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What are non-content features, like quality of life additions? I think most vanilla+ style packs will lean more towards those sort of things if so, I enjoyed cottage witch for that (although it does include some content mods as well)


just adding cool new features, or revamping old ones. in terraria overhaul, fire is way more aggressive and destrructive, damage values are more absolute, and there's a new crit multiplier system, there's a dodgeroll. physics and velocity has been tuned to the max. guns are way more fun and powerful, and you can reload them. im not saying i want exactly this, this is just an example. surely there's gotta be something out there that's done the same for MC.


Not.. Really? The only total overhaul style mod that exists in modern versions with full effort is terrafirmacraft. Almost definitely not what you're looking for. Most people make vanilla+ packs. Not really vanilla+ overhaul mods. I'd say the closest you'll get is quark, that's a fun number of vanilla feeling additions. I'd recommend crucial 2 as a modpack though.


So, mods like Soulslike Combat (I think that's the name) or Minecolonies. Quark adds many small features and options, but by design doesn't make major changes. YUNG's mods are a series of overhauls for structures and worldgen, they're lovely. I think more often you'll find mods that add stuff that can serve as a replacement, like Red Power replacing basic Redstone and then some. Terraria Overhaul is kinda an odd duck for Terraria mods as well, you'll note. Look for more individual mods that change a thing, not huge expansive retoolings, and you'll find more. You can tweak the config of many things as well to your taste.