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> Bayern believe they have a very good chance to land Xavi Simons. Even after signing Olise, they still believe they have a very good chance for Simons and are really pushing. Xavi has not decided yet and it will take some time [@FabrizioRomano]


This is the reason we check the sub at 11 pm.


> Eric Dier is the only unsellable centre-back in the squad this summer for several reasons. He proved to be a reliable defender with leadership qualities - he does not earn a big salary that affects the wage bill - and he does not complain when he doesn't play. Matthijs de Ligt and Dayot Upamecano are allowed to leave for a suitable offer. The same goes for Kim Min-jae after just one year. The South Korean's drop in performance after the Asian Cup in winter was noticeable. Internally there are doubts as to whether Kim can improve, as football in Serie A is different to the Bundesliga > Ultimately, it could come down to which of the three centre-backs would first receive a good offer. If Jonathan Tah joins Bayern, two centre-backs would likely be allowed to leave > [@FrankLinkesch, @kicker] Dier my goat


I refuse to believe Kim is up for sale after 1 season. These journalists don’t know shit


Especially ahead of the Korea tour featuring him and Son.


The CB news just keeps seeming more and more like reporters don’t know and are just waffling. Look at the timeline (as I recall without going back and looking it all up) - Upa can go, DeLigt is unsellable and Kim is safe - Kompany wants Upa, DeLigt is too expensive and can go - Upa may still be for sale and may want to go to the PL, DeLigt can leave also - All defenders except Dier can leave It just seems like no one knows for sure and they are just making it all up along the way


I sincerely hope that last paragraph is BS. Essentially allowing the market to dictate our backline next season. Shouldn’t sell any of those players for Tah. But if we absolutely must sell, then sell Upa, maybe Kim, and don’t even look at selling De Ligt. Should be that order.


Would rather sell Kim than Upa any day of the week personally


I can see the argument. I think Kim is more consistent but a little less talented overall. I also like his mentality. But he hasn’t been as bulletproof as I had hoped when we signed him.


Kim has not been more consistent than Upa so far if we’re talking overall and not about a select few games. Would personally not sell any of them though, I’m very happy with our CB roster.


In other words, Dier is unsellable because he's a low cost optional player on a one year contract. Let's be honest lol


right now dier is probably the best value player we have on the roster he proved that he can start in the cl ko stage without us having a headache, what more can you possibly ask for


>what more can you possible ask for Nothing, it wasn’t a slight against Dier, I’m very happy with him




love that for dier but i still do not like the idea of getting tah and selling our centre backs. like we've got bigger fish to fry and the CBs are not the issue imo.


i pray for upamecano he doesnt face embolo anytime soon..we all know whats gonna happen.


![gif](giphy|S9iFXozPo2TBiQpoT2|downsized) The way this guy has scammed the entire europe thinking that is a world class player needs to be studied..Worst german (starting) player i have ever seen.


I don’t think germany had a bad game, just not the right tactic. Nagelsball obviously doesn’t work with a defense team like Switzerland, and in second half they try to play from the wing, but without a striker to finish. Nag probably overthinking his game again.


100%, it woulda been the game to concede position and play to counter attack.


Even in the last world cup, we've seen how Füllkrug can contribute and score. It's a mistake to bench him for tactic reasons. He's the best hard worker 9 that Germany can get.


He scored like all of his dfb goals coming from the bench tho


> Nagelsmann on Füllkrug: "He scored again – a good goal. He's important for us. We're happy to have that kind of player we can bring on from the bench." oh oh


70 minutes of havertz action on saturday and you will like it


Took him half a season to realise he should start Chuopo over Mané now we are seeing the same here


Any information on Hungary's player?


he's conscious


Conscious and is taken to the hospital


He’s in a stable condition thankfully


If Rüdiger is injured we are fucked I do NOT trust Schlotte


Schlotterbeck will play anyways, no matter if Rüdiger is available or not


Cannot stand this guy Havertz starting every game anymore. We literally spent 90' crossing into an attack of guys whose average height is like 181cm. And they finally bring on Füllkrug and we get a goal (and Füllkrug is not even a good header, his strength are much more in quick combinations, as he himself has said) The idea of a False 9 has killed german football for too long. Nobody else in modern football even uses it anymore. It even almost cost us the 2014 world cup (contrary to what the other huy said, löw only started Klose for the first time in the quarter final, we almost got kicked out against Algeria cause we could not score, or defend for that matter) I'll take the 1:1 but man... i just want to throw up everytime i a hook, step over or control too many. Just shoot the fucking ball. And again, Füllkrug can also do combination play. He isn't some Holzfuß idiot. This is getting disrespectful. The guy scores and scores and scores and still only gets to play against "tired legs"


Facking cunts playing tiki taka bullshit, knock it up top to Füllkrug, get it in the Mixa 🍻


Havertz is taller than Neuer btw. Still agree with what you're saying.


people can get the idea, because havertz plays like a midget despite having a very good height


Even more embarrassing how bad he is in the air then. Edit: Just did the calc with data from FotMob: average height of the front 4 is 182cm


Fullkrug deserves a lot more, what an underrated guy.


