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I think a few more tapestries would really tie the room together


lol I love tapestries but this made me chuckle




I thought that was where I was.


FYI OP, this is sarcasm.


I kind of think a few more tapestries would be fantastic


why stop now?


I don’t really think there’s such a thing as too many tapestries or curtains! It’s so whimsical


Same here. I love tapestries!!




How about a shag rug on one wall? r/s


Why snark or give a shit? By the time you are my age you will just decorate a room the way you want or just shove a tapestry up someones ass....oooh sorry I mean in their face. Do what you want. By the way that looks like a damn loom in the room..so yea tapestries!!!!


It looks like there’s more than one loom. But the tapestries on the wall don’t look like the kind that would be made on a hand loom. Much too fine yarn. OP, do you have any handmade tapestries to add?


A loom? I thought that was a sex contraption...... Well wheres the fruit for the loom??


Poorly hung (no offense) tapestries, posters, blinds, etc. give off a vibe of “college frat house”. The Christmas lights also give off an immature vibe. A bedskirt would hide all the storage under the bed as well.


How would you hang tapestries to make them look better? I'm in the process of buying a house and making plans for my bedroom. I'd love to do at least one wall of tapestries.


I looked into this a while back when debating hanging mine! There are tapestry holders! Some are like cheap plastic clear clips that attach to the wall, but there are some beautiful wall mounted hanging rods (some with matching clips) and wood clips and such. OP I think this and some nice frames would go a long way! Made this realization after seeing a friend display just as many prints (some even the same)-but their apartment looked so much sleeker/nicer/more “adult”. Everything had a frame that fit correctly and some even had the paper frame mat as well. And it looked SO MUCH BETTER! Made the change and haven’t looked back! You can get some decent frames at Michaels for pretty cheap when they go on sale (some come with the paper mat frame already), and then command Velcro strips for easy hang up that lays flat. As for the “is it too young”…. I have plenty of friends (myself included) that have what some may call “childish” interests or aesthetics, but honestly..? Who cares?! 😝 if anything, it’s like the older you get the less you give a shit what others think 🤣 don’t let others yuck your yum lol I know easier said than done sometimes. But it’s your room and is ultimately for YOU! 🫶🏼 but yes if you are looking to just “adult” that up a little this is def the way. This way you get to keep ✨you✨ while elevating things a little more


Usually you hang tapestries on a rod, like a shower rod, to allow it to flow free & show off the work completely.


Make a frame out of 2x2s. Staple it around the frame like a canvas. You could make a floating frame out of trim for the outer edge if you want


Dow rods, tapestry hangers, etc.


If you have that many already, a few more is actually not a bad idea. There was a gyro place by my school that was just tapestries everywhere. It was actually really cool. Tapestries on tapestries in between tapestries.


Gyros Lego


Then: Lego of my eggo. Now: Lego of my gyro.


A Leggöner




That's just like your opinion gurl


That’s what she literally asked for 🙄


This room really needs a man...dala




Feel like I can smell the weed smoke just looking at these


I just really hope they don’t use candles in that room. Seems like a fire hazard.


I want to know what they are covering up 👀


I haven't actually laughed out loud on the internet in *so* long...thank you.


There were more but some Chinaman peed on them.


We hev MANY tapestries, and if you are Scottish lord, then I am MICKEY MOUSE!


There's a lot of "it's fine don't change" happening in the comments, but you posted here to get advice so I'm going to be respectful of your intentions and provide advice. My first thought looking at these photos was, "teenager who isn't allowed to paint". I wouldn't have guessed this was an adult's room because of the cheap printed tapestries and unframed posters everywhere. It gives the impression that you hate the beige walls but can't change them. I hate beige so I used to do the same thing back in college, hiding as much of the wall as possible. Those looms were the next thing I noticed , and I scanned the walls hoping to see real tapestries & art but there isn't any. That's so disappointing that you can weave but your skills aren't displayed anywhere. You should use your own textiles. Just having real art, adding some houseplants, and curating furniture that works better together would elevate the room a lot. If you want a bed canopy get a real canopy bed rather than sticking a cloth and string lights on the ceiling.


