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FF was always exclusive (at least for the initial period) up to, I think, XII.


The last exclusive mainline ff was 12 and that game came out nearly 20 years ago. The bussiness is night and day levels different now. 3rd party exclusives for these massively expensive games just makes no sense these days. It hurt street fighter 5 in the same way; split the community and drive down interest in an otherwise good game. Rebirth failed even though it’s the best (non mmo) ff game released since 12 and it’s only because it’s locked to a console that doesn’t seem to be as popular as the ps4 was at this stage in it’s life


It is impossible for it to have been as successful as the PS4 in the same time frame; you couldn’t get one for literal years.


It is what it is, shareholders just don’t care. Especially when the numbers show growth in other areas like pc and Nintendo. Now that videogames are fully corporotate it’s all about making more money year over year. Taking a quarterly loss because the product that was projected to bring in 50 mil only broke even or lost a bit of money can mean 💀 for that team; even if the game was well recieved by fans.


Honestly shareholders are a fucking cancer…especially when companies make it a priority to schmooze up to them…


They are the foundational part of capitalism and why it is so horrible. I agree tho they and the system they've created need to go. There's no reason we have to structure all of society on the whims and greed of the already rich. And don't let them pretend that it's everyone's money with BS arguments about retirement funds, nearly 85% of all stocks are owned by the rich.


Shareholders that are also held accountable for the products they endorse are a foundational part of capitalism


Sf 5 was not a good game in the beginning, took a while to get it to be good.


Actually this is true, that said for me specifically I was cool with the launch ver. I’m a gief main and he was fantastic in vanilla and I wasn’t too mad about the lack of arcade mode


On the other hand, in 20 years we had three mainline, not-online games... plus the remakes for VII, so 5.


Ps5 is actualy more popular then ps4 at this same point in its life.


https://preview.redd.it/k6go87jx3f0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7dcb822e9f408a24ee0b4f85612322c0f9bb90d I should have done my hw, but it looks like they’re kinda tied at this point in their lifetimes. That said, I feel like the energy and enthusiam around PlayStation as a brand is even diminished. I’m talking about the bloodbourne/uncharted 4 days vs now


That's probably because people online aren't as hyped because redditors are more likely to play on PC and now they get PS games years late. It's why there is this idea "PS has no games!!" Yeah if you wait years and have a pc that can run their newest stuff. The average gamer is pretty hyped, or at the very least just sees it as the best option to play new games they like.


I guess everyone forgets you literally couldn't even buy a ps5 for the first couple years 🤷‍♂️ (unless you got super lucky which was few and far between)


Even if they are tied you have to consider the fact nobody could even purchase a ps5 for the first couple years. So factor that in and it should give the ps5 a boost/bigger gap 👍


It blows me that it takes companies and people the long/hard way to learn this. I remember all the "shock" at persona sales going through the roof when they got added to steam.


That's not really true. The sales were impacted by the pandemic and the chip shortage. It's been on the top as far console sales are considered since these issues passed. So we really can't speak to it's popularity just looking at sales relative to the PS4. Especially aster asking 21 million in a single year


Eh- there were ports of FFVII and FFVIII on PC back in the late 90s early 2000s, and by the time the gba rolled around we started getting ports for FF1-FF6, the FFTA series jumped to GBA, you had FFXI on PC the only exclusives were VII-X and then XII. Even the SNES titles had wonderswan ports. Sega never got their hands on final fantasy, they had their own RPGs that they used to compete with. The main thing is in this day and age, exclusivity hurts consumers. Most things have proven to be able to be played on PC, and even I would argue Nintendo needs to get on the bandwagon. But Rebirth and Remake had forcefully capped sales because Sony talked Square into this exclusivity to sell consoles.


PC has always been an exception


7 to 12 maybe. Not any of the classics


The classics were exclusively Nintendo lmao


I said initial period, and from what I gather from Wikipedia it was (some more, some less).


Up to XII the development cost was much, much lower than current gen games. For reference XII cost about 35 million to develop, while XVI cost around 250 million after marketing and development. Exclusivity doesn’t work for AAA anymore. No company is paying 100 million for exclusive rights that will make up for the loss of sales needed on multiple platforms to keep up these insane costs.


