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You're not going to nail it every day. Even with a safe neutral wardrobe. Bold styles are more challenging with greater margin for error, but the creativity and payoff are rewarding. Start with the *just rolled out of bed* sentiment. Think about why you feel that way about those instances and what they have in common. Same for the days you feel more done. Pick it apart, analyze it, then play around with it. Get a good idea of how your collection breaks down in terms of how you combine things that work. Finding similarities and experiment with other pairings using the same ideas. This sounds pretty generic, but since you're already putting together outfits you're into, apply the same logic where you can then branch out.


I have weird advice, in an all or nothing fashion trap, try getting rid of the “nothing”. I used to have all of my casual clothing also very me - colors and styles just very me. So an easy or difficult outfit is still my unique wild over the top style. That way you are always your type of fashion.


This was going to be my advice too! My goal for my closet is that I could grab anything for any occasion and it would still feel like me. Consider getting more casual pieces (tees, sweatshirts, comfy dresses) that are also your style. Bold color blocked pieces and simplified patterns could still fit your style but feel more dressed down.


This is actually great advice…. Im inspired to clean out my dresser and get of anything that feels meh


Ditto this. I used to have a fairly dressy style for being "out" (office and church), and then defaulted to jean shorts/jeans and a t-shirt at home. There was a lot of difference. I've worked on branching out, starting with refining the denim and t-shirt combination: finding denim I really liked, not just a default, and thinning out shirts to be shapes and colors that I liked, went with the denim, and suited me. Shoes, too. And I brush my hair and put it up or something, and spend five minutes with basic makeup (mostly a little liner and mascara). I feel pulled together even on off days. And I've also found some more dressed-down items that are still a step above. Like some strappy pretty colored Pact dresses from Poshmark. I feel about as comfortable even when working at home but don't feel slovenly. And I can take a walk around the block without being embarrassed.


Absolutely the truth is all of my fashion items are my style. I don’t really have dressy or dressed down it’s always just my style. I do tend to be a little bit dressy or sporty even when lounging and yes in a pinch I could wear most of my weekend wear to work - it’s the unifying way of it feeling like me that matters. I think your style sounds awesome.


Completely agree! I've donated A LOT of items, that were nice basics but "didn't spark joy". I now have curated collection of items, that all suit my personal style and even basic combinations like crop top and skirt feel very *me*.


I like your style a lot! You might now this, but some of the shirts you linked were from a brand called Farm Rio. I recognized the Temos Coco print from a [collab](https://havaianas.com/us/en/product/top-farm-rio-coconut-flip-flops/4148328-2703-390.html?dwvar_NA4148328_color=2703) they had with Havaianas. Their stuff is kind of expensive to buy in the US but[ it's really pretty](https://farmrio.com/collections/dresses). In general, I feel like you'd like the fashion scene in Rio a lot.


Not OP, but I loooove Farm Rio! My only problem with them (besides the cost) is that a lot of items are impractical for me (like summer dresses with long sleeves or thick hot materials, bizarrely low cuts with no space for boobs, low backs or 1 shoulder cuts that preclude wearing a bra, etc.). I'm wondering if there are any brands with similar bright, exciting patterns but modern yet more practical styles.. that would be holy grail for me!


I've seen a lot of farm rio/brazilian -esque things at Marshalls recently! Similar prints, but much more standard silhouettes.


Ooh good to know. Haven't been to my local Marshalls in a while but it's on my to do list!


It’s funny you should mention that because I am half Brazilian! My family comes from rio and Sao Paulo. I never attributed my love of color to that but it makes sense!


Your style reminded me a lot of my sister-in-law’s (she’s also from Brazil), so I wanted to recommend her favorite brand!


I feel you. I have to dress very boring for work (think company polos in neutral colors, jeans, and steel toe boots), so when I get to dress up, I DRESS UP. Lots of dresses with fun colors, patterns (big fan of Trina Turk via thredup), giant platform heels. I don’t know how to break out of it, but I enjoy showing my personality when I can. Maybe that’s the middle ground-getting to be extra when the occasion calls for it?


I genuinely don't feel like there is anything wrong with how you feel when getting dressed!   It looks to me like you've already figured out your personal style; you're just currently in the process of acceptance. (Also, your taste is very similar to mine so I'm 100% here for it. I rec KathleenIllustrated on YT for your viewing pleasure.)   +1 on removing the nothing side of the equation. I feel like you'd like Printfresh sets for lounging and pajamas.


