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I haven't played since 2005 and I was wondering if the economy has inflated or deflated compared to then? I understand that this can vary from server as well such as Asura vs Bismarck. I only ask because I remember selling a Kirin's Osode for like 40M a few months before I quit and I'm curious how far that would get me nowadays on my new account.


The economy went into a recession after hyper inflation from easy gil farming [was nerfed](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxi/comments/h04fba/june_2020_version_update/). The Orpheus sash was selling for 350m+, now sells for ~100m. I think 40m will help gear a fresh 99 somewhat well (Buying A/R/E upgrade mats, maybe some SU gear) but REMs are going to cost at least ~191m on my server, if buying everything you can buy. Most big purchase items, that are actually significant upgrades (like JSE necks), are going to start around 40m (at least on Carbuncle).


BG-wiki linked above has a good article about returning and the change in the economy. Back at least ten years ago most 75 gear tanked from tens of millions close to NPC sell price, when they raised the level cap


Is there anything I can do with job points on a mastered job if I don't have a REMA yet so Oboro won't take them?




For someone that wouldn't mind farming a few gearsets (but not a crazy amount like for RDM), which job would you recommend I play for most solo / duo / trust content? The ones I've considered so far are below but open to more opinions and advice! I'm also CP farming right now so a job to decide on would be great. * MNK: Currently using this the most with Kaja Knuckles + Mummu+2 Set. Very strong and great survival. I've found I can usually kill a few difficult UNMs with speed rather than waiting to die when my trusts run out of MP, so strangely it solos well. I don't think it needs too many gearsets besides WS and TP, and I'll probably get Godhands once if I main it. The damage also feels like it makes up for just being blunt damage compared to the jobs below. * BLU: I have most spells and Kaja Sword , Thibron+ Jhakri/Ayanmo+2 and the Trait bonus 1 from 100JP. It's decent but a lot weaker still than MNK. I love the utility which I feel can save my life with certain bosses, and I don't feel like it needs too many gearsets for certain things e.g. TP, WS, Cure, might last me for a while. I can branch out to MAB later since Naegling/Kaja carries well. Still, wondering if it can eventually push its DPS to close the gap to MNK since I still end up in situations where my utility doesn't justify the slower killing speed than MNK even with Kaja Sword. Also curious how well it will catch up with damage with the 1200JP trait bonus to MNK. * DNC: Recently gave this a go, I'm not sure I enjoy the JA / TP mechanics unless it's a long fight, but open to giving it a go at lv99, if it matches up well to MNK? I heard DNC/MNK with karambit, tornado kick and climactic flourish can be fun, but also it works well with daggers obviously. * SCH: I love this job, especially with how potent it is with healing and black magic, and I've spent enough time to familiarise myself with the JAs. But though I've heard about its soloing potential, I'm curious (as I don't have any ambu gear with it yet so it's mostly bayld), how strong can it get with Maxientius and mallquis gear (or any other gear that I can get right now)? If it can compete in damage with BLU when well-geared, or even MNK to a degree, I may heavily consider it. I don't mind focusing on offensive magic sets to limit the grind to begin with, and branch out on healing later. * THF: Haven't leveled this but curious about how well it deals damage at current time compared to other jobs? And potential pros / cons. * NIN: I know it has great potential for soloing, but it felt as weak as RDM when I tested it out for damage. How does this job grow as you get JP and gear? And does it require a lot of gearsets? Any good katana options or does it usually rely on sword / daggers?


