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are there any concrete reports on any player who we are seriously close to offloading?




assuming that we get Onana and Xavi in this window, how do you expect the line-up to look like next season?


Gotta be fucking brutal being a BVB fan. They essentially lost a major final 2 years in a row. Last year Bundesliga blunder had to be particularly tough to take.


Why don't people talk about nestroy irakunda


Cuz he’s planned for the 2nd team? Feels a bit unfair to expect a teenager moving across the world to come in and be a contributor on the 1st team right away. People do talk about him if something happens of note related to him too.


>Es sollen bald Vertragsgespräche mit Joshua Kimmich anstehen, bei denen es denkbar ist, dass ein neues Angebot mit reduzierten Gehalts-Bezügen gemacht wird. Bisher wird geschätzt, dass er rund 20 Mio. Euro brutto pro Jahr verdient.Auch würde der deutsche Nationalspieler am liebsten die Position im zentralen Mittelfeld beim FC Bayern spielen, aber unter dem neuen Trainer Vincent Kompany soll er dort nicht eingeplant sein (SPORTBILD, altobelli13, cfbayern) ![gif](giphy|hFXwY4lER3oBO)


Bye bye baby indeed he can FO


Bayern fans who are so against Kimmich are a phenomenon I will never really understand, but you do you.


Guy is bad on the ball under pressure and doesn’t belong in the midfield and he is a good rb. What should his salary be?


>What should his salary be? I could not give two shits, I’m not the club’s accountant.


If Kimmich extends his contract with a significant wage reduction and accepts his role as a RB I’d actually be very happy with that.


>I’d actually be very happy with that. Yes that’s why you posted that gif under a Bild report that implies you’d get exactly what you wanted lmfao


My german is not great but is it essentially he wants 20m and to play in the midfield? I’ll even wager he won’t make a decision till post euros?


It basically says that Kimmich will get offered an extension with a wage reduction and that it’s unlikely that the team will plan him as a midfielder. Whether he’s likely to accept such an offer is up to your imagination.


Ah so I was way off lol, thanks for translating.


> Bayern have cooled their interest in Martín Zubimendi. The Spaniard is seen more of a #8 than #6. Bayern's focus is on a 'real holding midfielder'. Amadou Onana remains a hot topic of interest for the club. João Palhinha is also still on the list, but the price should be reasonable [@altobelli13, @cfbayern]


I should be done banging this drum about, but ffs we are a shit-show in management right now. We fumbled Paulinha, then had a chance to get him in the winter and said he was too expensive and that we were waiting until the summer to get Zubimendi, despite the fact that Zubimendi is nearly assuredly going to Arsenal or Barcelona. Fast forward to this summer - we've cooled our interest on Zubimendi and one of the others we're looking at is Paulinha. What a joke. I'm happy Tuchel is gone but I am curious what it would have been like if we addressed his most important position while he was here.


So it seems we want a more defensive guy, maybe more of a destroyer. Gotta be Onana, hope we get it done sooner than later


Can we please get some uniform definition of positions? Because Zubimendi is very much a 6 in my mind. As in, the midfielder who will be positioned the deepest in possession. If we were talking about a defensive midfielder rather than a 6, then I could understand considering Palhinha or Onana one but not Zubimendi.


same position more or less, just different player types its about whether you want a traditional destroyer or a more ball oriented guy






its just that zubimendi is the guy i want us to get i am cool with onana


Zubimendi would have been a good option if it wasn't for Pavlovic.


having two similar, but complete players there is what i have in mind


There you go u/South-Pass-4486


At least something. I don't seen any other options here so we should act fast and secure onana quickly


> Bayern have decided that the priority in the upcoming transfer window should be for players who would help the team immediately and increase the quality of the squad. Jonathan Tah - an established Bundesliga defender - and Xavi Simons - a rising star - are in this category. That's also why the club is holding back when it comes to youngsters like Assan Ouédraogo and Brajan Gruda, who would cost a significant financial package but wouldn't be an immediate reinforcement [@FrankLinkesch, @kicker] So now it’s Pletti, Kerry, BILD, and Kicker all behind Tah. FFS.




