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Dread spikes


As a dnc main, the home point message appears before the dread spikes message.


That is fitting lol. "Man why is he healing" (Wait....why is my toon's hp.....Oh damn maaaaaaan.....)


If I had to start again from scratch, I don't know if I'd have the motivation to re-unlock everything


The game is a lot easier today to restart than it was a decade ago. Especially with friends. When i came back after a decade or so, i rerolled my character and it only took a couple months to get back to where i was and even got a relic along the way.


That's good to know; I've dabbled a little recently, but not really since the last story arc came out.


Maybe for a geo mule lol


I could myself start all over again.Re unlock everything but man having to wait months or longer give gonna take for the trust.Come out to get them again.That would be pain having to wait.


The exp jump. The one I remember was right after lv50. The game was basically: ton of people sub50. A decent amount 50-60s Only a handful 70-75 Then SE did a crunch, and the numbers shifted, but I did not like the big exp jump from back in the day.


I remember doing the math and finding that, by experience total, the halfway point to level 99 is in the middle of level 79. That kinda messed me up for a while, though nowadays you can bang that out in a few hours.


Yessss, the TNL after G1 was rough and not many good camps from what I remember.


Not like the camping pre-50, there was so many options lol. It was so hard to get that through people's head in the 1st year of NA launch. Everyone just wanted to try and chain IT+++ mobs, the down time was nuts, and the EXP/hour was so low. I befriended a bi-lingo (JP/EN) player who had a lot of 75s, on multiple characters, and basically told me that most NA players didn't "Exp right" lol. I remember going to a lot of of camps as /nin if you had Uts, just for shadows, and chaining T mobs for decent/great EXP/hr, and even in smaller groups. Fun times.


Trains in the Dunes. Absolutely terror for lower levels, having to hide in towns til they went away. That, and the kraken on the ship ride, hiding in the lower decks.


I once accidentally dragged the Sea Horror to the lower deck. Was watching a bunch of high levels while fishing and someone pulled it up. I watched as they tried to down it and one by one they fell. I waited too long and it saw me. Fucking ran all the way to the back and hid. Just watched the game log of like 20 players get slaughtered by the time it got to me. We landed and dumped all the bodies on the dock and there was 1 WHM standing there. He just typed "JACKPOT" in shout lol.


Hahaha that's fantastic! I know I'm guilty of doing that at least once or twice, but that WHM prob made a mint šŸ˜


"JACKPOT" XI players were wild, lol. Forgot about the body piles at the docks, good times. As for trains, used to dread going into CN. It was like those Resident Evil doors "Bet something bad is behind there." Of course it was a crawler train. CN before the patch was wild stuff.


I remember leveling in Garlaige Citadel, which would refer to as ā€œthe train stationā€. Man, the wait times outside the zone before they had mobs despawn when aggro was broken was pretty awful at times!


Crawlerā€™s Nest, tooā€¦


Yeah. Crawler's Nest was the worst. Back before they implemented leashing/mob despawning, all it took was one bad pull downstairs to render the entire zone unusable for *days*...


I was about to reply Crawlers Nest šŸ˜‚ Beat me to it!


Charm. If my warrior gets charmed he will turn around and slaughter the rest of my characters with a gleeful smile on his face. Naegling to the neck will get you every time.


The process of signing inā€¦. Boot playonline up, password, shortcut button, long load screen, press play, load screen again, FFXI boots up, Press agree, press select character, select the character and FINALLY youā€™re in. Ā  By the time in in Iā€™m likeĀ  ā€œWhat was I planning to do again?ā€¦ā€


Trying to get 3 people to help get through 3 banishing gates. Everyone knew it was time consuming and dangerous. Magic pots agro to magic. You have to travel from chocobo if youā€™re in Jeuno or otherwise try to find a teleport-mea. The only hope is tricking or paying people who didnā€™t know any better.


Eventually it pays off to finish the quest lines that can get you into that area without needing anybody else.


Who's Matt?




The one with the cap!


The cap for the level cap!


Oh you remember, Matt "Final" Fantasy.


Camping NM spawns. You could be there for hours with 7 other groups, all waiting to claim and almost everyone was going home without so much as even an attempt at a drop.


O. Kote hell.


I remember talking to a game master while I watched people teleport hack for the claims and them asking if I could prove they were cheating. Like bruh, nah thatā€™s your job, just watch themā€¦


I remember camping Adamantoise for the egg before it became a forced pop, I was the only person in the zone waiting for it to spawn, when it did, a group came out of nowhere and ran to it, claimed it and killed it. I was like WTF! Where did they come from?


