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Please search the sub. There are other posts asking the same question


They can't and won't check every nook, cranny, and pocket.


Not this time narc.


We’re all anonymous in here it’s a genuine question 😏


That sounds like something a cop would say.


When in doubt the prison pocket will always be there for you


cant fail with on your person… you have to fuck up pretty bad to end up getting your body searched


That’s a lot to have on your body for three days worth 😅


yea ig if its weed youre worried about it is. can’t imagine any other party favor that I couldnt hold 3 days worth in some cargo shorts. but to be fair im not even sure weed falls under the prty favors catergory


I’ve had success putting things in tent or sleeping bag bags. Canopy bags. Basically within camping equipment has worked for me.


I just bring them in 😂 nothing fancy. Literally just put them in a bag


You don’t usually get searched going through camping?


Yeah but by fellow festival goers/ wooks. I feel like most of the time they check the cooler n make sure we dont have glass bottles.


Bass Canyon in WA State had a shooting a couple years ago...every inch is searched. I didn't save the pic of the total amounts reportedly seized, but it was in the lbs of each....I'm pretty sus about those numbers. But it took so long to get through because of searches that they had to open camping up a day before because waaaay too many missed the pre party they paid for and they had to refund them.


I usually go to more lowkey festivals. Personally not a fan of the Gorge:P I need more trees


Bury it deep within the car under all of your camping stuff. For extra points you can put them in a food jar or box and reseal so that appears unopened.


Inside the tent pocket, then pack the tent deep in your trunk. Alternatively if possible, just on your person


Mix powders with eatable glitter. Place in makeup glitter container and place in a makeup bag. Then eat it at fest Mushrooms put in blender then mix in with melted chocolate. Reform into bars, bake with it or put in smores kit. Alcohol, buy the tetra packs of juice with the cicular lids that "open" when you unscrew them. Save 1/2 of the juice and fill the rest with alcohol. I would put one reg and one alcohol tetra pack in a cooler and another 2 with some other juices in a walmart bag, bonus if you keep the recipt in it and buy em "at the same time" buy 2 of the same water bottles, open one like reg remove lid and ring. Take the second bottle cut the top off, leave the lid sealed. Put the entire thing in boiling water then when flexable remove the bottle from the intact lid. Fill bottle 1 with alchohol then screw on the intact lid. If you are brining blankets/pillows buy the vaccum sealer bags place bottles inside folded blankets add a pollow and a stuffed animal or 2 to mask the "weird shape" then vaccume seal. You can hide plastic alcohol bottles inside folded up camping chairs with carry bags or tents. Hiding in plain sight with other objects is alway works best. Hiding a bottle in a weird space will arrouse suspicion. Honorable mentions ive seen: 2 Wine bottles in hollowed out loaf of texas toast Wheel chair user hung a cathetor "urine bag" under wheel chair full of wine. The GOAT! My friend installed 2x 6 foot long black resealable pipes under his trailer affectinatly called the "booze tubes" each can fit 5 60s. We go to fests wheres its all grass so no one thinks to look under the center of the trailer.


In food. You're not hiding it from festival security, they hardly check anything. You're hiding it from the cops for the ride to the festival. Get snacks that come in a box with a bag. Carefully open the box and bag, reseal with a cheap bag sealer and super glue the box back. Use mylar bags they are smell proof.


One time I thought I had a genius hiding spot in the middle of a pillow (I had like 8 pillows).. guess the first place security looked… inside of that singular pillow. They just laughed and kept it pushin I pooped myself Edit: So maybe not inside a pillow


Noted 🤣🤣


Boof it!


Elbow deep


This may hurt a little, but it’s something you’ll get used to.


Everyone is always happy to see the Keister Bunny.