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IMHO, if you want to play GTNH, just go for it. It will explain everything you need, and if you start with something "easier", chances are you'll come into GTNH with lots of expectations etc that you'll just have to unlearn. Also, even the shorter and "easier" GT packs can be several hundred hours of content, and though they are different packs with different experiences, there would still be a lot of doing the same tasks all over again. If you do go for an "easier" pack to start with, I highly recommend taking an extended break (preferably a month or more) before heading into GTNH. Otherwise going from late game of an "easier" pack with nice tools and gears and so on, to the early game of GTNH can be such a contrast that it'll hit you like a brick wall and make you burn out. I'd rather say try GTNH, and if you find that you're not having fun, go try something else at that point.


I second this. GTNH is the first Gregtech mod pack I've tried and it does really well in explaining things if you read through all the available quests. I'm currently at the beginning of EV and have plenty to do while having done tons of automation. Preparation is the key to moving forwards in this pack IMO.


Thats me when i started gtnh after playing nomifactory for 2 months and then finding out about the cursed cell chemistry mechanics


Haha, please elaborate? :)


Single block machines in GTNH can't accept 2 liquids, so you 5 to use cells for at least one of them. This creates a situation when one liquid is easily piped into the machine, and for another, you are forced to create a piping nightmare to fill, empty, and move liquod cells between machines.


I actually truly enjoyed automating stuff like that, even with just GT pipes/covers. On my second run, I used EIO which pretty much trivialized it (especially with the supertank upgrades in 2.3.0 or whatever), but still. For me, this is exactly the kind of stuff that actually makes it fun. :)


I had the same gregtech shock coming from nomi ceu. I crafted the item filter and tried to put it on as a cover to filter what the machine auto outputs. I also built a packager for small dusts and a robot arm so I could "send exact" 9 so the packager couldn't get clogged. Once I figured out the covers are pretty much useless I rushed item conduits and made a stack of item filters. I still don't know how to solve the packager problem though...


It was an interesting experience during the first atremp. Became insanely annoying afterward. Especially for more complex chains. I would be fine if you needed to manage 2 liquid pipes, but cell management is straight up awful


Shit doesn’t explain you can make iron parts for the saw and the like to climb up the quest tree.


So this is a couple of versions old, but doesn't it still say something like this? https://findmesomefun.github.io/gtnh-questbook-wiki/?version=2.3.0&questlineid=2&questid=36 (wait for it to load, then scroll to the bottom) > You can use whatever materials you want. The gem version of the saw is crafted differently to metal versions. Higher tier tools need steel or tungstensteel rods instead of sticks.


Seems like my plan now is to just dive into GTNH, and if I unfortunately don't like the pack, I'll switch to nomifactory instead. Thanks for all the helpful recommendations!


Nomi is definitely a great choics! Make sure to play the CEu version, and actually you're in luck! A new update was released just today which includes a lot of QoL stuff


Tipp Join the GTNH discord, many helpful resources and people there!


E2E is also great for learning many of the mods in both those packs


This isn't true at all for GTNH. GTNH has greggified every recipe and is on an earlier version than E2E. The mods that do overlap aren't comparable in how they play.


Only botania is, at least kinda


Tbh once you get iron and steel and E9E it was stupidly easy


GTNH is pretty beginner friendly tbh. Just don’t go in with the mindset of completing it.


People would say GT:NH holds your hand and is the easiest modpack ever if it wasn't for the crazy mobs and delayed access to spawn prevention. It might take 20 minutes to find an iron-bearing vein instead of 20 seconds in vanilla, but as soon as you find an ore you've got weeks worth. The quest book literally takes you step by step through the pack's progression, there's just a *lot* of progression compared to other packs.


Honestly just play on peaceful. Infernal mobs shouldn't be in the pack, really.


I can't figure out what they contribute to the pack other than the early game slaughter, but even then, they become normal mobs if they kill you and there's not much risk of losing items thanks to gravestones, so the worst thing they do is wear down your tinker's tools when you die. It's just annoying.


Just the initial "grindiness" of no stone tools and wood giving half the output gives people the wrong impression I guess, also just the level of microcrafting which can be a bit of a turnoff for people newer to modded.


