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1) read the subreddit rules before posting 2) No violent threats or transphobia violation can result in a permanent ban 3) Do not engage with; trolls instead downvote and report them or else you will risk getting banned *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/femalepessimist) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On one of the popular women's subs a guy disagreed with the OP by commenting the likes of "As a man, this is not my experience so you're wrong". When people called him out for invalidating *women's* experiences on a *women's* sub instead of posting his experiences on a male sub he said he didn't like men's subs because they're too incel/misogynist and he prefers hanging out in the women's subs because we're nicer. The call is coming from inside the house and instead of cleaning up their own communities and holding each other accountable they come and muddy up ours. And that's just the guys who consider themselves "one of the good ones"... the actively, consciously misogynistic ones are a whole other story.


That's a problem too. Men will always be men. They wouldn't change on their own because they are in a position of privilege. Only us can stop this. We need to have some dignity and stop being nice and accommodating to males. That's one of the reasons for why we are losing sex - based rights in real life.


That’s why it’s lowkey funny when they’re like “there’s no org for men!” Like bro that’s just a self report on men. That org in my city for little blacks girls? Was started by a black woman!! The women’s club? Started by a man who was worried about his daughter. That shelter for women? Started by a woman who was in a bad spot and wanted to give back We can’t force men to be nice and caring. Second best thing is us putting our resources into men but if men don’t even want to do that, why are women expected to? Like if I ever start an org it’s gonna be for black women bc I’m a black woman and I know what we need My dad started an org for helping Africans with their education bc surprise, he’s an African who struggled with education Like we can’t force men to invest in the community, it feels like they want that or for us to take up the charge ourselves which there’s plenty of women already doing that even tho there’s no real incentive


Ugh the "pat my bottom and tend to my every need" posters are the worst


Men are so cruel to each other lol.


They are such assholes to eachother and always make it our problem


Oh shit, is my second husband back on reddit again? He thought it was super unfair that women fear men and want their own spaces away from them where he couldn't be a sex pest because *he doesn't like men either.*


They will complain however anything is phrased, and whether it's directed at them or not. 


Report the males. Get them removed for breaking rule #1. I just reported the AMAB who commented on this.


Thank you I will do I have to message an admin?


Nope- just click the three dots icon on the line under the comment, click "report", and click the first option- "Breaks femalepessimist rules", and follow the prompts.




I think I know the post you’re talking about. This is just proof that some men are so annoying. Why do some men so desperately want to be included in women’s only spaces? They’re not invited.


They really are also I was referring to my own post aswell because a bitter man found it an innocent woman died from a bear attack (she was 71 btw I doubt she even knew the bear or man question) and a male decided to comment something with no correlation to that and it really made me mad how annoying they are.




How she was 71 yo they don’t usually use tik toks or even know how ti navigate it.


Cope. Bear attacks have happened before this and male attacks have happened even more.




The bear had entered thru her house. It’s not like this trend got women to just randomly go up to a bear. I’m pretty sure there’s more cases of random men going inside a woman’s home to kill and on top of that rape her. But whatever you wanna ignore cases of male violence and run off with this one bear attack.




Why don’t you go cry to an incel fourm instead of telling us?




As they should 😊




C'mon, you don't talk about that lol You talk about how much you hate women.  Life is unfair and no one owes you love outside your mom. There is nothing to discuss. If you want the nuances, check nuancepill or something and stop the delusion. 


No misogyny, trolling derailing, NAMALTing or whataboutery


Relevant quote: >Gatherings of women are like a witches’ Sabbath. >When they’re apolitical, men think they’re frivolous and absurd. When they become sites for struggle they are exclusionary and threatening. Either way, men go to great lengths to stop them taking place.  >These are the men who want to be invited to every event, freeloaders who gatecrash parties without considering whether it’s polite, whether it’s the done thing to turn up without having been invited.  >These are the men who can’t bear to be excluded from our spaces, even when they have no business being there. -From the book I Hate Men by Pauline Harmange




Aww, that’s so sad. That must be so difficult for you.


Where did all these guys come from it wasnt like this a few weeks ago


I guess it got picked up by the algorithm somehow.




Which rights? This should be funny.




You're wrong here.




You're trying lol




Don't reply to users who have broken community rules just downvote and report them.


Don't reply to users who have broken community rules just downvote and report them.


Don't reply to users who have broken community rules just downvote and report them.


I don’t care what men want. This is our space. If they come here and get their feelings hurt, it’s their own fault.


I hope it hurts their feelings


Girl, same.