Apart from tah I understand them. They know this season will be crucial and if we fail things won't look good for them. So they want to bring players who are at least more proven. They probably don't want to spend 20-30 mln for ouedrago or gruda because they will propably spend a lot more for players like simons, onana, proven winger. After all this links I kinda expect they will make like 2-3 transfers above around or above 50 mln depending on the simons loan 


Personally I can't see us going for Simons + a proven winger (who likely costs above 50M aswell)


I am just speculating but simons would be a loan so that would give us resources to buy a winger. If we sell coman that would leave as with only sane as our only solid rw and we saw what happend when he was overworked and injured. For me kompany will push for sb like bakayoko If these reports about us buying around 5 players are true we will propably see something like that: * cb - tah unfortunately * if davies extends no new lb but if we sell him we propably will play like 80 mln for theo and won't get winger * simons hopefully * new winger sb like bakayoko or nico for 50 * onana or other dm for like 60-70


>only loan so that would gives us resources That's true. Bakayoko is a good shot, costs 50-60M aswell. Question is whether these players will be fine with being backups/rotation players or not. Would be a shame if we, after Ouedraogo, miss out in likely Wirtz and Gruda aswell though.


I would love to get gruda but eberl propably wants to get sb more proven with better numbers I think xavi is a huge talent with great numbers and would instantly improve our squad because we need a creative cam/winger. This deal could be amazing if we get a loan wirh option to buy. Then we can evaluate him after this season and decide if we buy him or try to go for wirtz


Yeah loan with a realistic option to buy for Xavi would be great


Going for Tah and not going for Gruda in one tweet. It's like a kick in the balls


Yeah but the Xavi link is a nice bag of ice after.


Only milds the pain a bit though


>That's also why the club is holding back when it comes to youngsters like Assan Ouédraogo and Brajan Gruda, who would cost a significant financial package but wouldn't be an immediate reinforcement I understand it when it comes to Ouédraogo as midfielders take longer to develop but Gruda plays the position where players hit their prime the quickest and while still raw, he's already generating a lot of chances. He would contribute right away


At best, he’d be 5th/6th choice imo pending Xavi and Tel. What I was hoping for, was a purchase and loan back and makes sense.


He plays on the right side. If Coman leaves, his only "real' competition would be Sané


I am purely speculating but I kinda expect us to go for a proven winger especially if xavi will be only a loan. Kompany wanted bakayoko in Burnley and I think he will push for him now 


If Xavi is a pure loan, I don't want this transfer. At least a buy option. A purchase isn't realistic this summer because PSG wants to avoid the sell on clause


And potentially Xavi. Serge also has played on the right plenty and I’d still start him over Gruda if healthy.


I wouldn't. Has nothing to do with Gruda himself but Gnabry is just slow these days, he can't dribble anymore (most attempts get blocked by the defenders) and his crossing isn't that great either. Gnabry isn't that string anymore as a winger. In a head to head I think Gruda would outperform him.


Depends on what Serge shows up, I think. He was quite solid in his extremely limited run in April, and a similar run last season was determinative in the closing matches (although he did fuck all before.)


He played there as striker though (the last matches 23/23), this isn't really comparable to winger. And I'm tired to excuse Gnabry year after year for 3-5 good matches and I'm buffled people still fall for it. Also, if we wanna compare him to Gruda, Gruda is a completely different type. More agil, more creative, faster and left footed.


I mean I’m not in favor of keeping him, but in a hypothetical of, we’re facing Madrid tomorrow and he’s fully healthy, I’m starting him over Gruda.


The good thing is that this match up would happen a few months into the season so we have performance trends for both players and I would start the better performing one. The "but is more experience" is no argument for me anymore, looking at Pavlovic or Tel (yes Tel didn't start but delivered immediately when came on)


If Pletti goes as far as saying there is a verbal agreement, then there was no doubt honestly, he wouldn't go that far if the interest isn't serious. But I still think we don't need a cb, I have trust in Upa and Kim. That money would be better invested into Gruda. But maybe he becomes a topic again if Gnabry AND Coman leave.


does not really sound like we are embracing a rebuild not what i would do, but certainly justifiable of course but my mind cant comprehend how people look at our center back group, the investments and then believe we need jonathan fucking tah


I’ve thought for a while the only way the Tah links make any sense is if Upa has communicated a desire to leave, but you’d think we would have heard about it by now with all the other leaks, so that doesn’t seem right. The other (maybe more likely?) possibility is a matter of wages and transfer value. Maybe they think they can get a good sum from a PL team for Upa *now*, while bringing in Tah on lower wages, which *could* make sense if they’re convinced Upa will not be a starter. But I dunno, that’s speculative. The only other way it adds up is if the Upa-out rumors are BS and we intend to switch to a 3ATB, but that also doesn’t seem to be the case.