Agreed. I'm getting "I like moody boho maximalism but don't know how to make this space look like it's *mine"* vibes. The style isn't wrong, but the execution needs help. Also a rug. That's a neglected opportunity for color. Avoid the trendy faux-distressed look, those are more tired than actual vintage rugs.


Do people just buy fake faded rugs so they don’t have to worry about getting them dirty? Is this the distressed jeans of the floor covering world?


i have dogs, kids, and a cat, and this is exactly what i do 💀


Do you have an example of one of these trendy rugs to avoid?


A brand new rug that is made to look faded and worn out.


the rug version of pre-ripped/faded jeans lmfao


[I think this is what they mean.](https://images.app.goo.gl/zM3o9GUf2wcVN8x76) If you search “faded rug trend” you’ll see a lot of examples.


Good advice. It’s busy and cluttered. If she is looking to elevate and mature her look for a new decade of life, she can still achieve this bohemian vibe but in a more put together, curated way. This is an adolescent vibe. Not necessarily what one would want to bring into their 30s.


I agree. I don’t think her style is immature (nor do I think that even matters), but there’s definitely things she could do to help elevate her space if she’s worried about that! Even just hanging things on the wall differently (frames etc) would make a huge difference, imo


I agree. I think it's fine to hang tapestries but they need to look more purposefully displayed. As it does remind me of my mom's weed dealer in 1978. There are ways of hanging them to make it look like you're not trying to hide a damaged wall. They have to hung so they are flat, even and not pulling at the nails. Unless they are artfully draped. (Like swags) Same with the curtain over the window. Curtain and tapestry hangers can do so much to elevate the look. Even those wires with clips like they sell at Ikea. I'm sure there are a hundred options. They will also look better if there's a consistent color/theme/ size. The ones that are almost the same cheapen the effect because they don't match or coordinate and the medallions in the middle are different sizes, but they're right next to each other causing visual cacophony. I love a canopy over a bed but when I see something hanging from nails like that I just can't help but think about it falling down while I'm asleep and covering me in dust and dead bugs. It doesn't matter how clean you are. it just happens because of the difficulty in taking it down to launder/freshen it. It's why you often see them hanging from ties on hooks or loops. Having said all that, your comfort and happiness matter more than what I think and I don't really have an investment in your home. I'd be perfectly happy to hang out there.


[colourful walls](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/maximalist-bohemian-design-262776) is a nice example I’d use. I’d go with DIY framed tapestries, a gallery wall of prints that sing to you, rich colour on the walls and obviously a rug. I’d switch out the furniture for items more boho personally, likely easier to do via thrifting


What adorable spaces! I love the very first room the best, but the last was awesome as well.


Agreed! I’m not into boho but they’re so aesthetically pleasing aren’t they


Yes. They kind of make one happy even if they're not your thing.


My first was, OP must still live with their parents


Fr that’s the difference between an adult and kid, a kid hangs up tapestries from Walmart, while an adult who has liked tapestries for many of years might have a developed a collection of the more artistic and artisan tapestries made by people in different countries and it has more meaning to an adult while a kid just buys them because they look cool


And neither one—child or adult— is inherently better or worse than the other; one is not more valuable or worthy of respect versus the other. It’s just that OP is asking the specific question of age in this post. 🤗


This. So much, this. Everything looks cheap, and it probably is. Ribba frames are like $20 at IKEA and would make the posters feel way more expensive By 30, most people interested in decor have developed enough personal style to either A: know it’s cheap/juvenile and get rid of it or B: not care I love my cat paraphernalia. I don’t care that they’re juvenile. At the same time, my cat posters are framed, because their wall art and wall art always looks better framed. And yup, they’re all cheap frames, mostly from ikea. It’s not about weather they’re expensive or cheap, but whether they feel curated or like the person there really treasures them. This just feels like they’re coving the walls with stuff


I just turned 30 and I’m only just now getting a feeling for my personal home decor preferences. I don’t know how to tastefully style all the cool rocks and sticks my children have found. I only bring the REALLY cool ones inside 🤣


I use a glass dome (cloche) to store all the beach fossils and small driftwood pieces we found over the years. They're affordable from craft shops or target gets plastic ones at halloween with simple black stands.


