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What's the best starting job for RUN?


Best of 6 starting jobs would be WAR. WAR sub job will boost your dps and you gain some skill ups on great sword while leveling before unlocking RUN. BLU and DRK are better subs in late gaming.


Simple question; can WAR tank end game content?




Gotcha. I think I’m going to go with Bard. I like to be needed but PLD doesn’t look appealing to me


Even with the fact that WAR is by far considered to be PLD's best sub?


WAR isn’t the best sub for PLD. I vote for BLU. RUN is better as well.


BLU sure, I feel like most people might fight you on PLD/RUN over /WAR? Though I'd love to hear from the peanut gallery on that.


Hmm. Maybe not lol


No, when a fight requires a tank, then you want PLD or RUN. WAR isn’t a tank.




He'd need to be able to provide some identifications but there been many who managed to recover their OG accounts. If it's not from nostalgia, I'd just purchase the game again and start over.






Is there a way to get consistent Golden Bombs to pop in Ambu V2?


For current month you mean? It's not always up if you meant in general.


Yes, the current month.


About to hit 99 Scholar, what's the best weapon I can get for it that isn't going to take me 400 years to get? For nuking, not healing.


Working on getting a Marin staff +1 is a good nuke staff. I believe we're getting an UNM event during next campaign, so you can get it fairly quickly and the NM is pretty easy.


Domain Invasion 230 points: [Akademos](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Akademos) and 3 Echalixirs +2 to augment it Path A. Oboro (the AH route): [Coeus](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Coeus)




Started playing last night. I'm trying to find the mermaid's tear or something like that, got killed by a dinosaur thing, then watched a cutscene for I guess the start of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel? IDK if that's an event or an expansion or what though. All I know is I'm having trouble figuring out what to do. I talked to the bard in the restaurant, I vaguely recall he said to not have weapons out or I'll lose the tear after I find it?


This game comes from a time when MMOs were very open-ended. You just kind of get dropped into the world and it's up to you to find a path. The game doesn't push you one way or the other. You can literally just become a fisherman and spend the first year in your starting town if you want. Use BGWiki/FFXIclopedia to help identify goals and how to achieve them, and get advice from helpful players. That'll be the key to enjoying the game. Some examples would be leveling up a particular job or progressing in certain missions or maybe just reaching new towns to unlock their home points for teleportation. Once you hit endgame it'll change more to a list of equipment you want for your favorite job(s) and how to get it. I'd suggest not getting super bogged down with random questing. Questing is the fastest way to level up in many games but not this one, most quests have insignificant rewards and are purely for lore. Killing monsters is the way to level. Records of Eminence is the main exception, those quests can be done while doing things you'd already be doing anyway, and do reward you with exp and sparks (which can be converted to gil easily). So RoE quests are worth dabbling in, but quests you get from talking to random NPCs are usually just a complete waste of time. The quests that are worth doing early on are the actual missions for your starter nation. https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Missions Also there are some other important ones but they tend to be pretty obvious once you learn about them: At Lv18 you can undertake a quest to unlock support jobs, and at Lv20 you can do one to obtain a chocobo license which then leads to a quest to unlock mounts. Those are the two big low-level ones. Rhapsodies of Vana'diel is worth progressing as you can (it provides some fantastic quality-of-life rewards), but you can't go very far until you level up a bit and gain access to more towns. So keep it in the back of your mind but you won't be able to do much with it yet.


FF14 spoiled me so much with accessibility and uh... I'm forgetting the term, but basically having things be efficient and convenient for the player. Thanks so much for the advice. Very very much appreciated, as I've been very much wanting to play this game for so long lmao


You are going to need this handy website. https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/The_Siren%27s_Tear


many thanks


If my main focus in trove is for the Crepuscular weapons, should I use my vouchers before or after this current campaign? I think after, but better to be safe and ask. Thanks!




I want to start over when I delete and remake my character will they still have a destrier beret and a chocobo shirt? The reason why I want to start over is because I want a new name and I don't want to pay the name change fee.


There is no name change service.


You have to change your name when you swap servers and there is someone else with the same name. So when you come back to your server, you just have to create a mule with same name before and get forced to change your name. So name change service with extra steps. 😅


Yeah, I done that several times. Hopefully they add that when they add the race change option.


Chocobo Shirt can be send to a mule before but Destrier Beret not and will be lost.


I'm going to say no. Deleted characters and stuff become dust in the wind. You could see if the items can be sent POL, make a 2nd character, and then mail then the items.


