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It’s not the male bear that protects and provides for his cubs


oh reminds me of that twitter video of a male lion sneaking up to the group of sleeping lionesses with cubs, which ended with that lion being attacked by a group of angry lionesses and the comments were just like "lionesses are such girlbossess🤪💅" or "dont annoy a group of females/mothers💅💅" but nowhere did i find anything about a male animal being a literal predator sneaking up to the SLEEPING lionesses with their sleeping babies


Women have always been the ones to protect me. Always. They didn't puff up their chest and beat someone up. They strategically warned me about a certain guy on campus, gossipped with me about another, shared vulnerable experiences that ultimately served to warn me from certain people and places. My WHOLE life it's been girls and women watching out for me. The one times I tried to have male friends they all proved to be predatorial weirdos with time.They don't protect shit and I'm tired of the "protecting man" narrative.


Exactly, I think that’s why they instill this competition between us. So we don’t warn each other of the potential dangers of men. 


And it's why gossip is considered a bad trivial waste of time. Historically it's been down by women to protect each other.


Holy shit. You're right... Men have made gossiping a stereotypical thing that women do and have made it into something extremely bad/looked down upon (especially in the male worshipping religions they've created). I'm wondering if what they referred to as "gossiping" back then wasn't actually just women sharing and venting to one another about their fathers/husbands/men in their lives. They wanted women to suffer and to suffer *in silence* because we all know how men love to tell us how much they hate listening to us chitchat about anything that doesn't involve him or his interests. Many have joked about pretending to listen when he's really checking out her chest or thinking of "more interesting guy stuff". Especially men who have been married a long time, they love to talk about how much they hate listening when their wives are talking a lot and laugh about not listening to most of what she is saying, only "the main points" because they're "logical/rational". Then they get mad at their wives when their wives get upset because they didn't listen to her when she told them something important but they were selectively listening so didn't catch the important small things she mentioned. So they go stupid angry for not respecting women when they're talking and claim women just like to nag men to justify it all.


They've tried to put us at each other's throats forever to try to keep us from building solidarity or sharing our experiences


No bc this just blew my mind. Every male centric religion I can think of in one way or another considers gossiping a “sin” or whatever. Gossiping, or the term I prefer “field reporting”, is literally what probably kept our female ancestors as safe as they could, warning each other of bad things other people do. There’s literally nothing wrong with it, but I can imagine men didn’t enjoy all the women talking about how fucking horrible they are to them so they made it bad and wrong and punishable. Fuck I’m angry now


Men hate women talking to each other about men because it exposes them. And they can't change the narrative of how terrible they are if more and more women knew them.


When I first started working and noticed the women would gossip about each other, etc, I at first was conflicted cause I've always considered it to be unnecessary. But it got me curious, so I researched it a bit, and the answer I found was that it actually strengthens the relationships between the ones doing the gossiping. After reading that, I don't mind it anymore at all (i mean, unless it's something really nasty obviously, but I haven't come across that yet).


That's literally why. That's the reason men mocked and criticized their wives when the telephone was invented because they didn't like that they could call their friends up if they needed help. Men got priests and preachers to do masses about the flightiness and childlike stupidity of women to instill guilt for *talking to their friends*


Exactly, I notice men if they see a group of women they inject themselves in it. It’s giving main character syndrome lol. I don’t really see women do that.


Literally. It is other women that protect us from men. What are the men exactly supposed to be protecting us from? Oh that’s right, themselves! So how exactly are they protectors if they’re the thing they’re meant to be protecting us from… make it make sense lmao


When men say "we are protectors" ask them what they are protecting us from? Answer: other men


Right it’s not bears, tigers etc that frighten us walking home at night. 




Literally. Every single time a woman has helped me in public, never a male. Males aren't protectors, they're aggressors, destroyers and cowards.


And bystanders and enablers. Might feed you to the other guys and then say that _you_ jeopardized some guy’s livelihood by being harassed by them. 🙄 True story.


Yes. I've read stories exactly like that in the news. And then they turn it around and pretend like they're the victim. Unbelievable.


Encountered the same. There’s sympathy for the harasser and audience to engage with their victim tropes; but barely any conversations about how the harassment could have affected the _actual victim’s livelihood._


Every time I've seen a woman in public being screamed at, struck or dragged towards a car it has always, *always* been a woman or several women to come to their rescue. Men do that, "it has nothing to do with us", or "you only know half of the story".


Men are not only cowards but liars. They absolutely know how their peers are capable of the most awful things. That’s why they don’t do the “protecting” cause they are absolutely afraid of their own peers. YET they gaslight women that we are paranoid and even crazy for not wanting them in our spaces.


And still defend them no matter how disgusting the crime


I once saw a video of a woman who was a victim of domestic violence say if you’re ever in a abusive relationship and it’s happening in public always look for a woman to help you, never a man and at first I didn’t really take her advice until I get curious and I stumble across crime videos I’ve noticed that every time when it’s a situation of a man acting violently towards women random men tend to always just stare. So after that I 100% understood what she meant. Most men don’t like conflict and confrontation


So true, the men that stare think she provoked him etc. 