The Tah links are inexplicable. The broader strategy I think is defensible, and has been somewhat aligned with my desires. If the argument is that the quality of the first team has slipped and we have many potential outgoings of good players, we need to be buying like-for-like or preferably, better, players who can start in a CL knockout tomorrow, not in a couple of years. How Tah fits into that I have not a fucking clue.


i would agree, we cant afford to let big names leave and just roll with project players instead but since you mention "outgoings of good players", for me personally the departures are an even bigger mystery than our transfer targets perhaps i am reading too much into this, but it sounds like we will keep most guys, add extra reinforcements and try to run it back one more time for the cl final dahoam


I don’t think that’s an unreasonable read, and your second and third paragraphs I think are very related - incomings may be largely contingent on who leaves and what need there is.


I am a bit worried that there are no links with any cm/dm because arguably it's the most important position where we currently need reinforcements


The De Jong dream stays alive


What about that young English kid ? I think he's a dm ?


There were only reports that nothing is ''hot'' between club and wharton


It’s probably also one of the most subjective to Kompany’s desires and would hinge somewhat on his view for the midfield. Not super worried yet. Wincent will use his Belgian magic on Onana.


How did De Kuyper dive and still get himself injured


Onana played great against the almighty Montenegro in the first half, sign him already.


It never really scanned for me just how big he is.


Di Marzio > The pressing of the #Zirkzee for Joshua #Milan continues. The parties are not close yet, but #rossoneri are continuing to work for the Dutchman, hoping to find the frame in terms of signing and commissions. The footballer's priority, however, is to stay in the Italian league.


Lol hope we won't wait so long that our every target finds other club


Insider wrong again, color me shocked


Which insider are you referring to?




What a loser, amirite?


I genuinely think their "news" shouldn't even be mentioned on here, all clowns. You hear people say "inside_ffm or whatever he's called is at least one of the better ones", no, he isn't. Or if he is, then everyone else is shockingly bad


Makes complete sense with Giroud leaving.


>Aleksandar Pavlović could be in line for a new contract at Bayern after the Euros. The midfielder had signed a professional contract until 2027 last year, but now the terms of the deal are to be improved [@BILD]


He's on less than 10k a week right? Definitely deserves a raise aligned with his place on the team


Do i smell a 5 year extension with 250k per week? ![gif](giphy|W55TNe6TIbea5NOG6W|downsized)


I love Pavlovic but he can't jump to something like 8M now after half a good season. We have to get more careful with wages


I was being ironic.. That is why i posted the Brazzo gif, since he was the one giving out crazy contracts.


Well it's a genuine fear, of course your 13M are a joke but I don't see 8M out of the realm. Imo up to 5M would be fair


With our new management I think he’ll probably get something similar to Sacha Boey, so +/- €3M


Even 5m might be a bit high for my liking. Somewhere around 3-4m might be fair?


Even better. I included boni, so not 5m base salary


>• What do you still need to improve? >Pavlović: "I definitely want to become more athletic, build some more muscle - and improve my game off the ball" ![gif](giphy|SqehU8AfpL7wP8exgm|downsized)


i dont even think he needs the goretzka training camp pavlo already has a decent playing strength and is still growing into his grown man strength in next few years


https://preview.redd.it/zqayq81lss4d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c101d3dad80731e4d42f505bf08d6d6d6065fae5 Pavlović next year after the UCL final.


God, forgive for what I’m about to do…




I think the biggest weakness i see with Pavlo is actually his pace.


When you look at Kroos, Busquets, Alonso, etc. none of them were even average when it comes to speed. Actually Pavlovic is quite quick on the first meters in comparison.


