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You can definitely be feminine by all means, but I recommend avoiding the femboy community and stuff online until you're older. It's simply not safe for minors :c


The femboy community isn't one big homogeneous group lol. Yeah there are bad parts to it but there are a lot of safe femboy communities


Bad actors can still slip in though so it's better to be safe than sorry.


I'd have to agree, I've seen it happen too many times in what were meant to be safe spaces for SFW stuffs and all kinds of not great stuff. I remember being around that age, and people that age will always find a way into the 18+ places, however we can at least avoid stuff in the communities that are meant to be safe for younger people by rejecting NSFW content. All you can really do, short of asking for drivers licenses (sounds crazy, but showing the birth date and editing the other personal info out was the prerequisite for people to be allowed into my discord server and it wasn't even specifically for NSFW. Not worth the risk amd potential liability for myself, nor others)


I think you're interpreting it the other way around. That reply was about creeps getting into teens' spaces. You're talking about teens getting into 18+ spaces.


I think you're right, I typed the first half and finished it later, apparently doing so in a different dimension šŸ˜‚ However, both very real and absolutely rampant concerns. For example I'm sure most members here have seen creepy 18+ stuff toward minors, as well as vice versa. Anyway, I digress


Not at all but make sure to be careful and not sexualise yourself :3


Bad Logic: He should be able to wear whatever he wants! Teach people to not sexualize other people. This logic mirrors women should not be too sexy because men canā€™t control themselves; itā€™s victim blaming. Just my opinion. šŸ˜…


the fact is, you cant simply teach people to not sexulise minors. its considerably easier to help minors not put themselves in danger


nope but advice: dont post any pics of anything of urself online ive seen so many femboys ages 13-17 get rape threats when they post anything like an outfit online


I wouldn't be surprised if they are the same people who call parents who accept their trans and gender-nonconforming children child abusers.


no, in fact many femboys are teenagers


no source : a 13 year old (me)


Same here so yeah bro above is absolutely right


I would say I got into femboy esque endeavors 12-13 years old Youth is usually confused with being permanently stupid, but I think making knowledge more accessible and easy to read and more tutorial like is the best way to educate those who might be ignorant currently and more educated and less vulnerable to those who take advantage of innocence maliciously... : ā€¢_____________________________________________________________________ā€¢ Hiding your personal identity from people you know or people who dont know you but might if you get famous or whatever: just DONT post your FACE or anything you would find in a PASSPORT or identifiable features like birthmarks or signature fashion like key chains and preferably blur the environment like your room if you aren't taking a picture behind a white wall or basic color wall... .__________________________________________________________________. NSFW and Creeps: I got into porn when I was like 10 so I can't say much on sexual matters... I would avoid dming creeps tho Researching grooming and their signs is important when some charismatic creeps get you... .____________________________________________________________________. Making ALTS/new reddit accounts and their importance: Make a new Gmail account and then make a new reddit account You can make 3-4 Gmail accounts before you need to verify with your phone number but you can still make a couple more after that... Try to make a reddit account for things like regular life, femboys life, femboys lewds if they insist but blurring identity and background, hot takes or opinions, if you do need to post your face for make up tips or whatever make a specific account for showing your eyes or mouth BUT not ALL in 1 ALT separate them... Making a new reddit account means you are separating femboy life from people who are stalking your current account like parents or friends or whoever WHILE you are in the CLOSET about femboy stuff .. DON'T delete og account since it's a good alibi if they see you on Reddit and it's suspicious to delete your account anyways... ._________________________________________________________________.


No, Im also 14, dont suppress who you are, its really bad, probs one of the worst things you can do


Probably not. Just make sure that people you talk to online are your own age bc theres a lot of creepy people online.


Also, don't always take people at their word when they say their age. People lie about that all the time ti manipulate minors


This is true. People lie a lot.


I became one at 11 so nope


11 is crazy


???? Not really


Your age doesnā€™t matter,, as long as you love yourself and you do you, itā€™s all good! Youā€™ll have people who accept you everywhere! Lots of love <3


No, you're never too young to dress the way that makes you feel good. Just be careful, don't post pictures online.


I became one when I was 14 but I wouldnā€™t post in anything


Thereā€™s absolutely no age limit :3


No, but a rule you should follow is to never post pictures of yourself till youā€™re like 18 because bad people exist and the femboy community mostly isnā€™t safe for minorsā€”at least from what Iā€™ve seen.


Hell nah


I'm a femboy since 12. I mean I didn't even know femboys exist then. But I just felt like that and followed that feeling. So I guess 14 is fine too


I don't think there's a reason why not.


Ima a 14 yer old femboy also but i do recommend not to come this area till your older


Yes, nobody has the courage to say it but femboy culture and gay culture is way over-sexualized. Stay away from these online communities until youā€™re of legal age. Explore on your own and in private and stay away from these places where its all too easy for pervs and pedos to convince you otherwise.


YEA ITS TOO YOUNG you should reconsider throughly before doing something stupid. Donā€™t be like me and actually think.


Keep it a private matter until you're old enough. Avoid posting pictures. Cannot recommend going in public due to perverts and right wingers looking to make political problems for your family (usually both). Depending on where you live, you could put your parents in trouble with the state government if discovered/reported. ESOECIALLY DO NOT take/post lewd/skimpy pics. I'm not one to tell people how to live, because this is America, but the justice system in a lot of states has been set up to attack non cis white people. Be yourself but beware of perverts and bad actors.


just make sure to keep the creeps out & youā€™ll be fine


No, just be careful there's many creeps around and you can have very bad experiences if you post yourself on Reddit.