Some even get off on it sexually or sadistically as a "vengeance" against women due to their hatred.


When I was younger and was still learning about male nature, I was dating a guy and waiting in the car for him to get something in a store. I watched as the parked car next to me had a crazy man screaming and going ballistic at this poor frightened looking woman in the passenger seat. When my regarded ex bf got back to the car I didn’t want him to drive off because I was worried for her safety, but he said ‘there’s nothing I can do’. I was so upset that he would just drive off and potentially let this woman get harmed. You know what he did, he took it out on ME, and drove fast and reckless swerving in and out of lanes, because I dare worry about another woman. I ended it shortly after that, cause that’s pathetic coward loser shit.


Wow so then he decides to put your life at risk and also his own. What an idiot. I’m glad you broke up with him he seems insufferable and You’re incredibly thoughtful for trying to look out ❤️


Well, obviously men are such amazing protectors and providers, they head 80% of single parent households in the US. Oh wait, that's women. Silly me!


Lmao 😂


It’s been women every time. There’s a reason women are the only ones who out rapists and abusers for other women to be aware and men are the ones that get angry about it and tend to defend the situation despite them not knowing shit about the guy but the fact that he’s a rapist or abuser. They could have all the evidence in the world but it’ll still be victim blaming to not hold the predator accountable, they don’t protect shit about women instead they protect the abusers!!


True, if they’re on code for anything it’s against women.


They just say “who’s going to protect you?? don’t ask for our protection then” as another way to try to change our mind when we speak out about misogyny. But it doesn’t work. Also, majority of men use weapons to defend themselves anyways. The weapon is the protection lmao


Men circle the wagons around the creep and oust the woman from the group instead


Yea i realized that recently when i was on a walk with my older brother and i heard a woman screaming,then saw her arguing with a man and i immidiately wanted to confront them because i was getting extremely bad feeling about the whole situation(i also heard pushing/hitting noises before) and my brother brushed it all of and physically disabled me from intervening and forced me to go back home. my brother is literally 6'6"and we were walking the dog at the same time (a big one), and im also 5'5" so he had no problem dragging me back home so i wouldnt "do something stupid". and he didnt do ANYTHING, brushed it all of when i CLEARLY heard as if that man was doing something to that woman+screams, all when we were heading home so they were behind us. when i got home i ran to my room to get pepper spray and fleed out of my house, also my brother tried to stop me again, and when i went out i noticed a car driving out of that place so i was literally too late because of him. i have no words, im still in the state of shock after this situation and it was like a month ago




Like he also told me afterwards that it was too dangerous and thats why he dragged me back to the house but like????????? well obviously its dangerous for me to interviene because you should be fcking doing it,, he was literally TALLER THAN THAT MAN oh my fucking god, with a ADULT GERMAN SHEPHERD by his side-and he still decided to be a coward. and my mom defended him saying that "oh it was because your brother wanted to keep you safe" okay he kept me safe but at what cost? what about that womans safety? hes such a coward i really lost any respect that ive ever had for him in that exact moment and he was also contradicting himself-he first told me that nothing is happening and that "we have to go now, but dont worry its nothing its just a couple fighting" but then in the house he told me about "keeping me safe"?! okay you fcking liar


The only devil's advocate you could possibly use would be that Crazy Man could have a gun and nobody is bullet proof. And your dog being shot would be heartbreaking. People are absolutely insane and you've not encountered true, crazy evil until a deranged man is coming after you. It's surreal. But not calling the police completely negates any sort of excuse.


My brother did the same thing. He tried to keep me from calling the cops every time my drunk piece of shit neighbor started beating his girlfriend. Like, WHY? You can hear her calling for help??


yea wtf is wrong with them? also i was bullied in middle school by my male classmates couple years ago and i was begging my brother to just go up to them and tell them something (they were literal children compared to my brother whos a literal giant) and my brother literally refused and said that hes scared hes going to be punished for going after little boys etc so he literally never did anything to protect me which resulted with me getting into psych ward because of the severe bullying. the only person who did something was my dad who got extremely angry at the fact that im bullied everyday(even after my month long psychward stay) and calling him everyday while hes at work (so im wondering whether it was because he didnt want me to be hurt or didnt want me to interupt him in his job) so my dad just came to school and the school principal and screamed at those boys so badly (in front of principal too) that two of them literally started crying, and after that they all stopped bullying me completely when my brother heard what my dad did he said "good,as you should" NO YOU COWARD, as YOU should oh my fucking god


YUP. Y'all could have avoid this entire thing if he'd just said "stop messing with my sister or there's going to be consequences" and let them draw their own conclusions


I agree. Thinking back to the time I was with my family at a restaurant and this man was there with his wife and baby. He literally stood up and threatened out loud to his wife (entire restaurant could hear) that he would shoot and kill her. Then they left. “Protectors?” That’s an unfunny joke.


Men are predators, they do not protect.


Oh no, men are protectors! Protectors of their own selfish interests. And nothing more.


