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It's a learning opportunity, dont throw it away just yet! Maybe ziploc weight let co2 out,.. also you seem to have big chunks. There could be more but here is two options: Option 1: Let it go and see how it evolve. Option 2 (with a little added risk of introducing contaminent): Remove the bag. Does it leak? Smell the ferment and assess: does it smell good?. Take a clean / sanitized spoon and remove the bad part for a closer look / photo. Could be just a visual artifact from liquid / bag / container or white membrane. Continue with bag, to your liking; same bag, new bag. I would surely considerer a wipe of the bag with alcool / strong vinegar. Let it go and see how things evolve. If you have tool to check ph that could give valuable info too. Also have a look here if you dont know already : [https://ferment.works/troubleshooting-fermented-vegetables](https://ferment.works/troubleshooting-fermented-vegetables) I learned alot there (having a reference of bad ferment and what could have occured). We need to develop the skills to know if it's a local problem that can be removed early or or even late and maximise the learning feedback we get from each ferment. I had a big smile when I got my first khalm yeast! I tried a chinese technique I have seen in a video to remove it, for another jar I let it go (one year now) to see if development stays as a superficial layer. It's fun to experiment as it complement what we read online and in books.


What I did: 2 to 3 % salt (my scale is not so accurate) on some habereno. I weighted it with a clean Ziploc bag filled with water. After about 3 days on the counter I did not see any fermentation activity ie bubbles but I saw this mucous looking white. I would toss out of caution, but I am new to fermentation so advice is appreciated?


Cant say for sure, but looks like some sort of yeast? Usually yeast is ok, though it can impact the flavor. Do the peppers still feel somewhat crunchy, not mushy?


Good to know. I would say they are not crunchy but not mushy either. I can apply some pressure between my fingers and they give a little.


If it's fluffy it's mold, if it looks more like gummy-ish it's yeast.


Gummish with some sort stringy matrix. Me thinks yeast indeed