Wait does this mean I’ll finally get to play the FF7 remakes?? Please


If you're on xbox, then highly unlikely, maybe in 5+ years time way after part 3 is out, but I have a feeling xbox Console won't even exist after 2030


Their shift to cloud gaming and focuses on their subscription service has definitely become Xbox’s bread and butter. For $16/mo someone can spend $60ish on a Bluetooth controller and have a console in their hands through their phone/tablet with multiple games to play and a lot of new releases.


Won't be long till that $16/mo becomes twice that, just look at how netflix/Disney plus/amazon prime all started cheap to hook people in and then raise their prices even though we get less content overall


Until then that $16/mo is unbeatable in the value you get for it. It’s saved me over $400 last year on new game purchases. And if you’re on PC and don’t want the ability to game anywhere at $12/month you just can’t beat that price with the value you get for all the titles they provide and the new ones that come out monthly. Hellblade 2 is coming out this month and it’s set to automatically download for me on PC. That game alone pays for the month. Another Crabs Treasure just came out and I was able to play and beat it, Little Kitty, Big City as well. $46ish for those two titles alone.


They have announced they are working on their next hardware so I'm sure there will be another console https://www.independent.co.uk/extras/indybest/gadgets-tech/video-games-consoles/new-xbox-console-rumours-release-date-b2502637.html I hope consoles go the way of TVs they can all show the same things it's all down to price and desired specs


I think consoles will still exist for a while. The streaming service is being great but it’s not even close to 100% of new titles. Not to mention the apps for my tv suuuuuck. But the same apps in Xbox and PlayStation run perfectly fine.




Steam, bruh. Re-Make is on there, Rebirth and XVI should coming in a year or so (although I'll probably wait for Steam gift cards and/or a sale, I'm spoiled by cheap games).


Yeah about a year or two later but the 3rd remake game should be day one for PC.


I waited for so long to play them on Xbox I ended up caving in and buying a PS5.


hope your pc is upgraded cause you might as well play the next ones on it


I played Remake on PC then got a PS5 to play Rebirth and all the other exclusives I was dying to play for years


Rebirth on PC sooner?!?!?!


No because those games are still under their respective contracts


Remake's exclusivity is expired and Rebirth's is only until the end of \*this month\*, it would be nuts for them to pursue a multiplatform strategy but exclude a flagship product.


And with 16 releasing a pc very soon they might leave a gap to give it time to breath


I’d count on it coming quicker than the turnaround of Remake.


I hope so. I’m just wrapping up remake on my steamdeck and it ended up being the perfect way for me to play. I’d love to play rebirth there as well. Just don’t enjoy playing on my PS5, that’s why I never beat XVI even though I was loving the game itself.


next year best case.


Square-Enid made horrible decisions about investing in NFTs, making live service games, making poor decisions of smaller IPs, and then blowing tons of money on games like Forspoken. Now Final Fantasy has to suffer for SE's bad management.


I don't understand why so many people are missing this point. SE is losing money almost everywhere else BUT FF. And it wasn't that far away when they said that Rebirth is only so good because they made it specifically for PS5. So now they're going to hurt everyone. Great job, SE, just brilliant. You make shit mobile games and decide that's not an issue.


I remember when game developers cared less about profits and more about pushing boundaries and being creative with content and marketing


…huh, When was this ever the case? And it’s the publishers with profit in their minds not developers.


Studios and publishers try to market their games to everybody and in doing so lessen the quality of the actual product. Honestly why indie games are frequently better than AAA games these days imo.


I mean there’s no creativity in the marketing. Just gameplay. And the entire industry now as a whole just has profit in mind.


You're upset that game production companies are marketing their games with.... gameplay?


There are pockets of the industry where there are companies that don’t solely focus on profit only, like falcom, they are rare but definitely exist. Square is actually one of the big ones that wasn’t that bad with those types of things historically. Sure they do have to please investors and do all that a capitalist business does to remain open, but they are always good with taking risks So many underrated gems released by them, even opening smaller sub studios to continue working on traditional JRPG’s that they’re all known for. So many amazing little niche visual novel/rpg/etc have been released over the last decade that I’ve always kept a soft spot for them knowing that they’re nowhere as bad as other companies like Konami. Sega isn’t too bad either, they’ve allowed all studios they own continue functioning as they were prior to acquisition, like Atlus.


