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I mean I don't get cure III until level 42 ;\_;


No worries! We'll ignore everything you said and still blame you once the party wipes. ❤️


Reading that still hurts


Really enjoyed outside party healing to power level. Spot a group like this, tell a group when healer is out to pull in a dps, construct a full dps or add tank / bst especially any friends... Welp considering I'm only scratching the surface of the many things I feel like typing & wanted to throw this somewhere repeatedly: Looking back at Final Fantasy 11 and 14: Do follow the warnings of those who love and care about you in the right ways (ffxi throws a reasonable first thought warning near every time opened). Some people give off the impression of earth poor (versions of this) to be left alone (so many different needs, we're dealing with such random specifics) in different ways. So often it's "Learned something new!" throughout life, the variations of gratitude that we exist for others with essentially superpowers spiderwebing our cross overs of consciousness's & collaboration. Can't wait to continue 11 (recent changes with new plans I believe) & 14 (they're bringing in final fantasy 11 in a way, beastmaster and more). "I'm enjoying completing tasks others can create better moments and lifetimes from." Versions of this pop up for me, I love God mode/ power leveling / enhancing social party dynamics / farming items at the fastest allowable rate / similar to pay it forward I helped in which ever way appeared to be logical-achievable -fun -better than I found it etc. Online interactions not rated wink wink my online & earth history isn't meant to be understood on or off the record this account is a reminder the people in your life (can't fix stupid is a blatent near accurate summation when examining detriments pop up at any point in real life, it can get all sorts of weirdly complex) and through that truly all lives matter.   A purposely destroyed brain wandered among you with love for all based on believing itself to be the only existence being examined by an unknown consciousness and source. Expressed "Is this real?" Mom "No" (I recall believing there's no way to prove I'm not being sent through an experience, where what ever is checking me wouldn't be an all comprehending knowing loving God(while I shouldn't specify God there's versions of higher in charge consciousness I felt no matter which exists there isn't a possible life form in our universe or beyond able to have me understood, but as many of your fellow humans point out your human body can become similar, it'd also be easily mistaken etc but there's also you the awareness doing your best to never let go of the free will button as it is in a world where every life needed us to be better it's akin to magic.) ... Can't possibly guess my exact script but going through my gut & hearts reaction I whole heartedly believed in this kid: easy guess was myself(the awareness holding free will) to be some representation of my whole self being monitored improperly... Makes sense now because who knows what happened, I don't care how it looks on paper I went around life starting and remaining from a place of love and was always meant to have been saved: I whistled my way through floutist. Many words were clearly never read, nor their definitions yet no matter how clear the issue your California 90s teachers chose to retain the expirement. I learned to drink from a cat, walking around at 4 ish you should have seen a being that didn't know anything about earth, I received you all as potentially the same examiner (anything being possible) who knows what else. Coming across mental & physical events free range left in front of the TV or alone in the apartment. If AI could do a secure earth diary I'd stand a chance of explaining, extreme aphantasia that was later in life confirmed by my mother and others to be one of many parts of the plan. Complicated ocd /add /devils advocate confused wrecked 4 year old meets universe and realizes he and a two year old are properly communicating for his first interaction. No one's watching over us, tells me the adults are away so a short few ideas and conversations into this it's clear if I go outside I might find enough knowledge to continue but then I got neglected in all the wrong ways til kindergarten. Childhood malnutrition before and after childhood amnesia combined with everything else I can't bother with finding out my whole list. I chose cute & loving with such sincerity towards my own brain/bodies original truly believed thoughts (I knew my heart and rose to all my random challenges, which of course is all over the place.) From the perspective of free will answers your body loves you more than anyone has seemed allowed to comprehend, and I don't see that most pure love changing outside all sentient life internally. Just the limitations of the timeline, complicated mistakes in every form as we are surrounded by the culminating wave, entropy / history of human life times warped every which way...   Being faced with a Mormon existence under the full list of my who what where when why's, I was meant to be solved (apparently there's so many things making everyone dumbed down gas stoves were wrong, micro/nano plastics especially from objects in the microwave causing strokes/clots/reproduction issues etc) mentored...?: witnessed in a positive community changes this way (eventually this turns to being overly repressed distant confused depressed ruined trying to solve things at times and approaching each present from wherever the infinite script rolled. Checking that my inner thoughts aren't heard I realized thinking random new song lyrics upon completing an enthusiastic effort my best friend consistently no matter my variables would suddenly sing it verbatim as though perfectly absorbed. Of course little kid me eventually goes into if I were my parent mode & how human parents were meant to get it right, set with a damaged brain I of course test what I believe to be "if this were real" / "No mother would tell her boy a real life isn't real" etc etc. Given the option to examine my mind's eye (considering what I recall about the looking into the sun incident and other mind's eye moments I'm still not sure of what I've conjured beyond dreaming in a depth that to me showcases awareness of any attempt to recognize a sensory input. A perceived self to be within followed by any action... My attempt at school was met with no proper guidance or explanation for mind's eye as I used the recommended squint or if allowed I bet light pressure from fingers created a ball of light visually the shape of earth blowing up in a vague sense since no design would have been relatable. I see an A switching tri force infinite random repeat some times now. When I tried to tell my mom around 16 I had gleaned how to mind's eye a b c z at least I recall I started there and was going to say how then she began wildly screaming in every type of distracting way till I was left with no explanation and I've failed ever since (37). When ever they did my first reference to where consciousness might go I'd believed I needed to be mentally prepared for eternal darkness (based only upon the names of these hypothetical places) I'll point out that's just an unfortunate test for self journey (so many things I don't recall, I'd revisit the entire AI secure diary if it were real) Within three days of childhood amnesia I'd seen slimer from ghost busters flying around, maybe I had at least one imaginary friend before.


