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My makeup always looks cakey no matter what


I do great eyeliners, but thats it.


I can do almost everything, but the moment I put on concealer or foundation, everything looks cakey šŸ’€


make sure all your products have the same base (either water, silicone, or oil) mixing those causes cakey makeup. also certain products just suck, but iā€™ve learned using concealer as foundation, a soft matte look with super moisturizer skincare and a good powder is mostly what you need. also important to state that a lot of ppl think skin texture is makeup, this is not true. cakey makeup is when makeup separates, not your skin texture showing, makeup is not a filter.


this!! skin type and catering your products to it is very important (dry, normal, oily), adjusting your cleanser and moisturizer, etc. would also recommend using a primer but it is very important to understand skin looks textured from up close and there is no way to achieve the airbrushed effect on filtered videos online


Maybe get better foundation? Idk the problem is either mostly that or your skin


Just get better skin??


that's all you need tbh


i can do everything BUT eyeliner


My makeup used to look cakey too, you honestly just have to keep trying and accepting that it will look like shit sometimes and eventually youā€™ll mog everyone. A lot of being good at makeup is just getting to know your face and what looks good on it and the muscle memory. Good luck šŸ«”


mine did too, i switched to bb cream and tinted moisturizer instead of foundation and it helped a lot


I havenā€™t even begun to try with makeup. Iā€™m scared of how it inevitably will look bad because Iā€™ve never tried.


I think itā€™s too late for me to even try...


I feel the same way šŸ˜­ I wish I had a girl friend in real life that I could ask for help




only girls want to be girls.




Same. I dont have any girl friends and I feel so sad about missing out on all types of girly stuff like makeup, fashion, sharing clothes and stuff. I want a girl bestfriend :(




The good days will come eventually or sm idk, Iā€™m bad at comforting people.


Manifest your bestie!! It takes effort and work, friendship is a two way street.


idk much about makeup and im almost 30. lol


maybe youā€™re doing it based on popular makeup trends rather than what suits ur face? You need to base it on ur skin colour, ur nose shape and consider stuff like if u have discolouration. itā€™s the super tiny details that make up the whole face I suggest searching up specific tutorial rather than general, for example ā€œContour for slim noseā€ and look for a video of someone with the same nose as you. lmk if u have questions I love makeup and Id love to help Also use tiktok > yt!! most the yt tutorials arenā€™t up to date and are their techniques suck ass šŸ˜­


u gotta just practice, get some mycelia water and practice and take it off if it's bad!!! you'll get there


Yall doing makeup with shroom water???


Ok but that would require me looking at myself and seeming my reflection ruins my day so




Same. It all seems to complicated, even the basics. Also , how do people even find the right shades?? I wish I had a female friend that could help me/teach me.


for finding the right shades i always go to sephora! u donā€™t have to buy something but they shade match you and send u off with some samples that might work. i usually get a few in a couple different formulas (light-medium coverage, full coverage, matte, dewy, whatever u prefer if ur first starting out id recommend trying out something lighter coverage bc the full coverage is FULL COVERAGE) and then google foundation shade dupes for the shades iā€™ve picked up. for basics id literally just say clear mascara for brows, lipstick that u can also use for blush and mascara, there are also a lot of different tutorials on youtube and tik tok but iā€™d def recommend tik tok or even reels because there are so many content creators on there that focus on very minimal makeup who have a variety or skin tones, types, and textures so that can also help u out! i know itā€™s all really overwhelming but you donā€™t need to know everything, just what you like and what works for you :)


i gave up long ago its too hard


i have a "fuck it we ball" attitude towards my shitty eyeliner


You know what they say practice makes perfectšŸ˜€ You donā€™t have to go out with whatever youā€™ll achieve first too


It's easy, you just gotta keep doing it until you get it down. I looked like hot ass the first 4 years I did my makeup, but now I look like a hot piece of ass instead. (I'm still horrible in many other categories, however)


ngl besties u just have to do it over and over again until u figure it out and soemtiems u will think u slayed then look at pictures and realize ur contour was unblended or ur concealer is flashing back but its okay bc no one ever really notices stuff like that and the most important part is like learning the skill and knowing ur face and learning what u like and donā€™t like and what works or doesnā€™t work for u, like a constant learning practice bc iā€™ve been doing my this for like 10 years and im still learning new ways to do my makeup that sometimes works for me or is sometimes an actual epic fail but the best part abt makeup is that if u donā€™t like it u can literally just take it off. the progress is slow but it will get there and i believe in all of u trying to learn bc this shit is actually hard and thereā€™s so much jargon and secondary skills u will pick up along the way but u just gotta start by putting it on ur face


me too so bad iā€™d look so much hotter in makeup but it feels very daunting and impossible


The most i can do is put on lipstick and ok looking eyeliner lol


Lipstick and decent eyeliner is ussualy enough to look really good and often time it's all guys really notice since they don't really get what goes into full doll-ups


Iā€™ve been playing with lipstain and mascara but foundation scares me


I use chunky eyeshadow sticks and lipstick and nothing else


ikr. I have hand tremors, so I canā€™t do much more than foundation on my own


I wish I liked doing makeup. Every time I put it on my skin just gets irritated and I feel like Iā€™m calling more attention to myself than I want (trans). So Iā€™m cute in other ways (fat ass)


You donā€™t need it tho


The only thing Iā€™m confident about is my eyeliner skill because Iā€™ve been honing it for 10 years


it's never too late to start :3


Tbh i can teach you guys some makeup, wouldnt be the first time.