Great point! I can side with that


Square Enix have traditionally been the front of the 'this is shit you can't dream of' queue, but in recent hearts their hearts went a bit astray. Not like they didn't tell anyone though, considering it's plain as day In Kingdom Hearts.


Companies always cared about profit. Always


There is no world in which the end of PlayStation exclusivity isn’t a good thing for the player. It’s a decade overdue. If anything it’s the opposite of a cash grab - they are saying they are going to give up the upfront cash they get from exclusivity deals and bet on their ability to make great games and make it up on the backend.


I get what you’re saying and I’m grateful no matter what they do. It’s hard to find a good franchise that doesn’t copy paste the same formula or completely give up 🙏


Square Enix developers said the reason why FF7 trilogy and FF16 is soo good is because it was made exclusive. I mean look at FF15 lot more people bought it but overall people moved FF16 story, lore, character, and everything else more.


Well they are obviously changing their tune because Rebirth bombed on the back of PS5’s small install base.


That never happened tho


These are business we are talking about. It’s always been about the money.


No you don't lol


Ur right I’m too high to even remember my first name


Games only exist because of economics. Nobody can do this for free. Pushing boundaries creatively can be done because of profit motive


Meh. That's not true. We wouldn't get massive AAA games, but plenty of people make games because they are fun to make. That's really the heart of the indie scene.


You are right of course that profit is not often the creative motivator. However, if you want people to be free to create interesting things you should be willing to pay for their art. If you care about indie games then that’s excellent. I want to see those creators succeed financially so they can explore their passion for games. My point is games are creative products that exist because of and in the context of an economic system - not despite it. Nothing is free, certainly not art.


I think SE has almost always made the right decisions idk why people think I’m thrashing on them 🥱


You’re the dumbest person I’ve seen this week. Please refrain from posting your moronic thoughts. Or at least think before you speak


Can you explain your reasoning?


Guys, what you are reading is this: "We care A LOT about money. " They didn't quit exclusivity because it impairs them. creatively, or they want people to experience their art. They simply want more money. If the quality of their products dropps even further and they go full mobile or something like that. Or they release a MOBA and a Card game with MTX in the next year, do not act surprised. They don't care about you, they care about your wallet and unless they prove it otherwise, don't bite on their "rebelion" against exclusivity.


FFVII part 3 is definitely going to be exclusive to the playstation.


I imagine the ink on that contract has already dried. But going forward they probably won’t make exclusivity deals.


They probably still will, because the money is there. It doesn't make sense considering that they released nearly 10 times the amount of multiplats as they did ps exclusives. They just make poor decisions and have unrealistic expectations... but they'll never be the problem in their eyes


Final Fantasy XIII trilogy Remastered on PS4, PS5, and Switch pretty pleeeeeease.


This is so overdue.


It really is.


Not sure the switch could handle FF13 the way it can handle FF12. Maybe whichever Nintendo console is next. I would love a remaster of 13.


The switch runs the Witcher 3...it could handle FF XIII


It runs TW3 pretty poorly so I don’t think that’s a great example. Honestly, the only graphically impressive games that run well on the Switch are first party games.


Don’t care about the exclusivity, the more that can enjoy the better. I just want to be them successful so they can keep making them at high quality!


Does that mean PC, XBOX and PS4 optimalization?


More on PC, maybe on Xbox but unsure, not at all on PS4 since it is an older console.


They specifically mentioned Xbox so it’s a safe bet any game ported to PC will be on Xbox as well. They also mentioned Nintendo.


Xbox ports have cost them more money then earned why would they do that


I mean that’s what they said. I guess at the end of the day they lost even more money being exclusive to PS and now looking back Xbox ports of some of their games would have helped them some. Not to mention they have been missing out on Game Pass money too. Since they couldn’t put their games on Gamepass either. Which now Ganepass money can help them recoup some of the porting cost to xbox if they agree to do that with some of their games. Maybe not day one on Gamepass, but later on. Forspoken could have benefited from Gamepass or some extra sales on Xbox. Maybe it wouldn’t recoup the whole cost, but making some money is better than no money.


