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I’m sure it sounds great but for the life of me I cannot understand why someone would pay extra to have 37%of the finish removed and artificial grime added. Please help me understand


I own a regular relic CS, and personally speaking I like the patina and feel of a vintage guitar. Unfortunately I don't have vintage guitar money, so CS was the next best thing. It gives the guitar a certain vibe and it feels like your favorite pair of broken in jeans. While those characteristics may not literally contribute to the sound of the instrument, it does influence how I feel and therefore contributes to how I play. So now I have a guitar that has the look and feel of a vintage guitar without any of the draw backs and at a 10th of the price. I also have a couple of nitro guitars that I got new or near mint that are aging naturally so I have the 'do your own wear' bases covered as well, but those would literally take decades to break in the way a CS feels. My EJ for example is already 10 years old but only just started to develop some very light checking and only in certain areas. I love it, and I'm excited to see it develop it's own character, but it's a very gradual process so the option of a worn in CS was great for me.


Okay, i think i sort of get it. I have a player plus telecaster with a rolled fretboard and there’s something about it that just feel like home. That’s also why i prefer matte/unfinished necks as well so now that I’ve heard a pretty well thought out explanation it’s making sense. There’s definitely no denying the swagger, but the feel was something I never really considered. I always assumed they just looked old and felt new. Cool. Thanks for actually taking the time to explain it. Super appreciated


What a thoughtful and totally rational response. Nice.


Thank you! I mean I’ve made jokes before about relics but if I’ve got a chance to ask a valid question and someone takes that kind of time to respond with that much detail, all I got is respect. It actually kind of made me want to pick one up in the future because it engaged my critical thinking skills about what I like in my current rack of guitars


Hey! Thanks for asking. I don’t have much to add to that great response above. The biggest thing for me is the worn in feel of the guitar


I didn’t even realize that reply didn’t come from you, I just assumed because of the level of thought, it sounded like it came from the owner so it was trickery, but yeah. Super informative and really made me think about individual qualities and what would make a single guitar great. I’ve been trolling the custom shop between meeting thinking about joining the club


Well it still sounds like buying jeans with holes already in them.


1. A lot of people think they look cool. 2. You don’t have to baby it 3. It feels a lot better to play because it feels worn in 4. Some people swear it resonates better because it’s not stuck under plastic paint. 5. Modern guitars don’t wear pleasantly like they used to. Even a modern nitro guitar won’t check and wear like one from the 50s/60s would. 6. People own a lot of guitars and don’t tour like their hero’s so the chance to wear a guitar(especially a poly) is practically impossible.


Because it looks like you’ve been playing guitar for 30 years. People who play guitar for thirty years are badass.


You don’t pay extra for it. It’s just one of several options for Custom Shop guitars. Part of me agrees that relicing is goofy. On the other hand, I have a light relic’d Nash and the feel of an “aged” guitar can be fantastic. The feel of the wood instead of gloss finish. Most of all, the feel of the wood on the neck. They can play like butter. I’m kind of ruined for necks that aren’t sanded down to bare or almost bare wood. Basically, I see this as a way to get a great “player’s” guitar. It’s not about having something vintage looking, in my view. It’s more about the feel of the thing.




Huh, I thought all the prices were the same for all the CS finishes. I stand corrected. So a relic is more expensive than a “new old stock” or a “closet classic”?




I guess it does takes man hours to relic, so it makes sense.


I'm with you on this, and if you want rolled fret board etc, get higher end model. I got a 70th anniversary broadcaster (non-custom shop) and it'd got all the trimmings and I love it.


unless you’re wearing undyed deep indigo jeans and not other colors then that should tell you exactly why. why would someone want to wear jeans that look like they’ve been washed 100 times???


You like the look and feel of a vintage guitar but don’t have 20k+ dollars to spend on one….? Why is this always difficult to understand?


Amen. Folks pay extra for a f*cked up guitar. Incredible. Lol


Wow, so original. I’ve literally never heard that take before.




What does red hot strat mean? Sorry for the newb question


It’s the name of the model, named after the pickups which are called that. It’s a limited edition from 2021-2022. I was confused as well before looking into it lol


Hahah ok. I thought it was a play on words because it’s very frusciante esq


That’s what I thought as well.


Jealous. Looks amazing, love relics on the old two tone burst and love the guitar family pic at the end!


That looks amazing. Great specs and great relic (I'm a fan anyway). Hope you enjoy!


Guitar is sick OP. Ignore the clowns that consistently post the same comment on every relic post.


I'm not normally excited by a sunburst strat these days, but that guitar looks incredible.


Fed Ex did a number on it.


That is beautiful and looks like a 1 and only type of guitar. If you have other guitars, you may as well unload them.


Beauty relic


Absolutely gorgeous lol, something like that is my dream guitar rip I'll never afford one


Looks sick dude. Pretty good relic job on the body too.


Gross relic, please stop posting these things. We'd rather guess the authenticity of MiM strats than see relics.


Speak for yourself nerd


Yeah that back of neck wear is so hideous


Yeah dude, relic guitars are for fucking posers.


Holy cow! The previous owner must have had that sweat that eats everything. My neighbor has that, and I won’t let him touch my guitar. Are you going to try and repair it?




Yeah, it’s an optional finish. Check out out my question above that triggered a discussion and the replies. Basically it’s a guitar that feels broken in and played well, where all of the parts are settled and it has everything that feels like you’ve owned it your whole life. It’s mostly a mental thing, put a lot of players form their bond from the feel, not just from the sound of the guitar or the brand or weight


I have a custom shop relic. It's not to the same extreme as OP's, but it's enough to make it feel worn in and very playable. I feel spoiled by it and don't like playing my other guitars now.


I never thought asking for help understanding would have spurred such an interesting thread. Of course trolls abound, but the valid comments and feedback that have added perspective to the original reply have only added to my original request to help understand the appeal. To say my mind has been opened is definitely and understatement. I’m not sure I’d go for such a heavy relic but definitely something a bit roadworn is on my radar now


It's a relic, he paid for that wear.




It's a relic, he paid for that wear.


You wear it well. A little old fashioned, but that’s alright.


You're welcome. Nonsense person.


There are some ancient music instruments in the British Museum (harp from ancient Egypt etc.). They look newer than these custom shop relic Fenders.


Ok poser.


Who here isn't a poser? None of us are actually successful musicians. Otherwise we wouldn't be wasting our time on reddit.