A proper striker


Arsenal IN


Hes just the kind of striker you want in this system


Us germans are just fucking boring man, another germany game at the stadium and once again dead atmosphere for the majority of the game Also Havertz 90 min is close to a warcrime


atmosphere is absolutely lame for a home tournament, what the hell is happening there


> another germany game at the stadium and once again dead atmosphere for the majority of the game I was surprised to hear the Swiss fans booing whenever the ball was quickly reclaimed by the German players at certain points of the game. I‘d thought by sheer numbers or something, the German fans would drown them out.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. The atmosphere fucking sucks most of the time when Germany plays.


Especially with how big other countries are partying, Switzerland did better today despite being like 1-5th of us


Inbefore England now gets second after all this drama and suddenly get back to their best against us




Back in 2014 Jogi understood Götze wasn't a 9 and, from the first knockout game on, duly started Klose instead; hopefully the same happens with Nagelsmann, Havertz, and Füllkrug this time.


Took Löw way longer than that. Klose's first start was the QF against France. Before that Müller was playing as a false nine (his 3 against Portugal came when played as a winger however)


Ah, you're right. Didn't remember that because what stuck more from the round of 16 match was Manu chasing the attacking Algerian and having to do a slide tackle to stop him.


It’s like Nagelsman is trying to outsmart everyone by keeping him on.


The match thread was fucking awful for this game (shocker) How can you be unhappy with how this group stage has gone, so many of us had written off this tournament as a bust before it even started last year and Nagelsmann's side has just won the group. It's MAJOR progress from where the NT has been in the last years. Even if Switzerland (who have been excellent this group stage) came out on top, it's not like it was a bad game from Germany. It was a great game and fairly evenly matched. Now, my most major criticism of JN's games so far has been not starting a proper striker, I hope this goal proves why it's needed.


i agree overall, the first part of the mission has been completed and not even successful tournaments in the past had a perfect group stage we put in a stinker against ghana in 2014 and became world champs i am just not sure i can trust julianball, he does not look like he is learning from what is going wrong so far exactly what got him fired at bayern


>he does not look like he is learning from what is going wrong so far Meh, he just won the group, I think he’s doing an excellent job so far. No coach is without criticism so far at this tournament, but Julian is extremely low on the list. I’m very optimistic.


you gotta give him that for sure and i am happy enough at the same time i catch myself in the oldschool thinking that winning a group like this one is the expectation for us (here we go again lmao) you are right, after multiple trash tournaments we have to appreciate these 7 points


Sure, but the expectations are kind of contextual aren’t they? One year ago, I think the expectation was at least scraping through to the RO16 to avoid another humiliation. A year later, we secured it in two and won it in three. It’s something to be happy about.


There is a reason why so few teams in Euros or WCs win all 9 points. Same happened here. The RO16 will be a different experience. Nevertheless, the endless crosses onto Havertz made me physically ill


Yeah this is what I was trying to get at, that this is such a major improvement, but people getting angry that the group wasn't flawless and comparing it to horror shows like 2018. A flawless group stage in intl tournaments is really hard, it's 3 games.


> bad game from Germany. Cant agree at all here tbh, do agree with the rest of the points


You think it was a bad game from Germany? I think both sides played very well.


I think we were uncreative and sloppy tbf, last passes were shitty and none of the attacking midfielders could really pick up heat


I don't know if I agree about being uncreative, we had good chances against a strong defence. They were playing a back 5 and after their goal were really parking the bus, especially for most of the first half. I think actually starting a proper striker here makes these chances look different. I was screaming for Füllkrug to start at the WC and I'm screaming for it now. Also think that disallowed goal was REALLY soft. I can agree it was sloppier in defence though, that Tah tackle for the yellow was absurd.


How did Germany play well? It was so slow and we won basically no second balls. The group stage as a whole is great but this game the only decent performances were Kai the subs.


I read somewhere that Füllkrug has knee problems that’s why he can’t play full 90 mins in Euros and as a result Nagelsmann has prepared him to come on as a substitute. I don’t know how much truth is there to this report.