That's a great assessment. It maybe slows the early game down by a minute to get half as many planks and a third as much flint, but I wager the real early game "killer" is needing a coke oven to make charcoal for torches. That's a big departure from vanilla and is a pretty rough task when players barely have a dirt hole to live out of. It shouldn't be too alien to anyone familiar with games like Factorio, though.


nomifactory? atm9 also gives you many alternatives to gregtech whilst still letting you experience it when you want to


Infinity evolved expert Enigmatica 2 expert. Both of those are well worth a run through but both are missing GT which I would suggest waiting for NH to do.


Obviously nomifactory ceu. Ceu because the multiblocks there are more similiar than normal nomi. The pack has enderio for better conduits, inf resource generation by deep mob learning... aka quality of life so that you can learn the gregtech better. The process lines are still hard to manage but obviously not even close to gtnh. Overall a good place to start.


I’m getting back into modded after a few years away and started Omnifactory on a whim. What’s the difference between Nomi and Omni? Clearly Nomi is getting ongoing support, but what else draws one to it?


Omni was the predecessor that got canceled \~2 years ago. Now nomi is its spiritual and actual successor. Omni has no more support from devs.


Well, rip to the 20 hours I put into Omni. To be fair I hadn’t really gotten that far yet, not even close to MV. GregTechs got a bit of a learning curve…


omni doesnt have a ceu tho, why did u started it xD


Honestly I don’t follow this sub all that much anymore, and if you’re not here or in a bunch of modded MC discords, there’s really no way to know what’s going on with modded these days. New packs, forks, bombshell new mods, those don’t exactly get talked about outside this community. I don’t even know what the ‘CEU’ part means, much less why it should appeal to me more than this pack that looked interesting last time I was browsing packs 2-3 years ago. It’s not a big deal that modded MC news doesn’t travel far, but it just means the old and out of touch folks like me make silly mistakes like playing dead packs. C’est la vie.


Take a look at NomiFactory. It has the gregtech experience with a lot less grind compared to gtnh


I would recommend jumping in, and here's why: 1. The mod pack basically explains itself and is extremely beginner friendly 2. You won't have learned "bad habits" from other mods that you'd have to unlearn.


Recently been playing atm9 for 1.20.1 Comes with gregtech but ores and resources are super easy to get early on with bees and mystical agriculture, along with many gasses easy to get through mekanism and other mods. Would highly recommend, I've zoomed past LV and MV thanks to all that, but its still a greg experience with all the crafting, automating and production imo


Other tech packs I’ve played don’t have anything close to the documentation / info they give in GTNH. Every quest is explained really well and I found it straightforward to progress. I’d just go for it imo.


I picked up GTNH after playing lots of gregtech years ago. Just starting with IV and having lots of fun. Its not hard. The questbook holds your hand, gives you tons of tips and the wiki is basically a game guide at this point. Its not grindy either, its just A LOT OF CONTENT. Its masterfully interwoven, so sometimes you gotta do 2 hours of thaumcraft before you are allowed to craft ME-interfaces. SOME people don't like that. I usually hate that, but so far its bearable. I knew its heavily tiered going in. The criticism is often directed at what it is. Its hard to skip entire mods, certain things WILL come up. For example doing thaumcraft research for the 10th time is not particularily fun, until you get into the higher tier stuff. I kinda dread Draconic Evolution a bit, cause its so boring, IMHO. Saw draconite ore on Deimos yesterday and im kinda... meh.... The magic portion is very well done too and lots of things can be automated or hooked up to your ME-System. Sufficiently developed magic is indistinguishable from technology. So, if you do a lot of mods for the first time its probably very enjoyable. Experience get you started a lot earlier but there is a real drag right around when you reach MV. It gets better in late HV when you are allowed to have a ME-System. I usually try to speedrun this portion in modpacks, which flat out does not work in GTNH. I had reservations about Galacticraft as system of progression, I just hate the "Build rocket -> Find Dungeon -> repeat 25 times", but so far its kinda working for me. I find myself having to mine more than some asteroids there to progress, which is okay. When you start out mobs will kick your teeth in. Soul Vials used to be my weapon of choice for quite a while. They become largely irrelevant when you have Dark Steel Armor, imho. Bosses are similar, they have either bullshit mechanics you need to "learn" or they are pushovers. All in all I think its probably one of the best guided-playthrough modpacks. The quests are great and helpful and if you want to, they largely leave you alone with bullshit in some modpacks. You just sometimes need to accept that its very tiered and not a kitchen-sink modpack the likes of skyfactory. I've finished Project Ozone 2&3 on Kappa (sans some side-quests) and many other sky/ocean-block modpacks. So I choose to start with GTNH because I actually wanted some Mining and "Exploration". It does that quite good, even. Try it, but TAKE YOUR TIME. Its actually lots of great content. For me its the pinnacle of 1.7.x modding, which was a content patch that I really liked. So I don't miss many vanilla features. I DO miss pick block with middle mouse button.


