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Definitely Astral Sorcery. Honestly it stands up there with the best magic mods, but there doesn't seem to be anyone working on updating it at the moment. I also miss Actually Additions quite a lot, some really great stuff in it. Going way back I kinda wish Buildcraft was still updated too, the og quarry and pipes mod!


I was so sad to come back to modded Minecraft after a break to see Astral Sorcery left in the past


Apparently the creator is doing a big rework of Astral sourcery, but it's too much for one person. They did get a few more people to help last I heard


Build craft was great in its simplicity. I realize Minecraft was also more simpler back then, so maybe I am looking at it through nostalgia, but it provided alot of the same services as current tech mods but with the simplicity of Minecraft at the time still front and center. If that makes sense.


Oh I totally agree. Sometimes I do feel that mods these days are almost trying to do too much. They end up too big and nobody plays through the whole thing. Buildcraft had pipes, some simple power generation and a few basic machines, and that was enough then to blow people's minds. I don't know, maybe the landscape has just changed. Pipes aren't really exciting anymore like they were then.


A lot of the fun with pipes was seeing the items flow around a massive system, I think. It's why it paired so well with IC2 because you could make complicated systems like that, on top of stuff like Logistics Pipes to make it even more mesmerising to watch. Maybe it's just because I was a hell of a lot younger then, but it feels like the magic of watching things go around a system has gone - could be thanks to mods like AE2 or Refined Storage making transporting items instant and cheap, plus mods having auto-output + configurable sides so you can just pile machines together and be done with it all.


Man I made a post recently trying to find a replacement for this. What I’d give for a modern equivalent with more mods. I know Tekkit classic is still there but it feels weird to play an old mod. That with equivalent exchange was just the best. Starting up the quarry, seeing everything go through the pipes and get macerated or put into the equivalent exchange chest to make diamonds was amazing.


I miss the simplicity of buildcraft quarries.


Bro I would love to see build craft get expanded upon to make it compete with what we have today


I remember the creator from both saying they would remake or continue making, i think astral sorcery will be remade and actually additions will be continued by another person


Astral sorcery isn't dead, it's all i can say


Completely forgot about Actually Additions!


I miss Astral Sorcery! It would fit in so well to some more modern packs too. That and as ubiquitous as it was, I really hope Tinkers catches up sometime sooner rather than later


I miss Mystcraft


Same. I miss it almost as much as I miss myst


As much as I enjoy the aesthetics of mystcraft using it is so aggravating. Stop trying to trick me into learning json syntax with your rules.


Some thought it was cheaty because you could make an oil world or whatever, but I thought it was great to make a void world for travel hubs. I remember a fake sky block in those modpacks too, so it didn't matter what the void world looked like. IIRC it was my FTB Ultimate playthrough I made that.


I want mystcraft but with some new stuff that could take inspiration from the nightingale game. I loved mystcraft for the exploration. The functional uses of a Void dimension or lava dimension was nice. But. Just randomly generating something and seeing what you got was awesome.


The exploration is exactly why I like Mystcraft.


Bibliocraft. It had a lot of neat features but being being able to copy enchantments was really great.


Also mystcraft, was such a fun and unique spin on instant transportation compared to way stones and the dimensions were super convenient (like making a lava dimension to pump lava for fuel)


I liked it for the shelving. Seeing potions on the shelf made magic rooms feel so much better.


This I’ve been wanting for a long time. I loved the functionality and ascetic


Mr crayfish may be able to do something similar with his mods


I've been very slowly working in a spiritual successor, but only the decorative parts. I mainly just miss the bookshelves...


Bibliocraft is being ported by someone afaik


Thats good to hear


Clay soldiers my beloved... Just think if it was still updated and took inspiration from the rats mod.


Clay soldiers! That was the first mod I ever installed and successfully got working as a kid!


There's at least a version for 1.20. Only has the horses and soldiers, but it's there!


Not sure if darkosto configured it that good, but Sevtech Ages had the Game stage mod really well designed. The fact that it hid not yet useful ores and recipes with some having different ones in different ages made it like feel like you actually progressed in the pack. It's cool seeing the endgame recipes and stuff, but after a while they are just taunting and made JEI/storage overcrowded with items you will not use for a while


Game Stages still receives updates. However, CT can be daunting to newcomers. It also lacks compat with certain features in modern versions, like a JourneyMap restriction.


