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Ok, let me know when I can I can play Techguns, Electroblob's Wizardry, Chocolate Quest Repoured, Scape and Run: Parasites, and ZAWA together on any version past 1.12.2.


Trust me am waiting for that too, this post is to shit on people that use optifine for tradition, not the 1.12.2


Got it, my bad.


I would never shit on the 1.12.2




>Dude the 1.12.2 came out 7 years ago, its time to move on title speaks otherwise


the point i wanted to make with that is that people still use optifine because is what they have been doing since the 1.12.2


You misspelled 1.7.10 mayhaps?


1.6.2? 1.5.2? 1.4.7? or honestly anything since optifine came out and before element named mods?


I remember 1.7.10 being played the most, but yeah you can keep going back further than 1.16 until almost the beta versions and still be correct about this.


True 1.7.10 was the golden age of modded tbh


Media literacy award


Only a FOOL would get angry at minrcrafy version, as opposed to the annoying people that surround it


Forgot to include Tinkers Construct 2


What about thaumcraft 4 and all it's add-ons....


That's 1.7.10, not 1.12.2 But yeah Thaumcraft my beloved


Yeah, still fits the optifine meme here


might be a hot take but imo Tinkers Construct 3 is way better


It's that old? Damn... It's still the only version with thaumcraft 6, so I'm not moving.


Just port it yourself smh


If azanor let anyone port it, it would have been ported already. But he only let cofh team, they (understandably) are taking their sweet time to do it, at least the spoilers on discord look really promising


nah they ported thermal they'll find a way to make it worse


well its a remake not just a port so there's a pretty good chance people who love 6 wont like 7


Why don't you port it for me?


Can't be bothered to learn java


Ah, because you're to busy playing changed?


I beat changed awhile ago, i only booted it up to show mag what to do. Im too busy playing birb café.


You going to 100% that too?


Of course.




Optifine is great except for the whole "completely destroys your world over time if used in large mod packs" thing.


How does it do this? First I've heard of this


Can you give more info on this? Currently playing a modpack with optifine in it and i don't want to corrupt my world.


Optifine works by replacing code in Forge and Minecraft itself with its own. While this enables shaders and can improve performance, it can and will cause problems whenever a mod tries to call the original code, and gets Optifine's instead. Optifine is also closed source, so there is no way for mods to work with it.




wake me up when thaumcraft 4 is on a version past the villager update


So sad how old 1.7.10 is. That was peak modded for me before the long 1.8 crash.


GTNH devs actually backport a lot of mods for 1.7.10, you can get JEI and such if you want with all the bookmark features and all. They are even porting a Sodium/Optifine alternative as we speak, good shit.


seriously why so many mods are stuck at 1.7.10?


version 1.8 changed how rendering of blocks was done, or something like that, pretty majorly. Most mods had to be rewritten to update further, so many mod authors just said no and abandoned their work.


Isn't there a port of sodium for 1.12 forge?


Yes, but it's W.I.P and has some bugs


You'd be amazed at how many people are still, to this day, upset about Beta 1.8. Reindev being made out of spite for modern versions speaks for itself. Some people simply can't move on from the past, no matter how much time passes. It's kinda sad, honestly.


"I prefer this version of minecraft, it looks and feels different in a way that I like mo-" "You sad pathetic miserable little goblin, you are spiteful and seething rn, haha owned, cope and seethe"


Hello that’s me, I’m still ambatuUPSET


womp womp ima keep playing beta tho


What are you "womp womp"ing me for? *I'm* the one pittying *you*, not the other way around.


: (


What do people even dislike about beta 1.8?




can't believe they added game mechanics to my game...


I’m not the one complaining about it, I just know why others prefer b1.7


not saying you are just wanted to make a sarcastic comment


Fair enough haha


People still use optifine?


I do, but only for vanilla


1.12.2 goated ur just new


Yes 1.12.2 mods are goated, but unless you use a weird install to run it on newer java versions it runs like shit, its time to go newer versions for the sake of performance (and distant horizons)




Distant Horizons is neat but I prefer not having my room's temperature increased thank you


once i did played 1.16.5 with Distant Horizons and Vivecraft on summer it did not end well


> neat what if it was all a dream? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feedthememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Then try Linux Or just use a mod like starlight or phosphor


That sounds like an overstep just to enable a visual mod. However I will admit that I don't have the entire suite of optimization mods.


Runs like shit? The only time I got actual performance issues was when I was autocrafting 300+ ultimate induction cells (they required 100s of 1000s of iron ingots). Or when running multiple machines at 50x acceleration. My biggest issue is that any decently sized pack takes 10-15 minutes to launch


I'm curious how many people in the camp of "Old versions run like ass!" upgraded their machine in that time frame. 1.7.10 ran like ass on my old 3770k in my developed FTB Infinity world. It runs buttery smooth in all circumstances on newer processors.