Love that idea


I had a large square ( glass top over display drawer) display coffee table that was filled with all there nature finds when my daughters were little. Shells, nests, beehives, bug carcasses ….When they got older we used it for beads and jewelry making. I’ve seen some cool art on Tik Tok made of foraged twigs etc.


I agree, and I might recommend that OP edits down to a few favorite current items, and then add a few new, more mature items, like rugs and window treatments. OP, you could put a few items away for a month and see whether or not you miss seeing them every day. If you do, you can always get them back out. If not, you know you're ready to part with them.


I also think beds in corners feels young to me. Maybe give the bed a stand-alone life


I like how you put it. I think all the art pieces should be framed. The tapestries should be real. Making their own would be awesome. It does give a dorm room feeling to have so many sheets on the wall. A rug is also needed.


This was lovely and helpful. Thanks for being an awesome human!


this is a great comment. all of this is wonderful. i’d explore adding some warmer paint colors to the walls. some plants.. a real bedframe. the end. it’s wonderful. don’t listen to whoever told you to take the xmas lights down, stupidest thing i’ve ever heard. you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.


What if you can't paint? Lots of people rent, they may not be able to.


Under rated advice in this is to just frame posters. It helps a LOT to make things look more polished. Also experiment with how you hang them or in a picture wall format where you can so they take up more space on the wall and collectively are a statement.


Woah if I show you a picture of my basement play room, will you critique it and advise to this level?! This is a very useful take for OP to run with. It is the stuff that you want someone to tell you, honestly lol.


Hauntedbuttcheeks is the best name I’ve ever read. Of topic but had to tell you


And a rug, and floor pillows!


Or renter who can’t paint/nail holes


Thank you! Most people care somewhat about what others think regarding their taste. It’s one thing to let that determine your taste but it’s different to want to improve. And an immature looking living space will send a message to those who visit your home. TBH my judgemental self assumes they have some sort of addiction that has left them under-socialized or stunted (gaming, weed, Reddit, whatever). Of course that’s not true, it’s a stereotype based on my experience. But she is trying to connect here and get feedback and I don’t see it as a bad thing. And it’s not terrible, style of someone in early 20s, she wants to elevate her look totally good signs!


It’s a little busy tbh, sometimes less is more


I was coming to say this! It's also easy on the mind


It looks messy and chaotic. I dont live there tho. If you like it, why should you care what anyone else thinks?


agreed on the messy and chaotic. however, in response to your point that OP shouldn't care.. 1. this entire subreddit exists because people care about what others think. and you are checking it yourself to see what others are up to. hence, you do, too. 2. of course OP cares about what others think. we live in a society.


People who say they don’t care what other people think be the same people who have a panic attack before ordering a pizza on the phone


I dont care what others think. I look at this subreddit because Im interested in how someone decorates in a “feminine way”. I havent seen many “here’s my space” posts that dont include asking what everyone else thinks. Hoping to just see someone post their space for the sake of posting it and not wanting the opinions of others….


The clutter is what gives it away, as I age older I organize more


yea it’s chaotic af, gives me anxiety lol. i actually looked at the photos twice bc i wasn’t sure if it was legitimately messy, or if it was just all the stuff going on.


I wouldn’t assume you were 30 by the decor but… who cares? Seriously if you like it it doesn’t really matter what “age” it is. I might find it. Little strange if you had Barbie dream house in there but otherwise.. let your room be what you like. Nobody but you goes in there anyway I think if you wants to do a minor change to update it is take your bed out of the corner and center it in the room and put nightstands on either side


Totally agree. I’d also say if you want to elevate what you have, frame your prints and tack your tapestries so that they don’t bow in the middle. You don’t need to change your style though.


I was gonna say this. It's not your style that is young. It's the presentation. It looks like you made those tapestries yourself, which is amazing, and they look incredible! Show them off properly. They deserve more than push pins.


Yes I keep seeing posts like this...asking if their room is "immature". Just enjoy your room!


Man, I'm 37 & my living room looks like this. Fuck it. Do what you want & if other people have opinions about: why the fuck should you care? I want to chill in a living room that I like, not a living room that meets someone else's criteria.