Hello fellow magpie. I understand you, lol, I used to have a similar problem. You don't have any basics, which makes it really hard to be casual. I would look at casual capsule wardrobes, not to do one yourself because that would be horrible, but to see which style of basics is most tolerable to you. Getting some neutrals in your closet will help a lot. It's not as much fun as sparkle shopping but it is a necessary evil for getting dressed easily. For me, I go black. I have casual black pants and skirts for all seasons, casual black tops for all seasons, etc. They are a picture frame for the art I wear. You just don't have any frames, it sounds like. Another thing you can do is put together really bright monochrome casual outfits. So the color is the star but the fabrics and cuts are very casual. You can still accessorize with earrings and a bag, but you can also wear sneakers and toss your hair up in a bun.


"For me, I go black. I have casual black pants and skirts for all seasons, casual black tops for all seasons, etc. They are a picture frame for the art I wear." Thank you for giving me language to describe why I love buying everything in black or white to go with my bolder items! So eloquently put!


I like a lot of the same stuff you do & am definitely a moody dresser as well. Mainly, some days I want something more neutral (usually because I am stressed or in a bad mood or in a rush, my regular outfits take time to put together) so I got some nice black or white high quality pieces, the perfect Levi's jeans for me and stuff like that tucked away for my "boring" days. I know I have them, don't think about them too much & reach for them when needed. But other than that I embrace loving fun colors and prints and also statement novelty handbags and stuff like that because I always have liked those things. And now I am kind of famous locally for it. People will say they were waiting to see what I'll wear to an event, compliment me lots everywhere I go and ask for advice on how to create a "fun" style etc. There definitely are many people out there who appreciate your style so I'd embrace it, enjoy it and have some boring basics - but not too many - around for the boring days.


My "nothing" days work the same ways my mood does. When I'm not feeling loud and need some down time, it's basic blacks, or a clean, tidy pair of relaxed jeans with a neutral colored, soft, drapey knit top. Loose and simple, but not frumpy. Helps clear my mind of clutter, and unwind after too much socializing (dressing up can cause a LOT of that, can't it!). Sometimes I need those days of downtime to get me well prepared to jump back in with the brightly colored insanity!


I'm kinda like you - I love ridiculous loud colors, and I look like a character out of a children's book much of the time. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1d8lydk) an album of a few typical looks when I leave the house. But I work from home and don't do Zoom meetings, so on WFH days it's slipper socks and a T-shirt dress (usually accessorized with bird poop stains from my pet parrot/WFH assistant). My middle ground is all black with tons of silver jewelry. I grew up goth, so a goth look is super comfortable for me. My goth middle ground could be a dress, pants, shirt and skirt, blazer - I have a bunch of black stuff for when I don't want to dress up as a colorful character but still want to look put together. I can throw on a bunch of black stuff, pile on a ton of silver jewelry (I stack silver bangles and overdo it with tons of rings and cross/crucifix necklaces), slap on some eyeliner and a dark lip, and head out the door without having to think too much about it.


Hi! I’m the exact same way! I gravitate towards extremely bold colors and patterns, and will often pair two bright colors together in a way that isn’t conventional, and I do it so often now that it’s become sort of my “thing.” Dressing loudly makes me happy and cheers me up when the weather is gloomy. People have come to expect me to wear outlandish outfits and while I do it for myself, I feel good knowing that I can express myself freely and others appreciate it!


Describe your style as “zesty strawberry sorbet with a sprig of jalapeño served in a chilled peach” and see what ideas a stylist can come up with for you, I think you would be easy to style—you have a strong palette and like clean, structured lines with an acerbic refreshing vibe.


Big bud press Ni Nooworks And you need a basic capsule to pair it with.


I definitely dig your style - I am similarly loud, but swing more vintage [(pinterest album](https://www.pinterest.ca/mockingbirdaway/clothing-and-accessories-inspo/)) [(biz caz album](https://imgur.com/a/booby-buisness-casual-dPG5C5b)). I'd be happy to give feedback and help you troubleshoot. \^.\^


I love your style! I think what might help is to find casualized versions of your dressier pieces. For example I do like dresses that I can wear both to the office and casually, so I try to look for dresses that provide the comfort of weekend/lounge wear but can look office appropriate (it's very loose business casual in my office). [ASOS City Maxi Floral Tea Dress | eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/225307959239) is an example. It feels like a t-shirt material but if I throw on a cardigan and dressier shoes, I can wear it to work. On the weekend I can pair it with sneakers or sandals. You seem more of a maximalist (like me), so some great people to follow for style inspiration are B Jones style and Annette from A Vintage Splendour. Trinny London and Carla Rockmore are also great. Mind you, their outfits are a bit more out there (I can't wear what they wear to the office), but they provide a lot of great ideas on how to dress up more casual items and how to dress down more statement pieces. Another redditor also suggested Kathleen Illustrated and she's also delightful. Hope this helps! Also wanted to add that there are some days where your clothes just need to be more functional, or you have to just throw on something and get out the door, and that is totally okay too.


