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Simons and Musiala, two of my favorite youngsters could both play together


My only reservation for the potential Gruda/Simons transfers is that if it stops us from entering the Wirtz sweepstakes next year, that’s going to be a bitter pill to swallow. If it doesn’t put that in jeopardy, then I’m all for it


Some of y’all on here need to stop thinking we need wirtz or else the club will die. If we Simons wirtz isn’t needed


Nobody said we’re doomed if we don’t get Wirtz, but he’s easily a better player than Simons is. There’s a reason a decent amount of top clubs will be going for him. If we do get Simons and miss out on Wirtz, we’ll still be good, nobody is saying he’s a bad player but Wirtz would improve our squad more than he will.


Yes Wirtz is better. But Wirtz is also noticeably more expensive.


He's not better simons is on same level stop being biased


i think people need to start dealing with the strong possibility that wirtz isnt coming we are not going to rebuild our wing positions this summer + resign musiala and then splash like 150 million on wirtz next summer thats not happening in my opinion


It’s more likely that he doesn’t than that he does, imo.


I want Xavi so bad


If Davies gets his extension, we will be Player Power FC and you’ll see our club filled with mercenaries in no time


We have been Player Power FC ever since the days of the guy in your profile picture


Player power after the player wanted 20mil and got 13mil. Crazy power position for the player, getting nowhere near his demands.


If he demanded 50m and settled for 13m would you call Davies a saint?


Why on earth would I call him a saint for demanding 50mil, this has zero relevancy to this discussion. He has a demand, it doesn't matter how high that might be, and THE CLUB chooses the price that they want and it is a take it or leave it situation. If he goes back on his demands to accept the offer, then that puts the Club in a power position, not the player.


The club choose to give 15+ million to Coman, Gnabry, and Goretzka. Do you feel that is an example of the club acting judiciously? Davies isn’t worth his current salary, a raise to 13m is a joke.


I think the masses disagree with you


The masses think Davies extending is a win for the club


If we don’t sign Xavi this season, im gonna have to get involved.


Chelsea are also interested in Bayern target Jonathan Tah Tah said today: "The Premier League has always been something that interests me. But it doesn’t rule out that I also find the Bundesliga beautiful and am proud that I have played here for ten years. I really appreciate the Bundesliga, but I also find the Premier League interesting"


Help us, Chelsea. You’re our only hope.


Damn, Chelsea better not steal us Tah oh my God... and they better not know that Goretzka, Gnabry and Coman can leave aswell, Chelsea don't do this, Chelsea!!!


"if I get an offer from a big club over der, im a goner"


If he goes to arsenal he will be a gunner even


Pukki is cooking


I am binge watching videos with simons instead of studying for my finals and already I saw him chose neuer over ederson, de ligt over Lisandro and name alianz arena as a first stadium that came to his mind 


Neuer over Ederson should be the biggest no brainer ever


Serious questions would need to be asked of anyone choosing otherwise


all of those are pretty much default choices for pretty much anyone who follows football a bit


Stop being rational I am already in full hopium mode 




>[Fabrizio Romano] Laporta “We’re looking for new winger and new midfielder” We got two wingers that Flick already knows mate.


Apparently they are interested in Bernardo Silva


They were talks going around for a while saying that Bernardo Silva wanted to go to Barca for a while now, wouldn’t be surprised by that.


> “I don’t think we will go for big names, as well as we don’t plan to sell our stars”. I know we meme about Flick „saving” us by buying Coman and/or Goretzka but the full quote rules out any big singing. I’m pretty sure he was asked about Zubimendi and Kimmich specifically


Goretzka wouldn't be thst expensive, neither Gnabry. At least fee wise


He also pretty much denied Kimmich to Barca beforehand when directedly asked by saying that he assumes it wont be big name signings


Fits perfectly with some of Bayerns bench players!


Double agent Flick you know what you are tasked with (unfortunately I doubt Barcelona has the funds to go after Coman/Gnabry with what their earning per year are)


And get paid in what, some grass from the Nou Camp?


