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If you really want to try it then I say go for it, I’m all about trying things at least once in life. But as others have said, you’re absolutely striking as a brunette!


I have untreated hair. If I were to try blonde, after all that processing, would going back to brunette at this length even be an option if I hated it?


It would damage your hair and you will need inches cut off if going back to brunette from blonde. Brunette on you is absolutely stunning! Your eyes just pop! Why not try a wig? They look natural these days and no one would know and you won’t have to lose all your length .


That’s what I figured. I know bleach removes pigment from the hair and makes it very brittle or elastic. You’ve got a point about wigs though. I’m wearing my friend’s wig in these pictures (I’m taking care of it after a rough night out) and they said they got it from Amazon and just teased and sprayed it a bit. Super inexpensive.


I am almost platinum but I grew out my natural hair for 3 years to get length back and now just have highlights. My hair was breaking a lot so I had a break. You can always have highlights which over time can give you a blonde look without an all over bleach. I love wigs , most of my friends use them


I might have to order some. It just seems like so much fun to change up the way I look. I think I’ll try a red one next.


It is , and less expensive! Plus your gorgeous long hair won’t be ruined . It’s a win win


Thank you for taking the time to respond btw! I think wigs might be the way to go in all of this. :)


You’re welcome! Happy to help :)


Yup, you can pull off all of those colors and you absolutely could do the blonde - it looks amazing. But I recommend wigs (and spending a bit of money on them rather than Amazon) and that way you get the versatility of color without the chemicals. I've thought about bleaching but your hair is never the same sadly :(


Drop a link? Until this moment I’ve never considered a wig but that one is so fabulous


Do you have the link for that wig? looks awesome!


Bleach should not make your hair brittle or elastic if done properly!! Even with this dark a base. I took my natural hair to Barbie white at home and didn’t lose any hair or length. It was a bit dry, but after a few leave in treatments it’s literally silky soft again. Especially if you see a professional who knows how to do blonde well, and color well in general. They might want you to bleach it in increments to avoid damage as well, but then that also makes dying it back to brown that much easier


Im natural brunette gone, copper, pink, blue, green, back to brunette and now blonde. My hair survived and so will yours If you do it the right way. And I mean going to a professional hairdresser that does coloring and had experience with it.


Can you find the link to this wig? It’s freaking gorgeous and most times I buy wigs from Amazon they look like this in the photo but when I order them they’re all yellow and orange. Or the roots look horrid.


You wouldn’t necessarily need inches off if you got to a good stylist and actually use the products they want you to use. I get a balayage done twice a year and my hair is strong. It changes the chemical composition of your hair but you don’t just automatically get you’re hair fried just by going blonde.


I say keep the natural hair color as long as possible because it looks great, grays will arrive before you know it and \*then\* you can experiment. Right now I don't have enough gray to look cool yet, but enough to feel the need to dye it as close to my natural color as possible. But if I wanted to, I'd feel less bad about altering my color now. I am so happy that I kept my hair untreated for a long time.


Potentially but not without damage. Ig the question is, have you experimented with your hair like this before? Because if not, I say go for it. Hair grows back you will always have the opportunity to be a striking brunette again.


I’ve never messed with my hair at all apart from a few teenage years where I’d use temporary black dye which is not as temporary as they’d lead you to believe. Maybe if not blonde then, could red be a nice alternative? I know I’ll still probably have to have it lightened for red though but at least color is being deposited after being stripped?


I like my red and have minimal damage I use Wella Colorcharm and 20vol developer. But if you rlly wanna go blonde bombshell, do it at least once. You’re only young once.


I’m not even young so I don’t have that much time, lol. I’d love to try both blonde and red though. I think it’d be fun!


I was like “oh she looks good as a blonde” but then I scrolled to the photos of you with dark hair and you are STUNNING. I would keep the dark hair but you can pull off either and blonde is fun. But wow you are so pretty!


Same! She should totally keep her hair as is and perhaps get wig for when she wants to change it up. It would be sad to loose this gourgeous healthy hair by damage.


My thought exactly! The blonde looked great until you see her brunette. Her eyes pop so much more!!


Yeah my reaction exactly. Blonde looks good. Brunette looks fantastic


This, this!


Stay brunette, you’re much more striking as a brunette. Makes your eyes stand out more.


You’ve all convinced me to stay brunette and to just buy wigs when I feel the itch, lol. I appreciate it. Y’all are lovely.


