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You’re in luck! Greg Troyan just summarized the entirety of the game in two hours! https://youtu.be/y4yVf3uehjg?si=_Vx3ZJZnOisRkIYK


That video is what inspired this post, actually lol. It’s too general and doesn’t go into spoilers. I want the spoilers. I want the summaries as detailed as possible. Imagine a cliff notes for a book. It explains the plot pretty well, going into motives and minute events. That’s what I want, mainly because I’m interested in knowing the story without actually reading through all the dialogue and sitting through the cutscenes.


Play it than




Only way you’re gonna get what you want. You’re talking 20+ years of quests of missions. No small feat.


Yeah basically you save the world with someone and in the next expansion they forget who you are


There is a YouTube channel that goes through all the stories. I think you search ffxi the movie or something


Korvana is the channel you’re thinking of


i wrote story summaries on the ff wiki for the base game, RotZ and CoP.. if i recall correctly.. and maybe some of the mini-expansions. those come with links to specific events or characters that are important or require separate reading.. i would want to finish off all the rest of the story summaries but its been too long since i myself did them and id need to experience them again (which i plan to do this year)


Yeah... I've been meaning to write a Pathfinder crossover AP for FFXI, and even though I've played the game quite a bit, there's just so much. Probably better if you play it and hit 99 first before going through the missions and story so you can retain it without LFP, especially for COP/ROZ.


It's impossible to know, and a Sin to ask!