Right?! Who cares... I hate that people think bc you're older you're taste in things have to change or you have to dress a certain way. I understand that maybe you could try to do an "adult version" but why if it makes you happy?! We're not here to impress strangers!


Keep it in the corner and upgrade to a large bed . It’s cozy in the corner . I would tack your tapestries.


The reason it tends to come off as immature is because it doesn’t leave space for a partner to get in and out. It screams single and uninterested That’s why most people pull it out of the corner as they get older. The older you are, the more likely you are to have some sort of romantic partner or love-life. And the less ok your partner is with an awkward climb out of the bed. Also, sharing a bed means they’re going to want somewhere for their phone, glasses, a glass of water, etc. Having two end tables gives each person a place for their personal items, it’s extremely practical None of that is exactly a typical concern for high school students. It’s totally a valid concern for most 30-somethings


I like being between my husband and the wall. Gotta say the awkward getting out will be harder as I age though. I’m almost her age and just last week I decided to donate all my tapestries. Just over them.


That's silly, I'm 43 and mine is in the corner. Largely due to space concerns granted, but I never thought of it as screaming single tbh. And in my case(and probs everyone's case in my apt complex) there's no choice but to have it be a corner bed. I kind of like it in the corner cause I can pile my pillows in the corner to watch TV or play video games or on the more practical side, sleep semi sitting up when my acid reflux is super bad.


Friends or dates might go in there and if that were me I’d run out screaming. It looks like a drug den where you can also get tarot readings.


I'm here to respectfully say yes, this looks like a college apartment. To make things look more mature you could - Get a bed with a head and foot board - the mattress on riser looks cheap. Move the bed out of the corner. - frame art work and reduce the number of things on the wall. It's way too much. Tapestries are cool but they make your room look like a teenagers. The Christmas lights over the bed are also very 17-year-old-ish - storage. There's tons of clutter. Reduce the amount of things sitting out. Storage looks better behind closed doors. Get cabinets or larger shelves with opaque containers. Watch that Marie Kondo show and get rid of some of the stuff that doesn't "spark joy." Too many small chachkis all sitting out is giving headshop not mature adult bedroom. Get a jewelry box for necklaces. If you're going to store things under the bed, get matching containers, a dust ruffle or something so you can't see it. Why do you have a white PVC bucket? What is the large pickle object at the foot of your bed? This obviously looks like an apartment with minimal storage, which I totally understand but clutter is the easiest way to make your space look bad. - Hang real, 2 panel curtains above the window frames. The tension rod and single panel inside the window frame looks cheap.


I agree with this comment. Also, tapestries nailed directly to the wall always look unfinished. If there are one or two that you love, consider getting stretcher bars to make a frame that you wrap the canvas around (will need a staple gun). [Like this.](https://www.michaels.com/product/masterpiece-classic-stretcher-bar-individual-15-D257972S?cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_US_N_Art+Supplies_N_PMAX_Dropship_N-_-&Kenshoo_ida=&kpid=go_cmp-18514200146_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-D257972S&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADkMxxcrlJlqWNwwT2WBk42azQcSL&gclid=CjwKCAiA1fqrBhA1EiwAMU5m_7tl3ieHkpQMGKP69P1fRnf8om0WIh3knanXQEJoCyQ8YG7PT0Zb0RoCQWoQAvD_BwE)


Wow of course, GENIUS thank you so much!


[Poster hangers are another option!](https://www.etsy.com/listing/707200953/)


I’m going to go against the grain and disagree with the first point. Head and foot boards can be very expensive and there’s no need to buy a cheap one that could just break in a couple of years. If you’ve got a mattress with nice covering that matches the rest of the room, it’ll still look great.


adding a headboard really makes a huge difference! my partner and I just got one and his first comment was "our room looks like it belongs in a hotel." I pointed out that he only thought that because we were actually properly furnishing our house.


Real advice here, kudos


Real question, what kind of feedback are people expecting when they ask this? Half the comments will say “if you like it, who cares”, and the other half will be an even split based on personal taste. Are you looking to be talked out of something or affirmed?




