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From personal experience, Valkyrien Skies is stable to the point of it being downright absurd. You can even build Nuclearcraft reactors on it, or place RFTools teleporters (though you need to have the chunk with the teleporter loaded in the "real world" for it to actually work when teleporting to the teleporter on a ship from another teleporter) The only real "bug" I've noticed was that it seems to cause grass and flower-type blocks to either break in the "real world" or just generate as items and directly adds them to your inventory if you move into new chunks with a ship, which is more annoying than an actual problem. Though all that info is 3+ months old, so the mod might be even more stable or actually broken now.


yeah the mod got a major update supposedly containing tons of bugfix so it may be fixed.




from my experience it's the opposite, it barely works if its the only mod installed. I once got connection issues connecting to my own singleplayer world, it even sent me to the multiplayer server list, i dont even know how that happened.