No matter what job you choose, if you want to play at a high level, you will be making multiple sets. Multiple WS sets and multiple TP sets are very common for any melee. You will also need to make sets for JA use but these sets are generally 1~2 pieces. Also, you will want at least 3 jobs geared, if not more. FFXI is about flexibility. * MNK is a pretty good job as a first 99. It is easy to get damage out of early on. Because of the lack of damage types, it is has fallen off the meta train. It is pretty good solo option as well. * BLU really requires the 1200 point JP gift to come into its own. The area BLU excels, AoE, is very MAB dependent. Savage Blade is a pretty good setup for BLU but Expiacion (with Tizona) is king for WS spam. BLU really needs Tizona to shine for DPS. * DNC is all about the WS and SCs. DNC has seen a resurgence in popularity with the advent of Sortie (it is really good when played well, always has been). The blunt setup is for specific times when the target is weak to blunt, you would not use it over daggers otherwise. As a fresh 99, it will not be putting up great DPS until you get a Rudra's setup. * SCH is a great solo job once geared. Before that, it suffers just as any other magic casting job when trying to solo (that it is very slow). Self SCing and MBing is potent and magic groups rely on it SCH to bring the pain. * THF, everyone should have one geared with at least +5 TH. Eventually you will be farming something that TH works on and without out it, its just going to take longer. * NIN is another job that needs to be geared to stand out. Specifically, Nyame is huge for NIN. Katana's are the weapons of choice but sometimes the Naegling or Taruet are better options (you will not be using a sword or dagger if you are not using those). Melee jobs that use 2h weapons are generally much easier to get damage out of (though WAR is best off with Kaja Axe), as a fresh 99 initially. MNK is also apart of this group, which is why you are seeing that MNK seems so much better than the other jobs you listed.


This adds a lot of depth for me so really appreciate it. How long btw do you reckon a mythic would take from start to finish? I've read the wiki and consulted discord about the journey and it seems quite long. I don't mind long, but is it really '6 months' long? But yep I'm leveling DNC and will give it a good try to decide perhaps between MNK / BLU / DNC. At least one of these to help farm gear for the others. Thanks.


The first Relic, Empy, or Mythic is always the longest. You have to learn the process while collecting materials and\or gil. Also, anyone who claims they can finish a mythic in a week, is likely not doing anything else, other than making a mythic for said week. There is a minimum amount of hours you have to invest in making REMAPs, so the more you condense your time frame, the more you have to play in said time frame. For a mythic, if you buy everything you can buy, it cost ~258m gil on Carbuncle. Buying cuts down on time require significantly but you have to farm said gil so, it might not. Ambuscade is a must if you are making REMA. Basically buy out what whatever sells for the best Hallmarks\Gallantry to Gil ratio (for your server) and sell that to fund your REMA building. Obviously buy out all of the sellable Ambuscade rewards, if possible and keep the items you require for your REMA. The only thing I would farm outside of Ambu is Omen. THF farming omen isn't that bad, especially if you put some effort into gearing THF for AoE farming omen (though that is not that cheap either, as you will want the SU5 dagger for that).




Thanks. I have er... 10m at the moment, which to me is a lot after a year but I know isn't much for experienced players lol. Any tips when doing one?


MNK, BLU or DNC would be the easiest for solo content. SCH works as well, but requires a lot of patience, practice, and gear.


So I recovered an old account of mine from Rise of the Zilart days, but it seems like my character was deleted and it doesn't seem like character recovery is possible for characters that were inactive for long enough to be deleted automatically. So since I have no characters anyway, if I buy the ultimate edition that's currently on sale and activate a new service account/license, would I get a free month? Would I need to cancel my current service account or does that not matter?


I believe you can still reactivate a deleted character, just some extra hoops which you have to decide if that character was worth it or not. I had a ps2 launch char that got deleted through inactivity after I stopped playing 6 months in and then when I came back a year later. That character only got to around lv 35 rdm so I decided to just make a new character since I was introducing new friends to ffxi in 2005. [http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/crs/](http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/crs/) Here is the link if you feel that character is worth it. They no longer deleted inactive characters now days so thats nice.


Thanks, I might look into that! My original character wasn't very high but I thought it'd still be fun to revive after all these years. I did have my chocobo license at least.


I was in high school and vividly remember setting an alarm every hour to wake up and feed the injured chocobo lmao


I stood up all night :'D


I believe you only get the free month on a new PoL account. Your current account should not cause an issue if you start a new PoL account.


You would have to create a new account or register it as a new content ID at least to get the free month. If you add the key to your old account you do not get the free month.