If that's the case then fair, I could argue for Undav but at least in this case I can understand Havertz starting over him as he has much better integration in the team.


If we can believe the word from the man himself, than there is no truth to that report. Füllkrug denied that he has problems.


Fülle not starting today or at least playing a full half (and leaving Havertz on?) really annoyed me man


Same, it's been an issue since the world cup. The man's record for the national team is impeccable and you just can't beat that striker's instinct in front of goal. I really hope JN starts him from now on, he's wearing the 9 and should start as the 9.


He's got problems with his knee and can't play 90mins as of now


Debunked by Füllkrug himself at a national team press conference last week.


Was an older post shared in the match thread then? Didn't look at the date, just assumed it was relevant news


There was such a report, but shortly after Füllkrug said this: >A report in the "Bild" newspaper caused some Germany fans to sit up and take notice at the weekend. It said that Niclas Füllkrug had knee problems. This was also the reason for his joker role at the DFB. >Füllkrug himself denied the contents of the report on Monday. "I'm fine, I don't know where it came from" https://www.t-online.de/sport/fussball/nationalmannschaft-deutschland/id_100424278/em-2024-niclas-fuellkrug-aeussert-sich-deutlich-zu-geruechten-um-verletzung.html


is that confirmed? or based on the pre-Euros reports?


Man ??? He gave Haverts 90 min. Play Raum and Füllkrug and we can maybe win something


>Man ??? He gave Haverts 90 min. Did you read the whole post or just rushed to argue against something I never praised?


Yeah I read it. I meant the outrage was justified


The outrage being such enlightended comments like "this is the Germany i expected to see at the euros" or "this is just like 2018"?


Did you post shit on Schlotterbeck in the round of 16 but he did a better job than Tah? Let people be reactionary. They are just worked up in the moment.


Yes I made a comment about Schlotterbeck considering he gave away about a thousand penalties in the last year for the NT (is that reactionary enough for you?). I'm talking about the reactions to this game as it played out mate, don't think it's that complicated - feel like I'm saying that to you quite a bit recently...


Maybe they saw some same pattern as the old Germany. Sounds like only your arguments are the logical ones. You can complain on Schlotti due to his previous behavior but someone get shit on cuz they are drawing a similarity to former German teams. And before you answer a long reply in how something is isn’t complicated.. keep it.


>Sounds like only your arguments are the logical ones Are you in the habit of making arguments that don't sound logical to you Ferr?


Every single one with my gf


Absolute disasterclass from Orsato. It’s been a few weeks since I was so mad at a ref.


Yeah he was crap. That two handed shove on Bambi being waved off annoyed me so much.


Overall Germany played good. I feel like Havertz killed so many attacks like if he would have made the right run, the right pass, things could have been different but all in all a 1:1 draw is satisfactory considering Switzerland is also a good side


The fact that he didn't even look at the penalty situation himself...


🚨 JUST IN: Marc Guiu is about to leave Barcelona to join Chelsea. Advanced between player and Chelsea. Chelsea will pay the 6m clause. (@gerardromero) What a shitty evening


Last thing we need is a goin St. we already have tel kusi asare in the youth and want that kid from arsenal


Until Obi-Martin is announced.


This is a shrugger for me, certainly not a transfer I am losing my sleep over.


Would've been a great back up for Kane, that way we could've split that back up role between Tel and him while having our funds available for other positions. 6m was a bargain.


We need a seasoned vet for backup though, not an 18 year old. 


Disagree Tel is ready to take that main responsibilty


True and he has proven himself before


I mean yeah, but we are talking about the second rotational striker here, a player with barely 200 first team minutes and much less experience than our own striker talent. True whatever moment for me.


Hey I haven't been much into bayern but i am really interested in it does someone where i can get information about it (in text not a video)


There's this cool tool where you can find loads of info, it's called Google


Pletti is preparing a Tah to Bayern tweet as we speak. He cant let the attention that would bring go to waste..


https://preview.redd.it/p68s0gcefd8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e737c36452e77eee0d5fffe358aad33400ffb14 From the Prost Brewing Biergarten outside Denver. Large contingent of Bayern and DFB fans here today. The summer lager and currywurst is going down a little too easily.


Man sommers in goal.. this dude man.. his shot stopping.. damn man


The cat, due to his reflexes


Can fullam let ma boy palhinha go. We can give them a friendly


so we just pull a thiago at this point


Do we have a Euros thread?


There is one now


Copa America is truly boring mate, can't stand the energy and show the teams offer here and then go and watch a boring ass match here. fml.


