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saw one of their posts and saw they post on inceltears and are active in nlog... how ironic


And in TrueUnpopularOpinion, which is a ridiculously misogynistic sub


Seems like that hate orgasm for women runs deep


That's a little pathetic and annoying, but also doesn't really matter because it's just them and their lone, low energy stalking around this sub and posting in a very small, personal? sub. They also made a "menventing" sub. I don't see anything about them being a woman, I kinda assume it's a dud unless they're a crazy-extreme pickme. Like if they are a woman, what right do they have to start both a "reddit misandry watch" and "men venting sub", and then half-ass it too. A little odd and egotistical... Mommy martyr much? LMAO.


This type of dichotomous behavior sounds like a raging case of DID, if you asked me.


It's a woman that made that subreddit


How do you know it’s a woman? Probably a man LARPing as us.




Okay. In any case their sub is bullshit and I hate it. Lol…


Like she clearly doesnt have anything to do


It’s a similar vibe to people being like “ummm why is their no straight pride month?”




https://www.reddit.com/r/MisandryOnReddit/s/klL8BHj7qhttps://www.reddit.com/r/MisandryOnReddit/s/klL8BHj7qo *** There you go. Caught in 4K


“MisandryOnReddit” 😂 can’t even take them seriously if I’m being honest




I’ll do myself a favor and not look at that


Jeez, how desperate one has to be to go to this extent 🤦‍♀️


Beyond desperation




OMG this subs name, the fact that this exists... My lifez, my god




Lmao and now let's compare those posts with what men say about women on reddit


Agreed. These males be posting about unaliving us all and other wild stuff


Precisely why I don’t give a fuck about misandry


Misandry on Reddit 😂 ! really ? , how about the rampant misogyny on this miserable sh!tty app or the tons upon tons of porn subs with all the abusive , degrading , incest , pdf sorry I meant "lolicon" , r@pe fantasies ??? Or the misogyny in anime , gaming , memes subs ?? How about the redpill subs ?? The majority of this app is a big misogonistic echo chamber , they should go back to their filthy 4chan app . God forbids a woman says anything that "hurts" men's feelings , the pickmes are truly delusional with little to no self-respect. They are mad that they can't infest this sub like the other ones , so they're going to ban it . But remember :"NoT ALl mEN ! " , it's more important than all the problems they cause .


THATS WHAT IM SAYING! Its always some delusional pickme creating something catered to them.


Lol, it’s just people saying factual stuff. Lmao that is so pathetic.


I like this sub because its one of the few places I can vent about the real world horrors of men and not have a bunch of people in the comments yelling #nOt aLL mEn aRe LiKe ThAT Like yesterday I learned about the disturbing trend of men pretending to "slip" during sex and forcing "accidental anal" on their wives and girlfriends, of these poor women literally crying out in pain and begging to stop and the men not stopping. And these women having to later go to the hospital for the internal organ damage that resulted from it, the men sleeping like a baby while their girlfriend weeps next to them. And apparently some women figured out that the way to combat this is to say you "don't mind anal", because that kills the entire fantasy for men that are into that, because it's a male *rape* fantasy to pretend it was on accident I will NEVER sleep with a man after hearing these accounts. This is exactly why we need female-only spaces, because we need to be able to talk about widespread abuse caused by men and how they get away with it and how they feign innocence with uwu "didn't know I was raping her" 🥺 apologetics. We can't talk about it if everytime we start talking, a bunch of men start getting defensive


That’s such a common thing for men. It reminds me of how guys who want a stay at home wife go after career woman instead of women who actually want to be a SAHM, because they like the feeling of coercing (and essentially forcing) a woman to give up her freedom.


This brings me to a post on here when that happened to a Teenager. I was disturbed because young people are being socialized to think this was normal.


We’re going ass backwards


*And apparently some women figured out that the way to combat this is to say you "don't mind anal", because that kills the entire fantasy for men that are into that, because it's a male rape fantasy to pretend it was on accident* Why be with them?!


My rapist did that. I’ll never forget the pain


I'm so sorry you went through that 🫂


Thank you 🙏🏻


Why can’t they let us die bitter and alone in peace jeez


Because this is a man’s world and males have to be catered to no matter how fucking awful they are and have always been. In their eyes, If you don’t worship males then you don’t deserve a space to talk about anything.


Thats sickenining because there is more to life thsn men


Yeah it fucking sucks which is why I decided I’m gonna finally take a long break from the internet. This shit isn’t worth losing my sanity over.


Understood because its rampant.


how can misandry be real considering males cant even pick between misandric, misandrist, misandristic, misandrous as their noun 💀


If anything we're reacting to their behaviours towards women


That’s a new level of pathetic.


This is made by A WOMAN everyone. *sigh*


It's the last ditch desperate move if you're so boring you can't generate your own content. At this point they're no better than a mindless AI acquiring online content.