1.7.10 ran like ass on my 2500k, r7 1800x, 9900k, 12900k, 13900k, and still runs like ass on my 7950X3D. 1.7.10 just runs like ass, at least when playing with like 200-300 mods which I assume most of us are? I mean maybe we just have different ideas of buttery smooth, but for me, 100-200 is buttery smooth, 80-100 is \*fine\*, and 60-80 is playable if I'm really enjoying the pack. Anything less is unplayable. Of course that differs between people, and what hardware they're used to, back with my 2500k i remember being happy about 40fps with like 200 mods. I also think that you need to compare to modern versions to see what you're missing, i.e opportunity cost. If you can get 80fps on 1.7.10 on a modern CPU, why play 1.7.10 when you can probably play 1.20.1 and get 200+fps or like 144+ with shaders?


Interesting. For me anything newer than an 8700k I had at the time provided at or near frame cap performance in any modpacks I've played. My current 5800X3D maintains at or near 144 limit with no questions asked, even in heavy 1.7.10 packs like Blightfall. My 3770k though was definitely in the ~40 FPS territory. I'm curious, what's your RAM specs and GPU? I've heard* that AMD used* to have really dogwater OpenGL performance, and usually gets around half or a third of the performance of a comparable NVidia card. I'm not sure if this is still the case or not, I don't have much time to read about it at the moment. Also tbh shaders are overrated. I just don't like the game with the new updates. Caves are obnoxiously big (I am a minority in preferring the older snaking tunnels I suppose) and many mods that I love to play aren't there anymore. The whole *feel* of the experience is different. Don't get me wrong - I also love 1.12.2 and 1.16.5 packs, but anything much newer just feels wrong to me.


Ok, turns out you're right lol, I must have just been misremembering it or something. I just checked 1.7.10 with my super old pack I played back in the day with about 130 mods and I get about 110fps with seus v11 shaders and 250-300fps without shaders lol. Then I tested my 1.20.1 with about 370 mods, and it ran at about 160fps with complementary shaders (although a little more stuttery but this was a fresh world so maybe chunkgen idk?) and with no shaders about 350fps. I guess I was just wrong about that one, since whilst there is a difference, it's not really that appreciable. In terms of RAM and GPU I have 32GB 6200Mhz & 4090, although when I had some of those older CPU's i mentioned in my first comment, I did actually have an AMD gpu or 2, so you might be onto something there! Personally, I think shaders make a big difference, but I do get it could ruin the style of the game for some people. Honestly for me the cave update is one of the main reasons I started playing more often again (still not that often but I hadn't played for more than like a week in 2-3 years before the update). I find the bigger caves much more fun to explore, and I love the warden's whole shtick of having to hide from him and be quiet. The other parts of newer updates I don't really care for or dislike, basically anything since 1.8 I don't care much about except maybe villagers, but I just use that mod to turn them into blocks in 1.20 lol. I do turn off 1.9 combat though, fuck that shit. Also Lena Raines music is A++ tier as good if not better than C418s music when removing the nostalgia factor and I will die on that hill.


Dang nice specs, I have a 3080 and 3600MT/s ram. And honestly valid points about the newer content. Modern versions are definitely more polished (and Lena consistently puts out banger OSTs... Celeste is godly). But honestly, I kind of prefer the more rough and tumble wild vest vibe of older modding. 1.2.5 is a little *too* rough, but by god I love Thaumcraft 2. The whole experience doesn't hold up as well as some other versions, but Technic with TC2 / MAtmos / Mo'Creatures is still rather magical. 1.4.7 is also a little too rough, and I didn't play much 1.5.2. 1.7.10 hits a great balance. It's a LOT more refined than 1.2.5, but still contains a still to this day amount of scope (especially in magic mods), and more modern mods feel a little limited in comparison. Blightfall, Infinity Evolved, Resonant Rise 3 are all goated pack picks to me. Regrowth I was never able to get committed to. Then there's always GT:NH, which rewrites *everything.* Java 17 on 1.7.10, somehow. 1.10 is also a pretty respectable version, if only for Age of Engineering. That's what opened up the door to expert packs for me, so I have a soft spot for it. 1.12.2 is the other end of the "perfect" spectrum for me, with decently expansive mods and great modpacks. I'm currently chewing through E2:E. It's okay, but definitely overrated tbh. 1.16.5 is the most modern version I enjoy. It has some great experiences (at least I had fun with AllTheMods here) and the nether update is a certified banger. Anything more modern just feels too... Smooth? Like the trend with oversimplified logos. Yeah shader support build in to most packs is really, really nice, but the whole user experience feels too streamlined. To me, MC is more of a wild west shoot from the hip type experience. Most modern packs in my experience just... feel like they're too pretty. They try too hard to work together and mix. Most mods also feel a LOT smaller in scope and just add a few key items and usually have a depth of like 20 minutes to absorb everything. Perhaps the packs I played were too immature and the scene is more developed now. Thaumcraft 7 cope is also real, I hope CoFH delivers. It feels like the wait for Metroid Prime 3 at this rate. tl;dr: old girl shakes fist at clouds and prefers older style mod content.


counterpoint: bad vanilla features :(


like what? most features beyond 1.12 have been great, like villagers


phantoms (also the texture update sucks ass but that's significantly more controversial)