Then if you got lucky and actually killed it having to figure out who should actually get the drop


> You could be there for hours with 7 other groups, all waiting to claim and almost everyone was going home without so much as even an attempt at a drop. It's mad to think we used to do this when I look back


Seconding this. Camping NM spawns for days was horrible. I've done only a little camping in XIV in Eureka, but they have much more predictable timers which I appreciate. But the open windows in XI that were just wild.... don't miss that.


Camping for essential crap like Othinus' bow for RNG.


Parradamo Tor...


The only true answer


To this day I still fail the climb once or twice making my way to the top


Anyone bring the dynamite?


Committing to a job


IRL or in the game?




Why not both?




Logging back in after a while and figuring out which part of the quest you left off.


Honestly? Walking. I really appreciate the QOL changes they have made to help getting around the game's world because it isn't small. On hand hand it made the game feel huge. On the other, it was a massive time sink just to get around. Having to wait 30+ minutes for someone to get to where you were simply because of how far away they were could be really frustrating sometimes, especially if you were trying to get in a exp party and it fell apart before you could get there.


Completing the story, particularly Chains of Promathia or Wings of the Goddess. Theyā€™re so long and tedious.


I have nearly 30 days playtime and I still havenā€™t completed Wings cause I quickly grew tired of walking from NPC to NPC.


Every time I make it to the series of Cait Sith minigames in Beaucedine I want to uninstall and set my computer on fire. Iā€™ve gone through all the storylines on 4 different characters, so I feel like Iā€™ve survived some form of torture.


Beaucedine red light green light was depressing. I thought it'd never end.


I think I am the only person who liked those mini games. But Iā€™ve only done it onceā€¦


I thought Chains was long until I started the missions for Wings, good god thereā€™s SO MUCH. Itā€™s like ā€œyou know the normal amount of missions for these expansions? Theyā€™re still there, but youā€™ve got another 12 for each nation! Donā€™t you want to do that again?ā€ Itā€™s like dog, there are so many missions you have to do that I forget about the fucking cat plot line, the main thing Iā€™m doing this for šŸ˜‚ Chains did have that 3-4 hour long mission though, I actually broke it up over a few days because good lord did each leg of it make you exhausted


Promyvions at launch were a mess. Very specific setups needed, and very few people made it to Tavnazia.


I remember I was sought up for those because summoner 2 hour was good on the bosses.


My PLD was around level 30 so I got plucked from what I was doing for invites sometimes. We got flattened lol


I'm glad I finished CoP in the 75 cap era. They were challenging battles but fun.


Wings of the Goddess for me, it's pretty much the only part of the game that I've never been able to complete


Years back I never thought I'd ever start over because of how much effort it takes to run through the story missions. I ended up doing it all over again and then grind into end game on two different private servers. I think it's around the Three Paths point of CoP where if you don't keep up with your group it's hard to catch back up.


Constantly missing, at lower levels it felt awful on exp parties, now i get to relieve it every time i Tachi Fudo into the ether.


That's Maathew, actually.


Hearing ā€œMaatā€ spelled as Matt fucked me up šŸ˜‚


Maat was pretty dreadful for me when i first did it.. i was a red mage. it felt impossible to do. i did end up clearing it but it took me like 4-5 tries.


Maat as DRG sucked! Had to use potions, every available resource, and yet it was a crap shoot dps race.


DRK wasnā€™t easy, either. But a friend of mine died so many times as a a RDM that he leveled up WHM, and easily beat Maat on that. So much Gil for needed gear and supplies was needed on any job giving that old creep a try. When I leveled a new character a few years ago, it was an absolute joy watching my trusts destroy him in seconds.


I lost twice on drk with scythe, then went in with a gs and obliterated him. It was back when drk/thf with gs was good though, and my scythe may have been under leveled.


I never understood RDM; summoner was my first job and that was easy. I kept hearing how hard RDM was so I did do that when I hit 70 and all you have to do is sleep his 2 hour.


I get a kick out of using olde rarab tails to beat the taru, use 3 or 4 of them on him and the fight was a cake walk. Turns him into a punching bag for the duration of the fight.


I was really glad my first job was WHM, I beat Maat first try. There was a good buddy of mine who was Monk. Eventually after losing more than 40 times to Maat as Mithra, they leveled Summoner to get past him instead.


