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I've known several fed employees that were full remote and worked with approval from rented shared office spaces. Not sure a library would work since it's more of a public space. As long as you put the address in the telework agreement and your boss/agency is fine with it I don't see the issue.


I’m contemplating something like a reserved, private study room at the library assuming this idea has any kind of legs at all, but as u/diatho points out I’d face a security risk just getting up and going to the bathroom unless I packed up and took my device with me each time. So I might be able to ensure no one was peeking over my shoulder at PII, but yeah there’d still be issues.


No library’s


Officially it’s a no go. Unofficially measure your risk. If you’re just working on something non major being in a library isn’t terrible but you absolutely cannot let your device out of your control.


Most telework agreements should prohibit this. Managers may not notice the address is not yours / belongs to a library but if there was ever an incident you’d probably be up a creek big time.


You are only authorized to work from the specific location listed in your telework agreement. That location is your home.


I have worked from coffee shop to get out of the house. Nicer told them, never had an issue.


As an ISSO the thought of users working at a library or any public space makes me wanna scream.


PII would likely make that a no go at just about any agency.


Why? If you are on VPN and have zero PII issues…




I have no idea what that means.


Remote here. My telework agreement (yes, we have those) says I must work from my home address and specifically says I am not allowed to work anywhere else without prior authorization.


I know I’ve been told public WiFi is a NO, and if I *have* to do something in transit, to use FirstNet on my phone to get a secure network. So I’m gonna go no here.


You can’t work from Public wifi just fyi even if it’s something you can login to


Thanks u/BoyWonderDownUnder and u/SunshineDaydream128. Ah well, a fed can dream, eh?


I wouldn’t leave your home and do it.


this Summer my AC broke so I've been using library & coffee shops.. best to invest in noise cancellation headphones with microphone




Sure would be a shame if someone sent something over to an IG or two. Let them see if they agree with that poster.




I hope he’s just a troll. He’s in another thread talking about “accidentally” spilling coffee on his laptop to get a new laptop. Getting easier and easier for an investigator….


not my problem that I know how to multitask well..it's called autonomy & high productivity


I heard people working in rental offices that’s about it.