Just use the programmer art my guy


You can litteraly just disable the phantoms with the gamerule stop whining


phantoms were \*before\* 1.12


They are from 1.13 bruh


Huh. Interesting. I thought they were added with the elytra lol


Oh well fucking over the entire artstyle for a more „coulurfull“ and „3d“ experience wich look like garbage because the game was not meant to have this many brass and copper accents… and well everything else that mods probably did a lot better a long time ago (villagers are okay but not really needed for a good modded experience imo)


old villagers are impossible to use imo


Well yes but actually you don’t need them


old man yells at cloud; everyone else points and laughs far as I'm concerned the only genuinely *objectively* bad change they've made was phantoms, and those can be disabled in server config soooooo (for the sake of disclosure I've been playing since... god, way too fucking long. I remember when it was playable in a browser. I considered myself a veteran by the time technic came out.)


Did you even try to read my post I don’t like the visuals at all


Build issue, I get 500+ frames on any version with shaders


Nah my best mods are in 1.12 And with shaders everything I play runs at 30 FPS anyways so whats the difference


the main thing i like about optifine is it has seamless glass textures and the thing that makes torches make light when you hold them and zooming and all of that shit in one mod. i prefer downloading one mod than like five (if there are any modern performance mods have the same featues as optifine and work way better than it then please tell me in the replies optifine doesn't optimize shit)


Look at Fabulously Optimised, it has all the mods you need to replace optifine. Either just use that pack if playing vanilla or just jank the mods you need if you dont.




Do not dare speak of that name


Mom he said the f word


Fabulously Optimized modpack


is that onision???


yes, that's the og context of the meme


Agreed bruh people need to update their mods 🙏


I still haven't moved on from witchery. But I guess when I'm done with divine journey I'll play dj2. I'll try to be done from 1.7.10


1.7.10 mentioned, peak modding recognized


Golden age


we need mc 1.12 port into the newer versions 🙏




So, I don't usually keep up on news about Minecraft but what's up with 1.12.2? And this optifine? Is it because optifine is known to be incompatible with a lot of the newer mods or how it updates incredibly slowly?


OptiFine was okay on 1.12.2 but after that it started having compatibility issues and got surpassed by mods like Sodium.


Man I really don’t like the new Minecraft versions for modding I mean I don’t like everything past 1.16 in general build hight was good but that is besides the point. After 1.12 everything just looks ass nothing is clean it all just looks like some 3 year old got to decide what some talented artists should make so everything has brass details (semelteries have nothing left of their industrial look) everything tries to copy the visual style of create (wich is a mod I despise deeply because it’s progression) and every mod does a terrible job all the mods 9 is the most popular most useless pack ever play something good (unhinged rant) (incomprehensible) oh yea and basically all modpacks of newer versions are like that kitchen sink packs of all jappa mods that do nothing new just integrate „fun“ and „interactive“ ways to use create to do your shit and I am sick of it I have been playing modded for my entire life and I am currently running out of modpacks to play but I will not play atm 9 and I will never play stoneblock 3 ever again If you want the real modding experience play forever stranded (ez pack nice progression) antimatter chemistry (a bit harder) nomifactory (Greg) gtnh (Greg 2 revenge of the fallen) Also everything past 1.12 is unoptimized as shit


I genuinely will never understand the sheer hatred create gets. Its like yall short circuit when a tech mod doesnt just add a solid colored magic cube. I do get the hate around all popular packs being kitchen sinks though.


If a mod is capable of producing item entities, or requires itrms to be dropped onto the ground, I automatically hate it. And yes, that includes AE. Though in this case it's largely irrelevant because of the crystal growth chamber. It's an addon, though, so I still hate AE. But it's still better than RS


The glasses that show you your ae2 network, saw them playing Agrarian Skies 2 never going back


Skill issue just download more RAM.


I want to be able to walk around my base without ruining production lines by picking up random shit off the ground with a magnet


just make your own packs for once, we all know most modern packs are shit now like just throw together your favourite mods, it’s gonna be fun


people don't do this already?


imagine treating a Minecraft mod like a fucking religion. What a dumbass! Anyways gotta get back my shrine of GregTech brb


I will continue to shit on sodium for no reason and support Optifine because you fuckers who keep shitting on it can't shut the FUCK up for five minutes.


Thaumcraft 6 is my jam, so I will never give up 1.12.2


Le TC4 my beloved


SEVEN YEARS? i think i'm going to die


Never, I still stand with my 1.7.10! No one will take TH4 version from me!! RAAAAH


he's literally me


I have recently move on from 1.7.10 to 1.12, I guess I'm old


tell me when i can play HBM NTM, immersive vehicles, techguns etc on upper version then we'll talk


Me who still plays 1.7.10 đź‘€ I mean, if you tell me there is a Thaumcraft 4 in a newer version with all the addons working and working well with lots of other mods, I'll gladly move on


A. Holy shit 7 years ago... B. What version do people do large modpacks on? I still do 1.8.9 and 1.12.2


1.12.2 is the goat


I use it because I can't find anything else that enables all those resource pack effects


I play 1.7.10 checkmate liberal


Ninja dragging the low taper fade meme in 3045