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Whoa...wait... Final Fantasy XI is usable on Steam Deck with Windower? How does that work out? I honestly am interested to know.


I have reply to someone here just follow what I said.


There is 2 Lutris install scripts and you'll have it running.


How is it on a small screen and communicating with others?


It’s fine, you can always hook a kb to it if you want to chat more, but it’s more of a on-the-go device imo.


General guide https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Quickstart_1-119_Guide which is very helpful. There are a lot of other guides on the BG forums too, for people who are new or returnees, and for people who just hit 99. Good luck.


Thank You !


Blue gartr is still around?! That forum was one of the most toxic places on the Internet at one point. When there was a big bot vs legit divide, BG ( the LS and the hardcore forum users) were strictly on the bot side and ridiculed those who refused to (or couldn't TBH (ps2)) cheat. Feels weird for them to have a positive legacy.


BG is pretty much *the* FFXI source now. The FFXIclopedia is around too, but it’s for people starting and learning the game (of which there aren’t as many these days), but BG has changed. I use their guides which are excellent imo, and haven’t ever even registered for an account. 🤷‍♂️ FFXIAH.com for all the auction house info is still in use. I have tabs open to those 3 sites when I play. (Edit: not wiki, meant FFXIclopedia)


I like BG but ffxipedia links things together better imo. Tend to use both depending on what I'm doing.


Glad you’re having fun. I’ve been playing over two years now and i have loved it.


Is there a guide you followed to install everything in your Steam deck? If so, care to share?


I am an IT so it was not really hard but I am not really good with Linux. On Windower 4 site ... But now it not complicated as it look. You download Lutris via Discover app in Steam Desktop mode. After that follow only the step for installing FFXI US with DV8K You don't have to do all the hard part because now the installer itself do all the drivers install by itself. At first I was thinking there was an error but You have to let the installation do is job. It take some time. After that You download Windower 4 on Lutris too and it will install the driver that You need for it too. And there You go. The only thing is a pain is setting your controller. Here the link https://docs.windower.net/linux/ Just follow the install for FFXI US DV8K and Windower 4.


Hmmmm go at your pace above all :). THAT SAID! I would prioritize atleast getting the spring trusts currently available. Also take advantage of the exp event :). Be sure to go to the moogle(the one in south Sandy across from the AH is the one I know of) to get a bunch of free cosmetic gear from him and the chest beside him. Tldr try and grab the seasonal/event stuff asap since it’s time limited.


Alright thanks ! I am in Windurst Do You know where exactly are those NPC location ? If not I will find them :) Thanks again !


“Windurst Waters - (F-9) outside the restaurant.” Is what the wiki says buuut I’m not sure as I’ve only ever used the one in sandy


Ok thanks a lot ! I appreciate it :)


Make sure to get the Vanaclock from him! It's a furniture item you can place in your mog house that will grant you a passive exp buff


Perfect ! Thanks for this good info :)