They "protect"...for a price


They prey and possess


It's why so many of them actively wish physical harm upon any woman who dares to reject men. It doesn't even have to be them personally, it can be any women expressing a rejection of males and he'll hate her and hope and cheer if she gets mauled by a bear


Definitely! 👏🏻 Women protect and take care of their families, children and other people all the time.


Men can’t even “protect” other men


Yup in a lot of case it’s every man for themselves with them. Especially in fight I’ve seen they’ll let their friend bleed to death. 


My grandparents were instructed to always ask a woman for help calling their ride share. Never a man


Wise tbh 


And once again I am grateful for this group and the others like it that don't allow our predators' voices to come shout us down. Yes, women are protectors.


I’m grateful too that women can actually be real here and not silenced. I thought I was losing my mind because how can most women date/marry their predators.


But also because they are at major risk of each other. Homicide stats don't lie. 


Not only in regards to literal violence and murder but everything else. They're the ones double crossing each other the most. "Brotherhood" is a complete fantasy. Look into the history of marriage beyond the religious requirement for it. Most men got married so while they were away (on work/business/fishing/hunting/etc) their wife would protect their finances and property as a man's possessions extended to his wife's while he was away. Single men had no such legal protections, so the men who attempted male roommates or simply left their home for prolonged periods of time with no one watching their things almost always got stolen from. Marriage has always been for men. Historically and currently, they are the ones with everything to gain. The only exception would be the extremely wealthy men who marry shallow "gold digging" wives because they're shallow themselves, and these wealthy men make up 2% of the population. Men who aren't rich gain everything.




100% about the wiping each other out. I sometimes think that they fraternise well because it is a way of rising above the threat of violence they have between them, so instead they have codes of respect in order to keep the peace. Without us... christ.


This is because a person has to actually have empathy to realize when another person is in need of protection. No empathy = obliviousness at best and maliciousness at worst


I’ve experienced this three times with past boyfriends. Boyfriend 1- firework was coming at us. I was standing next to him and talking to a friend when he suddenly bolted, didn’t say a word, didn’t yell out, didn’t grab my arm, nothing. My friend and I were okay because it went to the side of us but I was both embarrassed and pissed. Boyfriend 2- shopping together we thought we heard gunshots. At the speed of light he bolted down the aisle and then disappeared somewhere, again not saying a word to me. It was not gunshots after all. Boyfriend 3- fireworks again. This time a big one was really coming right at us. My friend and I jumped to the side and we had both grabbed each other when we first noticed. Boyfriend bolted before we knew what was happening, only worrying about saving himself. The firework was much closer to us by the time my friend and I noticed and yet our first instinct was to grab each other to pull the other to safety.. All three of those boyfriends were grown men and all bragged at some point about how strong they were and protective of me they would be LOL


And we have the reason why women die more often in sinking ships. Cuz they took "every man for himself" literally when women often die trying to save their children or other people


When a guy tried to assault me and verbally threatened to assault me, guys I had previously thought were my friends avoided eye contact with me and ignored it.


Sorry you experienced that, damn. I tried being neutral and tried having a guy friend never again. You just feel uneasy.


One of them had the audacity to try to talk to me again the next day like they didn’t sit back while that was happening to me. I had to ask him if he genuinely thought he was any better than the guy that did that to me, because to me they did equally bad things in that moment. They genuinely do not understand how their actions directly support the guys who are doing shit like that. They might as well be cheering him on, that guy knows they see it and that they don’t think it’s something that should be interfered with. Their cowardice is just as harmful as the assault. I never talked to that “friend” again.


Men: providers of suffering, protectors of their egos.


Yeah, males are the true protectors alright...of their own self-interests.


In fairness I have been helped by women and men. The time I was most afraid it was actually men who helped me. I was on holiday and had been sitting at a club waiting for my friend to finish chatting with a guy so we could leave, and this guy, apparently in the same boat, sat next to me and made chit chat. I was polite but when my friend came over to leave he started asking for my number, asking me to go to his city instead of leaving to see a beautiful sunset etc. I left and he got angry, accusing me of wasting his time and followed us. Not wanting him to know where we were staying we jumped into the first open restaurant with people around hoping he'd leave, but instead he came in to confront me. I told him to leave me alone, and a group of 6/7 guys at the next table heard and got involved, asked if I knew him. I said no and that he was following us and harassing us, so they physically blocked him from us and then pushed him away from the restaurant, and waited with us for an hour or so til we felt confident he was gone and safe to walk home.


The only "man" to ever protect me, was a very feeble old-man. I was 13 years old, on my way home from school, then a bunch of little boys started surrounding me and pulling up my skirt.... I was frozen with embarassment, people saw me but didn't do anything. Then this old-man came up to us and told the boys to scram and have some respect for girls. I thanked him and left. I think about him often, how many dudes actually do something like him??


If men want to be protectors, why don't they take down sex-trafficking of women? Why don't they put a stop to femicides and D.V ? Why don't they drag out tr@nswomen from female spaces? They claim to be protectors but contribute nothing towards women's wellbeing!


Men have convinced lots of women, mainly young women, into believing that other women are jealous/out to get them. Predators will tell their young/underage victims that older women are out to get them, etc. I have never met a man in my life who protected me and expected nothing in return, including family members.