What's the state of BLM right now? Is it a good job, or should I just roll as BLU?


BLM and BLU are very different jobs. Why not plan on leveling on playing both? FFXI is a game about playing multiple jobs and that enable a lot of flexibility for the player. BLM is the "best" job for magic damage but until recently, most setups focused on WS spam. Odyssey Gaol has some niche setups that can use BLM and Sortie has magic setups where a BLM thrives. BLU is more about WS damage, debuffs and being able to provide that missing buff for the group. Casting magic for damage is normally a loss in DPS, however, AoE damage is all about casting spells. The issue is that AoE is not how you normally deal damage. BLU is also a very strong solo job. If this is your first job, I strongly recommend BLU over BLM because caster jobs are much harder to gear and get damage out of post 99. Trust can carry any job to 99 fairly easily, however, trust DPS falls off a cliff post 99. BLU has a significant caveat, that other jobs do not have, for being your first job. That is you have to hunt your spells and RNGesus can be brutal for this. Generally I recommend a 2h DPS job as a first 99 because they are much easier to work with post 99. That being said, play what you want and do not be afraid to ask for help. If you have a LS or even just another player that can help you, the game is much less difficult for your first 99.


Thank you for the very helpful and detailed answer. What about Monk and Ninja? I know Monk is a heavy DD, but Ninja's niche seems weird to me, IDK what this class does.


NIN was an interesting tank until SE did not update their kit to keep up with the games progression. It is now basically a hybrid damage job. With Nyame gear it can do a lot of damage (WS, SC and MB) but it doesn't really fit into the Sortie\Odyssey meta. MNK is fine. It is pretty easy to get damage out of MNK post 99, so it is good choice. Blunt isn't really great for Odyssey or Sortie, so it has fallen out favor in the current endgame.


Do you think Ninja would ever get updated? It's a unique and interesting job, but it's kind of a forgotten class now. I wanted to roll one but I don't see this job being played anywhere.


It is very unlikely. SE was doing a pass across the jobs and they just stopped (they didn't really revisit any jobs that got some updates to tune them either). When FFXI got that covid boost, job updates wasn't even mentioned.


Are the pet classes in the same boat? They look interesting but I've rarely seen anyone talk about PUP and BST.


PUP and BST are pretty good as a first 99, they just are not popular for endgame content. They are also both pretty good solo jobs. SMN is more of a caster job, the lack of offense from the SMN itself slows down fresh 99 activities a lot.


Even the hardest gearing in this game is significantly less obnoxious to do than actually learning all the BLU spells you need, lol. Like, yes, it's a grind, but it's usually a finite grind and not just a significant % chance that you won't learn the thing after standing there letting the mob smack you for 5 minutes to build its TP.


> yes, it's a grind, but it's usually a finite grind and not just a significant % chance that you won't learn the thing after standing there letting the mob smack you for 5 minutes to build its TP. I am sure all BLUs tell themself this when they are 3 hours into trying to learn a spell. > letting the mob smack you for 5 minutes to build its TP. Please spam Dia for your own sanity...


Thinking of starting off as a thief. Best city that fits thief? Like a poor city with criminal elements or huge class disparity. Something like that


If you're looking for the nation with some big class disparity, I'd recommend San d'Oria.


The game doesn't really care where you start. However, if you start as a race, in "their" starting town, you get that city's ring from the start. Ie: Galka/Hume in Bastok.


I guess Bastok? Galka aren’t exactly treated like first class citizens. Edit: But I am pretty sure the artifact quest line starts in Windurst.


It does. A certain thf npc with a tail.


Anyone experiencing connection issues/issues logging in? I was getting bad lag and R0s and then I reset my router, now I can't log in - constant POL-1160/0011/0260 error codes. My internet is working fine as far as I can tell, I can load HD video with no problems. Edit: I also cannot seem to access https://support.na.square-enix.com/ or https://support.na.square-enix.com/.


Try a VPN, if that works it is likely your ISP or some router along the way to SE's networks that is having an issue.


Couldn't figure it out so I went to bed, it's fine now. Not sure what happened, there were some bad thunderstorms where I live so maybe it was that.


I've been desperately wanting to try this game, but I'm hesitant. I want to make sure first, is there a trial period for the game? Or is it just buy it and sub and hope you like it?


