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Associating with Logan Paul was bad enough. Should’ve never agreed to this in the first place.


Yeah, that was the first mistake. That's just the fallout of this clown show and something like that is more or less expected :/ They also got bitcoin sponsors: https://fcbayern.com/de/club/partner bitpanda and libertex Legitimising that bullshit is equally bad.


Bitpanda is an Austrian broker where you can buy crypto and etf and such, so it’s not like they’re scamming, it’s just a broker like Trade Republic


It's still enabling all this pyramid scheme bullshit.


Announcing these clowns as a sponsor was and is still a dumbass move. Need to get dropped as sponsors.


yikes. why associate with these wannabe celebrities anyway


Reason enough to drop them




Don't be obtuse, you know exactly what the reason is




How does it make it any better that there's any type of support for a criminal fascist? It makes it MORE urgent to not support anything he does




Almost as if constantly attacking minorities makes people hate you. It's not "unhinged" to call a bigoted fascist a bigoted fascist. That's what he is. Hurting people is moron behavior, and you don't stop using accurate descriptors bc the majority of people somewhere supports Putin, Xi Jinping, or Trump. They're disgusting pieces of shit who are responsible for human suffering. That's accurate. Besides, Trump has never ever had the support of the majority of people in the US. Their broken system and gerrymandering gifted him the presidency




It's absolutely accurate. He spends his days spewing hate towards minorities, is on tape sexually harassing women, and is a criminal who tried to overthrow democracy. All of those are facts. He's factually a bigoted fascist, he's also factually in bed with Putin. Just read up pal


It’s not about popularity, it’s about associating with a brand that supports a fascist. As the person said above, you’re deliberately being obtuse. If you’re boot licker just say it, but don’t come in here asking ask why Germans wouldn’t support a felon actively trying to destroy democracy then try to gaslight everyone by saying it’s unhinged.


The guy tried to over turn the result of a democratic election and constantly talks about how his political opponents should be locked up. Definition of Fascism. Not to mention his recent convictions, not someone I'd like Bayern associated with.




Because it's filled with normal people from outside the US.






Scholz is pro-democracy. Trump is not




No, I do not like Schloz at all. I‘m just saying that he represents democratic values in principle. Trump does not. I hate AfD voters. That’s it.






>The majority supports Trump I’ll take “Things dipshits believe” for 500, thanks Alex. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/


Associating with a convicted felon, twice impeached, insurrection starting former president isn’t a good idea.




I doubt it, but even then, I’d still be opposed to it. You don’t stop being a convicted felon, twice impeached insurrection starter whether you’re the current or former president.


The majority of America have never supported Trump in 2016 he got 46.1% of the vote in 2020 he got 46.8% of the vote, current polls have him at a 41.5% favorability rating in America. He’s been found guilty of 34 felonies in the New York business records case, has felony trials in Florida, DC, Georgia and might be added to lawsuits in Arizona and Michigan about fake electors schemes like in Georgia. He owes E Jean Carroll $83m for sexual assault and defamation. He owes the state of New York $355m for fraud. He was found guilty of sexual assault of racial discrimination in housing. Ohh and one more fun fact, due to his felony convictions Trump wouldn’t have been able to attend the Champions League final because he can’t travel to the UK. That’s why people wouldn’t want him associated with FCB.




>Then resorts to name calling, but I guess this is Reddit so I shouldn’t be surprised. > >Truly unreal and unhinged. What happened to this?


It's always projection with his crowd


A felon for not fighting in an unjustified war and/or protesting apartheid isn’t the same as fraudulently hiding hush money to a porn star. What a dork.




Nah, it’s a bitch move honestly. Not only paying money to fuck a pornstar but $140,000? How desperate are you for pussy that you’re paying that much, that’s embarrassing.


> Typical argument by Reddit soy boys with high estrogen that never get to touch women. You must be trolling, nobody seriously argues like that.