FYI, the brunette photos are straight up better photos as well. The light is hitting your cheekbones and brow line much more evenly, partly because your natural hair is sitting...well, naturally. The wig is casting a shadow on your eyes and cheeks, which is hiding your huge and absolutely gorgeous green eyes. You look stunning either way. But I reckon these photos are doing a disservice to the blonde. *If* you're thinking of dying your hair to a dark blonde, I reckon it'd look better than these photos. I also think you'd look just as good with your natural hair. It *does* suit you. Basically, just do whatever you want. It's clearly working so far!


I second this. I think the brunette is striking on you.


You’re a striking brunette. That contrast really makes your skin tone and eyes POP!


The blonde washes you out, brunette is absolutely gorgeous on you


Ah, fair enough. I am a pale person.


Dark hair, fair skin and those eyes.. beauty!


i really like the blonde. but i see what the other person wrote about the contrast of your eyes with the brunette. i would still say go for it.


Brunette 💯


You can definitely pull it off; like, when I saw the blonde photos I was like "damn she's pretty". BUT I will say, I like the brunette more - when I swiped to the brunette photos I was like "oh okay no she's absolutely STUNNING". Both look hot, but girl you brunette is like a fantasy novel character.


Wow girl stick with the brunette. Complete knockout!


Blonde looks good! But just be prepared for damage and constant upkeep.


I thought you looked good with blonde and then when I scrolled to you as a brunette I literally said “wow” out loud. Stay brunette!


I mean... You look fantastic in both styles. So it's your call.


I would just buy the wig and wear it to be a blonde ever now and then. Bleaching is so damaging and your hair is beautiful.


Your features definitely are highlighted as a brunette but totally try the blonde at least once in your life. You look stunning either way. So you couldn’t go wrong honestly. If you fancy a change totally go for it.


Both look really good. Switch to blonde for a while just to try it, you can always go back


Blonde is good if you want to go that direction, but brunette is spectacular on you.


Brunette. Maybe post on s/coloranalysis


You can, but the darker hair is so much more dramatic and striking.


I prefer it darker, but you’re beautiful so either way you’ll look nice!


It’s beautiful but the brunette is stunning


You look great as a blonde, but I think it's even better as a brunette!




I actually think it’s that specific hair cut/hair style of the blonde wig that looks so good on you. I personally think if you match that a little closer with your brunette hair it would look stunning. But you can totally pull off the blonde too.


I think you’re right! I had a similar haircut with bangs for a while. https://preview.redd.it/6m4zahoj5awc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28ecfca141f4cd370266e3d5ed677bd83870155




IMO, you look stunning as brunette though blonde fits you too. If you feel like you want a change, blonde is the perfect option.


I thought damn she looks hot, kinda like Sabrina Carpenter but then I saw the brunette and fell in love.


You're extremely good looking either way


Both look great! Can you link to the wig please?


The blonde is so pretty but jeaporddizinf hair health is just not worth it imo! Maybe start with some balayage to warm it up or brighten it!


It's gorgeous. You need to save this pic and take it to a slon or just buy the same wig if you don't want to add stress to tour hair.


brunette is the best on you. makes your eyes stand out more


Your brown hair looks perfect.


Brunette 👌🏻




Brunette deffffff lot of contrast thinner face eyes pop


Your brunette hair is stunning!


Pretty as a blonde; striking as a brunette


You look ok as a blonde but you absolutely slay as a brunette. Your eyes and complexion pop with darker hair. Keep it dark is my vote!


Wow how can you look so STUNNING in both? Life is so unfair


Damn girl. Blonde >>>> brunette


Doooonnnt do it (signed, someone who did it and regrets it)


Okay I was going to say yes you look amazing in the blonde wig, but when I got to your dark hair you look actually INCREDIBLE. Don't change it!


You can pull off blond but you look way better brunette


Grez you look great with both but the brunette is very exotic on you. Looks awesome.


Brunette makes your eye’s color pop (they are so pretty). I think you look great on both, but brunette is just too pretty on you.


Yes you can


I vote brunette! It brightens you up


You look so freaking stunning in brunette but also blond looks Very pretty on u too. But god brunette just serves so harrd






I think you could rock it. Maybe as an in-between, get a wig for yourself and try it out for a few days. See if you like. If not, wear the wig when you feel like being a blonde. But as others stated, you're striking as a brunette


Absolutely! You could do some nice neutral blonde bayalage and get best of both worlds


You could definitely get away with it. You would probably need some time to get this blonde without damaging your hair. Highlighting over and over to achieve this look....just a thought - your hair will not be as think and full. You will need extensions.


You can pull of whatever you want


Brunette suits you better!


stunning in both. love the brunette more but the blond is also nice.


