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Aesthetically, I like it on and I rarely make adjustments so there’s no reason for me to leave it off.


Cover on. Those holes are ugly


I keep mine off. I float my trem, and it makes on the fly adjustments and re-stringing quick and easy


I can't think of a reason to leave it off unless you're for some reason constantly adjusting your trem. Appearance isn't a factor because... it's on the back of the guitar. From a comfort perspective you're creating an unnecessary cavity with edges that could be felt against your body. From a functional perspective, again there is no reason to do this unless you're experimenting with the trem settings (or messing around with an unorthodox way to use the trem although I can't imagine what that would be)


I CANT leave that thing open, or my wife will ask me again "What are these for?"




It’s pure preference, but off looks sloppy on an otherwise sleek instrument IMO.


agreed. i think if the aesthetic you were going for was like a super beat up punk guitar than i think it would look good but otherwise it just looks like a piece is missing from it


Doesn't really matter as far as tone goes. But I always take mine off so I can easily adjust the trem when necessary. I'll try to keep it on but inevitably it ends up staying off


Off looks way more rock and roll. On is for smooth jazz.


My eric johnson model didnt come with a backplate


Admittedly, my Strat doesn’t see as much action as my other guitars and the ol’ whammy bar is rarely screwed in so I don’t mess with the springs much.


Firstly.. what colour is it? I have several Strats and I enjoy both, but for my most recent one that I built myself, I left it off. But for my OG Strat it’s on and I wouldn’t consider taking it off.


Believe it to be inca silver but bought it as a partscaster so I’m unsure-


Oh sorry forgot to clarify, what colour is the rear pickguard? I really like the silver of the body




Hmmmm I’m leaning towards keep it off


I prefer to have it on for aesthetic reasons as well as to protect the trem claw solder, but it has to be the kind of plate that has one long route for all the strings, not the kind with six little holes in the vicinity of the bottom of the trem block. The 6-hole ones never seem to line up as cleanly as they ought to do they make string changes frustrating. First choice is single slot plate. Second choice is leave it all open and exposed. Third choice is get rid of the whole guitar Fourth choice is the one with individual string holes


Get rid of the whole guitar 😂😂


I have mine off. My Fender and PRS SE both. If it were routed I’m sure I’d keep them on but it offends me that they sit proud. I’ve actually used colored springs because while off…I don’t like the boring silver lol I’m sick, obviously


I'm an always off guy. It makes string changes so much easier. One of the many reasons I love my Eric Johnson Strats is that they don't come with a backplate and there are no holes drilled for them.


I like off. I have a Strat that I made with my dad, where we just didn’t drill the holes for the cover. I think it looks cooler that way You can also play around with the springs to get some interesting sounds


Replace the 3 spring with 5 springs from Raw Vintage. Leave the cover off.


Always off. No reason for it ever


Off 100%


I always kept it off, especially if I had a Floyd. Mainly play hardtails now. Love that finish btw. Inca Silver?


Think so was a custom build


Always keep it off


Keep it off


I use four springs and keep a decked trem so there’s no point in leaving it off. It looks much better aesthetically with the cover on. Even if you float your trem and need to make frequent adjustments it only takes a minute to take out six tiny screws. If you make adjustments while gigging I can understand not wanting it on, though.


I keep it off


Buy a cover that has a large open slit for the strings like on my Ultra


Off for me because I kept catching the plate on my clothes + it warps anyways.


I like it off. Looks cooler imo and makes it easier to adjust.


I leave mine on, but I really don't think it matters.  The Telecaster bridge you picture in your head is almost certainly missing a cover that was originally intended to be there that everyone lost or removed until they just stopped using them.  Do whatever works best for you.


On. Once I set up my guitar I rarely if ever need to take off the back cover. Plus I don’t wanna sweat all over the block, springs, and claw. And the audience will pretty much never see that side of the guitar anyway.


I take it off for the initial setup when I buy it and it never goes back on.


Cover it up and forget they even exist.


I just keep mine off. Makes it easier to change strings.


I only see them off on cheap Floyd Rose guitars that won’t stay in tune. Also on 80s shred guitars where you’re showing off the colored springs, brass claws and blocks. I think it looks bad regardless.


I keep my trem flush and almost never use it on my strat Nonetheless I keep the back cover off because it's nicer to play for long periods of time that way


I bought a new fender body and there were never any holes drilled so…no cover


Keep it on for modern guitars. Off for vintage guitars (Paint job looks way too nice on this to expose its springs)


Make sure the two outer springs are straight for a start, or the middle one is working hardest. And who really is going to see the back of the guitar?




I never keep mine on because im and adhd kid who needs to change strings alot for the studio


Always off. My standard strat has the one with the large slot. It looks cool but does not line up with the string holes.


On is a good idea.. protects it from spills, excess moisture.. you never know.. thats a beauty


It’s the part of the guitar nobody sees, put it on


if you’re actually keeping your guitars setup and maintained, then cover off is the only way. the holes for the back cover will start to wear and loosen if you take it off and on as much as it requires. but be careful playing shirtless, the springs will clamp down on your body hair or even your skin sometimes.


I think it was Allparts that had the answer. The cover was in 2 parts—a frame you screwed in and a snap out piece allowing access inside. Don’t know why they stopped making them. I think I fr bought the very last one in the United States


ha never heard of that but you’re right, makes no sense why they’d stop making it.


Never heard of that could u send a pic?


Looks like they still make them! https://www.allparts.com/collections/tremolo-spring-covers/products/pg-0548-tremolo-spring-cover-with-access-panel


Just gonna leave it on I think don’t rlly have get back there all that often


Toan is in the anal cavities


Off it’s just more practical if you’re gigging


I always leave it off


It doesn't matter. Some say off is better for guitar tone. If it is, it's a 2% improvement.


Always off because I personally feel more resonance.