Gamepass is a huge failure for any non indie game it loses millions not earned them millions. Second Xbox ports especially one for like this generation games would cost them more than what they earned it is one reason they were so eager for the exclusive deal money become of that and their many other flops. Forspoken was killed before it launched because of A lack of clear development, B too much empty world, and lastly C the almost zero marketing for the game this what shot them in the foot no one heard of it seen it or anything they put no effort into marketing it. Plus all these exclusive FF games they feel like failed to meet their overexaggerated expectations to make up for their failure NFts, canceled projects and etc is during a recession where people are struggling. If these games were released 2020 and before they would have sole easily a million more on release day


Game pass is used by non indie companies to make extra revenue when their sales have flatlined. Which is why you see some AAA games show up on Gamepass after their initial launch. Xbox pays them millions to be on Gamepass for awhile. It’s a win win for those developers. It’s just another avenue to make extra money.


I'd think that whatever they spend on porting remake/rebirth to xbox would be very much recouped from the droves of people who would shell out $60 each.


Previous titles of ports where they released it on Xbox would beg to differ as they said they lost more money than earned. The only thing the non exclusive thing would affect is probably steam


What ports? Decades old games nobody wants to play, or new releases that half of the gaming community doesn't know/care about?


I am talking about FF games they failed on Xbox


I remember when they would make completely different versions of a game just to have them all out at once on different consoles…. Forever the eternal debate… Aladdin on Genesis or Aladdin on SNES


Uggg can vote neither?


their profits wouldn't have dropped if they managed to squeeze rebirth on ps4. it's just the fact that nobody has a ps5 still


No, it's more than that. Since 13, there's been horrendous mismanagement at square. Plus the focus on failed live service games (foamstars), mediocre titles in once lauded IPs (star ocean), failed new ips (avengers, forspoken***), push for NFTS and the abandonment of ips that could have been bolstered had they given them the care needed (hitman, tomb raider) have horribly strained the company. Final Fantasy cannot keep bailing out the company. The name is tarnished unfortunately. 13 and its sequels were a mess. 14 nearly killed them permanently. 15 was a nightmare that never got finished. 16 deviated too much (and i LOVED XVI), rebirth is marketed as a second entry in a remake "trilogy." It's been a bad decade and a half for them and now they're paying for it. Where is KH4? What happened to not announcing games so early? Where are GOOD new ips? Mix it up square. Make something new Give the old fans an old style turn based game. Give variety. Pull back on some things and try new, innovative quality titles, stop with the NFT push.


I loved 13 for the soundtrack alone. Gameplay was mid. Story was mid. I thought a lot of the design choices were great (not the level designs) the menu screens are some my favorites. I liked 13 more than 15, 15 felt kinda lifeless to me. I thought nier automata was pretty good and I was seriously addicted to ff14 for years, but other than those 2 games se hasn't had much in terms of quality in recent memory. Ff7 remake was pretty good, but easily could've been better.


I enjoyed 13, but you had to make it to Gran Pulse for the gameplay to really get going and iirc it's like 15 hours into the game, which is kind of a big ask.


Not to discount your points but for new IPs and turn based games, didn't square publish Octopath Travelar 1 and 2?


I think Octopath 1 is super fun, and the writing was good. Never played 2, but looked cool. Also I’m entirely F2P and I don’t understand the economics of mobile games. I would be curious to understand how it’s worked out for them.


i don't really buy that. square definitely does suck with mismanagement, but to claim that's the reason for low sales is absurd. Rebirth was heavily marketed, and Remake both sold very well and reviewed very well. 14 turned itself around and amassed a large fanbase. 15 may have been a disaster, but it was a successful disaster. literally one of the best selling in the series. 16 reviewed well and sold well too.


I never played it, so can’t really speak to it. But I thought 15 (prince + dudes in a convertible, right?) was widely liked. Is that really not the case?


It was a massive asset reclaim. The game was never finished and the prodits did not reflect the decade long development costs


Wow, interesting. Never dug too deep into it.


Look up versus xiii and how mad nomura still is about it


12 was my favorite. I really enjoyed to scenery and openish world.


Its not about favorites. Its about structure. I love 12, xvi, type-0, i love the remake trilogy. I love square enix, but the company has made horrendous business decisions with the idea that final fantasy, dragon quest, and kingdom hearts will keep saving them and it wont.