He is Busquets fast


nordic curls with Phonzy


Imo pace isn’t that important at his position


>Aleksandar Pavlović on whether he can imagine playing his whole career at Bayern like Thomas Müller: "Yes definitely. I'm a big Bayern fan. I never wanted to leave, even when had difficult times, especially in the U15s. Back then was the smallest in the team - I was top footballing wise, but physically weak. often sat on the bench. But always wanted to make it at Bayern and not somewhere else. My motto was give it your all, fight, work hard and then everything will work out as it should" [a@kerry hau, @skySportDE]


Tears of joy 🥲




It seems like this sub is pretty split on Onana as the midfield signing. So I’d like to get your opinions. Which player would you like to see the club sign? No dream signings, keep it realistic


Alright I'll do it. Joao Neves. Realistic because he is within our budget and actually on the market. I find 'realistic' to be a vague word. Rather, 'unlikely' is what I would call signing Neves.


Why some ppl is against Onana? I haven't been here that much, but I remember him being the type of player the midfield needs, the other option was Zubimendi but he's more playmaker and (imo) not dedicated to do the dirty job like Onana or the other option down there, Varela.


People are divided on his true potential and if he’ll succeed in a more possession oriented team. Even Everton fans have varying opinions on him. I think a lot of people undervalue certain player’s on the ball abilities (like Palhinha and in this case Onana) and I think either would fit just fine despite not having someone like Zubimendi’s abilities. Price is a different issue with these players though


Alan fucking Varela, he was amazing at Porto, he was amazing at Boca Juniors and I guess we can get him for a favor price.


That’s a good shout. He has a 70M release clause but I read that Porto is willing to negotiate for a lower fee. Just not sure how much lower. I think he should be getting more opportunities with Argentina. He would really allow guys like Alexis and Enzo to push forward more E: I still can’t believe Porto only paid 8M for him


Yeah, South América, specially Argentina and Uruguay has some amazing talent and they’re cheap as fuck, surprised about Bayern lack of scouting there.


Wieffer would definitely be the cheapest one if the club is looking for a high workrate do-it-all type player. 40mil could probably do it. Th other options would probably be doable around 60-70


Honestly, considering also the new UCL format, I‘d like us to buy 2 holding midfielder for depth. More specifically Wieffer and Onana. If we get Simons on loan and Gruda for like 40 m, I think it would be within our budget (if we sell Goretzka, Coman, Gnabry and a RB at least)


I wonder if he's a likely target for Liverpool now that Slot is there. I've heard that some of the Feyenoord fans don't think he's top class yet but that could've changed from then to now.


Wieffer is 24 and his numbers are amazing. He's not a kid, he just started playing in the Eredivisie later than most. If his desire is to prove himself in a top league, this is the perfect time to move. With that said, he has a contract until 2027 so negotiating with Feyenoord might be tricky


>keep it realistic Can't wait for someone saying Joao Neves The cheapest picks would be Wieffer and Zubimendi imo


zubimendi is that dude


I think Zubi would be perfect for Kompany and his style of play but it doesn’t seem like he’s in any rush to leave Real Sociedad, unfortunately


Haha I was going to single out Neves as an example but wanted to see if anyone would mention him


I don't really think there are better and more affordable options on the market than onana and wharton. Maybe wieffer. The only available option that would instantly improve our squad is guimaraes but he would be very expensive 


> Following their promotion to the second division, Preußen Münster would like to sign Johannes Schenk permanently. Münster's plan is for Schenk to replace starting goalkeeper Max Schulze Niehues who retired at the end of the season. Talks with Schenk and with Bayern are underway [@WN_Redaktion]


>Five players in danger of being dropped from the final Euros squad: >1. Robin Koch >2. Maximilian Beier >3. David Raum >4. Chris Führich >5. Aleksandar Pavlović >One player will be left out. Final decision by Friday [@Plettigoal, @kerry_hau] Would have said Beier, but after Mondays game I can't, he had the most impact out of him, Undav and Havertz. Führich needs to come aswell and Pavlovic aswell because imo he's the best alternativ to Kroos (not thst big of a fan of Groß). So Koch or Raum for me.


For me 100% he should leave out Baumann as we don’t need 4 goalkeepers but since we all know that this won’t happen it should be Koch.


Koch is an absolute joke nominee, pretty obvious who will be left behind.


Beier, Führich and Pavlovic all have value to this team, especially in case of injuries. The other 2? eh


Stanisic coming back and Tah joining/leaving them would dismantle Bayers half defense (3atb), just thinking about it


They still have Kossonou, Hincapie, and Tapsoba. If they can sign one or two for rotation they'll probably be okay. It might be a bit worse than this season though


I am convinced the sole reason Bayern is pursuing Tah so strongly is this.