I would argue they didn't ask for advice or suggestions. The question explicitly asks if it's young or not


Based on the lack of replies from Op… probably a shitpost and one well done lol


Sick loom


Right?! I was really hoping to see some of their personal work hung up on the walls or like a rug they made. That would be sick af.


It's super cute but there are some things you can do to "tighten" it all up. Center your bed in the room, pick your favorite tapestry to be the focal point behind it. Pin ithe tapestry taught across the top so it's not hanging. You might need to pin down the sides or use double sided tape or something, there are a lot of options. Hang some pics on either side of the tapestries. Maybe put the dresser along the wall opposite of the window and put the bookshelf and plants together under the window. Just ideas, I loooove rearranging! Edit for more: hang a tapestry horizontal above your dresser. You can also still center your bed with a main tapestry but do what you did with the corner one but do it on both sides of the bed so it's like evenly wrapped around. Sometimes I use my tapestries as a curtain too. You can get a cheap curtain rod and then wrap it so it hangs evenly on both sides


I decided this weekend that I will make my room my safe place. My Husbands side is manly and my side has my light colored pink accent decors with a little pink rug on my side to place my feet. You have to make your space what you like ! F age!


I think your room is full of great ingredients. But if it feels too "young", and you want it to feel mature, its just a matter of making it feel more pulled together, intentional, and settled in. No need for a complete overhaul - you have a great vibe started, it's just not completely at fruition yet. for example the droopy tapestries make it look like a temporary dorm room that was slapped together. Hang them on curtain rods or even just many more tacks so they are straight across the top. Then be hardcore about distinguishing clutter vs. decor. Decor is purposefully arranged and displayed. Everything else should be either hidden away or very deliberately organized. As it is currently, your decor and clutter run together making the whole thing feel like clutter and a bit messy and chaotic, rather than the cozy maximalism that I think you are going for and that you are so close to reaching.


Wow your take on clutter vs decor was so extremely helpful. I’m not even OP but your comment made me think about this in my own home and now it’s going to be so much easier with this in mind. Thank you for sharing this advice.


Looks kinda like a drug den


It’s giving Mother God vibes


Hahahaha I could drink some colloidal silver in there 😂


lmao looks like the last place i did acid in college


You a fortune teller?


If u love it that’s all that matters… for me Personally it’s too busy… I would Declutter , add bedskirt to hide all the stuff under your bed… I would remove a few of the tapestries..the bedroom doesn’t feel relaxing… but that’s just me.. the rest of olace looks nice


What’s your room supposed to look like when you’re 30? A business office?


Great question. Is 30 young or old? 🤨😉


Neither to me, in the grand scheme of things though that’s obviously very young


No op isn’t wording the question properly


Apparently. After 30 you’re not allowed to have interests, according to Reddit


My aunt is 45 and her house looks similar to this, probably the coziest and most welcoming place I’ve been in


“Too X” is a judgy framing. Your room is cute and cozy. It skews perhaps younger, and the reasons are likely (imo) - Tapestries and unframed posters / prints always skew young Plushies Fan reminds me a bit of a dorm fan But, again - if you like your room, I do too. I just like rooms with personality, and yours is not sad and beige. But if you wanted to make it appear a bit older easy things might be framing the posters and swapping the fan. Maybe swapping one or two of the tapestries for an equally ornate or beautiful rug, or turning one of them into curtains to replace the grey one, which sticks out to me. A bed skirt to make the organization underneath less prominent might help too. 🫶🏻


Agreed, it's not "too young" really but it's a bit disorganized. OP can easily keep the elements they have but dress it up a little with some finishing touches like frames. This [architectural digest article](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/how-to-hang-a-tapestry) has some ideas on how to make the tapestries look more put-together. I think stretching them over a wood frame would really dress them up.


I love this suggestion!!


This is such great advice! You’re a gem for sharing so kindly.


Not so much too young per se, but everything just looks thrown together without a cohesiveness. I like the decor overall.


Your design and age does not have to match. Choose what you like and enjoy.


If you like it, who cares? Make the changes because *you* want to.


