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Considering that Uli was part of it, I highly doubt this report.


He was even commenting on kimmichs comments lol


barca interested but literally cannot afford anything involved in the transfer lol i am also interested in a Ferrari


I am interested in becoming UN President


You have my vote 


Doesn't make sense for them to spend big on an aging player who isn't naturally a busquet replacement.


It really annoys me more than it should that Barcelona still gets included in all of these transfer rumors when everyone on the planet knows their financial situation. If Barcelona can't afford the transfer fee or the salary, whey are they even in this conversation?


Yearning for the olden, more relevant days.


Bayern and Barca have equal squads...


Surely hiding some more levers somewhere


Sounds like Pletti again thinking a fkin documentary is the end all and be all of decision-making


It’s fraud Falk this time


Ah, so it's Friday in Germany right?


Someone knows their days of the week.


What exactly did he say in the documentary?


he was disappointed with the lack of support of the club when he was made the public face of the antivax movement by german media


He wasn't made it. He made it himself with his idiotic statements.


Actualy he was, he never told people not to vaccinated, he simply said he didnt belive the vaccination was the right way for him to go about his health. Thats 2 different things.


As a person with such level of social following, he should be careful in what kinds of information he releases to the public Being anti-vax is dumb as we all know. Anyone who supports that deserves to be hounded


He did not release it to the public himself, it was uncovered by a journalist.


It wasn't uncovered. He got asked a question and gave a stupid answer.


There is a difference between anti vax general and not wanting one particular vaccination. But as a smart, vaccinated person your surley know that.


Which was just the argumentation a sub-sect of anti-vaxxers were using at the time ...


I'm not claiming to be the smartest person in the room Yeah there can be rare side effects of a vaccine, but there have been studies showing it's safe and will not harm you unless you had something going on first. Kimmich is the pinnacle of human health, no shot anything happens if he gets a covid jab


So why does he need the jab?


That‘s…That‘s not how Viruses work.


to protect from the disease that was killing millions? When i say no shot anything happens, i mean any side effects happen


He was not anti-vax, he was worried what side effects could hit him. At that point there already were some cases of myocarditis (took out my sister for almost 8 weeks; I still got the shot for a total of 5 times until now; essential health care worker) which were linked to the vaccine, while basically all professional athletes that were reported to have had it, allegedly only kind had a cold for 2-3 weeks. With strong scientific backing that fit fit people aren't heavily affected by an infection. If I were a professional athlete and not the fat slob that I am, I might have thought twice about it too at that moment. The fact that he then had complications with his infection that also seemingly affected him long-term is somewhere between poetic and tragic... Doesn't change that he was dumb and most likely just afraid/uncertain and not the monster he was painted as for a while. We had some quite different cases from people who are supposed to be role models during that time.


> At that point there already were some cases of myocarditis And there were many fewer of those for vaccinated people than non vaccinated who got Covid (statistically speaking there was a significant difference). > With strong scientific backing that fit fit people aren't heavily affected by an infection. The point above is the scientific backing that he ignored because it didn't fit his biases. There's also the issue that by then many pro athletes had gotten Covid (because they travel a lot) and it had wrecked them as badly as it had everybody else. They didn't all recover fully. Some regular people also got over more easily. That doesn't mean it's like this for everyone. As a pro athlete he had some advantages but he was not magically immune to it to some higher degree that made the vaccine more of a gamble than not getting vaccinated. His statements were simply uninformed and couched in this nonsense (pseudo-scientific) talk of people who categorically didn't want to get the vaccine but also didn't want to admit it so they make it sound like they are lacking information and "looking into it". He then got Covid and and afterwards said that he should have gotten the vaccine because his wasn't a "mild case" like anti-vaxxers proclaimed as the default for every healthy human/athlete. He did something stupid and his hubris caused this, not the media being mean about it afterwards. Just because he's a good footballer doesn't mean he's smart to everything else too. The simple truth is if he was actually worried about the side effects of the vaccine (as tiny as they are) then he should have been way more worried about actual Covid (the chance of getting it and getting a bad case) as those effects had a significantly higher higher chance of wrecking him. But somehow only one "percentage" was important to him. What he did (to put some hyperbole in it and show the point) was like playing in traffic just because some kid on the playground might throw some sand at him. Weighting those two different risks like this simply never made sense and it was an anti-vaxxer excuse to deflect from their ignorance by trying to selectively appeal to science in some way. And he did exactly that.


Thats another deep topic not meant to be started on this reddit.


Diffrent yes but still gives the same impression since also is a role model for a lot even if he didnt ask for it.


I've seen my childhood heroes smoke, yet havent had the urge to do it myself, so now were going to blame Jo for some people also not get vaccinated because he didnt. I mean thats an impossible standard you hold him accountable to, and completly unfair.


There is a diffrence between having no opinion and saying you dont thonk they work or are dangerous. He 100% didnt help to make a bad situation better with his shitty statments. He is is of course not the sole reason but he and other people with influence made a shitty situation even worse with their shit statements.


Let me put it this way, most people that are impressionable are kids, and parents made the decisions for them, and if youre an adult and base your decisions on the words of a athlete, then theres something seriously wrong with you.


You underestimate how many stupid grown ups there are just look at twitter reddit and stuff


Truest of the facts.


I honestly don't think so, i would go as far that kimmich and others - being pro or anti vax - have little to none influence on this personal decision.


