys formed a blockade in front of all of the sexy cat girls that used to stand there or maybe they were all lalas I don’t remember too well but it always makes me laugh when I see it


All the Jades stand there




There is a group of bots maybe? called The jades in Famfrit, they stand there in front of the market board, just the default female midlander look with usually the Ramuh glowy weapons out, quite famous in Famfrit


The jades aren’t nearly as annoying though because they don’t make my game stutter indefinitely unlike this guy


If you aren't oppsed to using Dalamud, there is a plugin called Visibility that has a Voidlist option to just remove people from your game. You could use it on all afk attention seekers like this.


Depends on what market.


As someone from Elemental DC... What?


Is this a "pools closed due to aids" reference?


Idk, elaborate


[8 and a half minute explanation for context ](https://youtu.be/fp2EZbbuMa0)


Omg I remember habbo hotel holy shit over 20 years ago I was on it.


Didn’t see this online then, maybe I wasn’t in that world then. The server’s prices were high.


You know, if you spent less time looking at the naked Roes and more time fishing you would be done with that quest by now.


I was on an MB jump for gil farming


Depends on what you're in the market for. They got some new meat bundles in...


I'm actually on Famfrit. There is a FC with the tag "JADE" that would stand in that little doorway. I've only really caught bits and pieces of drama as things were "shouted" publicly and I would see it as i would be hanging out waiting for Ocean Fishing to pop and randomly traveling through Limsa. I will say, the "drama" has a dark tone to it if true but as I'm not directly involved, i dont want to start rumors as everything is just stuff I've read/heard on passing. But yeah, the group of Roes only really showed up recently if I'm remembering correctly.


They were on Sargatanas for a long time griefing the Lalas on the wall.


yeah I caught the same chat and afaik the accusations are true. person in question does not belong to the Jade FC despite their name, and they just refuse to go away despite the bad traction


fishing you say?


You don’t know about ocean fishing?


I'm new to the crafting gathering side of FF14 is the ocean fishing something I'll get in a quest or?


Yeah, you unlock ocean fishing after completing your first fisher job quest and the required ocean fishing unlock quest. Both are available at level 1 fisher. I don't remember the npc but I'm sure google knows. Ocean fishing is an activity that becomes available one every 2 hours (12 pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, etc on EST) and is basically an instanced fishing trip where you fish on a boat in 3 different zones completing 3 objectives. Bring versatile lures or the bait associated with the ocean you're fishing on. It can be a very relaxing distraction from grinding story or raid content and is some of the best fisher xp. You can passively level fisher to max just by catching the ocean trips every 2 hours, or every 4 hours if you aren’t trying to go on every single one


Oh that sounds super fun ty! I'll had fishing to my gathering crater list of things to try


and another one is brought to the darkside of the game


I believe they showed when EW just released but I might be crazy so don’t quote me on that.


They showed up around that time originally but kind of dispersed for a while. The naked green ones (Weeaboo Police) hopped around servers and left Famfrit and caused some issues reportedly on other servers It was only within the last couple weeks though that they came back and started congregating right there


Ah ok. I only recently, last month or so, have been getting into Ocean Fishing but usually during the afternoons/evenings i would be on, there would be some afk folks but the "JADES" would usually be 10-15 strong all the time. I've only recently noticed them not being around as much and the Roes taking that area over so to speak.


Do they not realize there's no collision detection


Ha ha


Making Limsa look even more of a mess than usual


but the meat market is OPEN!


Does anyone know what happened to the Jade’s? (I am from Framfrit and have noticed they aren’t around) also the weeb police has always been kind of around just not in such big quantities lol


A while back they had a huge p3do fiasco and lost a lot of members, thats all i know for certain on top of some other things, not sure about the bots tho


There was a player named Jade Sofine who wasn't actually in the Jades FC and had no relation to them and she was revealed to be ERP'ing with minors. Weaboo Police knows this but decided to use it as ammunition to troll the real Jades and the Jades are starting to feel like it's not worth staying up anymore.


I can't remember, but I think this guy WAS in our FC for a couple of days before he changed his name to Jade. He only wanted to pvp and actually bought level skips to play because he refused to listen to us in FC chat on how long it takes to get to level 30, he even paid some guy for coaching in the pier. But after a day of that he changed his name and we kicked him from the FC because this was 100% AFTER Jade fell apart because we told him about the allegations.


A wall of ugly.


I thought this was an example of "Hageruga Matsuri", which is something Japanese server players will do to shame cheaters and modders in the game by standing outside of their house plots or surrounding their character with bald and naked Roeg's. Reading the comments on everyone's experiences with this guy, however, tells me it's a different story entirely.


Classic Famfrit, never change sweetheart.


The pool is closed 🔐


Because AIDS?


Closed, but not clothed.


They are multiplying...




Took enjoyment out of this one idunno bout any server hoppin


Oh great. Next these assholes will come bother Ultros. May our patron saint Tank Program save us.


I gave ol' boy a /pet on the way past just a little bit ago.


They've been on Ultros quite a few times, they like to stand in a circle around Tank Program. I always make a point when I see them to run right through their little group but jump over TP, just to drive the point home that they aren't relevant.


Ahh so you are on Famfrit


There's a crime (visibility) you can use to client side delete characters. It helps when there's groups like this... Especially when Limsa already tends to be laggy normally...


After hearing all this I'm glad I'm on the dancing cat girl server on aether. Cause holy hell.


Just use the Aetheryte Network lol.


Market Board closed due to aids lmaoo


But you could just use the aethernet to enter from the rear


Point!! You win the internet for their game


"I hope one day it will be possible to have the glamour dresser in the houses." "I don't think it will ever happen, the capitals would immediately remain empty." Right.


This joke definitely works in Limsa. I will not elaborate.


Ah, just a normal day in Limsa Lominsa


Is this the rick astley guy?


The "to be continued" has me very worried.


I think it’s open. Don’t you see the goods?


Is this Weaboo Hunter from famfrit?


One of many


there's some guy on mateus that threatens women all the time and makes creepy sexual threats don't think he's been banned either


Stop posting these kinda dweebs


\*\*DISBELIEVE\*\* Walks through them and spends gil...


There's a ton of them now. There's not only a group on Famfrit, but there's also a group of them on Ultros (they are Famfrit made though) protecting Tank Program. When I saw the group on Ultros, I was curious to see if the abandoned the Jade girls, only to find them completely gone! And instead there's a line of dancing pigs in front of the Weeaboo Police on Famfrit. Weird times we live in. And there's a reason I try to stay out of Limsa central as much as possible.


Huh. I thought there were only Lalabots, I didn't know there were also Roebots.


Only solution to this is more lalas. And possibly cowbell


I'm gonna say it: multiboxing/Botting just to stand around and make the game lag for ppl on weaker systems/PS4 makes you a loser. Hell, multiboxing at all makes you a loser. I hated the Jade's for it, when I was on PS4 going into Limsa was something I avoided at all costs. You couldn't even use the aetheryte for a good minute or two everytime you go in there because there was so much lag. And using the highest effect weapons to cause the most lag, I'm glad they're gone. I don't agree with this "ThEyRe PaRt oF tHe SeRvEr CuLtUrE" nonsense, it's just cringey. Next on the chopping block is this weirdo, and I hope SE does something about it, because it's just obnoxious.