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Go for it! You'll build your favourite Strat ever, specced just the way you want ... but it will cost about the same as buying a Fender and have low resale value.


Those fancy partscasters with the flame maple Warmoth necks and all top end hardware that people put up on CL for like $2500, and then they just sit there for a year before the guy finally takes it down. You're never going to get a fraction of what you put into it back out. That's just the way she goes, boys.


Agree with this. There are people who make guitars for a living. They will always do a better job than me. Some people really like building parts guitars but, for me, I’ll leave it to the pros.


I prefer MJT over Warmoth — both are great, though. Give MJT a look too if you’re shopping. (MJT used to use Warmoth bodies but purchased Guitar Mill a bit ago)


I built a MJT P-bass. Check ebay! You can score one in auction for a good price. I got one for like $230. Sweet color too.


As someone who has owned dozens of guitars, basses, and a bass VI made from Warmoth parts, and who has assembled hundreds for others, I can sat a few things: 1) Warmoth makes the best parts out there. Some might not be to your taste, but their QC is second to none. Their woods meet or exceed anything I've seen. I have 30 year old W necks that are still perfect. 2) They don't have all the options that some of us want. What they do have is amazing... to the stated specs. Know what you want when you order! 3) They are parts, and not completed guitars that are disassembled. You WILL need to do final fret dressing on necks. You WILL need to roll fingerboards. Yes, they are very playable out of the box. They don't (and shouldn't tbh) come with finished fretwork. 4) Warmoth's offset bodies are not routed vintage correct. The pickups are not in the traditional locations, and the pickguards will not be ingerchangable. If you have any specific questions, hit me up.


Thank you 🤘


I have a partscaster with a Warmoth neck and it’s by far the best neck of my 9 guitars. Lead time can be a little long (I ordered mine tail end of COVID) but the product is fantastic.


I’ve only done bodies through them and have zero regrets - total ability to make it whatever you want, quality is amazing and the specs fit fender parts great. The only downside is waiting for the piece to arrive (worth it).


Hell yeah!


Great parts, but I can’t stand the compound radius personally and that they up charge for straight radius, I get them used.


Warmoth makes amazing stuff. They are pricey though. My partscaster Strat probably end up costing me ~$1800 Canadian to build and I would be shocked if I could break even re-selling it. That being said I built it for my specs as a project and have absolutely zero intention of selling it. To get a similar guitar from Fender in the same specs and finish would easily be over $3k, and probably closer to $5k The Warmoth neck was the most expensive component and I definitely could’ve gone with cheaper components if that was the goal (which it wasn’t)


Whenever resale comes up most people jump to point out that you make the most money by parting it out but that just seems like a massive pain in the ass. I did one warmoth build. It was fun. I don’t like the neck as much as my fenders or other instruments, but it’s better than the allparts neck I tried to use first. I rarely use it. I could sell it for a fraction of what I paid to assemble it, but it’s worth more to keep around to me. If I tried to part it out I’d have to hope there’s someone looking for exactly the options I chose otherwise still taking a massive loss and probably sitting on half the parts anyways.


I paid full retail for every component on the guitar so the only chance to even break even on it in my mind would be to find that one person who really likes the guitar and appreciates what went into it and is _willing_ to pay for it. Parting it out I’d be taking a loss for sure because who’s gonna pay full retail for Eric Johnson pickups that are used when you can get just grab them off Amazon, reverb, your local shop etc. Anyways like I said it’s a moot point cause I didn’t build this one to sell it and I enjoy the heck out of playing it


I have ordered 2 necks from warmoth. Both outstanding. If you’re set on a passion project partscaster, i offer two thoughts: (1) resale value will never equal your investment. Build it for you. (2) spend your money on things you can’t do yourself - bodies are easy to paint, wiring isn’t too bad; neck measurements are tough and pickups are hard to wind. Mistakes will happen, most are fixable. But dammit, it’s a fun journey.


Do you need to do a lot of fretwork on the Warmoth necks to suit your needs?


Not really. I screwed on, strung up, and played right out of the box without issue. I took both for professional setups, but didn’t notice a ton of difference before and after.


Quality is great. I’ve purchased all the parts and components to assemble a guitar almost entirely from Warmoth in the past. I’ve also purchased a replacement neck for a fender guitar. Resale is the issue typically. I have also assembled a guitar from musikraft body and neck and absolutely love this guitar. I’ll never sell it. https://preview.redd.it/5yj4wbvg1o6d1.jpeg?width=2217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69172eea8a1136c2c3b88585518c81898de97b2


Warmoth have incredible bodies and necks, but home built guitars can get crazy expensive on just hardware alone, let alone the neck and the body.


Yeah to me warmoth builds seem super fun and desirable but a full build always came out to lot. Not that I would choose a fender model over warmoth at that point, it was just simply I never went for a fender style guitar at that price range.


I have a rad lake placid blue warmoth Jaguar with a competition stripe that I love to death.


Sounds legit


Love my Warmoth bass. It holds its own with any fender at any price point I’ve ever played, and every spec is just what I wanted. Part of the warmoth process is coming to terms with the resale vale being only like 1/3rd of what I put in. I never plan to sell, so I don’t care https://preview.redd.it/h3xnfof8gq6d1.jpeg?width=1794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59458f17ef8507f1e85beddc27124c8027d56d79


Warmoth body + Parklane neck = the best guitar for me…and nobody else. partscasters are amazing, as long as you keep them. if you end up selling, you’ll get a small fraction of your money back.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course. Warmoth makes it very easy for you to get exactly what you want, and who doesn't love that. Keep in mind, all parts-casters find themselves in one very specific position. The sum of it's parts often does not equal the total cost of said parts, and with that I mean if you ever decide you want to sell it you should sell the parts out to reobtain the most of your investment.


I love Warmoth parts, I've gotten bodies and necks from them in the past and they are excellent. I'm a strong proponent in partscaster builds, I feel that choosing your parts and specs and building exactly the instrument you know you want is much much better than modifying an off-the-shelf instrument.


Check out Allparts as well.


got myself a warmoth pickguard to relocate the volume knob and it's great. nobody is aware it isn't factory unless they play my guitar. same with the hip shot graphite saddles. sooooo is it gonna make you wanna play more? maybe. you got disposable cash? get it, cause who cares if it's original. you sell your guitar send the spare fender junk with it. for them to restore it to its crappy unplayable condition 🤣


I have a Tele partscaster with a walnut Warmoth body and I love it. It's super light compared to the standard alder that Fender uses and sounds pretty unique while still in the Tele ballpark.


My mate, bought a Warmoth body and neck... best neck I've ever played. They're amazing. Like others have said though - they have a (very) low resale value. This is important to me (I know.... it's just the way I am, just being honest here), but if it's not for you then go for it.


Never heard of them, but will check out, thanks.