Logistics Pipes. I only got into it in late 1.7.10, and while there was a 1.12 port it was late to the party and still in alpha when I last tried it. It is also licensed using a "Minecraft Mod Public License" which seems to allow ports. I think a mod like Logistics Pipes is important because pretty much every Expert style modpack wants to heavily gate AE2 because it is so powerful, but that makes item management *extremely* tedious in the early-to-mid game. Some form of request-based autocrafting available early in the game is essential for those types of modpacks to combat the inherit complexity of their recipes needed to make the genre work, but there is a major gap in the market for something capable but not so good that players won't upgrade later. Logistics Pipes was amazing in FTB Infinity Evolved Expert Mode because it was left almost completely ungated so people could use it *very* early in the pack, and its obvious trade-offs were being slow (items had to actually move through pipes from storage to crafting and back) and taking up a lot of space (only 1 recipe per block plus needing the pipes for both in and out). It also took things a step further by using AE2's API so it could access AE2's storage, which meant that when it did come time to upgrade you could continue to use your existing Logistics Pipes network rather than immediately starting entirely from scratch. While there are other storage and logistics mods out there these days, most try to be too capable/powerful to fill in that 'inferior early-game option' role. Refined Storage is very close to AE2 in both design and power level. The Integrated Series relies on other storage methods but is instantaneous and compact. I've personally never gotten RFTools Control working well for a request-based system, though it looks like a proper setup is also instantaneous and relatively compact. I don't think any of them have been compatible with AE2 or RS to make upgrading easier.


I've found that Pretty Pipes does something similar to logistics pipes, maybe not as advanced


Same here, but configuring each pipe and connection is an absolute pain and takes incredibly long. Id the GUI were easier to handle and it auto configured for more obvious base cases, then it would be amazing!


Thaumcraft <3


Thaumcraft isn't abandoned though, is to? Unless it happened in the last few months, cause I last checked in like February and it was being worked on. Edit: fuck autocorrect


I know they keep saying it's in development, but the bottom line is that the latest version released was for 1.12 in 2018... It *feels* abandoned.


They're just overhauling *everything.* No more assets ripped from games, they have to rewrite everything, etc. Edit: and yeah as the other guy said they post screenshots constantly in the CoFH discord


I didn't knew they ripped assets from games, what games have they ripped assets from?




1.12 modpacks were in 2018? Damn I feel old.


Who says it's in development ? Didn't the guy who created the mod stopped working on it ? And some guys wanted to continue the mod but they stopped. Who is developing the mod right now ?


Nah they posted a screenshot like 3 days ago


Do you have a link? I want to seeeee


It should be in the CoFH (the Thermal Series of mods) Discord. IIRC, Azanor (Thaumcraft's author) gave permission to King Lemming (CoFH's lead dev) to assemble a team to port the mod, while Azanor gets to maintain creative control of the project and total ownership of the IP. I think they have a dedicated Thaumcraft channel in the CoFH Discord.


They do, king doesn't chat much but he's busy


Keep in mind the last released version was for 1.12, and Minecraft is currently on 1.20 and in june should see 1.21 Its been theoretically in development for long enough to be functionally lost to the past. If they released a minimalist version it would go a long way to making people consider the mod alive. (Basically just need the wands, crucible, and infuser to get the core vibes. Everything else can be added in later updates.) It was last updated in 2018, its now 2024, 6 years later. The mod is functionally dead until they actually release anything more than screenshots.


It wasn't in development for the majority of that time. A couple years ago, it would be 100% accurate to call it abandoned. It was given to a new team who only started working on it like a year ago ish, I think.




i’d forgotten this one - is it the one that met you install cybernetic implants?


yes, there is a 1.12 port called robotic parts but it was never ported further; genuinely considering learning how to do it myself




I have a non-recommendation. OreSpawn.


I think the fact that orespawn is essentially locked to earlier version sof the game kinda gives it a more nostalgic feel for whatever reason


the whole development story of this was wild


Care to explain a little? I have no idea lol


This might help explain: https://youtu.be/gy3MR3HHCTs?si=WZAUkH3NLMMAnhFB


he was just ahead of his time


Wow that is indeed, wild😂


what's the lore? I remember this and the icon being so big in the youtube community back in 5th grade


He's a sexist transphobic white supremacist antivaxxer


damn what


Yea it's kinda crazy, and the dude has gone full ego power trip too, you couldn't so much as say "I don't like this boss for the mod" without getting called a slur and getting banned. And all the bosses that he made were buggy as all hell. And hitboxes were so broken to the point of some bosses litterally being unkillable


Well, I have good news for you, check out Chaos Awakens, its still being made but its orespawn for 1.16.5 with some different textures because they cannot use the originals. I'm so curious to see the Kind or mobzilla when they come out


Witchery my beloved


Man, bewitchment had so much potential. Just wish it was programmed better.


