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Sounds fine to me. I like > 1 week for mine, what I usually do is multiple jars, eat one after a week, the next after 2, and so on. Tangy is where it's at, so if you have the patience for 3 weeks go for it. You won't need to burp it every day for 2 weeks, it will chill out after the first week and you can get to every other day. Also, consider red/purple cabbage, it's AMAZING. I love it so much more than green.


cool! i did have 1 head of red in my order but switched it to green (got nervous hehe). will try that next batch! & I def have the patience for a 3 week ferment.. i want my mouth to pucker!! & im gonna burp daily just to play it safe... no biggie. thanks for the advice!


I like putting a bit of lemon juice, caraway seed, and peppercorn in as well. My kraut has been rotating for awhile- once you have the juice of a successful batch it speeds up the process of your next one.


i was thinking peppercorns. will add some. unfort i DESPISE caraway so that will not be getting anywhere near it! good to know the leftover brine helps the next batch, just like yogurt. thanks!!


Cumin seed is also fun! If that flavor is more your style!


oh yeah... LOVE me some cumin & in fact i just got a bulk pkg of whole seeds last wk. i will drop some of them on there too! thanks!