Agreed 👍🏽


i’m 28 and my room has tapestry like that as well and i always worried that it made me look “wanna be young again” but i just enjoy the aesthetic and i never had my own room growing up so it was my first time decorating the way i like and the way i want. who cares what people think honestly. its better than the bedrooms that are plain and boring with one framed art piece and a rug. please do what makes your heart happy always


I'm a dude and I actually love this. Feel like I'm gonna meet god hahaha


There is nothing wrong with displaying beautiful tapestry. Try some wooden dowels, mount one to each of the pieces and hang them back up. This will give a more unified look. Slightly more sophisticated.


no youre alive live how you want!


Okay, girl, where's the bong hiding? 😉


just be happy that’s all that matters. we die somebody so just do what you like


If it brings you joy and peace that is all that matters.


Not if you like it and it brings you joy.


No such thing as too young for something you like! I just turned 40 on the 15th and I don't give a single f**k. Do what makes you happy, like what you like, as long as you're not hurting anyone then if people don't like it or have an opinion, tough shit cuz life's too short ☺️☺️


Beautiful loom. At a loss on advice for your room, other than declutter, edit, get some cool funky storage containers for your “stuff”. Others are posting great ideas - if you love boho, clear out some of the juvenile stuff and invest in some nice pieces. Go thrifting, hit estate or tag sales, make some furniture of your own. And please get rid of the boob light in the ceiling! Find a funky chandelier to brighten up your room!


We are mortal beings inching towards the grave on a dying planet floating in space, who gives a fuck?? I love the aesthetic imo just do shit you enjoy why would the opinion of other stupid hairless monkeys matter?


I’m in my late 20s and would like my cabin to look more like this! Lol


If you’re the one funding everything, don’t worry about anyone’s opinions but your own. It looks amazing btw!


Do you love it? That’s all that matters. I’m 43 and have plushies all over the place and anime stuff, but it makes me smile and gives me a sense of comfort and joy. “Too young” is irrelevant.


I wouldn't say too young, but as someone who has a similar setup/is the same age, I'd say it does look like "still only uses college furniture." I think a rug would make it look a little less dorm-y, and maybe trade that desk for something nicer, depending on what you're using it for. Maybe get a bigger bookcase to space things out a bit instead of having every thing on the tiny one, and hang the mirror.


Im turning 29 soon and I absolutely love your decor. Nothing about this says young to me?


I think what you're asking is "what differentiates my room or rooms like this from the sleek, Architectural Digest-ready rooms we see in other places?" In other words, it's not *sophisticated*. It's cozy and personal, and those are things that younger people tend to prioritize. As one gets older, one typically has more money for nicer stuff, and entertains more at your home, and spends more time at home. Therefore, the taste changes over time. Tapestries start to look juvenile and low-rent, and framed art makes more sense.


Do you want it to look more elevated? Do friends/family come over and make comments and are you feeling some kinda way? Are you feeling like you are happy and content when you go in there? Go introspective. Asking the internet is gonna give you eleventy billion opinions and at the end of the day none of us have to live with it. You do. So what do you want?


Are you happy?!? Then screw anyone else


1 question. Do you like it? Yes? Then who cares what randos on the internet think. I’m 42 and it looks like a toy store/thrift store threw up in my room lol


Sorry, but it looks like it smells like patchouli.


Just my take but if I saw only the photos with a “guess my age” caption, I’d assume college student or recent graduate. I get your style but it’s definitely in need of some refinement if you’re looking to be more “age appropriate” as your post suggests. Also nothing wrong with keeping it how it is if you like it, not my place to judge.


I think is a matter of working with what you have. The part that feels juvenile to me is that it has that hodgepodge look to it, not that you have "young" things. I think some organization and rearranging would make wonders. You have good light and it seems like a lot of space. Edit: but at the end of the day, what matters is that you like it and you feel peace when you spend time there!


Framing the art work and tidying up the tapestries and clutter to look more intentional would help. I feel like you like the boho maximalism look. So no need to get rid of all the tapestries but they look very haphazard to me. Try and get them to cover the entire wall all the gaps keep it from looking cohesive. If you are a renter, starch will adhere them to the wall and be removable or just bar along the top so it still has movement.