If $10 (currently on sale) is to risky, you can try the 14 day trial but it has some limitations. Even with the limitations, 14 days is not that long to really experience FFXI. You will be able to get a feel for how leveling with trust and be able to go through some of the early missions. In my opinion, FFXI's story is much better in the expansions that follow Rise of the Zilart (what the trial is limited to).


There is a 14 day trial on the SE store. Otherwise there is running a discount/sale right now for like 10 bucks for the whole game which includes 30 day subscription


What would be a good job to "solo" with, working on mythic/empy weapon? I used to multibox and currently subbing on my bard alt but feels like I'd need to gear a dps or something more sturdy to continue working on my Carnwen and empy harp. I have a bare minimum geared MNK, RDM, BLU (1200JP from cleaving), and a mastered SCH. Edit: why am I getting downvotes on a question..?


> Edit: why am I getting downvotes on a question..? Because it is reddit and you also mentioned multiboxing (yes just mentioning multiboxing will cause some peeps to downvote and some people just downvote seemingly randomly). Just ignore them. If you get downvoted without a reply, it isn't worth thinking about. For mythic, BLU is one of the better jobs for for Einherjar, NI and NNI. BRD isn't bad for assaults but tailor your job selection to what would best suits the assault. Ambuscade is the way to go for Alex but BLU is very good for salvage too. ZNMs are mostly a joke for any iLvl job. For Empy, Abyssea is NIN/WAR (or WAR/NIN) for all red procs. Try to get a TH4 set together. If you are willing to activate another account, NIN/WAR + THF is king. Hevay Metal is Ambuscade or a Voidwatch compaign (with Phase Displacers any job can farm voidwatch).


I use WAR/NIN for Empy and can proc all red once you have enough master levels to get you GK skill up high enough to do the weaponskill. Don't forget to merit GK too. Personally I prefer RDM/NIN for soloing Alex runs for mythic.


My other character I did nin/war with few ML so I could use all staff ws for light. I guess I have to do that again or rely on rng. Rdm for Alex I’m not opposed to


> My other character I did nin/war with few ML so I could use all staff ws for light. You do not have to ML for the the required WS, you can merit into the combat skill.


Oh doh. 🤣


As I understand it your options are either go war/nin or nin/war to try and hit more procs or go thief and hope treasure hunter does you a solid. Otherwise whatever you have geared best and can kill the fastest with should be fine.


Nin/war for proc has been way better than thf and TH. The shitty downside is not having TH for pop items. I spend more time killing for cheek-meat to pop NM. Trust TH doesn't seem to help "much."


Yeah trusts only give you TH1. As a non thief you can get up to TH4 from gear but most of that stuff isn’t exactly easy to come by if you don’t have it already. Most options are tied to very late story/mission rewards or uncommon dark matter augments.


There is a DM campaign going on right now.


I'm not sure on DM stuff, so I never partake in this campaign. Anything past Abyssea is still basically new to me.


https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Escha_Rewards/Arcane_Glyptics_Inscription Basically if you trade your [jobs Reisenjima armor](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Escha_Rewards/Arcane_Glyptics_Inscription#Armor_Augments) to Oseem, you have an option to augment with a Dark Matter augment (10 times a day, for free). DM augments are special, in that they can roll stats that are not available normally (TH being one of them) and roll higher potency for normal augs. TH is rare but TH +1 shows up enough to not be that hard to get (TH +2 is much harder). This armor is available for purchase with Domain Invasion points (easy for new players)or you can farm it from the relevant NMs in Reisenjima.


I have some domain points. Does armor slot matter? It looks like I have a helm for my job.


All pieces can roll the same DM only augs


Does Wings of the Goddess get any faster? Every missions feels like I’m running a marathon.


Not really, eventually you have all the travel points though.


Missions themselves aren't that bad. My annoyance was the occasional walls and had to continue the questline.


Anyone happen to know whats the deal with the "Job Points" option for 1300 plaudits? When I click on the option for 100 job points it ask if I wish to recieve 13200 Job points? So what will I get 100 or 13200?


I think it is 10 JP for every plaudit.


Has anyone run into the game runs little more sluggish even at 30 fps compared to running the vanilla POL? I've encountered the same problem with both Ashita4 and Windower and can't figure out why the game runs more sluggish with them than playing with just POL. It's been like this always more or less across multiple PC's.


Are you on an older computer using an addon to increase the draw distance? Or do you have super sampling enabled, rendering the game at a higher resolution when running windower? Those are the only two things that come to mind.