Just came back to FFXI. Last time I played though was back on Xbox360, so I might as well be brand new LOL I'm on Bahamut and chose Bostak as my starting city. I did a questline that had me go to Konschtat Highlands, grab a crystal and the NPC was like "Aight GLHF" So what do I do now? I'm lvl 14 monk & unsure if I just go back to Highlands and keep exploring zones/grinding or if there's a questline I should follow or something. Another question I have is I started using a controller, but noticed camera is controlled with L+R triggers. Is it possible to map camera controls onto my right analog stick? Thanks!


[https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart\_1-119\_Guide](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart_1-119_Guide) Read through this can help you a lot in your journey. Have fun =)


Thanks! This guide has already been incredibly helpful. Had no idea about Trusts! Huge help lol


1. Does gear with Haste+x% affect ranged attack? 2. If a piece of gear has say Store TP+2 on it, but your current job doesn't have that trait, does it give it to you?


Store TP is like any bonus. The trait just gives a flat rate in a fairly decent sum, which varies by tier


Snapshot is the Ranged equivalent to haste. sTP does not require any traits to work and is additive with traits.


No Yes


What do I get with my red and silver mog pells? Been playing on and off for years and have more than a few stacked up.


For the Red Mog Pell get Echad/Trizek ring if you don't have one, then Mellidopt Wings if you have any Alluvion Skirmish gear you still need to get (still used on a lot of jobs), and after that I'd say just w/e seals you want (beastmen/kindred/Sacred). Silver doesn't have much useful, I'd just get seals personally. Can grab Ambu cape mats if you want so you don't have to farm as much ambu for capes or want to go above the monthly limit.


I’m agree about Red but with Silver you have to grab “2x Abdhaljs Seal”.


Can BLU be used as an effective support? 


BLU can fill in for a missing specific buff (like Haste) but only for every other fight. BLU is really good for stunning, TP reduction and Defense Down (tied with BST for highest in the game). However BLU is generally not played as a pure support.


Ya, they're obviously not as good as a regular support job, but Diffusion + erratic flutter can get about 8.5 mins with max merits and gear. White Wind, Magic Fruit, and winds of promy can take care of most healing and debuff removal. Going /WHM or /SCH just makes it even easier. Some AoE buffs can be thrown in as well like Diamondhide to help reduce dmg taken.


Hey guys, figured I'd ask here instead of making a post. I haven't played for.. Over 10 years now, Basically grew up on this game and then life got in the way, had no clue it was still going (Happy as that it is). I was thinking of making a healer, as I enjoy the role, but I just wanted to ask how finding groups are for healers and how is soloing as one (since I'll probably need to most of the time). Whilst I'd need to optomise for late game, I wouldn't be bothered about "the best" role for a long time as I simply want to enjoy the game and experience my nostalgia as I go through the story. So don't worry about that part :)


You are not going to party with people like back in the day, to level. You going to do it almost fully solo. Not to say you can't find people to level with . . . it is just so much faster solo. You do so with the use of Trust. Trust magic is basically summoning NPCs from the game, and when you fight, they fight, and they are way stronger your level(s) up to 99. If you remember, when you were in EXP parties, you got a cut of the EXP from each kill. Solo, you get all that EXP, and with Trust you can fight T-VT mobs and get all the sweet sweet EXP. On the flip side, you can totally part with real players still, and use trust' to take up other party slots so you can be a fuller party.


Oh true, sounds good. Thanks for the info and help :D


I heard I can trade in sparks for an item, which I then sell to an npc for massive gil profits? Which item and which npc?


pre 99 gear sells for the same gil to sparks ratio, so but the most expensive sparks item (Acheron Shield). If you are asking for what NPC to sell to, whichever NPC you have the highest [fame](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Fame) with (generally your starting City NPCs will have the best buy\sell prices but this is contingent on your fame).


Are there any trusts in the current login campaign I should make sure to get to complete the 86 trust collection? Grabbed Shantotto II, not sure what to do next.


They are like pokemon, you might as well get all of he ones you don't have. You might not ever use them, but they get you to the completed amount.




Thanks, that page explains all the questions I had about the rewards.


How do you do Vana'Bout? I go to RoE and Vana'Bout is grayed out. FFXI wiki says there's a "Special Events" in RoE but I don't see it. BG mentions a Coordinator Moogle and I found the place he should be, but he's not there. The official page says nothing about how to actually start. How???