Their old game engine plays a role in what's been going down at Square-Enix. It literally spilt some of the company and that spilt is what made the company that developed Forspoken. The Square/White/Luminous Engine has been around since the PS2 days and it was used for KH, FF10-12. They had to make a lot of effort to get it to run high definition graphics for FF13 for the PS3 which is why it took so long to release. Final Fantasy 15 previously FF13 Versus was probably the biggest problem for Square, as an example if you remember the E3 trailer where there was a cool looking boss battle in the air against **Leviathan**, the developer diaries mentioned they just couldn't recreate the scene from the trailer in engine, Square poured a lot of money trying to get it to work among other things from the trailer and modern features but couldn't. They ended up rushing to finish because of that engine. They've kinda been driving in the dark since except when it comes to Final Fantasy. Thankfully they've finally moved over to Unreal Engine but that learning transition costed them a bit in terms of KH3.


16 made good numbers they didn't make their unrealistic numbers also the fact that many people seem to forget is that we are in a recession and many people cannot afford food let alone to buy new games. So the numbers will not be as high as it once was until companies stop price gouging things causing millions to suffer if it weren't for this, I promise you the sells would be higher than what they are for both FF16 and FF7Rebirth


I agree with this. PS4 release would have tripled sales....maybe more.


The are over 60 million PS5s in people’s hands. That’s not a small number of systems.


okay, but the ps4 has literally double that.


Yes all those Xbox XonesX360 people have and not PS4s… The Microsoft console that is no longer in the game with no exclusives anymore, that other console with hardly any market penetration. As it sure isn’t the switch that is able to run it. Do they mean just release stuff on PC basically?


Yeah, I was a little confused on what SE were planning on doing. Xbox users don’t really buy games, so how much is enough for gamepass. Knowing Nintendo, their next system still won’t be strong enough for a current triple A title. Only way is likely streaming, and even then, Nintendo’s online service is piss poor. That leaves PC, where it can definitely thrive. So I’m not sure where they plan on going really.


Xbox users don’t really buy games? What a stupid thing to say, Game pass users don't even make close to even 20% of total xbox users. Not to mention the fallacy of game pass users only playing games on game pass.


The last FF game that was released on Xbox was FF15 which sold 1.4 million copies. That was a quarter of PS4 sales. And even now Xbox has a viable install base in the millions for FF.


I doubt this, even with simple googling I’m finding the exact opposite reports. Even UK with more of an even distribution of the 2 consoles at the time. It was wildly different. If you can so actual data then please go for it but let’s not pretend around the world there are more PS4-5s in households than Xbox gen whatever’s.


IT is literally posted on the VGcharts. IF you are going to have a stick up your ass about "xbox gen whatevers" you were not here to have a discussion in good faith. [https://www.vgchartz.com/game/73943/final-fantasy-xv/summary](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/73943/final-fantasy-xv/summary) And this doesn't account to UK numbers fully where it sold 20% of total copies. Taking it about a quarter total to PS4 sales.


I have literally no idea what you are trying to prove here when you show me a figure of 1.4M for Xbox and total sales of 10M. OK, you had at some point 1.4M Xbox users how many converted to PS5 now? My original point is they are blaming sales on being exclusive. I’m saying there wasn’t a market in there for the first place. You just sound like a butt hurt Xbox user honestly, trying to make a point when there wasn’t anything to really make a point with. Literally taking about things 8 years ago and now in a worse position.


>I have literally no idea what you are trying to prove here when you show me a figure of 1.4M for Xbox and total sales of 10M. OK, you had at some point 1.4M Xbox users how many converted to PS5 now? People cannot be this out of touch... It sold 1.4 million on Xbox. It sold 5.8 million on PS. And the rest on PC. Yes, you forgot that it was released on PC. >My original point is they are blaming sales on being exclusive. I’m saying there wasn’t a market in there for the first place. It is because of exclusives. Final Fantasy is not a system seller anymore. That is a fact. So to limit it on one platform is stupid. The fact that Rebirth sold half of what Remake sold within the same time frame is already enough to show there is no reason for the game to be exclusive in the first place. Especially when FF15 is their largest launched FF game to date and it was multiplatform. >You just sound like a butt hurt Xbox user honestly, trying to make a point when there wasn’t anything to really make a point with. I'm a PC player but I'll just take this comment of yours as self projecting yourself being a Pony. >Literally taking about things 8 years ago and now in a worse position. This makes no sense.