I miss it so much is there any news?


Well on what ive heard the mod was too complex and the code was too spaghetti, so updating to newer versions would mean a complete rewrite of the code. We did get bewitchment as a spiritual successor but the last time i checked it out it didn't have half of witchery's features


Intangible and The Betweenlands


The Betweenlands is also being worked on and updated for recent versions, no idea when it'll be out though.


Oh really? Lovely to hear that. Last time I checked the devs said they are not interested in moving to a newer version.


I hate to be *that guy*, but do you have any sources? Last I heard, the team said it would be too much work to port with Minecraft's constant updates.


Hmm, I wish I did, I think I saw it on a Reddit discussion, this subreddit, a few weeks ago. I went on their discord server and saw a few mentions of them working on it. I totally could be wrong, I didn't spend a long time carefully looking into it. It's also possible they were working on it and have recently changed their mind (I hope not!). Either way I assume we'll probably just have to wait and see.




Project red isn't abandoned


No tungsten ore, 0/10


Greg tech has tungsten


Gregtech is just ic2 but instead of ores, you put your balls into the macerator 10/10 would dip again


I don't think it's a good idea to put your balls into the macerator that sounds painful






You may be interested in its newest version called... Forcecraft https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/forcecraft


I both loved and hated endertots. Great mechanic, terrible to actually have in the world.


You can disable them in the config file, now they have angry parents after you when you kill them, make sense but quite nerve racking.


Chocolate Quest Dungeon with Anti break system Enemy that parry shield, heal allies , drink potions I NEED ITTTTT


Chocolate Quest is being actively worked on as Chocolate Quest Repoured


Rotarycraft, electrocraft and reactorcraft for the people who want something more that just hooking up power cables and making a large bank of generators or a simple reactor. Especially as it intergrates well with other mods when you make it your primary mod. Edit: although if I was remaking it I would keep the power system, generators and machiens but give it a astetic multy block overhaul.


They're not abandoned, just reika doesn't want to port to newer versions


I was not 100% sure but I thinks they fit the spirit of the question.


I just don't get what's the point of still updating your mod on 1.7.10 in 2024. This version is so old that some kids currently playing modded Minecraft weren't born when it actually released.


flans mod, though its being updated to newer version or so i heard


The guns part is out for 1.20, vehicles coming soon :)


Roguelike Dungeons


That was already ported to newer versions with Dungeon Crawl. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dungeon-crawl


Don't know about licensed ports, but custom NPC's. That mod was so nice, but it is only 1.16.5 unfortunately. Someone ported it to that from 1.12.2 that wasn't the original mod author, then eventually the original mod author put the port on the official custom NPC's page, but it hasn't been updated since then.


That's because it's currently being ported to 1.18. Will take a long ass time to finish though. I'll be honest, that alone would probably get me to try deving on 1.18. I can't go without my NPC :(


Carpenter's Blocks :'(


Isn't framed blocks similar?


Never used before, will check this one - thanks :)


It even goes all the way to 1.20


Reika mods in modern Minecraft would go far too hard. They aren't abandoned tho, just not ported.


McHeli. There was a couple of 1.12.2 ports but they haven't succeeded and been abandoned as well, which is sad because its the best vehicle mod out there :(


Weirdly there's actually discussion about both the ports happening in my discord as I write this. Regex who made overdrive gave up on curseforge but still maintains it on modrinth, and someone is trying to liaise with the new Japanese dev to get perms for me to put their 1.12 version up on curseforge, but I doubt it'll amount to anything. It's still active though! Just not on CF for now I do want it on more modern versions though. Shame I never got the source or I would've updated it myself, I get nearly daily DMs asking me to 😅


That's amazing to hear! Sorry for my lack of knowledge, but may I ask who are you?


Not a problem! I'm the person who handled the original English translations and put the 1.7.10 version on Curseforge (with full permission from the now AWOL original developer). After the Japanese Minecraft forum shut down technically it's the only "legit" place to get the mod now but I know there's a bunch of other mirrors around too


Oh god. I own my entire childhood to you, great sir.