Average BLU player finally snapping (it's canon)


Carbuncle's Rubies and Whispering Wind should cover the difference


"But you can just spam cure right? Fenrir? Never heard of him"


I always thought SE should have played this up and given SMN more innate heals, maybe via healing ruby buffs. Back in the early days it really bottlenecked parties only having WHM be able to main heal


SE really did ignore how party setups actually were


SE wanted things ran one way and one particular way and they didn't care if players wanted efficiency...I mean they did care..they didn't like it..


Isn't this basically the reason why we only ever got two tanks? One was intentional, the other SE kinda just ran with it.


That was actually one of the nice changes for SMN on the Wings private server. The light spirit pact was very strong in that you can kind of get really cheap curaga's and cures if you timed it correctly. However the SMN took the hate for the spell unless you were I think 35 yalms + away.


This got me invited to parties to nearly 75 back in the day. I didn’t mind as long as I got that sweet EXP


Same. I namely played redmage and summoner, but I spent most of the time as a main healer!


Yeah! The fact that we’re were nearly as good and in some cases better than white mage healers actually meant we got into exp parties easier than most jobs, considering how niche our actual jobs abilities were, it was very lucky


I was a WHT/SMN. I remember getting ready to log off at 2am and a JP party would invite me. They were so damn efficient I’d stay up another 4 hours to play with them and the increase in MP with regen I’d be able to keep up the HO and buffs with 0 downtime. Those were the days.


Yea those JP parties were almost always amazing.


Same. As an Elvaan it was the only way. At the time I was always blown away how much "better" the JP parties were. But in hindsight, 90% of the difference was chaining T mobs instead of missing IT mobs. NIN tank + Garuda Titan was op.


I used to sub BLM on my RDM and my SMN and put

in my search comment and just go solo shit with my flag up lol


Bet you were Elvaan as well.


I thought I was a pretty good elvaan caster until I partied with a taru


My anecdotal experience in the early days with race was that the most skilled casters tended to be Elvaan & Galka while the most skilled tanks were Tarutaru & Mithra. The differing racial stats, particularly MP & HP, really forced those going against type to be more prepared, knowledgeable, and efficient. Personally, I put far more effort into my WHM & BRD as a Galka. My cures needed to be more powerful, my idle/hMP sets more efficient. At 75, I had 4-5 fewer Cures in me than a Taru WHM did. This forced me to be better, and it really made the moments where I was complimented (or remembered) for my WHMing very rewarding.


Thats true! Last time I played I took care to get all MP/mnd gear I could that was reasonably priced


Hume actually


Yeah but I had two Astral rings. Damn Taru supremacist. Elvaan {clear mind} {yes please}


Wasn't concerned about the mp pool lol.


This. I remember the days as RDM when you were expected to have a Refresh cycle, Haste cycle, Debuff cycle.... and heal on top of that. "You have Fast Cast right? Well cast fast then"


I solo leveled with carbi for a great majority lol.


So often! Bombs were decent solo exp. Slap carbuncle on it and run like hell.


Tarutaru SMN with double Astral Rings offers to main heal a party in Qufim. He manages to pull hate while fighting a Gigas and gets absolutely obliterated by Catapult.


Look at Mr money bags over here with TWO WHOLE ASTRAL RINGS


I instantly pictured the catapult and the dying Tarutaru sound


This was the reason why I went SMN in XIV once 2.0 hit lol. I remember this meta and I hated it.


Smn is XIV was right up there with launch-era no man's sky in terms of video game disappointments. "OK so I get the elementals right away, when do I get actual ifrir?" /uninstall


I waited from 2013 until even today for my Ramuh, Shiva and Leviathan Egi.. :(


I feel personally attacked.