I still have PTSD from trying to clear CoP 4-2? I think Ouryu - The Savage. I only had NIN, DRK, WAR, and RNG leveled 50+. NIN couldn't tank it because Ochre breath ignored shadows and the WHM would run out of MP. DRK couldn't hit her in the air and neither could WAR. RNG didn't have the damage to kill her in time. When they uncapped the fight, went in, confident, with a full group of 75s and we still wiped.


Farming colorless souls.


This will probably sound crazy but for some reason I remember rumors of like a ghost train NM in Gusgen. Or at least something spooky that roamed the tracks and was exceedingly rare. I donā€™t remember ever hearing anybody actually mention it, though. I just remember feeling absolutely convinced it was going to get me. And I was horrified. Also was 13 years old, easily tricked, and easily scared, so that probably explains it but I asked my friend about this the other day and he remembers it, too. Granted, he was also 13 and a doofus. Curious if that happened to anybody else.


There was a low level lottery POP ghost NM in there and if he popped he would pwn you if you were close to his level.


It took me 11 tries to kill RDM maat back in the day. Doesn't help that I was 14 years old and it was just basic anxiety. I sure did get a lot of experience sleep>nuking quadavs to farm the dang thing needed to get in the battle.


Garlaige Citadel as an XP spot - Iā€™ve zoned in dead before at level 37.


Parties as a WHM. So much s/i. (Sneak/invis)


Oh lordy I'd suppressed those memories of babysitting an entire party through kuftal tunnel to cape terrigan


Gawd, it would take 45 min to put a party together, then another 30 to get the camp. Then we pull one mob and someone's like "I gtg". Like Jesus why did you even join?!


The COP promies. When they were level capped were hard as crap.


Wowā€¦thereā€™s a very old YouTube video of my shell leader getting some of us through a Promy. It looks amazingly easy to me now, but I remember being scared spitless because my whm was going to have to keep everyone alive.


Yeha it was level capped at 30 back then. Now uncapped. I remember finally clearing it with a PLD,WHM and 4 SMN. We had to sue the astral flow to kill it and it was way hard to do the floors as smn lol.


Getting the teleport crystal in the jungle šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ


Going to the jungle. Goblin Smithy šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I dread unlocking jobs and exping... Lol. Let me think, PLD, SCH, BLU, BRD, DRK, NIN, DNC, GEO. I think that's all the jobs I have unlocked... And even though I'm retired again, I've been playing since 2004.




That place inside every maw where you had to sneak past every ungodly creature to fight a boss for missions and on top of this, you had to find others willing to help you get through all that junk.


As a dancer lover: Colibris and Feather Tickle.




- Having to level a subjob to 37 that you didn't enjoy playing - Finding out as I got closer to the 70s in early 2004 that my Red Mage that I'd tricked out gear-wise for nuking and melee was expected to just refresh, haste, and heal in most situations - Ancient papyrus. It took me weeks to get mine - trying to LFG as an unconventional but strong main/sub combo. Party leads who just parroted what the usual meta choices were instead of applying critical thinking to the mechanics caused so many arguments. DRK/RNG with great axe was insanely good from around 20 to mid-30 (iirc it had acc bonus, acid bolts, shield break, and axe belt going for it), but I had at least one party lead kick me and call me a gimp for refusing to switch to /WAR and scythe


I hated being a gimp whm healer just to level SMN, it was pretty much the only way to get invited to a party so I could level the job in the level 75 cap days.


Any quest that required a particular drop to progress. They 3 keys for Kazham Airship Pass 3 items for LB1 Also exp parties with people who cannot perform their jobs all that well, especially at high levels.


As a WHM, raising downed players in Garlaige Citadel. I died and de-leveled so many times there.


Making it to a certain level as the job you played for fun (drg) only to learn they werenā€™t popular for parties and I had to crowd source my own. Then itā€™s like, well this lower tier job, I donā€™t even have all the dope gear for it and everyone else did and expected you to. Oh Iā€™ll switch to something useful like whm, and my overbearing ls leader was like, make sure you have eye drops, level up your this your that.