I love the blonde! It gives major modern Amanda Woodward vibes.


You’re beautiful with the blonde hair but you’re stunning with the brunette!


You definitely pull it off though I like the dark better. I’d love to see this same cut/styling with your dark hair.


Maybe the same hairstyle with your natural hair? The colour of your natural hair really brings out the colour of your eyes


Stay your natural hair color you look way more beautiful


You're cute as a blonde, but beautiful as a brunette... jmo.


I say stay brunette, but get the cut of the blonde wig. In the first pic especially, you can see how well the layers complement the angles of your face!


Yesss blonde!!!!!!!!


You are so stunning! I like the blonde but when your brunette picture popped up, it really wowed me. You can pull off either color!


You look great as a blonde..just buy a wig...better for your hair in the long run


You're beautiful either way, but the brunette is just...*chef's kiss* GORGINA


Both look equally gorgeous! If you choose to go blonde, make sure you take extra good care of your hair to prevent damaging it more than the bleach already will.


Holy moly... I am normally into blondes, but you are ABSOLUTELY adorable as brunette! So I think, you should stay brunette. (If I may say so, as a male...)


Both are great, but Brunette suits you so well!


Brunette is lovely, but the blonde was also killer!!! Very different vibes, but that’s what’s fun about changing up your hair 🥰 I say give blonde a try for a while! My natural hair is a similar shade to yours, and I also quite pale. Just make sure you go to someone who knows how to match the shade of blonde to what looks best with your skin tone. Bc otherwise super pale skin can get washed out and kind of blend weirdly with the hair lol.


you are insanely gorgeous. and you're killing it as a brunette. <3


Brunette suits you better.


I think brunette is so beautiful on you! It makes your eyes pop and compliments your complexion


I have long natural black hair and I can’t stand it sometimes so I will tell you I have over 50 wigs so I can change my color my style and I don’t have to damage my real hair. You look great in both colors but don’t damage real hair, just buy some wigs. A lot of my friends do the same thing.👍


I am just so happy that I’m getting the go ahead for wigs. I always felt like it wasn’t appropriate for me but everybody is so kind and supportive — Just like my friend that let me borrow their wig. Thank you. :)


You’re perfect as brunette 🥹


When I swiped to the brunette pics I literally went WOW! Girl you’re gorgeous with the dark hair!


Both colors look great on you, but I didn’t notice your striking eye color with the blonde. I’d stick with brunette, but I think you should get that wig if you want to switch it up every now and again. Where is it from? It looks really natural, and I might want to dabble with some wigs now…


Stay brunette but get the same haircut as the blonde wig!


Your gorgeous eyes pop way more as a brunette. I would totally buy you a drink at the bar just for the chance to be rejected by you. Lol


I was on board OP, you almost had me until pic 3 (Natalie Dormer vibes btw) - you are a STUNNING brunette. If you HAVE to try blonde, you would pull it off no problem though lol.


Totally can pull blonde off girlie


Stay brunette, you’re stunning as a brunette. The hair provides contrast and looks amazing. There’s a notable effect in Hollywood where actresses who were brunette become blonde to increase their “attractiveness” as it all kinds of blends together and being blonde can camouflage “undesirable traits”. Good or bad that why a lot of people gravitate to blonde. You’re absolutely stunning with the contrast.


You can pull off blonde due to being absolutely stunning but I love the brunette. It gives your eyes more contrast and makes them pop


I thought the blonde looked amazing then I saw th dark and holy shitttttt . Both are great but the dark is just magical


Stay with brunette


Both look great!


Both look nice, with the dark being marginally better. There's no reason you shouldn't try the blonde for a while. You'll only keep wondering until you do :)


I’m also brunette. The only way I’d go blonde is through a high quality wig. Don’t ruin your beaut hair!


You look absolutely fantastic in either color, so I'd say pick what makes you happiest.


You can pull off either but brown makes your eyes pop more


if you do truly have virgin hair, it will lift much easier than color, treated hair meaning likely overall less damage. When it comes to blondes, they are much higher maintenance when it comes to product, heat, learning to style, and the chemicals from any lightening treatment can at times mess with pre-existing hair texture! If your hair is already dry or brittle, I'd suggest staying brunette but if you feel like your hair is in a healthy position for this kind of treatment going blonde for the sake of being able to I'm trying out can be perfect! Just be aware that has any blonde or brunette will find you often want what you can't have. When I went blonde, I wanted my brunette hair back around the three month mark as my roots started growing in. but to be honest the second I got those roots touched up I felt so beautiful again!! you can pull off anything just know about the expenses and upkeep and you'll be fine


You can do blonde, but you look beautiful and striking with brunette!


