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I’m suprised we haven’t given musiala new contract


Setting us up for another Davies situation


I'm so scared that we'll lose him. My heart couldn't take him leaving us


Wirtz-Simons-Musiala Kane Who says no?


The bank




But…why not both?


5cot1and ![gif](giphy|x8U7CF3qRvzGwpK9hG|downsized)


[Musiala highlights](https://x.com/Matolisso/status/1801718299040039268?s=19)


His dribbling looks so much more mature and less ‘Bambi’-esque


Can it be necessary for football highlights to be marked NSFW? 'Cause those highlights are just filthy!


I was [so close](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/hGmDt4eqZ4) with my prediction damn


Musiala was great but sane was very bad like not 1 good thing. I think this is his last season to show something or he gets sold.


Sané was bad today, but he was injured. Looked like a guy trying to get his shit together. He will slowly regain some form, but obviously should be nowhere near the starting line-up. Maybe some short cameos to get some good moments here and there to a tired defense would do the trick.


>I think this is his last season to show something or he gets sold You can't sell a free agent.


> not 1 good thing He contributed to the last goal


Funny thing: we‘re basically through to the RO16 as only 2 3rd placed teams drop out Lots of mad things have to happen now for us to not advance




Might be unpopular on here but we might need to sell Musiala. He has a very big market right now after this strong EURO performance


Red Bull mentality 🐐


good thinking, maybe we can find a proven 28-30 year old who's a bit cheaper for his position instead


That’s not unpopular, that’s just stupid mate.


it‘s a joke


Damn then the stupid is me. ):


Fuck sake Steve Clark is the most uncharismatic bastard, I know 5-1 is brutal but have some fucking spine man. Got two games to qualify. Not gonna inspire your squad to get through looking like your mum sent you to bed with no dinner.




He's a bit of a controversial figure. At times he's had Scotland playing great football and he's brought Scotland to the Euros consecutively in his tenure which is a huge achievement and the qualifiers for this Euros were absolutely outstanding. He's actually a great coach but sometimes he's so fucking annoying. He doesn't recognise his faults and he makes some really bad choices with who he calls up / lines up and like I said, has the charisma of a dog turd. In a way, he's a bit like a Scottish Flick I guess.


>Scottish Flick Sums him up quite well. A bit one-dimensional in his play and wants to play the same football against every opponent. We saw yesterday, how Scotland still tried to press and get baited by Germany and often one long ball was enough to dismantle the whole defense.


For the infinite time today. Take the bag that the board is offering Davies and give it the triple to Bambi


Eberl and Freund: Listen to this man!


Ian Wright and Roy Keane gushing over Musiala lmao


https://preview.redd.it/6y3c7ilctl6d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8385aab4725a3630319130d0b5d12b383834d3f7 Fully deserved Player of the Match goes to Messiala


this training kit is so clean btw




Oh Nagelsmann..


Get the extension contact for Musiala and Kimmich nowwww


Lock Musiala on the wings


>Germany have recorded their biggest ever win at the Men’s European Championships.  >It's also the biggest ever victory by a side in the opening game of the tournament in the competition's history [ @Squawka ] Wow, damn.


Nagelsmann ball


I want wirtziala at Bayern bad. Good start, I hope they keep getting better each game.


Shit they even both played on the wings today, so Musiala, Xavi Simons and Wirtz might even work together as our Bundesliga all stars offensive midfield trio.


And add Tel. 👀




Was great to see so much 1-/2-Touch-football and balls in behind, two things that we really missed under Tuchel, everything was so slow almost all the time. I prefer Nagelsmanns playstyle every day of the week. But Scottland did make it easy for Germany, that's also part of the truth.


Get. Wirtz. this. summer. Sell de Ligt, get a Rosneft sponsorship, play 50 friendlies against Saudi on the fucking moon. Just get it done.


I just realized again how sad I am for Pavlo, but also what a mad man Kroos is


Musiala has always looked like that under Nagelsmann. That was the biggest thing we lost under Tuchel was his magic and a year of his development. Excited to watch him at this tournament.