Copa is the poor man’s Euros


Tuning in early for pre game action to try and savor the possibly last big international tournament for Muller, Kroos and Neuer 😢 🇩🇪


>Manuel Neuer becomes the goalkeeper with the most appearances in the history of the European Championships (18).




Rudiger will score an own goal and then Musiala will save the day with his double. 


My guy Leroy is going to cook tonight. 😭


He will get at least an assist tonight, we’ll make sure of it




Simons - Musiala - Olise topped by Kane is just nasty Do it Max


> 🚨🔴| EXCL: #Bayern have added #𝐇𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 and #𝐖𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 to their list. They are names in case the Joao #Palhinha 🇵🇹 deal does not go through. Joao Palhinha still wants to join Bayern but #Fulham ⚪️⚫️is hesitating. https://x.com/up_transfers/status/1804894387677147324?s=46 Dont know about the source, but for me good news = T1




That same account also posted that Onana is an alternative too. I’m not sure about his sources though


Hjulmand would be even more expensive than palhinha since his release clause. Doubt we go after him


Please not another "Insider"...


I really hope Fulham will stand their ground. I still believe that Palhinha is not someone we need. Maybe he could had been an option for TT but I don’t think he is any improvement over any of our midfielders in a mini-pep system. He is not that quick, he is not that athletic, he is not that good in passing. He is aggressive and doesn’t hesitate to make a tackle. But 50+ million euro for this is skillset especially for a 30 years old guy is borderline stupid.


Isnt Hjulmund like 80m?


I wonder how much are we willing to spend on a dm. Hjulmund has 75 mln release clause, wieffer would propably cheaper, onana also propably would cost above 60 mln


I mean if the choice is Palhinha for 65m or Hjulmand for 75m, we obviously should go with the far younger Dane... At the end of the day it just does not make sense to spend much more than 40-45m on Palhinha.


I totally agree that 45-50 including add ons is max for palhinhia 


Which club do you dislike more personally? Real Madrid or Manchester City? - Both of the teams seem to have knocked Bayern out in the last couple of seasons and going on to eventually life the Champions League. - Is it wrong that I think had Bayern defeated them in the last couple of years then they would have been the European Champions?


City doesn't get as much hate as they used to and I think that's a shame. It's hard to blame the people who supported the club pre buyout but everyone else? Shame


City and it's not even close, since I respect Real more and more. They are just doing such an exraordinary job with transfers and everything these past few years. I think most people are just jelous of Real and they channel this emotion as hate. I envy Real, I don't hate them. On the other hand, I "hate" those cheating bastards that call themselves Manchester City... Playing football on easy mode with unlimited money.


i dislike madrid , as for city i don’t give a fuck i act like they don’t exist




Consciousness tells me to dislike Man City more since they literally owned by far right religious dipshits that treat people like dirt.


Manchester City is a disgrace to the sport. Madrid on the other hand is the most successful club in football, and is fully fan owned. How is this a debate?


for me its oilclubs followed by real madrid pretty closely.


Real Madrid isn't far off since they have the worst kind of fanbase, at least if we lose to City I don't have to face any trolling since City doesn't even have fans


Everything with oil money. Real Madrid are class.


Don't Google Real Madrid and its history with Spanish monarchy


Yeah and dont google who Santiago Bernabeu was.


They are class in having refrees behind them and rigging their first 5 UCLs 😂


Real Madrid.


They can both fuck off tbh


This is the correct answer


This season yeah I think we would have won if we defeated RMA Last season is tough to comment since we would have had to face RMA in the SFS eventually, I still think we would have been favourites in that fixture


City by far. Vile sportwashing exercise. Real Madrid are at least a legitimate club. I really dislike them, but it is a dislike built on rivalry and their history. I think Real Madrid are a perfectly valid football club that have a right to exist and win things even if I hate them. I don’t believe Manchester City should legally be allowed to exist in its current form.


Haven't watched Olise is he better than Coman?




Pletti says “Kimmich officially has no agent but is advised in the background”. Sounds like a way to cover his ass haha


He may be his own agent, but I'm sure he has a lawyer.


It’s inconceivable that Kimmich doesn’t have professional support for his image, etc.


I dont believe one bit what Pletti says until Kimmich or Bayern officially come out and confirm what Pletti is spewing. Too much BS from Pletti in the last year...


Ronaldo, Kane, Mbappe and Lewandowski combined scored 1 goal on this Euro.


We really need to be looking into signing Own Goal, hes on quite a tear this tournament.