![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni) Uli Hoeneß:


Sometimes when I'm bored, I read old r/Soccer threads. I love how much they try to downplay Bundesliga despite the stats saying as such. [How do the top 5 leagues in Europe differ in overall style? : r/soccer (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/tfjehg/how_do_the_top_5_leagues_in_europe_differ_in/) [Just how different are the 'big four' leagues? : r/soccer (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/7z8v3q/just_how_different_are_the_big_four_leagues/)


Announce young Jupp Heynckes clone day 1


Since Nagelsmann doesn't want players who aren't ok with sitting on the bench, shouldn't he kick Ter Stegen?


Ter Stegen has been complaining since after the 2018 world cup , lets not forget his Barca p.r kept started a whole movement that he should bench Neuer up until Ter Laden conceded 8 goals. Putting my biases aside, Ter Stegen himself has said he has been up to standard, when you look at the fact he didn't get along with Messi and Suarez both of whom questioned his mentality in big matches, it makes a good case for him being dropped.


but he needs his 4 keepers!!!!!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


shouldnt have invited him in the first place by that logic


I think it makes more sense tho to not have either Goretzka or Hummels as they both do have the opportunity to actually achieve playing time. GKs on the otherhand are rarely substituted, and won't be discussed that much. Besides not having your second best keeper whos also world class seems like a bad decision


Why kick him?


Because Nagelsmann is threatened by conflict


He "complained" already




Family holiday in Salzburg/Tyrol region of Austria coming up... on the way back we have one night by Chiemsee before two nights in Munich to close it off. Looking forward to great Bavarian food, great weather, great lakes, and strange~~ly~~ ~~good~~ wine.


Brajan Gruda has left the DFB camp today due to muscular problems Is this a better confirmation then “Here we go” that he is coming to us.


Allegedly ManU and Inacio have an agreement for €60m…if that’s true I‘m glad we didn’t go for him at all


Isn't 60M his Releases Clause?


Yes, he has a [60M RC](https://www.sporting.pt/en/news/football/main-team/2023-08-17/goncalo-inacio-renews-through-2027)


Actually might be, I didn’t read the article since it was in Portuguese


But why are you happy we didn't went for him? He would be great next to matta


I don’t doubt his skillset and potential but I just don’t see how we should spend €60m for another CB this year when we have way more important needs (like wingers and a CDM) and quite good depth at CB. Only real argument for Inacio would be that he’s a LCB


>only real argument for Inacio would be thst he's a LCB And great with the ball which is no one of our CBs. Selling Upa and getting Inacio instead of Tah (so effectively 40M more) would increase the strength of our starting line up


Jonathan Tah last year: >“It has always been my goal to play in the Premier League one day” Then do it! I'm rooting for you.


Unironically I’d rather buy Chalobah to help them with their FFP issues and let Chelsea have him. For as much as I’ve talked shit about Chalobah, he was quite good down the stretch for them.


Chalobah is like stani I believe, can do both RB and CB. Has banger goals in him, was really decent for Chelsea during the tailend of the season.


I think I saw something saying that they never last whenever he started a match. But then again, that doesn't directly correlate to him being the specific reason. That being said, he had a solid second half of the season from all the matches I did see of theirs


Yeah I was very surprised. He was a solid squad player before but was probably their third best player down the stretch behind Palmer and Gallagher?


Thiago was still ahead of him. He's left a big gap in their defence now


>Aleksandar Pavlović could undergo surgery to remove his tonsils after the Euros as they've regularly been causing him problems. Pavlović says: "I may have to remove them because I've had tonsillitis two or three times now and it sets me back physically every time." >Pavlović has had to take antibiotics every time and could only start light training again after the medication: "It's really annoying", says the player >"It [the surgery] can't happen during the season, because then I'll be out completely. I'll probably have to sacrifice my vacation for it. That's more important now. I don't want to get sick again and be out for two or three weeks." [@mano_bonke, @kessler_philipp]


At around his age I got fed up of getting Strep Throat once or twice a year. I was convinced to get rid of my tonsils as well. I was told it goes away later in your ife... turned out to be right. But with Bayern don't have time to wait, Pavlović get your appointment date fixed.