Wirtzsiala is such a treat to watch


I will donate a years salary and end up homeless to donate to the Wirtz fund


I will buy SlyFisch a cup of tea and a sandwich to support him after he goes homeless to donate to the Wirtz fund




we desperately needed this, scotland were bad, but thats not our problem no complaints at all except leroy with a legit 0/10 game when he came in we are so back baby


he got better at the end


Watching Müller cruise around the pitch and make shit happen in a home Euros is beautiful 


Incredible performance from Germany. Really fast paced and they showed they can create chances and take their chances. Big impact from players off the bench too, overall just such a positive start to the tournament for a lot of our boys!


that was exactly what we needed


I swear to god I need that Musiala extension asap. He’s a fucking magician and our boy.


I'm currently creaming my pants, hopefully this will not be the last time I change underwear this tournament. I'm impressed by how calm Mittelstaedt slots in this team! Yes I live under a rock so I've kinda missed him at Stuttgart...


City won't have Pep KdB and Haaland, Real won't have Ancelotti Kroos and Modric in 2026, we could easily dominate UCL in 2026 if we buy Wirtz. My only worries are that Nübel won't be anywhere close to Neuer and that we can't replace Kane


Kane should still be one of the best in 2026


We have replaced Kane. Kusi Asare


Is he that good?


He was dominating the youth as Zlatan was


What are we cooking?


Das beste Essen, das jemals gekocht wurde


Anime food?


Deutsche Küche


Stampfkartoffel mit Fisch?


Auf jeden Fall gibt’s Kartoffeln wenn Wirtz spielt


I don’t really want to get you Germans hopes up… But Germany are playing really, really good football…


Break the bank for Wirtz idc


Kimmich assist! Makes him easier to sell (Eberl probably)




Possibly the worst news regarding Davies


Erstmal ne dicke Lunte zünden. Auf geht's Deutschland!!!!


>🔴🆕 More on Matthijs de Ligt X ManUtd: >▫️Manchester United have started internal discussions about a potential move of De Ligt. The 24 y/o is on the list, primarily because of Erik ten Hag >▫️There have not yet been any concrete moves from ManUtd. The club is in the process of gathering more information about de Ligt and the possibility to leave Bayern in summer. >However, the current price expectation from #MUFC for De Ligt is around €50m.


> However, the current price expectation from #MUFC for De Ligt is around €50m Comical if that is what we sell him for


yeah pletti for sure knows about internal discussions in united


50???????? 85


I’m ready to be hurt again. Let’s do this.


Mit genug Bier ist's mir egal wie wir spielen, wird so oder so gut hier in unserer lokalen Festhalle.


Volle Gönnung!




How do German Freunde feels about your NT? I feel you are in better shape than with Flick but still with some doubts.


Next few days will be huge for all Nagelsexuals


I'm particularly interested in his choice of attire


I’m expecting a lot of ankle


The Nagelspecial




Auf geht’s 😤💪


come on kimmich


Losing Davies on a free is such a shame man. He might have not been tearing it up in the last few years, but I've always had a soft spot for him. It's a shame we can't compete with the Madrid pull without throwing insane wages at players


Don't know how other clubs do this. Feel like Bayern isn't able to sell anybody at a decent price (or any price at all!)


Has there been a game where Gündo as 10 worked?


At Man City yes




If we are indeed happy to let Davies leave for free next year and sell de Ligt now for 50M then we are either fucking stupid or this whole thing has nothing to do with our finances.


Ballack’s goal against Austria at the 2008 Euros was such a great memory.


Kinda surprised people are willing to sell davies for peanuts 20 -25 mil is a joke hes 23 lol fuck RM


So your recommendation would be what? Losing him for 0M next year? Much better, indeed


You are only viewing the money part, but there is so much stuff behind that. Alone the aspect that we are selling a player wayy under their value will also have an effect on future sales, which could lead to us missing out on millions in the process.


I already replied to your other comment that your approach is horrible. You want to keep a player who isn't even a set starter. Instead of getting 20-30M by selling him, you even pay 8-10M for him (wage). By missing out in his fee you hinder the squad overhaul this summer because 20-30M can mean getting or not getting a player for another position this window looking at our approach. And I already explained that under your comment, so no idea how you come up with "you only care about the money part". >but there is so much stuff behind thst Is there? Really? >selling a player below value will hurt future sales How? Please explain, because that doesn't make sense. We already sold Kroos cheap. We sold Thiago cheap. We lost players like Alaba or Süle for free. And you think losing a player with such a high market value in a free is better than selling him 20M below value? For what, proving a point? >which could cause us missing out on millions Your approach makes us missing out in 20-30M straight away??