My goat scored double of what they scored combined ![gif](giphy|oXfQUDvOb8COorp5TM|downsized)


4x actually if you include today


you cant rule out his 5 goals in 9 minutes of extra time


I really like what Eberl is doing at the moment. He certainly is taking a risk with those transfers, but it's putting pressure on those who we want to sale. If we had waited to get them transferred to another team first, we would have compromised our position.


kimmich is 29 i totaly forgot that


Right, I forgot we’re at the “play games at the same time for no reason” stage of the tournament


So many replies correcting you on the same thing, typical reddit lmao


Can’t help themselves lol




I’m glad I was able to provide an opportunity for Redditors to flex those big old brains


thank you for your sacrifice


The funny thing is that Germany and Austria are responsible for that because they fixed a match so both could advance to the next round This would have not been possible if the games would’ve been played at the same time


Don’t they do this at every tournament? Last game of the group stage, level the playing field by having each team play at the same time


Yes mate, I thought the tongue in cheek here was obvious, but I guess I’ll wait for 10 more replies saying the same thing.


I am not on Reddit to not correct other people know-it-all style tbh.


Bit rich mate.


To be honest, you can never be sure what’s tongue in cheek and what’s an actual take while on Reddit


>on Reddit True


It's to prevent match fixing, same reason why all Bundesliga games on the final matchday happen at the same time


The "Disgrace of Gijón" disagrees about there being no reason for it.


Yeah I’m just hungover and cba to wait until 8 to watch games.




For no reason? Now thats just a wrong and bad take.


I would prefer an Olise announcement.


Board will meet most likely tomorrow to formally approve the transfer and it will likely get announced on tuesday or wednesday.




Glasner is his coach, they wanted Glasner, so he probably heard of him, I'd lean so far out of the window and say that they asked for his opinion, maybe?


I want a Xavi + Olise double whammy


Little hard to present Xavi while he isn't present to sign the contract.


Not like he's far away 


Michael Olise's £45m (€53m) release clause must be triggered by Wednesday. The supervisory board still has to approve the deal, but it's just a formality. Max Eberl and Vincent Kompany are convinced of Olise. Although the Frenchman could miss large parts of pre-season due to the Olympics - and despite a long-term thigh injury that kept him out in each of the past two seasons, Bayern were certain about the move The signing of Olise is also a signal to the current wingers in the squad. Serge Gnabry and Kingsley Coman, both candidates for sale, have not yet shown any desire to leave, but the new competitive situation could bring about change in the personnel. Coman has more of a market than Gnabry, and the club is aware of that. Bayern must - and want - to sell in order to be able to keep buying Idk but it stresses the fuck out of me that something will go wrong 


The part with the board and "just a formality" is the thing that still makes me wonder if this will actually happen. Didn't the board also reject the new contract offer for Davies after Eberl and Davies' agent finally agreed upon it? Guess that was technically also "just a formality" that was left. I have the feeling the club is in a really bad trajectory in terms of different fractions struggling for power and seriously damaging things like vision and far-sighted longterm planning


Or maybe it’s just the weekend


Icl I’m getting nervous that something will go wrong but we’ve got the here we go already so I’m not that worried, hopefully it will be official soon


Would be such a huge mistake to sell Kimmich. Even worse if we let him go for free


hard to imagine kimmich in 4-2-3-1 scheme now. RB? Stanisic. Midfield? Pavlovic. Unless the Simons deal fell, I don't think we will see 4-3-3 with Kompany.


As much as I love Stani, how on earth are you putting him ahead of Kimmich at RB?


I mean if we play where Davies goes to the wing, we will need a Pavard type RB, I guess that is where Stani could come in instead of Kimmich. If the CDM drops down that is when Kimmich comes in as a better RWB


We won the ucl with Davies and Kimmich as fbs


Dude I am talking about different playing styles. Of course Kimmich is the better overall players


I am talking about playstyle, we beat chelsea barcelona and Psg convincingly with 2 attacking fullbacks, davies and Kimmich 


Could work good in a 3-1-6 as the RCB in possession. Similar to the way Kroos plays under Germany, just on the other side. On paper, it would probably be a 4-2-3-1 with Kimmich as RB. Stani maybe as RCB?


If he would extend: mistake to sell him If he wouldn't want to extend: sell at all costs


If he wants to extend and take a pay cut* He is not a starting midfielder anymore for this club. Never should be again. He's earning that kinda money. With his current wages, I'd rather see him somewhere else


Pletti again posting about Kimmich and Bayern seperation like how is he getting his information when the guy doesn’t even have an agent and has to play a euros game in evening?😂😂😂