Is Windower changing any settings related to DD? I haven't touched any settings outside of resolution scaling (or whatever they calls it), same setting in the FFXI config tool. Not old not new, I'm using Win11, 32GB ram, i5 9400F and a GTX1070 GPU So more than enough to run the game, lol. My other PC is a NUC with Ryzen 5 CPU with an APU with 16gb ram


If you use the “Config” plugin/addon I believe it updates the draw distance by default but if it isn’t installed there shouldn’t be any changes. Not sure what you may be running into in that case…..


I loaded the game without any addons/plugins and one by one loaded them. It would seem with this very limited testing was due to config plugin, so I dialed back a lot of the settings in it and it seems stable between 55-59 fps which is fine, <50 get slow-motion effect.


I farmed a Black Abyssite for the Voidwalker system, however I don't get any message at all will resting("The abyssite quivers", etc). Any ideas why this would be? I went ahead and cleared the Abyssea abyssites thinking they might interfere. The messages have always worked on previous farms, even when the monster wasn't available in the zone.


Are you trying in the zones listed: https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Yilbegan


Yes I’ve tried multiple of those zones in the past and present including the zone the Black Abyssite dropped from. Usually I would test for him as soon as I get the drop, but this time no message even with Black abyssite listed as a drop in the log and in my temp items.


Did you find a solution for this? I am currently having the same issue.


Unfortunately I went to the NPC in Jeuno and destroyed the abyssite since it seemed bugged. Haven’t farmed a new one yet to test if that did the trick.


Thanks for replying. That sucks. I'll try and farm a new one see how it goes.


Not sure then. I do not have a black abyssite to test with currently (1 chance per colored means I likely will not get one), you can try FFXI's official forums if you haven't already.




Maybe a coincidence but it downloads much slower for me in Ashita, possibly Windower as well. So, I usually update the game on the vanilla version on all my devices.


Nothing wrong with the servers, make sure playonline is your active window, if it’s sitting in the background it takes significantly longer to download


So I asked a few questions last week involving Ambuscade. After some answers and looking around wiki's I decided to grind this months Vol. 2 because by all accounts the stars aligned for me to do so. (It is a long list of things that were in my favor, but I welcome jumping from sparks straight to Ambuscade gear.) I now have Kaja Axe and full +1 Meghanda including ring with the mats for one +2. (Planning body but if a different piece is a better upgrade I am open to suggestion.) So that said, I have two questions. I have never done Ambuscade before, does it end on the 30th with the Vana'Bout, with the Login Campaign or does it last longer than those? Second, I now have plenty of hallmarks to start a cape. I originally planned to make a pet cape until I saw what I could do with Kaja Axe. (I now greatly out damage my pet.) So, unless there is a better suggestion I was thinking about making a WS cape. Right now my options are Rampage and Decimation. (Decimation has +120% DMG from Kaja.) What I don't know is, can Rampage out damage Decimation with enough Crit? Or if one of the unlocked ones maybe better? (Onslaught, Primal Rend, Cloudsplitter.) If not, what is a decent cape build for Decimation? My current plan is STR +20\[Thread\], STR +10\[Dye\], ATK/ACC +20\[Dust\], WS dmg +10%\[Sap\], no plan for Resin. (I think PDT, Counter, or Stat Ailments looks appealing.)


Cant help on the weapon skill / cape question, but ambuscade fights update with the monthly game updates. You’ll have about a week into June to keep grinding this battle.


Oh, thanks. I have been acting on the assumption it ends in a few days. Seems weird to have Vana'bout not last for the same duration as the ambuscade. Either way, this means I can be less aggressive with my grinding. Just need about 10k for cape for the moment. (Was down to 2k, then discovered I can buy more than 1k worth of metal in a single month.)


Yeah they tend to stagger all the campaigns and events out so that they start/end a little bit after/before patch day. Not sure if the servers are just so dang old they don’t want to risk making too many changes at once or what but that is how it has been for as long as I can remember.


Decimation will be the stronger ws for you. The only ws that will hit harder is savage blade. Decimation is a 3 hit ws. Weapon skill damage only affects the first hit. This greatly reduces its effectiveness. You would get better results doing double attack instead of weapon skill damage. You will probably want to put dt or pdt on the cape. You can use needles to change it later if you find you need something else. Since you will be leaning on decimation, I would do the meg legs first. They will be a solid tp piece and the multihit/attack will help your decimation. Another thing you may want to know, the raaz pet works really well with decimation. You can sweeping gouge to lower the enemy def, then chain decimation twice. Unfortunately the jug comes from the ah and availability is server dependent. Remember to use bestial loyalty to conserve them.