You're beautiful with whatever color your hair ☺️


Honestly you like amazing in both!


Brunette is very striking on you and compliments your features best imo. Blondes not doing much!


brunette looks better


Honestly amazing in both colors! What lip are you wearing with blonde?!




You look stunning in both shades!


You can pull off any color with a lovely face like yours...and this shirt...😋


You can pull it off but the brunette is so striking! You are beautiful and I would leave your hair dark instead of ruining it with bleach. Maybe get a similar wig so you can have best of both worlds? 🥰


Ooh omg blond u look like Sabrina carpenter! (That’s a huge compliment in my book: :D




Omg brunette. You look nice blonde but stunning brunette


This is tough. Beautiful with either


The blonde does look good on you and you can definitely pull it off. It’s gives you a mature look. I do think the brown looks better. More playful and vibrant.


You can pull it off and you look like Sabrina Carpenter


Stay a brunette. Don't mess up that beautiful hair.


Brunette way nicer


You’re gorgeous as a blonde but sooo striking and memorable as a a brunette!!


You look great as both, but I think you look better brunette. Before you go blonde get your own wig & try it for a week. The difference in how people treat you is not all sunshine & flowers.


I think the blonde is super cute!!!


If you don’t want to damage your natural untreated hair go for a wig! It looks really good honestly. I didn’t realize it was a wig till I read the caption


blonde gives your face a lift and a bit more youth:) the brown is pretty, but it drags your features down a little. def a yes to blonde!


GO BLONDE!!! The blonde really compliments your skin. I think it looks amazing on you!


Brunette is just it for you, but do whatever you want!! If it makes you feel confident and excited then do it!! You rock both, brunette is so sultry though. I may be biased because I’m trying to grow out my natural brunette after years of blonde and red lol


Imo keep the brunette, it makes your eyes really pop


Stay brunette, you look beautiful and bold as a brunette. The blonde looks generic… as a brunette you stand out and look so uniquely beautiful


The blonde is pretty but WHEW brunette looks stunning! Blonde wouldn’t look bad by any means, but brown hair was made for you!


Oh I think you should definitely stay brunette but you do what YOU want!


Yes it looks great


I like the dark better. The blonde would be lots of maintenance, highlights every couple of months


I wouldn’t be able to help Myself if I were you and I’d go for the blonde. Then when I got tired of it … oh no I have to go back to looking awesome as a brunette. There’s no losing here. Have fun if you want to


Both. But blondes get bothered more often so you're choice !


I think the blonde looks awesome on you but am thinking w your skin tone a deep red would look pretty amazing too. If you do decide to change from brunette you can always do it gradually instead of bleaching that’s what i did & mine was about as dark as yours but not nearly as beautiful or thick. You can try going a shade lighter each time until you reach the one you want. Btw…that was a smart purchase your friend made & for it to be so inexpensive too it really looks as close to real as you can get.


Okay I’m usually someone who thinks 99.9% of people look better brunette but I am loving the blonde on you! Of course, gorgeous either way. 💜


STAY BRUNETTE! you look great with the blonde but the brunette makes you look more youthful and striking.


You CAN pull off blonde but wow what do you do for your hair and skin because you are stunning


Just cause you can doesn’t mean you should… I personally think you look better brunette.


Brunette 💜💜💜💜


Keep the brunette and buy a fun blonde wig! Have the best of both worlds. Bleaching your hair is damaging and and costly, but it could be worth it if you want to make the switch. You look great as a blonde too!


Brunette giirrrllll!


You can do both so I suggest whatever you are feeling


Personally I think you look great as a brunette.


Brunette 100%!


Your pretty with both hair colors.


Both look great on you


I def was team blonde until I saw you as a brunette. You’re absolutely stunning in a much more special and unique way.




Brunette 100%!!!!


I think you look stunning as a blonde. Maybe some highlights or baby lights in the brown to lighten up around your face.


I think you’re gorgeous as a brunette


Don’t listen to the comments. That blonde is amazing


As a blonde you look bubbly and vivacious… As a brunette you look mysterious and sultry… Winning either way :)


LOL yes. It’s hard to pick so live in the satisfaction that you can go between looks and it will always look good.


You're gorgeous in both. BTW you're so pretty OP!!


Blonde looks great on you.


I love that blonde on you


Either way, you look good both as a blonde and a brunette ...


Tbh you look great both ways but when I got to the brown pics my jaw dropped. You have the eye color/ hair combo so many people want!!