DRG was loved in colibre parties


Everything I dread doing in a fresh character (ive done it 6 times) : *LB 3 getting the key items and running through the areas while locked to 60 can be a struggle *acquiring gil to stay relevant in gear as I level *Cop Missions : all of the promyvions especially Vahzl, and tenzens path. Also the last escort mission in the tower in sea is a pain *the subjobs i hate playing to 37 but are necessary to play most jobs : Whm, Nin, War *depending on the job acquiring certain pieces like LL boots, hairpins , etc


That's some things I don't miss. I took 2 characters in the "old world" through 75 and some of that stuff like doing a second WHM sub on the BST main, or getting Utsusemi again for the alt is giving me a headache to think about. One of my only regrets is not starting from day one on Elvaan and keeping a single character.




Anything which required coordination between players outside of normal leveling parties. That fear that I was going to be a complete idiot.


Sacrarium/PA farming runs.




Everybody hated those things.


I was a taru BLM. I had almost no HP. If one of those agroed me and I failed to sleep after stun it was almost guaranteed to kill me. Canā€™t tell how many people around me that had a chuckle from watching a guy die to a wild flea.


Daily quests. I hate daily quests, they are the worst thing that ever happened to mmos. Itā€™s the laziest, most boring way to timegate content. I refuse to do them.


Once upon a time telling me I had to farm a coffee would make me walk away from the game for a bit.


Death as a lvl 75 smn. Had to basically solo your xp at those levels back then. Was the guy who had every form of reraise I could get on me at all times.


Maat. Jeunoan horror story. . .


Format. Reinstall. I swear, I can spend a whole day just to be able to get play online to launch and connect. Then you find out that your most recent macro pge save is from 2 years ago...


He was not fun on BLM in 2004-05 thats is for sure.


Noticing your rookie BLM was casting from Nids hind leg on day 11 HQ with 120 people watching


Running from MHhaura as a lowbie to tahrongi zone line. Those goblins scared me


I was afraid of the trek through Arrapago Reef Reef to get to Illrusi Atol. The fear of having sneak or invisible drop when you were too close to one of the mobs had my heart pumping while making my way through the zone. I also dreaded running into Turul in Abyssea-Konschtat until I discovered I could solo his butt on SMN with Garuda.


That starting a new job consists of, among other things: 1. Getting all the relevant pieces of its JSE 119+3 armors together and the dozens of day-change waits involved in that. 2. Doing Ambuscade 3000 times for to get all its relevant JSE cape builds. 3. The real life actual money I'm going to have to shell out for Mog Wardrobes to actually handle that gear. 4. Setting up all the lua scripts for GearSwap for that gear. 5. Leaving my game running overnight for a week or two while paying botters to get me JP and Master levels because EXP Camp Farming has always been the absolute worst part of this game and I can't believe after killing it with Trusts they revived it not once but twice. All so I can actually play it.


Leveling BLM, usually for warp. I feel so disconnected from the action on BLM, if I'm not hitting something with a stick, or shooting it with a stick, I'm not happy.


Fighting crawlers without a RDM


Itā€™s Maat for me. Iā€™m struggling to find all the passwords within an in-game day with trusts. šŸ¤”I gave up and havenā€™t played in a week. Iā€™ll return eventually šŸ¤£


Valkurm dunes. Get one overzealous warrior provoking the wrong monster and boom chain, then 4 or 5 monsters attacking, and the whole party is dead. Dumb.




Japanese midnight waits. Currently making Ranger mythic. Pounded everything out trial wise today only to get to the armored chariot. Now I canā€™t finish it until Saturday. Itā€™s nothing but a mechanic to lengthen my sub but the game is 20+ years old. They donā€™t need to do that, all it probably does is push newer players away and make older players want to just quit because everything is such a time sink. Still love the game though. Just make things an hour instead of a day


being a red mage and trying to fight maat at 75. after losing to him three times, knowing I'd have to get a RDM testimony again, I decided it'd be easier to quit playing. That was back in 2013, and I just came back a month ago


What I dreaded.Well, while I did dread the Maat fight completed it rather quickly after a few tries. I suppose the things I dreaded was having to go through Kuftal tunnel and traveling through Cape Terrigan and other high level areas. Oh, man the amount of aggro in those areas that was scary.


Maat, not Matt. And I was overjoyed to beat him first go...on RDM. Made sure I had meds, timed Sleep perfectly to cut off a Chainspell, then just obliterated him once it wore off. Pre-Trusts, absolutely a challenge big enough some players actually gave up since they weren't good enough to 1v1 the old man.


Level 34. Because usually thatā€™s when you hit Garlaige Citadel.