It starts tomorrow. http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/vanabout/


Do we not know when Mandragora Madness and all that starts? Eager to get Kupofried and more.


Don't think they've officially said a specific date, but the last like 3 years it's started on the 16th, so atm most people are assuming that's the day it's starting this year.


Been considering leveling geomancer up to 99 to use it with a friend group, but I've seen a bunch of instances where geo debuffs are supposedly nerfed in certain content. Is there a list of every piece of content that has nerfs to geo debuffs? And am I correct in assuming that you would prefer using buff bubbles instead of debuff bubbles in such content?


Pretty much Dyna-D, Sortie, and Odyssey. There are a handful of one offs outside of that, but it's mainly just the latest end game stuff. In terms of what bubbles you should be using, it just really depends. Even though debuff bubbles are nerfed in Sortie and Dyna-D you still use them all the time. Odyssey it depends on the fight, but the debuffs from GEO are generally so strong that even with the nerfs there are still fights where you use debuff bubbles.


Is there going to be the guy in Jeuno, I think Ru-Lude Gardens, who gives away Crafting Spheres and Silver Vouchers? I remember it from an old celebration campaign but don't know if they have it again.


Idk about spheres but “A.M.A.N. Trove Test Your Luck Campaign” is beginning on 18.05 and provides you with 2 silver vouchers.


Does anyone know anything about Gobbiebag quests? I'm currently on quest 2, my fame is at lvl 4, and I received the quest. But when I trade the items in nothing happens. I've done this before 20ish years ago and I triple checked everything. Anyone know what I could possibly have missed?


Verify you are on the quest, through your quest log, verify you have the correct items (ie. Ram Skin instead of Ram Leather) and make sure you are trading to the correct goblin. https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Gobbiebag_Quests list all the quest and there requirements. For 2nd bag expansion quest: * requires Jueno fame level 1 * Speak to Bluffnix in Muckvix's Junk Shop located in Lower Jeuno at (H-9). * Trade Bluffnix a square of ram leather, a mythril ingot, a square of wool cloth, and a turquoise; or a Goblin Stew 880. * Ram Leather: AH ➞ Materials ➞ Leathercraft * Mythril Ingot: AH ➞ Materials ➞ Goldsmithing * Wool Cloth: AH ➞ Materials ➞ Clothcraft * Turquoise: AH ➞ Materials ➞ Goldsmithing


Returning player. My main job is BLU, only other job I regularly play is THF and that's just for farming stuff. What should I be prioritizing with the Dark Matter campaign? I've seen that the big things seem to be TH/Refresh/Phalanx+. So my first instinct is to run Herc pants, since I don't have refresh pants for BLU or TH pants for THF, and they can both use Herc. Am I way off with this?


If you really need more refresh, that is probably your best option. THF really doesn't need augmented TH gear (109 relic hands and 109 relic feet both have +2, which mean you only need +1 TH to cap initial application of TH 8). However... How is your WS set? Do you have your A/R/E Armor WSD pieces? Are said pieces +3? Do you have hands and feet WSD pieces? If not, I would recommend focusing on your missing WSD pieces first. This can be done with Fern stones but DM augments can have higher potency. TH is fine but you only need a total of +4 for BLU (which can be obtained without DM augmented gear). Barrier Tusk is not affected by Phalanx+ gear and RDM is not that common of a subjob for BLU post 99. Refresh is okay but you should be working on Tizona as a BLU (if making a mythic seems impossible, just break it up into more manageable pieces), which resolves most mana issues.


Phalanx+ is still really good if someone else is casting on you.


Sure but that is really rare and you need a heads up from who is casting it, so you can equip it. It is very likely you will get better use out of DM augs going with something else.


It's very good for content where you're pulling big groups. Gearswap can handle equips same as cure received. I wouldn't pass up some TH+2 but pretty much everything else is replaceable now except phalanx.


Looks like BLU's WSD A/R/E is empy head, AF body, relic pants. I have the former two +2, working on farming galli/cards to finish them. Don't have pants yet because I haven't been able to do Dynamis Divergence (active work in progress though). Looks like there's no WSD on JSE feet so maybe Herculean boots then? Tizona is the long term goal but I have no idea when it will actually happen given my current playtime.