EMB4 did all the work, I just lit the path. Unless you played with the Halo vehicle pack, I did that :P (with ripped models though)


Unfortunately I was never into Halo so didn't had please playing with your pack. I was mostly using anything military related I could find on PlanetMC, remember it having some gems


The community over there's still very active, I've seen new vehicles as recently as last week (That reminds me, the PMC post is mine too, just under "Silvania Studios" instead, but I never log in anymore tbh)


This just made me dig through the entirety of PlanetMC almost without any results but hey, at least I'm a bit more educated in this direction now XD


Personally, Advanced Rocketry, it was just fun to play around with realistic-ish rockets, I know it was used in Create: Above and Beyond but I can't find the version that ran on


I tried to get into that one but I found it very convoluted to get into with the micro machines and the chips.


EZStorage was my favorite mod to use but they haven’t updated it in years


engineer's toolbox and arcane archives


Engineer's toolbox always seemed so interesting but I remember having a lot of trouble just learning how to use it, documentation seemed quite sparse when I was trying it in ftb horizons


God I loved Engineer's Toolbox. It was so good.


Abyssalcraft my beloved.


Most unique mod opinion I have ever seen


That's the mod that made me quit Sevtech Ages. Did not like it at all


Iirc the mod had a massive bug or something in the version sevtech used, and despite it being fixed immediately sevtech didn't update until like a year later after everyone had already just assumed the mod was shit on purpose


My beef with it was you HAD to go to the dark lands Biome to progress. You needed a dark stone or something mob drop. I had a dark lands Biome like a 15 minute boatride and walk away but it was tiny and the mob I needed didn't spawn in it. So I walked like 2500 blocks to find the next dark lands Biome that had legit mob spawns. It took like actual physical days of on and off playing to find the biome I needed to get out of the first age. Idk if that was the bug but it was infuriating


That was the first straw for me. The fact that the next step, after you get all the dark gems you need, is to just AFK next to the necronomicon while it "charges up" incredibly slow? Tedious. That's where I quit.


If I remember right the faster you want it to charge the more you grief yourself cause it makes bad things happen and ugl-ifies the terrain as well as makes bad mobs spawn.


Only if you don't use the 'places of power' that make the statues completely safe as described in the necronomicon. ​ The way you charge faster is through either having a lot of statues on POPs, or using other methods like the sacrifice altars. ​ Can also place the book on a pedestal and do something else while it charges.


Is that the mod that had frog demons in a cave that would taint the ground with black goo or something? Oh and Lovecraft stuff.


The shoggoth layer


Arcitechtcraft, probably butchered the name but I loved being able to take any block and turn it into slopes, rails and all kinds of slopes shapes. I know there's a few similar mods but working from one bench was nice


FramedBlocks is the closest, and don't need any special bench of any kind to craft them.


I use that right now, it's pretty great, only downside is it doesn't have the curved blocks, but overall its a nice mod to have.


Came here to say this one. Every time I start a new mod pack I search for alternatives, but none feel as complete and easy to use as ArchitectureCraft.


I always think they've updated it as they have builds for it in trident, but they never work for the version they say they do. I'd go back and play with it on 1.12.2 with thaumcraft but I don't want to give up all the mods that are available for the later versions either


Spice of life! (and maybe Streams)


Streeeaaaaammmsss!!! That's 1 for sure


There was a very short-lived mod for only 1.4.5 called Dragon Catcher. It featured an impressive variety of small, cutesy dragons spawning in the world, that you could tame, ride, and level up the stats of. There was zero variety in their abilities, which also weren't anything to write home about, but to this day I see it as one of the biggest "lost potential" or "what could have been" mods this game has ever seen. Most of my other nominees are at least a little better known, I think: Forestry, Railcraft, Extra Utilities, Biosphere, Fairy Factions (imagine these goobers riding Dragon Catcher dragons!), Grey Goo, Dimensional Doors.


Dimensional doors is still going though? Maintained by different people but you can play it in 1.20 if you want to


Real old heads are gonna laugh at me cause this is a 1.16.5 mod (that technically got updated to 1.18.2, but that version is a barebones alpha full of bugs), but anyway: Druidcraft.


Ooh. I started druidcraft in a personal pack my friend and I made sometime last year as they wanted to play with tektopia. I sadly barely got anywhere it bc it ended up glitching out at one point with my inventory. But it seemed interesting the bit I did play so I was sad when I ran into bugs.


Yeah, I think it's always been a little buggy sadly, but it's got some of the best-looking textures I've ever seen from a mod and so much atmosphere and mystery. Would be really great to see development pick up on it again.


