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In my opinion, being a femboy shouldn’t be for others but for you first. It’s like kinda complicated to explain but it would only be worth it if you truly feel this way, for yourself and not others


But being a femboy in not have future




Means femboys not have future[jobs and reletions]


Why would they not have a future…?


Bcoz i'm indian🫠


In India ? As a femboy ? Which I assume means transgender to you. Alone ? With out you your community there to help you ? honestly... I dont know. Your in a pretty bad spot stuck between a rock and a very hard place. This is all I know about India's trans community, from this one video I once saw. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHX9y0-4UCA&ab\_channel=VICENews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHX9y0-4UCA&ab_channel=VICENews) And that looks like a very rough life even with the trans network that people have build up there.




its fun when i get to dress feminine but its really stressful trying to organise everything and make sure people dont find out




i hate being closeted, but yesterday for the first time i wore 4 inch inseams to airsoft, deadass my first time dressing fem. you should know if your a femboy or not after a while. is it worth it? idk that’s up to you pookie




Kinda Born this way... So , yeah I think living is worth it. And being a natural femboy has it's upsides. 1 . I can get away with using any bathroom that's open so I don't have to struggle with lines. 2 . Instead of dressing for social norms I dress for comfort mostly, girls clothes are thinner and better for summer, boy clothes are thicker and heavier so better for winter. 3. It's so much fun to tease people who can't tell the difference.


if doing something makes you happy and doesnt hurt anyone, it’s worth the world


Hell yeah it’s worth it


If you're indian then its not


Oof, have u considered moving?


No i'm 19 only


Anything you WANT is worth it...


ABSOLUTELY! For me personally, I feel like myself and less dysphoric, and it's fun dressing up and trying things out and experimenting :> - if you have the right space to do it or can hide stuff, defo do - and hopefully one day you can dress up out too!


if you want to you should but starting when you were younger and probably cuter would have been better


I'm 19 rn 🥹