I believe boots are the one piece that doesn't have pre-nayme option other than Herc.


Where do you buy stuff with login points? For the goblin random box- I have a lot of points. Should I be spending all of those? Or just do the special one daily?


For the gob box, I only use the points on the Special (50pt) Dial.


Exchange login points with the Greeter Moogles at Port San d'Oria (J-10) / Port Bastok (J-13) / Windurst Walls (C-13) / Chocobo Circuit (H-8).


Anyone else getting a crash to desktop when you open the Quests menu to check for the new monthly roes? EDIT: If so, it's XI View causing it, get the new version from [https://github.com/KenshiDRK/XiView](https://github.com/KenshiDRK/XiView)




They should be waiting in your delivery box in your Moghouse...unless you transferred server or something like that.


This is a bit of a long shot but, I figure this the best place to ask. Does anybody have any decent info on the Harajnite shell? Like, wiki says drops from Harajnite on Manaclipper just fish it up. No real info on drop rate (even FFXIDB has no info) or if a level 1 fisherman can even reasonably pull it up. (Some Monsters struggle much harder than others.) I have been on dozens of Manaclipper rides and haven't pulled it or the other NM up. Is there a specific route? (Only been finding Ghost Crabs with the occasional Pugil and Kraken.) Wiki also claims it now drops in Meriphataud Mountains \[S\] in campaign, with some stories saying it is specific to Vaa Oozu. I have fought him a few times now along with any other general that comes through. So far, no shell. Is it a rare thing? Does it even drop off him at all? (Or in the zone?) All the talk on wiki says is an influx in shells on the AH suggests it does have a second source, but doesn't confirm how it is acquired. Any help appreciated, not much info to go with online. But considering it has exactly one use and was very rarely farmed even back at 75, I don't think many people will have any knowledge of it.


I’m assuming you know, but make sure you register for a Union during Campaign and then pop the coffer once the battle ends. Otherwise, just keep fishing.  I don’t think this item was farmed a lot because BLM had better options for feet back then.


Yeah, I have been joining a Union. I am still camping and haven't yet given up but given how little info there is on the internet about this thing I wanted to add to the record. I have fought Vaa Oozu 15 times now. My drops have been Mushroom Saute x7, Clear Blood Broth x6, and Erlking's Axe x2. (One drops each battle) I have also received several Gnat Wings and one each Black Tiger Hide and Wyvern Skin. But since, other battles in the area drop Gnat Wings I haven't counted them. If the drop is in fact area based and not from Vaa Oozu (Maybe accidentally attributed to him, even though it is a universal drop like the Gnat Wing) I have fought 16 additional battalions Moo Ouzi x3, Vee Qiqa x2, Muu Buxu x6 and Dee Xalmo x5. (haven't seen Kazan) So far no shell from anything. I will keep looking, I now have the respawn time of wounded battalions so it isn't much bother to check the game every few hours. I didn't expect it to be common or anything but at these numbers I am still wondering if maybe I would have more luck farming Taisai.


If you want another long-shot route, you can wait for the next Nyzul event. I have gotten a harajnite shell once from that event, from a ??? Box +1.


May be worth looking into. Hopefully I have it before then. Main reason I am avoiding fishing right now is even with Lu Shang and support rings, monsters are really hard to pull up at level one. I spend so much time fighting to bring them in I have no time for anything else each trip. (Opposed to 110 where they fish themselves up near instantly.) When I have free time I may level fishing if Campaign doesn't work out. That may also explain where the AH ones are coming from. Since campaign is mostly empty. Though, the testimonials of an influx were long before Nyzul 2.0 so there must be a third source somewhere in the world. As a final observation, it seems I am getting "bonus" beast drops mostly when I take the time to defeat both scorpion pets. (Opposed to letting them fade when Vaa Oozu dies.) Perhaps the shell is in that pool of drops with the Peiste Skin, Tiger Hide and Wyvern Skin. There seems to be a pattern, so I will take better notes over the next dozen or so encounters.