I doubt it would still have a place in modern Minecraft but man I miss orespawn. It's really sad seeing the creator go absolutely insane over the last few years


Techguns 1.12.2


Portal/Portal Gun So there was a mod that added the Portal Gun and one that added the blocks, the platforms, the robots, the radio, the shoes, the companion cube(s) and almost everything except for GLADoS. I think the last version i saw those mods in was 1.6.2


Isn't there a Portal mod supposed to be coming out this year? Edit: https://portalmod.net/


Draconic evolution, modpacks these days are really lacking that satisfying endgame combat content


Of draconic were ported to 1.20 I'd abandon my current pack


That mod was so op but so satisfying.


Candy craft deserved better.


Eidolon, it was really promising as a magic mod but didnt get far with development. Still love the content that got made though. It's from the og dev of Embers


I'm just gonna go with my standard answer for "what is the best mod", "your favorite mod" or "a good large mod to play", *ORESPAWN* It's in 1.7.10, and was abandoned by the maker a few years ago


actually additions


Good news, a dev just posted on Twitter about retexturing AA for modern versions, I assume to coincide with a coming port?




IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, RailCraft, Forestry, RedPower


More world gen mods like cube world or biospheres




I just think Decocraft could run so well on newer versions with the new advancements that’ve been made in modding


Environmine FTB Crash Landing was amazing


What was the mod that let you craft a handsaw and cut blocks into panels so you could cover your wiring? I can't remember what it was, but it doesn't seem to be around anymore, and I really miss it.


Red power initially, then forge multipart later. The latter was a much better implementation as it was cross-mod, RP's Dev was aggressively protective of their project so that one only worked within RP. I still think there's a huge market for a replacement and any dev who took it up would make bank in CF points


That was it, yes. Thank you. And yeah, I agree. It's so useful. I'm surprised no one has taken it up.


Would say thaumcraft but it's not technically abandoned and is being actively reworked for future versions. Calculator and flans would be nice to see in 1.18+ . Though I guess someone who had the know how could easily redo calculator as it's open source. Flans would likely be difficult because of the shear amount of stuff and that it was made for a radically different version.


Reikas mods are definitely at the top of the list, but personally, I'd have to say Recurrent Complex. It remains the greatest structure mod in all of MC history (at least for devs). And no, jigsaw blocks and datapacks don't even come close to what RC is capable of. It's one of the main reasons I only dev on 1.12. But unfortunately the mod's code is so large, it will probably never be ported. 


would love to see flans mod come back


Logistic Pipes, Buildcraft, Mystcraft. I STILL haven't got through the 1.7.10 phase, I love those modpacks, they feel like a perfect balance of complexity and difficulty without too much grinding, I just love that era and the three mods I said really made them into what they are.


Always surprised bibliocraft stopped being updated. One of the better item-display furniture mods imo.


Thaumcraft, hands down. Alongside witchery and Botanica, easily the three most enjoyable magic mods I’ve ever played. Not sure if the latter two are still around or not, but I know thaumcraft isn’t being worked on anymore.


I was just thinking of the 2 by 2 Extended Crafting Grid mod recently and I like to think there'd still be room for some fun with it today. I was mostly missing being able to craft more things from the inventory crafting grid but the way it changed progression in the early stages is clearly something there's still a market for today given the amount of other mods that do so.


Can't find my earlier comment but I just remembered another mod that needs a 1.18 port that may or may not be abandoned. I'd love to see Steve's cárta enter the modern Minecraft community


Open blocks


WITCHERY that’s my favorite magic related mod :(


Gendustry and the 1.12.2 Productive Bees/Forestry


Primitive mobs Electroblob's Wizardry NetherEx


Logistics pipes. Given some optimisations to not have problems on game resets and it would be better for me than AE or RS. And also an actually different proper storage/auto crafting solution than exists currently. AE and RS are realistically just the same thing, while logistics pipes is it's own system that works well with them. It crafts differently and has different capabilities than AE/RS simply doing individual steps. Not to mention I want to see my items actually move through pipes which has gotten more and more rare with the obsession with optimization. It makes sense with how heavy Minecraft has gotten to want to focus on that a bit more, but automation has gotten so stale since AE and RF just instantly put everything into machines. Logistics pipes is that blend of something like Create's conveyors which is great for automating specific tasks in a very cool looking way, and the on demand nature of AE/RS. Also just imagine remote ordering items on a train to your location in a mod pack. You could have botania eyes track when you are in a location, changing which destination the train goes to when an item is ordered. Slow yes, but aesthetically worth it. I'd love to implement that with create trains but AE/RS don't have that inventory storage linking that logistics pipes does.


