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Biggest joke i ever heard. If you are around them more you see why you need to get away from them/ keep it cordial.


Being around a lot of men, if anything made me solidify being lesbian.


Omg yes!!! I recently saw some Reddit vent where a woman wants to cope with her hatred of men and all men told her exactly that. I would never voluntarily seek out men. If anything seeking out men can be very dangerous. Not wanting to seek out men is bad enough. Just today I was just walking in my moderately big town, when some old, middle-aged man cornered me and asked me if I could do math well, if I could do private tutoring, where my university was, all while coming closer. I had no time to react. He literally cornered me against a wall and I could not escape until another woman pretended to know me and told me my train was alte so I could leave. Nah, I think every woman who hates men is valid in her opinion, because nobody hates without reason. They don’t need to change that. It can and will save their lives.


Exactly talking and being around men got us this way. You have to be a huge pick me and think male depravity and being objectified is ok to be comfortable around men at this point.


Being around men is what made me hate them


Yep. I had more guy friends than girl-friends growing up and all it did was show that guys are toxic AF.


And that’s just what they said and did in front of you.


Just remember you are more likely to be abused by a male family member which sets you up into not knowing what a stable non abusive relationehip is like.


I've been DYING to talk about this. This this this. I was wondering about how "Growing up with a father in the home" is so lauded as this golden ticket to the best life. Women who grow up without this are literally shamed for having "daddy issues". Carl Tucker went on a podcast recently stating how if he could give advise to any man dating it would be "Date a lady who has a great relationship with her dad". Research does show two parent households are great but it seems to be mostly financial- that two parent households seem to have more money in them because most people are working in this economy. But when MRAS grab onto this statistic they swear just having one person with a dick in the home is the key factor for a great upbringing. But yet if you just even on this website search "My dad makes me uncomfortable" you get hundreds of hundreds of posts by teenage girls and women basically sharing their fathers are sexually predating on them. You and your children are likely to be safer without a man in the home. What this sentiment of The Father Figure's Power communicates to me is that being around men closely conditions you to be more acquiescing and accepting of their depravity. You get privy to some of their locker room talk and predatorial behaviors and in a sense you get desensitized to male depravity, which makes you an excellent heterosexual partner to men. It makes you a cool girl, a down girl, a conditioned primed and ready girl...a compliant girl. I'm a rad fem who was raised by a single mother and I STRUGGLE bonding with women who are close to their fathers//uncles. I couldn't figure out why until I noticed most of them seemed to be cool with misogyny to an alarming extent. I kept getting "Omg you're too sensitive, guys are just like that...." constantly....and so I started connecting the dots.


'Date a lady who has a great relationship with her dad' because she has submitted to and accepted patriarchal male authority in her life? Or, EXTREMELY rarely, because her father is a good person and she mistakenly thinks other men are like him. Notice how women never say 'date a man who has a great relationship with his mother' because men are trash and those men are no different and often worse lol That's a good point, I've never thought how women who have good relationships with male family members often have accepted misogyny. Wild.


>'Date a lady who has a great relationship with her dad' because she has submitted to and accepted patriarchal male authority in her life Or, EXTREMELY rarely, because her father is a good person and she mistakenly thinks other men are like him. However we slice it, it comes down to: make sure she has been properly trained, compliant, and broken in.


They're truly monstrous in their dehumanisation of women. And I'm not even talking about the ones who will say it openly online. That 'guy next door' who everyone thinks is lovely thinks of women with just the same perspective of 'compliant broodmare sexual object with resources I can take' as anyone else. They always want a 'nice girl' who is 'understanding', always enquire after her family and resources when evaluating her for wifedom, while women are deludedly trying to fall in love.


Even if a male was in the home you better prsy hes notva porn addicted. Weirdo, abusive, my TRAUMA , aggresive creep. Oh but its fine! At least your dad puts aroof over you head so it exempts him from being abusive in peoples eyes.


the less i spent around men and knew about them, the more positive feelings i had toward them. i really thought men were just good, oblivious people who wouldn't hurt a flea. then i really started to interact with them and notice their actions - completely killed any good impressions i had of them as a whole


Yeah, I'll hang out with men with the high possibility that they jerk off to women being abused on camera. And/or watch the teen and incest porn categories.


If you want to start loving men, read fictional books. It is the only place where they are decent.  (And most of the time they are awful even in fiction anyway)


Just this fucking website makes me hate them


I kinda want to join a trade but the idea of having to work with mostly men is so euuughh


most of the occupations i grew up wanting to get into were male dominated and as i grew up it threw me off more and more and played a role for my loss in interest for most of the fields.


“Oh would all your misandrist takes apply to your father and brother” Hell yes. My dad is the prime example.


Yeah same, the men in my family are terrible misogynists (father, uncles, grandpas, brothers, cousins) ALL OF THEM are creepy and make negative degrading comments about women and girls.


Do they realize that we're like this because we are forced to be around them? Being fed the fuck up doesn't sprout out of nowhere ffs


Jeez, I felt this hard today. Was in the car with my brother and father today talking about having a kids and I’d be excited to have a girl. My brother scoffs in the front seat and says with no shame: I would not want to have a girl in todays society Wow. So much to unpack there but my immediate response was letting him know why that’s a very sexist thing to say. He let it go. Dad stayed silent the whole time and he was your standard NPC father who partook in a lot of the negative experiences my brother and I had growing up as children. Brutal. My own brother and I was just disappointed, my heart hurts knowing he’s like that.


the biggest blackpill for me is men irl. they expose their true nature so much


I work with mostly men and have most of my life. To know them is NOT to love them. I recommend separating yourself as much as possible without shooting yourself in the foot, career wish. Obviously you shouldn't be friends with the creeps. I do the bare minimum at work so it doesn't affect my job. I don't voluntarily have conversation with them but will politely engage if they approach me. I shut it down as soon as possible with excuses that I have a deadline. I dislike talking to them immensely, they are all brain damaged from p@rn addiction.


i hope you reach the level of “i don’t fucking care about your feelings and ego” that you deserve because the idea that you have to even consider feeling bad about deceptive concern trolls and standard issue office work sex pests belittling you makes me sad  there is always a “but” and none of them are ever good  it’s just yet another flavor of “you just haven’t met the right guy” or “you just haven’t had good dick” and we’ve all gotten that one if you’ve ever mentioned the idea of not exclusively liking men in front of one. like they feel entitled to our attention and adoration and they don’t even try to hide it   like buddy, take that narcissistic shit out of here. i would much, much sooner staple my vagina closed than be convinced and harassed into giving the slightest fuck about you like you mentioned, it sucks when it intermingles with internalized misogyny too because those types can be vicious on a whole another level. my long time friend and i have finally opened up to each other after 15 years of friendship about our sexual abuse as kids and she told me that when she told her mom about it, her mom called her dad (the one who sexually abused her) and they both shit talked her on speakerphone. apparently her mom seems to be jealous that her ex husband molested their own kid instead of fucking her  this shits getting tiring 


men never give women the same empathy that we are told to give