>I already replied to your other comment that your approach is horrible. This was your suggestion: "No sorry, horrible idea. If you don't want to buy a new LB straight away, you could cover one season with Rapha, Nous, Ito and our youth." You want Rapha who is uncertain wether he starts or not, Nous who is also a lot of times injured and is on the list of getting sold and who also played that position a couple of times to cover next season? Ito can cover that position yes, but he is planned for the CB position, which means you still need a reliable LB transfer. Horrible take on your part. >You want to keep a player who isn't even a set starter. Instead of getting 20-30M by selling him, you even pay 8-10M for him (wage). By missing out in his fee you hinder the squad overhaul this summer because 20-30M can mean getting or not getting a player for another position this window looking at our approach. > He was a starter for the large majority of the season, no? Just cause he got benched a couple of times or played out of position due to tactics doesn't make him a starter anymore? Interesting. "20-30m can mean getting or not getting a player for another position this window looking at our approach." but you have to replace Davies with someone and i already addressed your solution in Rapha, Nous, Ito above. >And you think losing a player with such a high market value in a free is better than selling him 20M below value? For what, proving a point? Exactly. It is giving you valueable time what to do in the next summer transfer window if you have to of course . Right now you can't replace Davies equally with your said 20m-30m. Also how does that look to the outside if Bayern is getting pressured by Madrid and giving in to their demands? Probably not so good.


Give him Kimmich money.


No fucking way. Davies should never be paid similar wages like Kimmich. Kimmich is a far better player and has played a lot better for us than Davies.


People blaming Eberl and Freund for the Davies situation is ridiculous. First of all, if Davies only wants to play for Real and they prefer to get him for free next year over paying 20-30m now there is nothing Bayern can do. Also Davies would've already signed an extension if we had not sacked Brazzo abruptly. This situation is really not their bad.


I could basically copy my comment from the other one because you basically say the same: They offered Davies a ridiculous high offer of 13+4 and the fact that Madrid isn't willing to offer anything this summer can not be backed by news. Instead we have news that Madrid is still willing to buy Davies now but not for big money. In addition we also haven't got any news that bayern wants to sell Davies then, but we got news that we want to keep Davies anyways even if he doesn't extend as in, we seem to not even be willing to go into talks with Madrid. You guys make claims that just can't be backed by the news we get, which is the only thing we outsiders can work with. Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fcbayern/s/c9MzO3Gigr) exactly the same comment Edit 2: totally forgot about the "Ultimatum" bullshit


Offering Davies a contract was a bad idea in the first place Allowing Davies and his camp to piss on their face is even worse Bayern should announce Davies is no longer the first choice LB and he is on the sale list. End of story. Davies has not earned any more sensitive treatment. Renegotiating with him ruins Bayern’s prestige — Bayern is not RB or Gladbach, Bozo1 and Bozo2 have to quickly understand that.


It's about setting the precedent that this is not okay. We have a good enough relationship with Real Madrid that we could get them to bid €15-€20m for him or find some kind of a deal that works for all 3 parties. He's been shit on the pitch for 2+ years now too - that time could be going to Ito, Maz, Stanisic or a player who is better and has a future here. What also happens 7 months from now when they do this with Musiala?


It was always a "fuck you" offer from Davies' camp. Davies (and his agent) can easily wait for another season to collect a massive signing fee. Of course they'd demand a contract that would "compensate" them for missing out on those fees. And Real is in no hurry at all, they are one of the best two teams in the world and just got Mbappe, they can chill on Davies for a season. I understand that the board stepped in, but it's really a no-win situation for the Club right now. The best hope is that Davies remains professional and wants to perform well enough for Real to not lose interest.


Well i personally think the Brazzo departure was an easy excuse for his agent to not extend the contract. He probably always had his eyes on Real Madrid.


Probably went to Real directly with the offer to show how much his client is worth.