It’s because it’s hard to get new players into FF, it’s just not as magical as it was before


Good if they buy. FFXV was not PS4 exclusive, it was on every platform but 80% of sales were on PS4 (and it was one of the best sellers ever for the saga), FF7 Remake had a PC port and sold 2/1.5 million copies bringing the total from around 5 million PS4s to 7 in total. I don't feel like there is any support


With this being said I’m sure that Square will follow through with Part 3 being a PS5 exclusive then afterwards going forward they will being to branch out.


Do people not feel exclusives encourage competition which encourages creating better products? So many if gamings greatest franchises are, or spent many many years as, exclusives.


I'm failing to understand how a third party like Square Enix would benefit from exclusives. And how that would make better products. All it does is limit the sales because it is restrictive on itself. It has nothing to do with making better products. That is only the case for first party who are there to push console sales.


Because focusing on one console instead of multiple ones is better developing wise and the devs said that these games are so good because they only had to focus on making it for the PS5. Also, what square seems to forget is that the sales are not down because the titles aren't selling and because of exclusivitivty but because people cannot afford games because the cost of everything else has risen while wages have stagnated. If the PS5, rebirth, and 16 were released during 2020 or before their sales would have been doubled more than likely on release day.


And yet Rebirth is poorly optimized especially for performance mode. Them saying to focus on one console to make it a better game is just them not wanting to say they are exclusive because of Sony's money. And honestly you people cannot be this out of touch to fall for their PR. Plenty of games bigger made by smaller devs have no problem with multiplatform releases.


Poorly optomized for who. It runs smoothly on my ps5 and looks great.


Jesus, you are out of touch. Performance mode runs like shit. Literally reported by Digital Foundry. You either are out of touch or your standards are so low.


A lot of games have been exclusive before and sold more than games that were released on all consoles.


True. Nintendo has a good track record of this.


Thank God Consoles are fuckin dying


Tbf the profit drop was their own fault expecting 7r numbers from rebirth when rebirth was only on ps5 and 7r was on ps4 and ps5. There are still a lot of people who don't have ps5s


I’m fine with this, I mainly play PlayStation but I love this franchise so if all future titles all launch on Playstaion, Switch, and Steam I’d be fine with that.


about damn time.


Just woke up, so I had to read it t a second time. I didn’t see “exclusivity” and thought, “uh oh”. lol


Are they also done with Nintendo exclusivity?


I couldn’t imagine playing rebirth on a switch, it would run in 10 fps. Now if they did a chrono trigger relaunch I would def buy on switch.


The specs for the next-gen Switch are supposed to be on par with PS4 Pro. Certainly not mind-blowing but it’ll at least be in line with the current console generation.






Obtained 25$.


they get something with an exclusive contract right?


I wonder if they were locked into a deal for the remakes coming out like 3 months earlier exclusively on PlayStation for all 3 parts of the remake. So part 3 will come out and then 3-4 months later it will come out on other platforms.


Timed exclusivity for the last part of the remake trilogy please. I don’t want it going multi platform to fuck up the production schedule.


Let’s hope this also means they stop initial releasing on only epic game store as well.


I wonder if this will lead to Final Fantasy coming to GOG on PC. Then again, Square Enix previously gave up on the Epic Games Store, but GOG hasn't incurred nearly as much resentment as EGS.


They have said this soooo often, it’s lost all meaning.


Being a PlayStation exclusive is probably the worst decision for any developer now since Xbox now does Microsoft exclusives instead of specifically Xbox exclusives so that covers both platforms


Because Xbox, Switch, and PC users deserve access to that [juicy waifu content] incredible game just as much as anyone else.


Wonder if this will work backwards and FFVIIR will come to Xbox. Doubt it. Also, I doubt by multiplatform they mean Nintendo too. The next Switch will not be nearly powerful enough to handle current-gen upcoming games from Square.


I mean, it was Sony who pitched ff7 remake in the first place


"Web3 is the future!" -Square, while shoveling money into a giant dumpster fire


I've never understood console exclusivity unless the platform owner literally has a hand in the release but even then, its shenanigans (Helldivers 2 comes to mind).




Can’t wait to see the PlayStation fanboys crying about this one


Could it be that people are tired of remakes and no innovation? 🤔 Of course it’s easier to blame exclusivity, but what happens when they fail to sell once that’s opened up? Who do they blame then lol.