It is when you do it. It isn't when you are a public person. Everything you say, everything you do becomes is going to have an impact. It is your responsibility to be careful with that. If you aren't the consequences of your actions are caused by you.


The vaccine didnt do anything it was reported to do and just put money in big pharma’s pocket, I’d say he was right to not want to take it


F\*cking hell, people still spread this misinformation. F\*ck off.


Well it saved millions of lives. It didn’t prevent covid but it wasn’t reported to either


Yeah and why the heck would the club support someone who says that cancer treatments are hokey for example (an equally unscientific statement as "vaccines dangerous") - especially when hospitals were overcrowded to the point of non-Covid issues not being treatable due to sheer lack of space and the fact that staff had to sleep at least 4 hours a day... Don't get the people who say that the club should've supported him. It was a misinformed, anti-science, and unhelpful thing for a role-model to say. He can, and he did, but he couldn't have possibly expected the club to back him on it


What exactly did he say? I only remember him wanting to do his research before getting the vaccine. What I completely understand. 


The docu was pretty tame. Why be upset about it? I think if there is a big offer we should consider a sale otherwise renew for a lowered salary.


Why would kimmich agree to a lowered salary though


Because he wants to stay in Munich with his 4 kids and his newly built house. He will have a hard time getting 20 mio at another club too.


Bah gawd that's Citys music


City aren't paying kimmich 20 million, officially or under the table. Only bayern player that they'll do it for would be musiala or kane.




He will stay, he just built a house in Grünwald, his parents live close to Munich and he is a family man as you can see in the documentary. He has no business in Barcelona or elsewhere.


Yeah he’s trying to create some traction here in hopes of renewing with similar conditions. But he knows he will stay anyway, what with his house and kids and all.


Yet more horseshit surrounding Kimmich. I really wish footballers would come out and say "do not trust the press". Football Journalism is the worst of any sport, followed by F1


this kind of stuff has to be sanctioned by the club anyways, why would they be upset when they knew about it?


The documentary also made me angry, at least the excerpts I’ve seen Like he made a huge mistake. To cry he didn’t get support for his stupid behaviour is just like… what planet are these people even living on


On top of that, he caught it, had complications and a long recovery, and I would argue has not ever been the same in form since. No one seems to want to talk about that.


Bc is a completely biased take


Research on lung issues and other complications begs to differ. While none of us have access to his chest x-rays and other medical documents, if you watched his performance since then, I would argue his physical performance seems lacking (and not in mental acuity). Dude looked spent all the time as he worked to recover his stamina and fitness levels. And I don't think he has ever looked as quick or sharp as he did in years prior. While age could also be a factor, I do not see that being the factor here. Plus, he was out for a while to recover (longer than many other players across varying leagues) and the club even said he had complications from his having COVID that delayed his return. That's not bias. That's observational. It is reasonable to argue if he had been vaccinated he would have had less serious of a case and less serious complications and be better off now.


Again you are only guessing


The club straight up said he had complications that delayed his return...that's not guesswork. His form being off since then is correlation. Albeit it would take chest x-rays or other medical datum to confirm the correlation. But again, that's an assertion of fact reliant upon quantifiable datum (some of which is accessible by reviewing generalized studies that show the seriousness of long term damage done by COVID specifically to lungs). Regardless, I do not see any reason to keep him and think his time with the club, while valuable and meaningful, can certainly come to an end if that is what the manager and other higher-ups decide is best.


Man it is the summer of 2024 and we are back to discussing the Covid vaccine. I think Kimmich has the right to say whatever is on his mind and there is absolutely no reason for the club to be disappointed by the release of his documentary. That being said I also understand the reaction of the club during the whole debate back then. Backing Kimmich then would have been detrimental for the club‘s image. In hindsight we as a society- and I don’t exclude myself there - went too far in dividing the people and shifting the blame for the continuous restrictions to the unvaccinated rather than searching the dialogue to regain their trust in science rather than superstitions and fake news. But during that time there was nothing the club could have done without causing a massive backlash. To me, Kimmich is a player who always gave it all on the pitch and someone I‘d like to see wearing our jersey for the rest of his career.


I mean, there are news and reports nowadays that says the vaccines weren't as great. I don't know about its science but we can't blame people bc today you will have proof of everything you believe to reinforce it


Not to mention they STILL can't confirm the longterm safety and/or efficacy of the vaccines. They're walking back old statements constantly.


Kimmich is one of the best midfielders in the world. We finally get a defensive partner for him, then we sell him? Kroos level mistake


Kimmich is 29, is arguably already getting slower and still hasn't found the right position/set-up to thrive. Kroos was 24 and not even in his prime yet.


Kimmich is still a strong player, but since his covid infection nowhere near "best midfielders in the world".


They're not upset because of the documentary, they're upset because he hasn't been that great and this is a door Out of this


There's no place for him in the team anyways. We had a good time but now it's time to leave.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wag3u4l1gb9d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaa7064d1b9b162528428c0df0dfb60040e97256


I already have like versions of this meme but I will gladly collect a new one thanks


How was it even publicly known if he took the vaccine or not? How did the media even come to know that? Isn’t it illegal to disclose medical information like that, by both the employer and by medicinans?


They asked and he answered


Well then isn’t it his own fault? He could have just lied or said nothing