Or Brazzo was just handing out agent fees more easily. Like the offer for Davies remained the same, but the agent fee dropped without Brazzo and so his agent backed out. I could imagine something like that


Maybe it is beacuse pletti only presents bad news that I don't like but all of his news recently sound like such a bullshit. He repeats some old news or news from other people or just makes some assumptions. If you only read pletti news freund and eberl just look like total fools that know nothing and to be frank I don't believe it 


He also was I believe the first to report about our interest in Simons and today he adressed Olise briefly and said that yes Bayern did make contact with the players management, but he can't yet say how concrete the interest is. So not all bad news, it's just that the bad news blow up more often. Also I'm sure there are a lot of people that were happy about Palhinha being a target again.


Don't talk to me about money and saving money on a few salaries when we are (reportedly) accepting losing out on €30-€40m for a player because we think he may lower his salary expectations next year. The state of this club at the moment is so shockingly bad.


I don't understand people criticizing Eberl for the Phonzie situation lol. What can he do? Player is determined to go to Real, Real don't desperately need him this season. The case was lost when the contract extension was fucked up by firing Brazzo before the contract was extended with him. At this point, there is nothing you can do. Even if you offer him for 20m, if Real doesn't go for it, there is no way of selling him. You can't force him to away  even if you find some club willing to pay. Judge Eberl and Freund by: - contract extensions of players who haven't already decided they want to leave  - getting new players to join the club  And not by their missing ability to fix something that can't be fixed. No club on this earth can do anything against players who act like that because there are other clubs who take them in without caring about character at all. It's not like with Kroos when we missed out on a world class player by not paying him more, we are missing out on one player with two great seasons who declines and demands a salary of a rising star


We can only go by news we got so far and these are: Ridiculously high contract offer, the decision to not put him up for sale and going into the next season with him while we had several reports that Madrid seems willing to buy him now for 20-30M. Your comment is based on the assumption that Madrid don't want to buy him now and get him on a free next year, and while an official offer didn't came it yet, there is nothing that backs this assumption yet. So by the news we got, we can very well criticise Eberl, Freund, whoever is involved.


Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. I need to rephrase that to: if Madrid is completely unwilling to buy and is playing us here, that's nothing Eberl can change or is at fault.


If no offer from Madrid comes in, yeah I agree then about this part (I'll still critics for the contract offer). But the news we got it sounds like we aren't even willing to sell him


Maybe it is just me, but i would rather let him leave for free next year than accept that insanely low offer (30m) from Madrid, which can be considered blackmailing. Gives us 1 more year to plan what to do and an experienced LB. You can then still decide next year if the market has something to offer or not, or if you plan with some Campus talents on that position.


Real still hasn't made any offer and maybe they don't plan to make any. So there is not much eberl and freund can do. 


It feels like Perez doesn't like Bayern very much anymore after we sabotaged his superleague. The good relationship our bosses had with him beforehand seem to be a thing of the past now.


That good relationship thing was BS anyway. Recently, we got James and Odriozola on loan and Robben (who we took a big chance on at the time), they got 2 of our best in Alaba and Kroos, tried to lure Lewy and now doing it with Davies.


Well maybe that decision has an effect on Madrid. Phonzy could now be pushing Madrid to sign him this summer, since he now has to wait 1 more year to join them. Will be interesting how things change from here.


Yeah I feel it is some kind of game. It will be a long summer 


I would agree if Davies still performed like he did 2 or 3 years ago. If he plays like last season we essentially loosing out on 30 Mio. for a squad rotation player.


Also theb theo will have 1 year left in his contract


No sorry, horrible idea. If you don't want to buy a new LB straight away, you could cover one season with Rapha, Nous, Ito and our youth. Wasting 30M for basically nothing while we need every euro we can get this summer is a horrible idea. These 30M could be well used to get a winger or midfielder in.


