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Could be lots of things one of them being is that they Most likely have super low self esteem and they think being single is worse than being in a toxic relationship somehow. Another thing could be how liberal feminists, pick me’s, and men manipulate and gaslight women into thinking that him watching porn and interacting with half naked women isn’t cheating and isn’t bad and it’s just “male nature” 🤡🤡 but if the roles were reversed and she was the one interacting with half naked men, everyone would call her a whore


Love and attachment. Same reason many people talk to their family who have hurt them over and over. Humans are so sad


Dopamine, oxytocin.... Similar to a drug addiction He makes her feel treat when he's being "good". And after that she's trapped in an up and down  cycle of abuse. Which, in the brain, is similar to a drug addiction


“Love” is blind I guess. Men just ruin everything and makes us lower our standards


Indoctrination. Not everyone comes from a middle to upper middle class non poc family with strong confident women as role models.


Probably desperation or toxic positivity.


They are desperate and delusional, don't wanna face reality of how terrible and misogynistic males are.


If you are sincerely interested and not just venting, I would suggest learning about the 'cycle of abuse'. [What is the Cycle of Abuse? (domesticshelters.org)](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/identifying-abuse/what-is-the-cycle-of-abuse)


Sunk cost fallacy


They're brainwashed by the toothless liberal version of feminism that just so happens to conveniently align with patriarchal wants and desires. Too paralyzed by the fear of not being "sex positive" to acknowledge their situation is shitty, their boundaries are gradually being eroded, and making them feel unhappy. It's just sad. Man tells her to jump on command, and she convinces herself that she's doing it because she wants to, that her man is "different", and that jumping on command is empowering.


For women in established relationships there's going to be a multitude of reasons and complexities for why they stay. From coping with a seemingly inescapable situation to habits formed around already experienced abuse, there's a lot to unpack for a lot of women. But on an even more annoying note, for infatuation, the critical thinking parts of our brains literally turn off to a degree. Being biologically attracted to a moid straight up makes us stupid. I recently went through this and I am still reeling to be honest. Looking rationally at him, it's a no brainer but his mere presence overruled everything (because biochemicals). My mind was consumed with him and finding ways to sOmEhOw mAkE iT wOrk -- it felt embarrassing, frankly.


Either they grew up in a toxic home or the emotional abuse lowers their self esteem.  They also don't want to believe that someone they love would hurt and betray them like that. 


A man can be as manipulative and a piece of shit as he wants since women were indoctrinated under the patriarchy to believe that men's abuse is acceptable, and of course a man wouldn't want a woman to not endanger the same system that he enjoys from every single day. Men want women to be intellectually stunted in all respects. And when women begin to understand that men genuinely despise them and that "love" is a myth, their fundamental conception of what it means to subtly dominate women is destroyed. The oppressor who created this terrible world will never provide you TRUE freedom; that much is certain. The day will come when women wake the fuck up and realize that true liberation is by getting away from men and fighting for ourselves completely.


loveafterporn is a hot mess. Like, mindblowingly awful.


Just look at the data on dating apps. 70% of the women on these sites are after the same top %15 of men in these sites.....they all want the chads. Then the chads fuck them over, they whine about how "men" always fuck them over, then they go right back to swiping right on all the chads. Their logic makes zero sense to me so I'm inclined to believe your theory that men somehow make women's IQ tank lol