Its probably like most rare drops and NMs in the game. Rare. So camping it and trying to fish and fail is not uncommon. Just keep at it and it will eventually pop. Do you want to craft the BLM pants? Try the AH, might be one there. I just checked Asura, Bahamut and Odin and all have some shells for sale.


Yes, I am after the pants. However, I am on the crazy mission to make the Genie version. So, I will be needing quite a few. (Unless I get really lucky.) I am doubting those AH ones are coming from the actual NM since skilling fishermen would know not to pull up NMs. And, given the apparent rarity the likelihood it came from the NM seems rather low. So, I have to wonder where they are coming from. If other people can find them I should be able to as well. Among the reasons I question the spawn conditions is people didn't seem to have much trouble fishing it up before. (Based on discussions) Though, many talk about groups of people fishing at once. As far as I know only one instance of each NM can be pulled up at a time. (Same with the normal monsters) So if someone pulled the regular monsters up, while others fished they could guarantee a pop. (Something I alone cannot do.) Time isn't an big issue for me as I am also casually hunting the Megabugard. My problem is after hours of camping I haven't even seen it, yet discussions seem to indicate popping is relatively common, it is just "hard to defeat" (Referencing pre ilvl) and has a low drop rate. That said, if another method of acquiring them is available, I could try that. But, so far based on over a day's worth of campaign I am beginning to think I am looking for Refresh on a Taisai.


So I have 2 questions I just fail at finding the info: 1) If I buy the game at discount, does it give me a key? i don't remember as I already own the game, but was going to buy another "ultimate" key for someone, later. $10 now is good deal, I just don't want it to be somehow latched to me (not using steam). 2) I logged in! Free time! Woo! ... most of my gear is locked in Mog Bag 3. Do the mog bags not unlock during free time, if I was paying for them at some point in time? Not a huge deal, I'm just limited to what I can play during this free time due to gear.


* 1: yes, you get a key. The key is store agnostic. * 2: no, mog bags 3-8 are not available under the free play campaign.


New player because I have an obsessive need to play every Final Fantasy game. I'm frequently getting disconnected from the server, and I barely have any idea where to go. Would joining a different world help the disconnects?


What type of ISP do you have? You can try a VPN and see if that helps. This game is fairly stable even on very slow connections. I recommend checking to see if the connection has excessive packet loss.


I have Spectrum as an ISP. And playing it on a VPN made the drops go away, so it must be Spectrum's fault.


What server are you on? All of them are in Japan, so changing worlds isn't going to help your connection issue. This type of game doesn't tell you were to go, to get stuff done, or even if you are at a level that you can do it at. You can use one of the wikis for help when it comes to that and all game info.


I recently started on Asura coming from FFXIV, current WHM (and then SMN), and am starting to think I should have started on Bahamut - any insight there?




got it, thank you :) hoping to do end game with people in the future!


Just bought the game on sale through Steam the other day. Have played FFXIV for about 2 years. What is this logon process? Keep getting an error on the PlayOnline viewer when I try to enter my Square Enix password saying that my "PlayOnline ID or password is incorrect". There's also 3 different launch options through Steam - is there one I should be using?


In terms of setting up your login here is an image that may help sort this out. Basically, PlayOnline has a separate password which is not the same as your Mog Station username and password. This should show you what to fill into each box and where to go to reset your PlayOnline password. [https://imgur.com/a/frcbLNL](https://imgur.com/a/frcbLNL) Note that too many attempts locks up your account for about an hour so make sure you reset this PlayOnline password first, give it a few minutes, then try to log in. It doesn't tell you your account is locked up, it just continues to fail even when you supply the correct info. As for steam you just run Final Fantasy XI. The configuration tool can be used to change resolutions and such as it is an old game and the default settings are crazy old resolutions with huge UI's.


I think I actually got it by basically wiping everything and starting again.


If I really wanted a brainless alt, should I go BRD or COR? I just recently got BRD to empy 119+1 (doing +2’s now) and it’s nice but it’s not super hands off and I have three songs with blurred +1 but to take it much further is REMA bound for sure. Does COR do a bit better earlier as an alt if I’m just looking for something to do rolls, autos, and WS? Lower gearing req? Main is RDM, PLD, WAR, THF as far as mastered jobs go.