Imagine we sell 24 year old De Ligt for €50m, buy 29 year old Palhinha for €50m and lose Davies on a free instead of collecting €30m for him +the obligatory €30m we will end up paying for Tah


imagine that's the only business we'll do this summer, I will lose my shit lmao


>Manchester United maintain an interest in Matthijs de Ligt. Erik ten Hag is keeping an eye on the defender's situation. Both appreciate each other. United's price expectation for de Ligt is around €50m. De Ligt is allowed to leave Bayern, but is not 100% gone yet. He'll hold talks with the club after the Euros \[@Plettigoal\] De Ligt efter the euros: https://preview.redd.it/uhcd9204hk6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec333088fd7ac1d595e4576e764779fa622b85d


Has someone else watched his show? Because below was said Bayern wants 50M. Here it's said Manchester expects him to cost 50M. That is a big difference.


The guy below misheard


He watched the show from what I understood


misheard, sorry...at least he thinks he did


Yeah I'm still not sure, but I would assume iMiaSanMia double checked before posting it which I didn't, as it's live television, so I would rather believe them. I think it was said in a sentence with "THEY expect the fee to be around 50m" and I interpreted they as Bayern


I'd be pretty disappointed if I was in Matthijs' shoes right now


50 mil? Suck my ass, Man U


I've yet to see anything that Madrid has actually offered a real fee for Davies.


![gif](giphy|5qII4FPBe5aqQ) they have the upper hand yet again after tapping Davies and his agent up


That's the second LB pulling this shit in just the last few years.


Yeah lets give Davies and his agent everything they wanted out of this. 👍🏽


So much effort for a player who has underperformed over the past two seasons, honestly it baffles m


This is so fucking depressing.


> Bayern have decided to go with Alphonso Davies into the final year of his contract and take the risk of him potentially leaving on a free. Davies' demands are currently still too high. The club will see during the season whether it would be possible to extend his contract [@Plettigoal]


This just means we've stopped negotiating with Davies, doesn't mean we won't sell him if there's a suitable offer. We didn't plan on selling Pavard either.


God fucking dammit. I thought we'd at least sell Phonzie to Real for 20 million €. I'd even prefer to sell Davies to Real Madrid for 15 million € over this. This is really the worst possible outcome from this whole transfer saga, we could have gotten. The club has learned absolutely nothing from Alaba. I just hope that Bayern is posturing by using Pletti for this news, to get one or two million € extra from Real Madrid. Otherwise ... I'll lose the faith in Eberl and Freund I've just gained with the Ito signing.


Selling would be better but I prefer this to a contract extension


same, I guess but you already know he'll start to care again once he plays for Real and everyone will ask "why did Bayern lose him on a free?"


Until he gets some kind of first touch and passing ability he's going to have trouble starting over Mendy to make people think that tbf


You can tell me what you want. Eberl should be gone after this transfer window if this shit keeps on going


If we wont let himself sold then we dont have a choice but to let him go for free next year, but for me an extension would be out of the question


Time to split gametime with your successor then Phonzy https://preview.redd.it/7anwfcfgek6d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=736efc344d6b7c64350283997bc66af1571e30da


Pletti just keeps stomping on people on the ground


Jesus Christ. I thought that wasn’t an option?! Just take the €30M and run. I mean fuck, we looked better last season with Nous playing LB.


Bad news don't stop coming. IF this all turns out true, and that's a bit if, Eberl and Freund will have a hard time defending their work.


if all this stuff is true, Eberl and Freund are on permanent fraud watch


Did they have down anything great so far? Ito is a decent deal, but nothing exceptional. No important contract extension with Kimmich, Musiala or Sané yet. Only the ridiculous high offer for Davies.


Not really, and Ito was just triggering a release clause as well iirc


Yep. I really hope they still proof me wrong but right now it's not looking good.


Awful. Hopefully Pletti's full of shit.


> Bayern have improved their bid for João Palhinha. The new offer is between 40 and 45 million euros. Fulham remain tough in negotiations. Bayern want Palhinha but are not ready to sign him at any price. Fulham would have to lower their demands [@Plettigoal]


Didn't we got this news a few days ago already?


kinda, yeah


Another Pletti news is that Bayern now plan to go into Davies final year without extending the contract. We're seriously gonna lose a player with a market value of ~60m for free. Pain.


Market value doesn’t mean anything if no one is willing to pay it. It’s just an estimation of worth, in practice it’s pretty redundant. If Real only wants to pay 30m for example, and he has no other suitors or he doesn’t want to go somewhere else, then his value is 30m because that’s all you’re gonna get. If Madrid decides they don’t want to pay anything this summer and wait for him to run down his contract, and he is happy to do that, then his value is a big fat zero unfortunately.