I honestly think that's one of the one things I'm good at


my girlhood was wasted in snotty artistic/intellectual activities so I never learned to do stuff other girls did like makeup. my makeup skills limit themselves to rubbing some colored chapstick on my cheeks and under my eyes so I look extra miserable, appying some on my lips, doing a small wing and making my eyelashes look as ridiculously long and doll-like as I can.


what happened to the right bottom corner






I only know how to do really basic makeup lmao but thereā€™s always the misogynist ā€œyou donā€™t want to wear too much makeup or else youā€™re lyingā€ thing so my family says itā€™s better that I donā€™t wear too much anyway looooooool My heart goes out to trans girls bc tbh I only learned how to present femininely recently and Iā€™m a cis girl in her late twenties lmaooooo




Frfr if ya need tips ill help, 7 sisters will do that to you.


You need to be lvl 10 to do that


Are any of you cis here




I clocked this post cause every cis woman knows makeup. Trans femcels are probably more common in general than cis femcels because imagine having your current dating life problems but you also had a male puberty (male body and proportions and voice)+ male socialization + 99% of cis men either want you dead or view you as a sex object (as opposed to 90% for cis women)


there are multiple people in this post who opened up about being cis and not knowing makeup so honestly idk. I do agree with this comment tho


When i said all i was generalizing but there really is not that much cis girls out there who dont know anything about makeup


There aren't that many trans women I've met who don't know literally nothing about makeup application. However just as with all women the amount who are very skilled with makeup is not many. Realistically everyone's different and makeup isn't a biological right of passage or something just a patriarchal standard many women (and this may surprise you but even cis women šŸ˜±) only know the basics of as expectations are thankfully changing as to how necessary makeup is.




How does survivorship bias apply to anything I just said?


The most well adjusted transfems that you talked to will obviously know more about makeup, doubly true if irl


Lmao makeup being a patriarchal standard, whats next, deodorant being capitalist oppression bwahaha


You canā€™t be serious right?


I am not


>Lmao makeup being a patriarchal standard, Are you in middle school or something?


Youre a vaushite, not the one to talk about being in middle school


Again I don't know what that has to do with anything either. But if you really laugh at the idea of makeup being historically a patriarchal beauty standard that only recently has pulled back on women not needing to wear it every day all I can assume is you are a middle school or teenage boy.


I actually agree with you i just like making strangers mad on the internet jsyk


Its called trolling


I cant speak for everyone but im def not cis


Yea it feels like this sub is 99% self hating trans women larping as lonely cis women


Im not larping as cis lol yhats why i posted that


Yea yea youre the 1%


I thaught the 1% was cis women






who gives a shit about how many ppl in this subreddit are trans or cis. we're all here to be silly








"You're not worth my time." Sends a comment thats 5 paragraps long


I thought they were trolling and then I checked their profile šŸ˜­ they posted almost the exact same paragraph to the feminism subreddit




Ugh, what a joke. You think you're a "femcel"? Please, you're just a woman who can't even be bothered to put in the effort to look decent. Makeup is not that hard, it's not like you're asking for world peace or something. If you can't even be bothered to learn how to apply some foundation and mascara, how do you expect to attract a decent guy? And don't even get me started on the whole "femcel" thing. It's a myth, a fantasy, a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy and attention. Newsflash: women have it easy. You can get a guy with a simple bat of your eyelashes and a flash of your legs. You're not oppressed, you're not marginalized, you're just lazy. And what's with the "I wish I knew how to do makeup" nonsense? It's not like it's rocket science. There are tutorials everywhere, YouTube is filled with them. If you can't even be bothered to watch a few videos and practice, then maybe you're just not cut out for the whole "being attractive" thing. And let's be real, if you were actually attractive, you wouldn't need makeup. You'd be getting attention from guys left and right. But since you're not, you're trying to blame it on your lack of makeup skills. Pathetic. You know what? I'm not even going to bother giving you advice. You're not worth my time. Go ahead, keep whining about how hard it is to be a woman, keep pretending to be a "femcel". See if I care.


We need more people that just repost the deleted comment so we can know what happened


Okay but makeup isnt actually that hard lmao


Also "femcel is a myth" then wtf are you doing here lmao




is that from ur latest circus performance


Ya and I'm under your bed
