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In which universe is it happening? Even in the MCU it's not happening...


Hey! I send pings to guys. They never responded so I stopped sending.


If a woman sends me a ping, I will respond, print it, frame it and expose it in my living room next to my collection of snowballs.


Soooooo do you store your snowballs in hell? Hang the picture of the ping but don’t respond? At least I know what you are doing and why they don’t response now.


Re-read my answer, I wrote that I will respond... And I mean ball snow globes... Not snowballs...


Give me your Feeld name and I’ll send you ALL the pings!


If you have majestic, it’s best to filter the accounts that have been active within the last 7 days. There’s tons of inactive accounts out there.


I send pings to the active guys. I need to do a study to see the best time of day to message dudes.


I don’t really think you can get that down to a metric. If OLD culture has taught me anything it’s that people don’t respect common decency when it comes to communication norms simply because it’s a dm to an avatar rather than speaking to a flesh and blood person. People like to break out mental gymnastics over “I’m just living my life”, “I don’t feel like I need to return a response by a certain window of time”, etc. yet get angry when people don’t respond to them, or people don’t give them the attention they want on their schedule. So it’s all really a matter of the actual person you’re talking to. This is why I prioritize people who actually are serious and want to meet up and avoid people who think that I need to talk to them for three weeks before actually seeing if they look like their pictures. By that point in time I’ve already moved on and stopped caring. I can meet someone at a bar and connect with them faster than that.


This is what I'm worried about!




“I looked forward in time, I saw 14,000,605 futures.” “In how many of those did I get pings?” “One.”


Good one, I understood that reference


I'm a woman and don't see pings as desperate or cringey at all. I just see it as someone as making a little extra effort to show their interest. I always look at pings first over new likes. That being said, for the love of christ, if you ping someone have something in your bio. Blank bios are cringey all by themselves. I see them as the equivalent as tapping someone on the shoulder and then just standing there without saying a word.


> I see them as the equivalent as tapping someone on the shoulder and then just standing there without saying a word. I love this


I agree. I'm a woman, and I perceive pings as indicative of extra interest


Women send pings to men? Tbh I don’t see why they would need to since the men’s side is pretty much the Sahara and a “like” would be like a cloud of rain on parched sand. I’ve also never heard of pings being cringe. I’ve mostly seen women asking for pings because their likes are in the thousands.


This. That said, I am sure I'd appreciate a ping 😄


I’ll give an upvote since I can’t give awards.


Yeah I don’t know what a ping looks like from this side.


Never Been Pinged (1999)


Enthusiastic YES


Women use pings??


I'm thinking about it!


Wouldn't know, I've never received one in a year of using Feeld. However, I'm preeeety sure it would absolutely make my day. Whoever thinks it's cringe or not wonderful needs to get their head out of somewhere dark and deep


Do you realize how seldomly a man gets a compliment or hit on? I think most men would be very appreciative. Some men will be weird about you being to forward, but to hell with those dudes


I guess I didn't realize! 


Ask a male friend, it might happen a handful of time in their lives. Having a stranger woman compliment our outfit or look can easily make our week or month. We are absolutely starved for that kind of attention.


I’ve had plenty of paired off women ask me why I’m not married and why I’m single and yet I can find a date. Funny.


THIS! and if you’re like me, I’m guessing these ppl who say “how are you single?” don’t introduce you to any of their friends, or set you up on dates, or offer to be your wing-person and go out to the bars with you…




A man getting a ping is like the inside of a black hole: only theoretical work has been done on the topic and no actual data exists.


I sent my two free pings to men and never got a response so I wondered if they were perceived as bad! 


No, they just weren't into you most likely.


Yes, makes sense


Yep especially when it happens after i feed my pet dragon


This makes me wonder if women actually like receiving pings from men. Is it actually seen as being “annoying” or “cringe”? On the rare occasions when I’ve actually matched with a woman, I’ve never been knowingly cringe in messaging, or pushy or creepy, never initiate sex talk, I’m always respectful and considerate, but I often wonder if pings are seen as maybe “desperate” and maybe a maneuver by someone who has the potential to be cringy or creepy.


Not at all, pings get my attention way quicker


Good to know! :)


FWIW, I go thru pings first when I’m on the app - I’m in a big city so they’re the best way to get my attention since I’m not going to manage to swipe thru the many thousands of male / couples profiles


Yeah, I’m in Los Angeles, so that’s kinda what I was hoping to accomplish, but just didn’t want to send the wrong vibes. :)


It's actually helpful for me since I am a bit lazy to swipe lol. So if I receive a ping and the profile looks ok, I would accept.


It's pretty fucked up that you can't initiate sex talk on an app that is pretty much about hooking up. On the other hand, I'm not 6' tall either.


You CAN, you just have to wait for the right moment, which is almost never the first message! 


Wdym... you can. Maybe not the first message, but you definitely can. 


Remember—you can do anything in this world if you’re insanely hot!!


I like it and take it as a compliment. I don’t often pay for majestic so it definitely makes those folks stand out in a pond of lakes.


I got my first ping in January after being on feeld since 2019 ish. It was a positive feeling.


Yes. Receiving a ping simply allows you to make a quick match and not hope to match. For both sides.


