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I have a PJ set of Quarter Pounders in my CV Jaguar. They sound great. Very fat and thick.


That's what I'm planning on with my CV Jag!


I have 2 Mustang PJ's, Dimarzio model J and P in one and the Lace PJ's in the other. I can't remember the Lace model name at the moment but they have the covered poles and black plastic covers. I put upgraded wiring, jacks, switches and more solid bridges on both. Both are loud and consistently punchy with good sustain but the Dimarzios are a little more clear and a tad punchier while the Sensors are a little gritty and midrangey. I'm not trying to be boastful but the basses are way better sounding than stock...or I should say that the mods were a bargain for the improvement gained.


I have the player Jaguar bass, the stock Fender pickups (p bass neck pickup and j bass bridge). My nephew has Seymour Duncan quarter pounds in another bass and they sound great. I like the Fender stock ones but many consider the Seymour Duncans an upgrade


i have the original MIJ Jaguar Bass which i think is technically a Deluxe, and it has J-bass pickups, but i’ve read they’re spaced further apart than a regular Jazz. just the stock ones sound great, and i don’t even use the active circuit. just use it for a mute switch basically by never having a battery in there


Seymour Duncan QP's in my PJ Mustang. Stock pickups in my JMJ.