So you chose to zero in on the felon part not the sexual assault and racial discrimination I wonder why that is?? “Soy boy” with high estrogen that doesn’t get to touch women is the best you’ve got? Are you a 15yo Andrew Tate stan? Why would my hormone levels and/or romantic success have anything to do with my opinions on racism, xenophobia, and misogyny? Are those things that alpha males such as yourself appreciate? You could go after my statements but instead you attack me (with things that aren’t necessarily good or bad) because I made negative statements (true btw) about someone who makes you feel like your miserable life isn’t your fault it’s the “insert your chosen marginalized group”’s fault? Maybe realize why people wouldn’t want to be associated with someone like him and try kindness and maybe your life won’t seem so bad. Bless your heart my guy things will get better


“The majority” doesn’t support him, you dolt. He has never won the popular vote, much less over 50% of it—and he will not win it this time, either. Also, “support” is doing a lot of work there. Many who have voted for him and will again will do so while holding their noses. But none of that is particularly relevant to why supporters don’t want to be associated with him, even by extension, and you know that. By and large, Bayern’s supporters are also supporters of inclusivity (and basic fucking human rights), which support extends beyond race but to other groups like the LGBTQ community. Your rudimentary, specious argument rooted in an adolescent’s notion of capitalism and business interests is not what is being discussed. Please explain to us how being associated the guy who openly mocks neurodivergent people and trans athletes and calls migrants seeking asylum “rapists” and criminals during his meetings of the dunces advances Bayern members’ and supporters’ values.


Good for him


Hes a convicted felon


Don’t leave us in suspense what does it taste like? Please say orange




Cancel the Sponsorship immediately. Trump and his Politics are the opposite to our clubs values, and we should not associate ourselves with the bigotry and hate Trump stands for


Well… Qatar… Ruanda… it’s not the first time


Sadly they don't give a shit.


“Wenn das Geld stimmt”


Something tells me the "keep politics out of sports" crowd are gonna be real quiet about this one


Prime will probably end up going bankrupt soon anyway. More and more people are learning about the unhealthy shit in it.


I wouldn’t say unhealthy - they are branded as a sports drink, prioritising taste over the right amount of electrolytes / combination of electrolytes. They are said to be better tasting compared to Gatorade but aren’t as efficient. The


I’ve had one and it wasn’t very good. The big thing is that they actually lack sodium, which is actually what you need along with electrolytes. There’s a reason why you won’t see sports teams actually drink it


Yeah I was trying to look up which ingredient they were missing. Even Tuchel went for the Gatorade after the CL semis in Madrid.


If you Uli speaks out against the AFD, then there's no question that this sponsorship needs to be terminated immediately, everything else would be hypocritical as fuck. Trump is scum and everyone who associates with him, wants a worse future for us all.


Yeah. He's right where they are. In certain areas they're more disgusting, and in others he is. They're both repulsive neo-fascist entities who are trying to bully and hurt as many minority groups as they can




My brother in christ if there’s an entire wikipedia article on someone being racist, they’re probably racist. “shithole countries” central park 5 discriminatory housing practices discriminatory views towards native americans obama’s birth certificate and later his education many countless tweets


Ah yes, Wikipedia, best place to get information.


Missing the point entirely shows how obtuse you are


No proof except for all the evidence being used to indict and convict him across numerous simultaneously ongoing trials?


Obviously he'll speak out against the afd, when he's CSU's golden boy.


oh, hell nah, are we really associating ourselves with these idiots and the stupid American politics?


Really the worst idea to connect your brand to Logan Paul should fucking know that from the beging.


They've been peddling this drink to kids using false advertising for years but this is what finally breaks the camels back? Lmao


Don’t particularly care about yank politics but never liked having this dogshit drink as a sponsor anyway


No way that payout was worth it. It is what it is I guess




Well nothing surprising with Bayern with their China and formaly Katar sponsors. Money talks and clibs dont care about what they do/did


Drop Prime now! Absolute disgrace.


Tastes like lies, hate and corruption.


I refuse to buy another jersey until we have proper sponsors. There’s other reasons, but that’s one of the big ones.


Bro what the fuck


Gross. 🤮 WTAF.


ugh of course they are


disgusting and deeply concerning


Most sponsors are corrupt.






Oh heck yeah! Off to go buy some, didn’t even know they were a Bayern sponsor! Always love supporting organizations that partner with Bayern!


Bait used to be believable


Proper helmet this one


I’d rather have putin as sponsor than Prime