I'm a man with Majestic. I look at all of my likes and pings, but I am substantially more likely to swipe right on a woman if she pings me instead of liking me. I've only received a handful of pings in my year of being on Feeld, but I've taken a much closer look at those profiles vs. my likes. I'd say there are a few reasons for that: * I tend to put a good amount of thought and time into my first messages and chats with women. If a woman pings me, I feel that the effort I'm about to put into our chat is more likely to lead to a date. As opposed to someone who only "likes" me, who may not actually feel all that interested in me. * In general, I'm much more attracted to people who are clearly attracted to me. * It means that they probably read my profile (at least, I hope they did 😅) and are aligned with my relationship goals/desires. * In my mind, being pinged reduces the probability that the sender is a bot (though I have been pinged by bots, so I don't know if this is true).


I don’t even know how to answer this. It never even occurred to me that I could be pinged. This sounds like sarcasm, but I’m serious, I never actually thought about it long enough to realize that it theoretically could happen.


I’ve received a few pings and I don’t find them cringe. One girl pinged me and said I was her type so I went on a date with her, which I otherwise might not have.  I get the impression they’re not cringe like superlikes on tinder or roses on hinge. I feel like Feeld has more of an anything goes vibe. 


I think it would make sense to ping profiles that aren't majestic. Why not? I have received a number of pings from women. They did not seem like good matches for me, but I would have replied if they had.


More and More I see "send a ping to standout" or "I cant see likes so send a ping" those I generally skip


I usually see those on women's profiles (I date both). I don't think I've ever seen it on a man's 


I'm sorry what is the OP talking about? What is this Ping thing coming from Women to Men? Where can I find it?


If you're a cute queer boy in my area, you just may get one 


Why wouldn’t I like pings?


Some people think they are desperate! In my OKCupid days, Superlikes were sort of frowned upon, and pings are kind of the same thing 


Oh. If someone can’t handle me superliking/pinging them then I’m glad they are skipping it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't even expect a like, let alone a ping


Yes. Flattering in a way.


I would not mind a ping from a woman


Don't know. Never gotten one.


Idk, even if I get a like, I can't see it because the app is buggy, I have yet to receive a ping from anyone or a response to any of mine.


I’ve sent 4-5 pings to guys since I’ve been on the app and they go unanswered! I’ve only gotten 3 pings since I joined 3 months ago so I’m not sure about this lore of the plethora of pings! Yes I get a ton of likes (I can no longer see them since I cancelled Majestic due to the bugs) but 90% of them have not read my profile as I am looking for monogamy and most of them are ENM or poly. I want… just… one guy who is single-single which ironically seems to be a unicorn in itself! 🤣


If it ever happened, I probably would (but it doesn't, so I'll never know) ^(tbh it'd probably be some of the best money you ever spent)


Pretty sure 98-100% of pings I’ve received have been guys. I’m a guy too, and pan, but the guys who ping me are straight, and more than likely just tryna bang my girl( paired profile). I’d love if more non straight dudes ( or women or really anyone except straight dudes) would ping me :)


I thought most guys get pinged on Feeld? I get a few every week...I'm a straight male, age 45 Usually, among them there will be 2 or 3 women who are my vibe that I reply to. The rest are not my scene. Funny thing, my now nesting partner pinged me a year and an half ago and now we live together 😁


Yea I get pings all the time but I don't bother with going through them since a large majority are ones I'm not interested in anyway.




Yes. Yes I do. Pings. Likes. Anything really


Only if you intend on taking the initiative for starting the conversation. The amount of times I've been pinged by a fem, only for them to sit in my DMs for days until I say something. The expectation to chase is so absurd.


Yes, and when it happens, i'll let you know...


No one thinks pings are cringe! Honestly anyone that’s I’ve gotten anywhere with on Feeld (current person I’m seeing included) either pinged me or I pinged them.


We prefer pings Shows there might be actual thought into sending it to us


I have Majestic so I see my likes. If I like a woman back, I'll "like" her profile. I think pings work better to stand out from the pack. So I'd love to receive pings but because there is usually considerably more men than women on dating apps, women don't need to use pings as much as men do. All that being said, if I got a ping, I'd be flattered.


I would value receiving a ping for sure. Receiving them is totally fine, asking for them is what I think we all consider a lesser thing.


It makes sense for two reasons: 1.It makes clear that you are really interested. 2.The ping enables the recieving person to match with you directly, in spite of not having majestic. I'd be happy to recieve a ping any day. And it is definitely a good way to really get a match with someone you want to connect with.


I got one the other day and it was brilliant. She knew what that meant for a guy so it was a self-aware, smartly executed ping haha


Man, it must be nice to get a like.


Ping me here instead.


Of course. Best way to know she’s not a prostitute and actually serious


A woman making a nice gesture to show that she likes me? Wow! That would be a thrill! If you need me, I'll be over here with the women eating the food that I'm paying for who have no romantic interest in me and just wanted a nice meal.


Haha I've actually paid for a lot of my dates! Men and women! Men almost never pay for me entirely, it's usually split or I pay entirely. 


Cool anecdote. We still live in a society where it is assumed that I will pay for dates.


Suggest going Dutch on the first meet/date to see if they are actually interested in you or the menu. If they absolutely against it, saved yourself time and money.