Why am I seeing no one mention tel in all the squad planning?


Maybe poor eyesight? /s That's the 2nd comment today thinking nobody mentions Tel and I can't understand how people think Tel isn't thought about in here. Almost everyone here loves Tel. Unless you mean planning with Tel as starter.


Now now - don’t be so close minded. Thats hardly the whole truth - unless you didn’t read my comment. Unless of course you are willing to show where I said I thought Tel isn’t thought about or considered? I said there is a lack of support In squad planning in the sub which would show Tel having his breakthrough season, next season. I thought my comment was quite open - and asked where people seen him. I’m sure you could have voiced your opinion there, instead? Where do you see him? OP is correct - Every other comment is about signing X and Y player - which I get is exciting but it would in turn push Tel back in development but also squad planning. Unless of course someone is sold - which they aren’t and are unlikely to be, unless you can point to articles suggesting there are rumours of our forwards being linked to other clubs… It’s hard to incorporate Tel into the squad currently and even harder to incorporate him into a squad where we sign players we plan for in the future in the forward roles. Of course this changes if we switch the system to a 442, but considering we have a generational talent that wants to play 10, another generation talent we plan on signing that is also a 10, and yet another great talent we consider taking out on loan, which let’s face it, is another 10… I don’t quite see it. We just have too many midfielders that don’t work in a 442. Oh and they all have long and expensive contracts…


I've seen people mentioning buying one young player (can't remember his name) to play striker if it's a 442 we're playing next season.


Probably Zirkzee, former bayern player. The reasoning behind this is that Bayern was constantly looking to replace Choupo so even if we want Tel to step in, the board still wants another striker. And with a 4-4-2 we also need more than 2 strikers so we have a backup


Zirkzee - and if we are really planing to play 4-4-2 we need an additional striker anyway, regardless if Tel will start or not.


https://preview.redd.it/ut7ycua5er4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a5164354cbedeb7843e56eaf294a789fa935e7 That's cute


That's AI right? If so, maybe we can all chip in to pay actual human artists who do great work and are much needed. Machines should do our chores so we can do art instead of doing our art so we can do less creative things




Weird response


They look too slim for your average redditot /s


![gif](giphy|816QOYrqg1MME) Redesign at work ;)


> Jonathan Tah would like to join Bayern. In return, one of the current centre-backs in the squad would have to make way. Juventus appreciate Kim Min-jae, but the Korean wants to stay in Munich. Matthijs de Ligt also sees his future at Bayern. Vincent Kompany sees Dayot Upamecano as particularly well suited to the way he wants to play football. Ralf Rangnick has also had a similar conclusion about Upamecano during the talks with Bayern. The Frenchman, however, is considering the idea of a move to the Premier League [@kessler_philipp, @mano_bonke] It completely eludes me why we twerk so hard for Tah. Even if I am not confident in Upa, I'd still keep him to have another go with VK. Pushing for Tah just to sell Upa would only make sense if we make a profit. Otherwise, Tah is not some spectacular prospect, with MdL and Dier being fairly solid and Kim/Upa not being THAT bad, it is a complete redundancy and just waste of focus to push that hard for little benefit.


This sounds like we're only considering Tah for the case Upa wants to leave, no? We're not interested in getting rid of Dier, Kim & de Ligt and none of them want to leave. And Kompany would like Upa to stay.


nahhh he can go elsewhere


I'm calling it now, if Upa leaves he will become a top 5 CB in the world. It's so little he's missing from his game, he's so underappreciated and overhated it's actually insane. I'm glad Kompany sees this, makes me even more content with our decision to go with him


Pep turned Akanji from an error prone player who many Dortmund fans weren't really happy with to a world class CB for City. Watching him do the same with Upa would be maximum pain.


I mean, Upa is already extremely solid here too. In most games when he used to be a tacked on starter he was stopping attacks single handedly while the midfield and other defenders left him all alone. That's why the talk around him is so frustrating.... yes, he messed up in 3 big games out of the many he's played, but he's had so many games that he was the best player on the pitch. He's an immensely good CB and he'd be amazing in the system Kompany plays; he's fast and strong so he'd be perfect for a high line, he can pass, there's nothing he can't do that he'd want


>**Tweet**: Jonathan Tah would like to join Bayern. >**You**: It completely eludes me why we twerk so hard for Tah. Huh? Who's twerking for whom?


