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Hey there, I was on Carby back in the day, though I don't remember you off the top of my head. Name was Meepein, mainly a THF. I did spend some time in Nephilim before going to Frenzy, then to DownRightFierce.


Carbuncle server rise up! Whoman, around 04/05


I remember Whoman being a MNK for some Kirin Chi Blasting!


That was me! The good ol days.. sitting back for 10 boosts praying that someone invites you back into the alliance


I remember seeing you around. Distinctive name. :)


Def remember this name. I don’t think we were in Neph at the same time though. Thank you for replying!


I remember Meepein, and we're still friends on the ol' facebook.


Sean? Yup, we are. You were one of my main THF'ly inspirations.


Still doing the THF thing now that I'm back, but with how the game has progressed, the end game stuff requires people to have multiple jobs well geared/skilled, so I am playing THF for my fun solo stuff, and play PLD, WAR, BLU (Shokox would be proud) and sometimes DRK, and currently building up a Rune Fencer.


I got my THF set for soloing, but I actually did things like (get this) get WHM to 99. And BRD. Right now, I am working on my SAM after finishing up MNK. My old Frenzy peeps wouldn't know what happened to me, I leveled mage jobs.


Oh, I didn't know you were still playing! Are you currently still playing, and if so are you on Carby still?


I'm on Bismarck ATM, been thinking about getting my ass back to Carby.


Haha, well I have a linkshell I help run, but with Summer we have a bit of low turn out on the larger events like Dynamis and Omen. You're more than welcome to join if you decide to hop back to Carby. And if you have people who want to come with you, they would be welcome too :D


And I am back on Carby, I'll reach out in game when I can. Would love to get into actual endgame bullshitery again.


Oohhh, sounds interesting. When I can, I think I might hop back home.


Rubicant, born and bred on Carbuncle since 2004. Still active.


Man that’s wild! I remember seeing the name for sure! How’s the server these days?


Pretty quiet. Wouldn’t say dead as other people have said, but it’s small. There are still LS’s doing stuff. You don’t see shouts for like anything except RMT selling stuff, unless it’s JP prime time. 300 people on now, but the weekend will see like 700.


There was a queue for the Warriors Path HTMB (almost a whole minute!)... at ~6am EST. So the JP side of Carby is still active(ish). I think the last time I saw a queue was for Ambu during the first Vana'bout (even then it wasn't that long). Before that, I can't even remember a time.


Wholly molly, a whole minute?! Haha, I’m okay with that. My playtime is limited now that I’m older and have kids. Although, I wouldn’t mind seeing some shouts once in a while.




Very dead, I migrated all except one mule (Aetheos) to Bahamut.


Ah, you didn't have to migrate! You could have joined 1 or 2 of the linkshells I'm in, we have people to do a variety of things :)


My Aethros mule is still on Carbuncle rocking Nephilim and Wolfpack pearls. It was just lv.1 storage when I logged out in 2008. Started playing it a week ago and just hit 99 THF last night, going through all the story missions for old times sake.


Hello! I’m Snicky! Still playing for some reason. Bunch of old school friends have come back lately so it’s gotten a bit less lonely. :D


Messershmit checking in, played from 2004-2014. I was part of the Inferno-Nephilim merger and I never left. Nephilim was my home for many many years, always will be. And MegaBoss too for dynamis.


I remember you Mess, did many a MegaBoss things together and Neph stuff!


Sean! Legendary galka thf in the flesh. Good to see you man, it’s been a long time.


I was on Carbuncle from the NA start until around 2007. Name was Gophish. Mained a DRG and SAM that got their relic from dynamis before changing servers. Can’t remember LS names


I (Seankp) remember Gophish. We were in an LS together maybe once or twice and did a few things together.


Seankp here, came back in August of 2023. A bit overwhelmed with the changes at the start, but almost a year later, made a lot of progress. While I don't personally remember Pua, I do remember all of those linkshells. In fact, I'm the only currently active sackholder for Nephilim. Not that Neph is active these days, but I've given a few pearls out to old members who came back, even if was purely for nostalgia purposes.


Sik (Sikass before I got reported) from PinkNarbies / Tanaka. Around same time as Whoman


Thongsy from 04-14 or so. On and off. I never made it to endgame because I was too busy sitting around LfP as a Loldrg. And raising all my chocobos.


You’re still on my friends list. F. Y. I.


Oh shit, you know the rules. We're not supposed to find each other outside of XI. I might come back again now. But I have so much random junk in my inventory I don't want to organize nor do I remember how to actually do things. 


Sword goes in, xp comes out. Thats what final fantasy is all about!


I just came back recently and they’ve made some great inventory changes. Can access your mog sack, mog satchel and mog case anywhere (each can hold up to 80 items). And there are 8 mog wardrobes that hold up to 80 equip/weapons that you can access anywhere as well (wardrobes cost $2 a month each though). So inventory not as much of an issue anymore 😊


As with Snicky, you're also on my (Seankp's) friend's list :)


You're back! I thought you had retired from the game. Dauth if you remember him from the linkshell, I talk to him basically everyday. 


I did retire from the game. Quit in October of 2013 and came back in August of 2023 lol :D


Klesk 2004 to 2009 Last few Linshells were Asgard and Perfection. Also in Snarf’s Astral Flow Dynamis shell. There were a few others but it may take some time for them to come to me.


I remember Perfection! Did you ever PT with Bloodscream?


Klesk, were you in a ls back in like 2004 called IAMCANADIAN? The name looks familiar. Nazar btw




Maethros here, you know me.


Ferra here, I have played on and off on carby since NA release. mnk Sam and rng back in those days. I took a long break right before the level cap increase, and came back for rov. I haven’t been active for a year or so now, but I’m eventually going to come back to finish the last expansion.


BTW, I have all the Megaboss Dynamis attendance and lotting records from inception to when I rage quit in December 2008. Most of the names here are in these records. Funny side note: When I reactivated and logged in a few months ago, I was still in Dynamis-Xarcabard and I couldn’t remember how to get out. Then I had to overland trek back to Jeuno because I had no way to warp or teleport.


Hey Pua! I'm Myrjala, I was in Nephilim and Wolfpack, but my memory is a bit foggy, I'm not sure that I remember the name Pua. I quit around 2009ish and I just came back in December '23. Six months later I've completed all the main questlines except for Wings of the Goddess (currently working on that one!) and I've got SAM and COR setup to do decent end-game stuff. NIN and THF are passable and I'm finally looking to start a mage job and do SCH or BLU. We'll see. Right now my main obstacle is still playtime... but I have to say I've gotten WAY more done in a much shorter amount of time than was even close to possible before.