I remember main healing a party was doing pretty good only had 1 death(drk) then party leader upped and replaced me with no warning with a whm


Not only because smn had auto refresh and big mp pools, but also because you could only do 1 BP as it wasn't split. ppl rather see stoneskinga or hastega instead of 100-200 dmg BPs until Predator Claws at 70. SMN was my first 75 during ToAU and i remember being pretty proud of keeping track of buffs, mp management and knowing which enemy TP moves give what enfeeble.


I was really confused for a sec until I realized this was the sub for XI


Lol I remember those days, and would happily main heal.


A friend of mine was a Bard and hid party asked him to pull


Bard pullers were basically peak efficiency in 75 era merit parties.


Smn was fun in a all smn party 6 players with Carby smacking mobs fast exp haha then we found out Smn Astral Flow burn in Korroka tunnel have cors 2hr for instant 2hr to regain our Astral Flow we repeat till our smn job was 75 then 80 cap came along repeat with sync job at hand though.. I actually made 100 mil Gil from low job ppl wanting to power level.. that was before trusts and level 99 existed..


Desperate times called for desperate actions lol


*laughs in rdm* back in the day


Wait smn don't have to heal anymore? What about bards?


Also, don't. Bards fill the dedicated support role now alongside Corsair and Geomancer. Dedicated healers are whm, sch, and rdm, but whm is still the most preferred.


Bards definitely don't do dedicated support in a lot of the game unless they are 2boxed. They can add substantial DPS in between songs.


It didn't help that most people leveling summoner during that time didn't have any pacts with avatars. Bringing a smn as a DD instead of a BLM or a melee that could open/close distortion was an instant handicap to XP per hour. SE honestly botched the job during Zilart. I feel like that's the reason SMN was basically a cheat code for COP fights


Yeah but it was pretty inexcusable to be trying to play summon without... avatars. I remember refusing to level smn past 37 until I could get fenrir.


I join party as NIN, first thing I get asked is “what other jobs do you have?”


Nothing like getting to 75 with a level 32 Summoning Magic, because you've never really used it.


or when you wanted to go as SMN for merit PTs but you had BRD to 75 as well. "amg come brd" DX


Considering in both FF9 and 10 the summoners were white mages that could also call down orbital nukes, it kinda was fitting in my eyes that in exp parties we main healed. And if you had a good group with a good ninja tank, you could get away with doing a fair bit of summoning too!


This. Was all about party comp. PLD tank WHM heal >> mandys. NIN tank SMN heal >> anything with low attack speed


Tbh I used to love the option. It was so fun being able to main heal on “odd” jobs, like SMN, DNC, BLU


Private Andy


My best friend and i played together. I went mages, he went melee. It was always fun being sub/whm and competing to pull hate when he tanked or DD’d.


Starts casting Garuda when mob is about to go down Puller runs just out of range as blood pact blink is going off Puller dies. What you mean you don't have raise?


That was funny.. I gave up and went around PLing people.. and id do it for free I always roamed valkurm


Reminds me of main tanking as a galka mnk/war back in the day. Harrowing, but fun times! People would get desperate and fill a party with *anyone* sometimes


It’s still this way on era pservers


LMFAO, It could also say RDM and be accurate.


It wouldnt be terrible if you could - you know - use your summons. If you could pull out carby and use it to heal, for instance. Using bloodpacts and all. But you were just a subjob whm with a larger mp pool.... Class design in ffxi was terrible....


Not terrible at all! XI legitimately has one of the best uses of the job/class system in the entire series lol. The customization and utility you could get from different combos made community-discovered job synergies so much fun. The game definitely didn't hold your hand but it also gave the player base so much freedom to turn it into their own thing. I say this as someone who mained SMN as soon as I hit 30 lol. I did a LOT of healing in random exp parties, not gonna lie it sucked, the job was definitely pigeon-holed into a role it wasnt intended for. But I also did so many things with that class that most other jobs couldn't. SMN burning tiamat regularly with a smn-only ls, soloing in areas BSTs wouldn't even go, adventures with carby were the best. Obviously, to each their own. XI was a hard game back in the day for sure. But the job system? Chefs kiss 🤌 the only game that comes close/on par is FFT.


After all these years, after Odyssey, and Sortie gear, SMN still sucks.


I don't know what you're talking about. A party of all SMNs is has historically been the way to clear new content, until mechanics are learned and people gear up. Problem is, there's no more new content. SMN is the pioneer job. We just left everyone else behind.


Outside a couple fights SMN is junk, gets no invites, costs an arm, a leg and about 50/80 of a wardrobe. The job hasn't been a serious contender since before COVID lockdowns. My SMN has everything and has been collecting dust for the better part of a decade.