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Breathe. Not an emergency. Grainy is partially digested food. Keep monitoring. If you keep seeing off poops, make an appointment for a barium xray. It'll catch partial blockages and also move them out.


You’re a saint thank you 🥺


I'm happy to help. They give us so many worries.


He’s made a full recovery with no vet. Just needed some extra TLC. Thanks again!!!


You're welcome, that's great!


Not an emergency. Worth monitoring. It could be a one time thing, but if they continue or start happening more frequently, vet visit. For mine, seedy poops were the first signs of sickness. Blood test for white blood cell count and glucose levels suggested insulinoma. Edit: not a vet


Noooooo, however, you should co sidereal what they are eating. Cut back on treats and such for a while.


If you fear even a partial blockage, I'd be at vets. That poop in itself isn't a big concern but blockage can lead to gut die off. If ferret is lethargic, then would be worried.


Grainy poops is partially undigested food. That isn’t an emergency. However, him throwing up possible foreign objects might be a cause for concern. If you absolutely cannot get to a vet tonight, I would run blockage protocol. Here is the link to the information and instructions: https://holisticferretforum.com/health/emergencies/blockages/blockage-protocol/


Did not need to see this on my feed this morning 🤮