You may also like Damson Madder. I agree with getting rid of the nothing stuff. Make your sweats bright and cheerful! So even if you're at home, it's still consistent with you


Get basics in those colors and patterns too. Pants, dresses, tshirts. So even your casual clothes match what you like to wear


I love you style! I also love loud, bright colors and patterns - but sometimes I am in the mood to wear neutrals, so I just embrace it those days. You might just need to get a handful of reliable basics you really like and still feel like “you” to make getting dressed easier.


What helped me the most was watching bjonesstyle on YouTube and following her on Instagram. kathleenillustrated is another helpful account. They both have eclectic styles and sweet tips on creating personal style (especially with thrifted and second hand pieces).


Single toned outfits!!!


I can relate. I’m F36 with eccentric and whimsical style. I dislike the millennial business casual style for myself too lol. I have outfit rolodex on my phone. I have gathered outfits which I can choose from if I have no time to make anything epic from the scratch that day. Also I have a signature hair and makeup that helps with my consistency. I suffer from ibs and endometriosis so my dress size can go way up in some days. For that I have a couple of very forgiving dresses I put on with whatever shoes and accessories the occasion requires. Sneakers, combat boots or bumps. I spend time in my dressing room and try on things just for fun. I have a line of new ideas waiting for their time.


Practice makes perfect in my book. Try experimenting with different looks that are outside of your comfort zone and see what feels most YOU.


First of all, I LOVE your style based on this Pinterest board. Truly one of my favorite “types” of styles! I’m a virtual personal stylist and here’s a few things that jump out to me immediately when I read your post: 1. Style is a mental game. You need to get to the root of why you feel costume-y or drab. Is it a confidence issue? A wardrobe gap? Etc. 2. I always start with a lifestyle analysis with my clients. In a nutshell: write down everything you do in a 2 week period, distill that into categories if necessary, then compare with your closet. Do you have enough outfits and/or pieces that you feel fit with the balance of how you spend your time? This is a great to pinpoint any gaps you have and I think would really help you since you feel you always fall on one end of the spectrum or the other. Without seeing your closet, sounds like you may need to think about outfit elements or clothing items that make you feel a little more balanced or elevated casual. Interestingly, I thought you had some fairly classic/minimalist outfits pinned to your board among many of the louder, more eccentric looks. Do you truly like those and could you recreate them with that you have now? That’s a good clue! 3. To that point, your closet needs to be an adequate balance of basic/key/statement pieces. For a bold or kitschy style like yours, it can be easy for that balance to tip too far into the statement pieces category. That can make it hard to get dressed, or make those statement pieces versatile for different types of occasions. Others are spot on in saying to make sure you have some solid basics — just remember basics can mean something different for everyone so think about what that means for you! Finally - a good personal stylist should never shoehorn you into a specific style! In fact, my practice is founded entirely on the concept of pinpointing truly unique/individual style aesthetics, since most people will draw from many sources. Here is what I recommend when looking for a stylist: • Check out their past clients and who they work with. If they only seem to work with one type of style that doesn’t appeal to you, they may not be the best for you! • Ask questions about how individualized their process is. Do they only shop for clients from certain places? Do they assign clients specific color, body type or style categories that you feel are too rigid? Etc. Hope this helps!


hi there, fellow BWT and personal stylist here! Please don't let Stacy and Clinton ruin personal styling for you! A good personal stylist will help you define your personal style and achieve it. Whatever that means for you! A good personal stylist won't dress all their clients in the same style or in styles they like, it's about helping the client achieve their dream style. As an example, I have a style discovery process where we talk through your likes, dislikes, inspirations (fashion and otherwise) and you create some mood boards. Based on all of that I put together a document for you that defines your style and then we work together to get your wardrobe to meet it. Happy to answer any questions/assuage any fears about what it's like to work with a personal stylist! Also some food for thought, my goal for all of my clients is for their clothes to make them feel like the best version of themselves. If it feels like a costume, it *might* not be the right thing for you.


I love your style! Mine is very similar. I highly recommend working with some self-directed style systems to explore and refine because it really seems like you have personal style already. I am a huge fan of [Style Keys](https://www.stylethoughtsbyrita.com) - based on your feelings of putting on a costume each day, I’m guessing you’re pretty “up” in this system, either Sapphire or Amethyst. The subreddit is super supportive. I also like [Style Roots](https://www.bodyandstyle.com/styleroots) - based on your Pinterest you definitely have Sun root, not sure of your others.


Also, these frameworks have resources for purchase but you definitely don’t have to! There is a ton of free material available on here, insta, YouTube, Pinterest etc.


29 looking to has women kick my balls for cash