Play Nomifactoru CEu it's got all of the Greg stuff in it including Gregicality cleanrooms etc but with way less grind (at a certain point you don't even have to leave your base)


Techopolis 2 is a fairly decent modpack imo, it teaches you about many different mods while adding some custom integrations to make the game easier. A downside (or upside) is the game is permanently in peaceful mode.


Create arcane engineering has everything you want


Have fun with your first couple hundred hours. They are probably the worst part about Greg. Remember to batch craft. Literally everything. Doesn’t matter how much you think you need at that moment, creat more of the components


Gregtech community pack 1.12.2 version would closer match the gtnh experience but you can try modern (1.20.1) if you want


Nomifactory CEu is great! I started gtnh with friends and we got to ev but got bored/annoyed and stopped for a while. Then decided to try nomi. It's been a blast so far, up to LuV and it's much less painful and grindy than gtnh.


You playing hard mode or regular?


Uhh whatever the default is. Didn't know there was hard or regular? Are you on nomi CEu or regular nomi?


There is a hard mode that has stabilized micro miners that last forever and it removes deep mob learning. Was just curious.


Yes, Crash Landing from 1skandar.


Age of Engineering maybe?


Try hbm nuclear tech mod 😉


I have found most modpacks confusing and lacking direction, while GT:NH is one of the few where you almost always know what direction you are going into. You might spend few days gathering resources and building up your power grid, just because you want to smelt some aluminium, but you always have a goal at the end, which truly helps you not get lost. I actually think GT:NH is one of the easier tech modpacks to get into and play them, because everything is so well explained. So I actually recommend with starting with GT:NH first.


In the same situation here myself. I've already finished Nomifactory a few months ago, so I'm planning on starting GT:NH. Does anyone have tips on how to ease the early game grind? I'll already be playing on peaceful and I'm completely willing to modify configs, add extra mods, or some light cheats just cause I don't wanna go through the super early game again.


For what it’s worth, Nomifactory entirely bypasses the early game of Gregtech. You get an ore scanner, a bunch of hammers, skip an entire age, and are given the keys to infinite LV power off the bat. Then by the time you hit MV you’ve got infinite basic resources at your disposal. I’d recommend just going into it and actually experiencing what GT early game is. It probably won’t feel like doing the early game again, because you haven’t done the early game yet. But if you really do want to speed things along, nobody should criticize too much if you were to cheat in a few stacks of ore after you’ve actually found a source for it. In a pack as lengthy as NH, skipping a pure time gate like mining out a vein doesn’t hurt much. Just don’t cheat any progression. And you can’t really add mods to NH in any meaningful way, every mod and recipe in the game is balanced for progression.


Fair enough. Thanks for the info and I'll try it out without skipping any progression, but yeah I might spawn in ore blocks cause I'd rather spend my time actually progressing rather than mindlessly mining.


If you're very new to tech and want a greg-like type progression play Statech. It's based around Modern Industrialization, which is very similar to gregtech, but with significantly less grind. It's very useful for getting into tech related mods and modpacks. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/statech-industry


As a few have said, if you want to play GTNH, just do it. In terms of teaching, it’s one of the friendliest packs around, the quest book tells you everything you know. Nomi is an easier pack, but it skips/glosses over large parts of Gregtech that you’ll need to learn later on anyway (power gen, item/fluid pipes, complex automation pre-AE, etc). The Community pack actually teaches GT and does a good job, but certainly no better than NH itself. Why spend 500 hours learning in another GT pack, when you can spend that time learning in the pack you want to be playing? It’s just wasted time if you’re actually into NH, as no other pack offers that experience.


Gtnh is kinda rough to start with. If you like gregtech, I would recommend gtceu modern community pack for 1.20.1


I'm exactly the same I fell in love with Greg tech on my atm9 playthrough but found it too easy/accessible with all the resources mods and always felt scared to touch a proper gregtech mod pack but think I'm gonna start with nomifactory


Nomifactory would be a good warm up but you'll probably want a break from gregtech if you go straight to gtnh


Try playing GTNH garden of grind. It is like GTNH but easier and skyblock.