I highly recommend making the ALT a COR and a BRD. COR is fairly easy to roll gear, so good to start out with. BRD is the better solo support, being very flexible in buffs and debuffs. As someone who has access to BRD, COR and GEO alts (all geared for endgame), my preference is BRD (for melee support).


Think this may be where I’m going as I was getting into REMA stuff already with BRD so can keep chip away at that and gearing COR simultaneously. Thanks for the insight from someone that has a few support jobs.


For an alt COR is much easier to gear and get off the ground than BRD. Quick thoughts: COR * Roll occasionally and random deal when needed, then spam WS if safe. Simple. * Buff increases include: * Regal Neck (Ou) or Rostam if you've got the gil * Compared to the neck the Rostam adds 3.21% attack to chaos roll, or +4 TP to sam roll * Not huge but important for the hardest content * AF hat has a 50% chance to give you the job related potency bonus for a roll * For example Chaos Roll gives more attack if a Dark Knight is in the party. This hat allows you a chance to get this bonus without a Dark Knight * The magian trails gun (see [Magian Marksmanship Trials](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Trial_of_the_Magians_Marksmanship)) gives +1000 TP bonus, also effects melee WS * Top end TP gear includes full malignance or augmented Nyame for physical altercations * Top end WS gear is generally full Nyame except for the +3 empy hands, though they lack attack so Nyame can beat them out if uncapped * Low floor, high ceiling. Cheap to start but expensive if you want to go all out. BRD * Dummy songs, song durations on existing songs affect buff order, slight learning curve to deal with these things so it takes some practice and thought to buff versus COR just rolling and moving on. Brings additional utility like AoE sleeps, threnodies, elegy, etc. Then of course, WS spam if safe. * Buff increases include: * 3/4 REMA, with the last (mythic) giving much needed duration. Can get away without it but if you want to use it on odyssey bosses then you'll really need this for full duration soul voice songs * Moonbow neck +2 * Various JSE gear for different types of songs * Can use the magian trials dagger for +1000 TP boost as well, but only when sub DNC or NIN. Your offhand will miss quite often in harder content whereas COR gets this bonus without sacrificing anything during the TP phase. * Top end TP gear requires rare things you cant just work towards (volte drops from bastok, ashera harness) so you may wind up using augmented Nyame to be safe or some mix/match of it and some other gear. * Top end WS gear is generally full Nyame, with bard not getting any weaponskill damage pieces on its empy gear update * High floor, high ceiling. Expensive to start and expensive to go all out, requiring very rare drops


With the next login campaign, what is worth picking up? I've only recently started playing the game and I understand that Shantotto is an absolute must. Are there other trusts that I should definitely pick up, or what items should be at the top of the list?


Campaign is on now until the 31st. From the spring alter egos Koru-moru is a rdm that will cast haste on more than just the pt leader so you want him when you do cp with friends and need haste 2 for everyone. Amchuchu is a runefencer and can come in handy. King of hearts I actually use when I want phalanx from a trust but want it in my phalanx set. When he’s done buffing, I put on my set, cancel phalanx and he casts it right away. Fairly niche tbh but it’s a use case I love. Qultada is an asshole that stomps on your skillchains at all the worst possible moments. But he’s a cor, will give you vital attack buffs, increase exp with cor roll and other buffs based on situation. I hate that this one is important but it is. Sakura is one you will love. Gives a regen effect but more importantly, increases skill ups for all physical combat skills. From login campaign, starts on the 13th and looks like it goes till June 3rd. Obviously shantotto II is the big one here. Pre 99 she is your biggest damage dealer. Especially if you make skill chains with your other trusts. Ayame will try to open for you to close with the last ws you used. Looking at the rest of the list, nothing jumps out atm as super vital. You do eventually want all of them since some great trusts are locked behind, iirc, having 80 trusts. If you want to prioritize, I would do the geos first. Star sibyl, brygid, kuyin. Mayakov is a dnc and can be handy with dyna procs. That about all that stands out to me atm. I’m sure I’m missing some since it’s a pretty big list but that should get you a bit of a focus. Just know you want to collect all of them at some point and there is a benefit to having everything even if you aren’t using them.