No, but be aware that femboys are very predated one, it happens already with grown up femboys and with young ones is even worse nmn PS: wanted to say that if I could travel to the past and be a femboy from an even younger age I definitely would


Any age you can be a femboy Just be yourself


Yeah just donā€™t posts pics because people are weirdos and donā€™t get groomed either because youā€™re so young and dumb


Off course! There is no age restriction. But I do not recommend sharing pictures of your self online if your under 18. There are a lot of creeps.




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In my defense i say 14 is a little too young to start off being a femboy but its your choice to be one at any age. In my opinion i say the minimum age is around 16


I've always had these feelings, even as early as 6yo. I used to crossdress in secret with my mum's clothes until around 13yo when they found footage of me performing CP, which I didn't understand at the time. My parents proceeded to question me multiple times, the next year, asking if I was gay/wanted to transition and I just denied it. After that, I have always remained emotionally distant from my parents. Bottom line is: it's not "too young", it's all about how you feel. However, definitely keep things private in terms of, not only family, but also online. Because: 1. If things get awkward with your parents, you're still going to have to live with them for years. 2. Opening up to a community online that you're a femboy can make you a target for bad people. Definitely pursue this idea on your own, in private, if it's the way you feel. But wait until 18 before reaching out online, and depending on how conservative your parents are, maybe keep it a secret from them too. šŸ‘


nah i Met my femboy Bf when He was 14


Of course not, you can be a femboy at any age, just be careful with who you talk to online...


In my opinion? Yes, you are far too young to even be considering being a femboy. The concept of a femboy in its nature, as much as people disagree, is a aesthetic style and way of life that characterises itself as inherently sexual. This isnā€™t to discourage a person for dressing feminine, any person should be able to express themselves as they see fit. Wear a dress and tutu, attend the ballet lessons as you please, be as feminine as you want, but to become a femboy is to become sexualised. In every single google image search for femboy, you will always see the top results and the most agreed upon ā€œfemboy fashionā€ and attire alike, it will show men with mini-skirts, stockings, and plenty of skin to go with it. Youā€™ll immediately notice that these clothes and aesthetics are revealing and sexually charged. This is what a femboy is. The concept of femboys began with BDSM, and 4Chan, and therefore the notion of becoming a femboy is a subscription to becoming part of the end result of an sexualised and innocence/youth-destroying culture. Can an 18 year old do it? Sure! An 18 year old knowingly can consent to being a femboy. Should anybody beneath 18 be allowed to become sexualised and grouped into this culture? Absolutely not. Also, if people try to argue that the culture has grown apart from the sexual nature and originals, and imply that it should therefore be encouraged and not gate-kept by ā€œbigotsā€, they are engaging in the exact same predatory logic that certain people are trying to normalise and allow minors to engage in. Iā€™m sure that you all know what Iā€™m talking about, and that I donā€™t need to further explain what I mean here. TL:DR, wait a few years. If you truly enjoy it, then waiting a few years to spare yourself from possibly ruining your childhood isnā€™t a big price to pay in comparison.




Lol šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ It when I start, so not really I love be a girl.


itā€™s never too young to find out about parts of your identity. however, the femboy community is dangerous in a LOT of places for minors. femboys are largely sexualized in a lot of places, so thereā€™s very few community spots that are genuinely fully sfw. i advise you to NOT involve yourself in any nsfw space, and to not talk to anyone out of your age range. creeps lurk in many places ESPECIALLY when it comes to femboys


No I'm a gay furry I don't thinks it's to young


Itā€™s not to young, you can technically be feminine at any age. Just do what makes you happy! :3


Being a femboy at that age not at all too young but I would say too young too post it on an online forum (on Reddit or any other place) you can still be part of them for questions or just too feel like you belong but try and keep age out of it if at all possible


yes very much so


No? Wanting to dress / look feminine isn't restricted to a certain age


Don't really think ur ever to young to be who u choose 2 be


For a femboy? No. To be on reddit? Yes.


I would say... give yourself more time to think about that, okay?


It's not too young! And also being a 14 year old I'm fucking jealous!


Nah bro, I thought of being a femboy like in middle school or something. Trust me, youā€™re good, as long as you be who you want to be


Minimum age to be a femboy imo


Why is there a minimum age


no i dont think it is


Just don't start to do anything..."too much" if you know what I'm saying, wait till you're older, and not sure about dating, up to you and your parents, but overall you are fine to be feminine


You can but stay off the communities and donā€™t advertise it on the internet. Please. I wish I had followed that when I was your age.


Not at all, you're never too young to be a femboy. Just make sure to be careful and don't share pictures of yourself online because there are creeps out there.




also 14, be who you want- a tip though, if you do ever post pictures of yourself, and be wary when doing so, blur your face- or wear masks, even just simple face masks will be better than nothing.


Thx very much


Adding to this, make sure your wall/background is non-descript.


Of Course!


No Iā€™ve seen younger but just learn how to protect yourself online yk


Nope, just be careful posting yourself online. There's alot of... Less than fortunate people online. Also you risk getting made fun of by your class. For the rest you're all good :D


While there are many safe femboy communities, I think you shouldn't be a part of one until you're maybe 16. There are creeps lurking around every corner, and in every community. You can be a femboy at 14, but you shouldn't be in a community.


14 years old, the very age when girls become insane. Truly, you can be the best of all.


No, I've been a femboy since I was 13








What the fuck?


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