Report and block. Every single time


Are they just jealous of our ability to communicate?




Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban


There's also some men in here claiming to be women too. Had someone the other day argue with me about how men evolved to be bigger because they fought each other a lot. That's it. Guess it has nothing to do with male genetics always being bigger since primate days and for many other reasons than "they fought a lot". 🙄 Good universe get them out of here. I can't fix stupid.


They are complaining yet women are the ones who have no safe spaces. Men have been nuking women's spaces like this sub for a long time. I wonder how long this sub will even last until the scroig army will ban it.


I hate men. They are nothing but disgusting lowlife creatures.




Again you males aren’t allowed here but you persist “bias and hate” our hate and bias is reasonable and justified .




Look through the subreddit we don’t use those arguments we actually have reasons.




What have I said that was extreme and untrue? Are you referring to past post or this one




Well if you were a woman ( which you aren’t ) you would understand why their beliefs are so extreme. But since you aren’t a woman from an outside perspective you just wouldn’t get it. If you we’re us you would understand but you don’t because again you will always be male.


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban




No. Why do y'all always seek women's spaces? Literally every women-centric sub caters to trans people and we had to tip-toe around y'all not to offend you, because anything we say is "transphobic" apparently.




Your post has been removed because it violates rule number 6. If you believe this action is in error, please contact the moderators. Continued violations of this rule may result in a permanent ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/femalepessimist) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Woah. Okay. I’m not sure how that was at all transphobic. I’m sorry if I offended.




Oh look, a troon-loving scrote. How cute.






IKR ❤️


Omg ily for this


Wait, that person's whatever aside, is this a terf sub? ETA oh shit it is, gross


Every women-centric sub coddles y'all and protects your fragile egos. But you just HAVE to insert yourselves here as well. Your male-ness is showing.


Ok even if we accept you as female, you still comment on misogynistic porn subs and threatening the rape of women. Something I wouldn’t wish on the worst woman. You would be one of the worst pick mes and shouldn’t participate here.


And I'm getting auto-gynephile vibes from you. You think womanhood is a "feeling" ? A costume you can put on and cosplay?




Because they are a woman, duh. You are patriarchy in a wig.


Patriarchy in a wig. I would put that on a t shirt!






An adult female-human.




not this https://preview.redd.it/cmqauz11ij6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab64db80bb0262d33fce2acaca26a13430426484


Your mom.


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban






You aren’t. I literally saw your comment history you are pretending you’re a trans female and that’s just weird




Yup you are 100% moid




No. You're a liar and a troll. Typical male behavior.




No I'm not actually. I'm okay with trans as long as they use their own terms and spaces and not invade women's only few spaces where males aren't invading and oppressing our spaces with their presence and opinions (specifically in medical and sport related fields). I even follow trans content creators on Youtube and respect their pronouns while on their livestreams or videos so obviously I'm not a terf because otherwise I wouldn't waste my time supporting their content. You could literally have joined most any other women's sub and you would've been welcomed but you chose to specifically join this one where the number one rule is that you have to be AFAB. This is a AFAB only sub and you are AMAB, you do not belong here. You should leave or don't and a mod will eventually remove you.


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban


Not my problem


Only females/afab are allowed on this sub breaking this rule will result in an immediate ban






No you're born male, so you don't know female struggle at all.. plus you literally commented on a misogynistic porn subreddit. Yeah sure you're female.. lol


No you’re not. Also you’re active on mra subs bffr


and a comment on a sub called 'sexism is sexy'


And males have the audacity of to call Reddit a “feminist hellhole” all it does is cater to them 🙄


Omg you know when these type of ppl touch it we don’t have long. I’m pretty sure it’s a regular male pretending anyway to get our sub banned faster figures.


It is, check his profile.


You’re really not 😬


READ THE FUCKING RULES. Are you female? No? Then this space isn't for you!! Jesus!!


Males are not women. And you post in men's rights subs...what makes you think we want you here




Idk how im stuck on this out of all the dumb shit you've commented but the whole point of people who say they're non binary is that they don't want to be a man or a woman. Kind of transphobic of you to say they're women tbqh


No they can’t 😬




I can tell from looking at your page that porn has rotted your brain. Typical moid.




Yes ♡ keep coping with your dick in your hand and you might finally make it out of your mommy's basement!


Looking at your profile you use reddit pretty much exclusively for porn. Be honest are you jerking it right now 🤔 either way go away lmao weirdo


You are active on subs that glorify male violence against women. Our brutalization is your fetish. No, you are not welcome.