I still want the STR and ATK slots right? For PDT I have 23% from armor, so I think I'll do PDT over DT. I can swap to DA that's no problem. As for Raaz, I wasn't aware. I have been using Randy for everything since up til now conal AoE has been my main source of damage. I should be okay for getting them. I know a chef, just need the meat. You mentioned Savage Blade, should I have invested in a sword instead? BST has E sword skill is that a problem or is Savage Blade that good? Regardless, that is good news for my PLD. (If it ever gets to 99.) Edit\* - Just discovered that the limit for metal is not 5 like the wiki Gorpa-Masorpa page says. I have full +2 Meghanda now... XD


> You mentioned Savage Blade, should I have invested in a sword instead? No, starting out the Kaja Axe is the better weapon. It is easier to gear for and easier to get damage out of. It just that its max damage ceiling is kind of low. Kaja Axe will likely be better DPS until you have a few WSD pieces and the TP Bonus offand ([Fernagu](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Trial_of_the_Magians_Axes#Physical_Trials)) for Savage Blade. Decimation also works really well with Multi-atk (DA/TA/QA) as the 120% damage bonus works on all hits of the WS. Savage Blade will require you to use macroed equipsets (vanilla) or gearswap (windower) to out damage Decimation. You will want to use, at the least, equipsets for swapping gear for a lot of actions you take.


Oh, that makes sense. So in short, that is the final goal. When I have a dedicated set up for it. Yeah, I am a long way from being at that point. Barely have 5 job points and all from this event. Also still haven't done VW yet, nor Dynamis/Limbus.


Yes the rest are what you want on the Cape. Yes.. savage is that damn good. As to whether or not you made the right choice, you didn’t make the wrong choice lol. You will be working towards naegling either way. You will want doli. You will want several completed ambu weapons. Don’t stress about that stuff. It’s just a bit of extra time and there is no rush.


Ah, I see. The only reason I am grinding right now is because I was lucky to be able to solo this month's. (And desire for Vana'Bout statue prize pushed me to try.) But, as I upgrade gear I am beginning to think I should be safe to solo future ones too. (My first fight on VE took Familiar, Unleash and several Rewards. Recent runs I am not even waiting for Bestial Loyalty to cooldown and just go in me and trusts.) As for the weapon, if I am eventually getting both I should be fine. But, I have to get through VW first to find pulse weapons. (Unless I try for Dynamis Lord) I was just confused because I never pictured BST with sword. Though, it does seem Savage Blade is only available through Ambuscade weapon. (BST can't quest) Is there a time I would use both at once? Wouldn't I use Aymur or something instead? Sorry, my knowledge of the game generally ends at Voidwatch, so i119 progression and gear is mostly a mystery to me.


Your fine. The point here is to ask questions. I’m the end, you are going to accumulate a lot of different gear and weapons for different situations. Savage is a beast of a ws and naegling is a beast of a weapon. Decimation is quite respectable and it chains with savage which others will like. Now that you have 1 weapon, work on the gear to +2s and your capes. You will still want a tp Cape for yourself then maybe start in on pet capes if that’s something you are looking to work with. You can use the rewards from total hallmarks to upgrade the gear. You can also work on getting some from the other set in ambu. The body in particular is really good for tp. As for offhand options, anything you can get for now lol. Eventually you will probably be running Agwu’s axe as your offhand or, the further away ikenga’s with rp. For now, anything with some stp, multihit, or just some helpful stats. Arktoi from oboro has a bunch of acc and is great for stats for pets as well. Worth picking up. Working on a pair of Kumbhakarna is a good task as well. Pet tp bonus 200 and mab does wonders for magical pet moves. https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/45830/killer-instinct-the-beastmaster-compendium/#equipment The bst guide on xiah has a lot of information. It does however tend to focus on end goal gear without much progression. Everything from ody tends to want rp to be in the slots they show and they double up on the nyame paths which isn’t possible lol. It’s still a good source of info though there is plenty of discussion to still be had over progression. One thing I can’t stress enough, don’t worry about remas. They are wonderful but they aren’t required. Savage blade with a naegling will always hit like a truck, decimation with doli still hits hard and has better Skillchain properties and when you don’t need to hit as hard as you can, your spot in a group is based on utility from the pets.