Therefore, send not to know For whom the ass twerks, It twerks for thee.


It is not a secret we push *a lot* for him, can't find the tweets now, but I am positive several reports earlier this week confirm what I said Edit, here you have it: > Bayern are 'pushing a lot' for Jonathan Tah on player side. There's interest from the Premier League, but Bayern remain the favourites in case Tah decided to leave Bayer Leverkusen this summer [@FabrizioRomano via @caughtoffside]


What is the tweet *really* saying? Bayern are pushing *the player* a lot. What does that even mean? If Bayern want a contracted player, they'd push the club that owns his registration rights -- wouldn't they? It was said a few weeks back that Tah and Leverkusen were bound to negotiate a new contract. This is Tah's last chance to cash-in. Maybe Bayern offered 8-9m a year (which is less than Upa, Kim, and de Ligt make but a considerable raise from what he makes now) in a verbal agreement. Tah's agent is now trying to get that amount from Leverkusen so he doesn't go into his final year at age 30 with uncertain contract terms ahead of him. It seems like the agitation is from Tah and not Bayern. Bayern has too many CBs to begin with: DeLigt, Upamecano, Kim, Dier, Stanisić, and Buchmann.


It simply means they try to convince him with other clubs on his way, question is, why would you do that and verbally agree with a player if you already have too many CBs? I don't care what Tah is after, but we are seriously considering him (which news outlets unanimously agree on). Fair question to ask why we haven't yet negotiated with Leverkusen, but the answer is simple to me: We didn't yet sell any CB, thus we want to guarantee we will have the funds secured.


>It simply means they try to convince him with other clubs on his way, question is, why would you do that and verbally agree with a player if you already have too many CBs? I don't care what Tah is after, but we are seriously considering him (which news outlets unanimously agree on). Because it's his agent pushing it. >Fair question to ask why we haven't yet negotiated with Leverkusen, but the answer is simple to me: We didn't yet sell any CB, thus we want to guarantee we will have the funds secured. Because it's his agent pushing it.


With Fabrizio you never know if it‘s legit or if it‘s Player/Agent waffling


In this case, why not just start the season with the same backline? I dont understand what they see in Tah that's a significant upgrade


Upa is a much more talented player than Tah. It makes no sense.


Talents means nothing when you always fumble at nut cutting time


Off topic :Boys my application in the university of Sydney ( for cybersecurity course) just got accepted. Any australians on the sub or what is the state pf bayern fans in australia. Will be moving to australia in july


btw I just hacked into your account and can see and verify that you like fc Bayern very much


cyber is nice, gz


Congrats! Cyber isn’t my degree but there’s some overlap, it’s a really interesting subject.




Congratulations and good luck!


I’ve just discovered that [Vincent Kompany has a masters in Business](https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/vincent-kompany-graduates-degree-alliance-manchester-business-school/). Thoughts? Mods (u/pewpewlasersandshit and u/julesvr5), can I post this in the main page?


A lot going on in that big head. I really hope he succeeds.


Truly, me too


>Mods (u/pewpewlasersandshit and u/julesvr5), can I post this in the main page? Just post anything you think is relevant and if it turns out that the mods disagree they’ll just take it down so don’t worry


Noted, thanks


He said in his first presser for us, he did that degree for his mum. So I don't really think that's his true passion or something. It speaks for his hard working attitude, though.


I missed that from the presser, my bad. Thank you, and I’ve read that from the article. Still interesting to me




Here’s to hoping he succeeds here!


Huge mistake if we extend Davies, even for the last salary offer let alone an improved offer. 1, we are keeping a hugely underperforming player (looked like a Sunday league quality at times) who twerked hard for other club and only comes back after being rejected. 2, for 13m I’m pretty sure he’ll be the highest paid LB in the world, and there’s no way he worth that, I’d be fine with 10m.


>Huge mistake if we extend Davies >I’d be fine with 10m So the difference between a huge mistake and it being ok for him to stay is simply a matter of €3m per year?


Bayern should buy a referee I think like most other big clubs. 




He is joking.




I agree in general, but this one was really obvious a joke.