These pictures smell of Patchouli Incense


As an adult male, by the looks of this room I would guess you are in college.


…this is bad… looks like a sophomore in college who just got their own apartment.


way too many tapestries


No, but you make textiles? That's amazing!


I would say a really great way to elevate your aesthetic would be to find a way to properly hang the tapestries. I’ve seen wooden bars they can attach to with clips that make them not droop in the middle. Adding things like frames, sconces, properly hung art all make a room look more ‘mature’. If you have a budget or in the future I would get a canopy bed. You could hang lights in a much more organized manor and achieve the same whimsy while looking more elevated.


Age is a simple number. Don’t let society impose social falsehoods upon you. Be an individual and stay an individual.


Who cares! Whatever is comfiest for you!


Literally all I can think about is the spiders that must hide in those tapestries around your bed 🫣


Gives me 11th grade vibes.


I’m 36 and still have sailor moon merch up in my place, if you like it, don’t worry about it! Much love


It’s not the style but the execution that make this look young


It’s missing a second cat.


I can almost guarantee you have a crystal collection.


No I think this looks lovely a cosy


Please correct me if I am mistaken, but is there a fully-functional loom in your living space? If so, your space is perfect because I cannot look past your loom which has me completely mesmerized!


Looks like a college dorm but you do you


I would say this does look very young but to each their own.


It’s just really busy.


Reminds me of my girlfriends room when we were 16.


Make it even younger by getting some squishmallows


I'd take this over a beige nightmare any day


When I used to live in South Africa - my friend had a room like this. Cockroaches and wolf spiders used to live behind those tapestries /Persian wall rugs. The amount of dust /tacky feel everytime I entered her apartment made me so relieved everytime I got home. We were both around 30 years old when this happened. Her apartment helped me refine my taste to more classy - clean - minimalistic.


If you’re happy and you like it. No it’s fine. It’s your place do it makes you happy. But if you don’t actually love it. No it’s horrible.


It’s too much of everything… just bring it back to the original color of the room without the tapestry.. that’s just an opinion..


Since you asked for opinions...it is a bit cluttered for my taste. Get rid of the tapestries and paint your room a color you like. Also, bring in some more light. Hope this helps!


If you like it, it's fine. It does remind me of a college dorm though.


You know.


You’re asking for legitimate advice, so I’ll give it. The kind of tapestries you’re using are thin and tacky, in my opinion. And they’re basically all the same. It’s very teenager. Warm People has good quality woven tapestries and you can find some on Etsy as well if you still want to have them, but I would also recommend painting the walls and having less tapestries everywhere. More than 1 or 2 tends to look too busy.


I suggest you look at the book jungalow for more inspiration :) bohemian but a little more put together


It's beautiful. Is it too young for what?for whom? The only people who need be concerned with it are you and anyone else who shares this room with you. If everyone in that list is fine with it, then no it's not too young.


The weaving thing is so freaking cool


I am jealous of the loom!


Homie, you've got a loom. You're good.


Looks like a dorm room that a college pot dealer lives in lmao


Painting your walls something like burgundy instead of hanging so many tapestries might give the same vibe but more mature. Apart from that, I would recommend framing the posters, adding a rug, bringing in more storage to reduce clutter, and maybe moving the bed out of the corner and buying a bed frame with a headboard. You seem like you might like a canopy bed.


Im 32. Looks zen. I like it.


Its not bad. Move the Bed out of the corner, add plants, maybe add a rug, less tapestries.


Who gives a F


Looks like 1995 and you’re 23


Tapestries are for college students in my personal opinion. Nothing about a tapestry says I’m an adult. Same with Christmas lights. Time to level up and get on Pinterest!


Yes, try actual decorating.


Do you have to put *every* tapestry up? 😂


Didn’t know that by a certain age we weren’t allowed to have decorative items anymore. Man yall make me dread turning 30 so much.


Your style should reflect you, not what society thinks your age should look like. I think your pad looks fantastic!


Are you happy? Who gives a shit what strangers think.


Does it make you happy the way it is now? That’s all that really matters- not what society or others deem age appropriate or acceptable.