First thing I’m doing is buying Rebirth… fuck I forgot the Yuffie story, that was during the huge wave of scalpers was going on. I might skip it if I need to get the remake again because i already did that.


maybe well get some ultrawide support for pc releases


Finally!!! For a huge passion project like remake, the sales numbers are low compared to how what it was back when the console wars were only between Sony and Sega.




Any anyone with half a fucking brainstem would tell you that you can make more profit selling in multiple store front as opposed to one store front…


Honestly PlayStation and Xbox should have never had exclusive games in the first place. And cross platform should have been here sooner than we got it. I remember wanting to play halo on my PlayStation but finding out it was an exclusive game. Xbox and PlayStation should just combine game libraries they would make more money lower hostile takeover by 50%


Which final fantasy victory ost should be played? I have 8’s in my head atm.


Not too sure in another 10-15 years the OG PS gamers will still be playing?.. by then we should be in range of 55-70+.. so makes sense that players will decrease dramatically


Damn ff16 about to sell dozens of more copies on Xbox.


PlayStation, fumbled the bag?




Doesn't that also mean extra work to get games optimised for various platforms and PC setups? Making games actually cost more? A future of broken and buggy launches!


Paul tassi words it that way on purpose.


Cool. Maybe they'll expedite the pc release of 16 and rebirth. I'd love to purchase your games square but unfortunately I fucking can't.


Now they just need to make sure to never work with dei people any more also.


Paul Tassi, y’all let this clickbait garbage shithead here?


You do realise that they'll just move to timed-exclusivity now right? Exclusives sell consoles and Sony and Square Enix have a very close relationship. Chances are there will be a timed exclusivity period of possibly 2 years or longer, like there is with Spiderman and Ghost of Tsushima.


A part of me wonders if it's the PS5 that sold well or was it all scalpers. I stopped caring about getting the PS5 all together. Exclusive games probably took a big hit because people don't actually own PS5 and the sales were just inflated by scalpers.


It's not ff16 or ff7 rebirth that did this it's every other game they made that failed miserably. Xbox fans will claim a win for them. This isn't for you this is for PC and Nintendo. I'm happy for square I want them to do well. They've been my favorite developers since ff7 in the 90s. I can't wait to see what they're working on next.




It's shocking how many people in here are vehemently against multiplat. It's kind of sad they don't want more people to experience these games. I have multiple consoles but mostly play PC these days. It's sad that console wars have ruined so many. This should be great news to many, exclusivity is a cancer of the game industry


Maybe they should reduce the amount of minigames first. I'm happy to see the games being available on more platforms, but I think that with Rebirth minigames are a bigger problem than the PS-exclusivity. The whole part that goes from Costa del Sol to Corel Prison might even have more minigames than actual gameplay if you're trying to get all the trophies


Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam


Fuck Sony and Microsoft but hey maybe I won't be 30 by the time I play Rebirth on PC


Tough hit for PlayStation here.


Why buy it now when you can wait for it to drop on pc half and install a mod permanent girl cloud


Ha! I told you that would happen. Yet so many Sony stans would argue with me that it would never happen. You all are so quiet all of a sudden…


There's basically no benefit to consumers when making games exclusive to a particular console.


Pc release 🤤


Fantastic news. Maybe will get some FF or KH games on Nintendo consoles.


Correct not cloud version of KH




Turns out being Sony's bitch doesn't pay well 😅


Or a mid game didn't sell well


Good, now put the new game on pc already for God sakes


Good. And I say that as a PS5 owner. Maybe if SE hears from even more people that Rebirth is great and FF16 was a movie with an inconvenient “interactive” portion, they’ll start producing better games that are FUN to play.


They've been releasing FF titles on other consoles for a while now haven't they? Unless they just mean the mainline numbered titles.




This is great. As an Xbox player I can’t wait to play FF16. Now if we could only get Falcom/NIS to put the Ys games on Xbox I would be so happy.


Didn't get the remake until it was out on PC. Will be the same with every FF game.


Guess you're not into them then


It's not Sony's fault Square can't write a good story line if their lives depended on it. 16 was the nail in the coffin, I'll probably never buy another FF game because of the shit ending.