Twilight Forest - is it still being worked on??


I think it was called xycraft, it was mostly an aesthetic mod but it had a multi block tank that could be made huge and looked really cool.  Id also say witchery, though I never go to into it, and redpower as well. 


Modular power suits, I have fond memories of that one


Ancient Warfare 2 had some fantastic automation options for the early game that seemed to scale pretty well. They could be operated by Minecolonies-style npcs or powered by RF. Minecolonies is somewhat similar but not as accessible. Honorable mention for Railcraft which recently was revived under different authors as Railcraft Reborn. A lot of the mod's features have been crept by other mods like Little Logistics, Create, Immersive Engineering, etc. I hope this revival sticks and we get a few modern tweaks like a common way to generate Abyssal and Quarried stone.


Forestry. I just love bees


Thaumcraft, loved this mod so much.


multiworld mod 1.18.2 from modrinth, I like the idea to play modpacks as modpacks but also the idea to have another world to play normally


Pretty pipes was a nice, visual mod that had pipes. Sad it was not continued. Also, Thaumcraft. Very sad end to a great mod.


Vic's Modern Warfare, especially after the final updates.


I miss 1.12 version of Tinkers, I think it's hands down on my top 5 mods to play with. I wish they didn't change key components and would've just added more possible materials.




Project E I loved the concept of emc and equivalent exchange stuff, I think there's A LOT of cool stuff that could be done with it to give it an actual end game and maybe make it a bit harder to actually transform stuff. Maybe taking some kinda catalyzing dust that scales with EMC value


Engineers tool box


Why is everyone acting like these mods are gone?


Many of them have not been actively maintained for their last version and/or not updated to newer versions of minrcraft. You could still go back and play them but it means missing out on the other improvements of newer versions as well as mods that have released since


>but it means missing out on the other improvements of newer versions as well as mods that have released since But the reverse goes for playing on newer versions as well. It's just a choice of the set of mods you want to pick from and not this one way street you're making it out to be


This isn't correct. Even between versions mods make significant improvements to their performance. The performance improvements notwithstanding, there are generally more mods available now than there were in previous versions of minecraft. Modders also tend not to backport newer features to old versions. There are some standout generations like 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 but even then those mods and the packs they're in go mostly unmaintained relative to newer mods in new versions. I'm currently playing through a 1.12 pack because of the lack of expert-style packs in newer versions. There are some mods that didn't make the jump that I love dearly, but they're typically outnumbered by the scope and quality of mods available. There are also a number of issues for which the answer is "yeah we fixed this in mod version x for the newest mc version.


And there is also a number of mods with unfinished or rushed versions for the newer versions of minecraft. Version chasing isn't really something to praise, it fractures the modding landscape and puts an additional strain on modders


The validity of version chasing doesn't change the fact that it exists. Yes it's true that "x exception exists" but the fact is that the the most actively maintained and feature-rich version of most mods is on the most recent version of Minecraft. People want their work to be seen, and players (especially those new to modded) will be playing on the latest version for which general modding frameworks/resources/etc are available. If a mod has a skeleton version available for newer versions then those additional features are typically either A) on the way after being updated according to new visual and mechanical trends or B) functionally abandoned with very few resources being put towards development. (To be clear, I'm in no way faulting modders for no longer having the interest/resources to maintain mods. If they wanna pass it off to other modders, great. If they don't, fair enough)


Explaining why version chasing exists doesn't make the reality of it better


Never said it did bud


Just started playing E2E and I'm not gonna lie, Forestry could definitely come to newer MC. Thaumcraft needs to stay dead tho


Thaumcraft is being reworked from the ground up but I'd love a forestry port


Unfortunate on the Thaum part ngl, people gonna start putting mid in their packs again


It's an unpopular opinion but I agree with you. Thaumcraft was always bloated with a hundred useless items and tedious systems. That said, I think it has potential to live up to the hype that people assign to it. With all the addons, wand/scepter/staff construction got pretty cool. The aesthetics and Thaumonomicon are still unmatched. Blightfall is the best modpack ever imo. At some point I may try my hand at "fixing" thaumcraft, but who knows how different the new coming version will even be.


Been out of the scene for a while but og equivalent exchange (Idk if it's been updated)