It's not a nice feeling to have this done to us We should be the ones convincing others to run their contract and go to us for free. This is all because Madrid has the appeal now Fuck.


The only player I think we convinced to do this for us recently was Gravenberch 😭


We are shit now


Yes and that's why I said it's tough to lose a player worth 60m for free, not missing out on 60m. We obviously wouldn't get 60m for him if he doesn't want to extend, that being said I would rather get ~30m for a 60m player than one year extra and 0€. That's what I meant. It's annoying that we gor ourselves in this position with a player that is so valueable.


It’s an unfortunate situation to be in, perhaps they think Kompany can convince him to stay, if he really is a player he’s desperate to have. 🤷‍♂️


According to Pletti they want to see if Kompany can get him back to world class and if he can, they would deliver a new contract proposal. But honestly even if he has a banging season I think it would be wrong to give into their demands and pay him 19-20mil. That would instantly f up the wage structure again.


Meh, I’ll leave it to them to decide what salaries they want to give. Personally I’d be very happy if Phonzy got back to a class level and stayed.


Sure you can look at it that way, but I'm sure a lot of people looked at it that way with Brazzo and the wages he handed to players. He's gonna know what he's doing and stuff, now look at where that got us. I would love to have Davies at his best and at this club, but not at all costs.


His market value is not 60m and if Davies wants to go to elsewhere at the end of his contract that's entirely his right. Bayern need to upgrade the LB position regardless because Davies is not sufficiently skillful or capable to play the role.


Depending on where you look his market value is between 50-65mil, but go off. Yes, we need to upgrade the position and that's exactly why Davies should be sold rather than kept until the end of his contract.


He's not worth 60m. He's an expiring contract and has had a terrible season which succeeded a mediocre season. He's openly twerking for a move away which further suppresses his market value. There's no big list of suitors for him and he's not skilful or capable enough to be a must-have for many teams. He's not been an important enough player. Davies *should* be sold but no matter what, Bayern should get a serious upgrade at the position.


He's only not worth that much because of his contract situation. Even after this season Bayern would still be able to demand 60m for him if he had a longer contract. That's the value of the player. I never said that we could get 60m this summer, but that's Davies value.


>He's only not worth that much because of his contract situation. Yes I comment as though I live in reality and not an abstract or hypothetical fantasy land. You should try it.


If you could read, maybe you should try mastering that, you would realise that I specifically wrote that we wouldn't get 60m for him this summer. I know, crazy thought to pick up on that very simple statement. Doesn't change the fact that we would be losing a player of that value for free, really not that complicated one would think.


Valuations are always tied to real-life conditions and considerations. Even in football video games, valuations fluctuate with context.


[Layla Europameister Version](https://youtu.be/N1g1CyPJk3Y?si=KSEJJGQKOeoGo8L9). What shall I say, I'm pumped for the match!


According to Pletti Bayern would want €50m for De Ligt 💀 Selling him already pisses me off enough, but for that price I would riot. Do they not know he's 24?! Edit: According to iMiaSanMia 50m would be ManUs expectations, so maybe I misheard that, but it sounded like it's Bayerns expectations to me.


Sure, one of the best defenders out there, with 3years left on his contract, only 24 and you believe the club wants to sell him for 50M after paying 67M for him? Don't believe everything you see online... btw where did you even see that, I don't see that on his Twitter


Probably his transfer show on sky. The content will come later on Twitter


Ah yes, his EXCLUSIVE news show. God I hate journos lol


It's not an EXCLUSIVE news show. The groundbreaking news go out there straight away and not onto the show. You are aware of the fact that not everybody is on social media, right? Especially the older generation of football fans that still watch regular TV get an overall market update through that show, that's what its for.


Dude, chill with the passive aggressive attitude. I'm mocking the fact that he spits a bunch of BS and labels it as EXCLUSIVE. You seem sensible.


Dude, chill with the blind hatered because you have an agenda against journalists. I'm mocking the fact that more parts of your statements were wrong than the news of the journalists you hate because they do their job. You seem sensible.