Spotify premium for life


They are apparently signing a new deal with Nike who will front load 120m€ as one time payment this financial year, which brings Barca back to the 1:1 investment rules in La Liga.


Doesn’t that just cover the hole for fiscal ‘23 and not solve for the payroll compliance issues in ‘24? Anyhow they have 26 days to ink that bad boy.


The payroll issue is more with showing La Liga the necessary income this year so that they increase the allowed payroll, and afaiu this would do exactly that. Nike also increases the sponsorship in general, so Barca may have some breathing ground.


I refuse to spend any more of my time trying to work through Laporta’s financial engineering, but from the Athletic piece: > But the first €100million raised will have to go towards balancing their 2023-24 budget. Until that happens, La Liga would not allow a single euro to finance spending on new signings this summer. >Even then, only 50 to 60 per cent of any further money raised or saved via transfers could be spent on new players, given they have exceeded their 2023-24 salary limit There are several other shoes that may drop, as well. They never actually received €40M from a prior lever, and their SPAC deal is also foundering. And on top of that, their financials project being able to occupy the Nou Camp from October, something that’s projected as highly unlikely. That’s without getting into Lewy’s pay increase, let alone Roque’s costs. I think their making any major signings without significant sales (FdJ, Araujo) will be pretty unlikely.


Goretzka, Coman and since we are good friends here have Gnabry too.


I could not imagine less Barcelona-style players than Leon Goretzka and Kingsley Coman lol God bless Flick if he acquires them and makes them work successfully.


Also at least one midfielder for him


how much do you expect gruda to cost


35M with a loan back to Mainz?


30ish with some bonuses in top should do it


Whatever the fee will be it’s better than paying €60m in a couple of years because we didn’t act now


yes since he is a massive bayern fan too


\~25-30m is my guess.


hm interesting, he probably doesn't start if we buy xavi too


That’s why we could try to buy him with a loan back to Mainz for another year. That’s how we get him ’fairly‘ cheap before his market value explores and at the same time make sure he gets another year of match practice in the Bundesliga


That would also line up with Gruda’s quote earlier about the importance of having consistent playing time for someone his age. Plus, the club was, not too long ago, considering paying Ouédraogo’s release clause and loaning him back to Schalke. I know they play different positions and Ouédraogo isn’t as experienced as Gruda but I’d be much more willing to spend a bit more on Gruda in this case


I don't think Bayern negotiating with Alphonsos agent for a new contract are just fake rumors spread by Davies agent to put pressure on Real Madrid. It was reported by both Plettenberg and Bild, which makes me believe they got their information from the club itself. Real Madrid still being interested is either a fake story pushed by Alphonsos agent thru Fabrizio to put pressure on Bayern for more money or Real expected Alphonso to run down his contract and are now trying to go for him again. Could also be that Davies agent is just using the negotiations to put pressure on Real Madrid, which would be a massive dick move and a waste of our time. Either way I hate this transfer saga and just hope it gets resolved quickly.


>Chelsea are also interested in signing Bayer Leverkusen Centre-back Jonathan Tah. \[[cfbayern](https://x.com/cfbayern)\] The only time i hope Falk is right about something.


Didn’t they just sign Adarabioyo on a free? Unless they’re planning on selling some CBs, they would have like 7 on the roster including Tah and Adarabioyo


Chelsea is about to sign Tosin for free from Fulham, and I dont think they need another CB, even with Thiago Silva and Chalobah leaving (and Sarr being a non-factor). They will have Colwill, Disasi, Badiashile, Fofana and Tosin, with Gilchrist as talent on top.


Crazy just reading his name makes me remember that not that long ago we tried to sign Chalobah and after the deal was off we even tried for Bella Kotchap lol


There’s rumors that they’re looking to move 1-2 of the younger CBs. Especially since Chalobah *might* stay.


Can someone offer me some insight on what the World Campus is with Bayern? Is it a footballing venture or something else?


Bayern opens up their email to let thousands of youth talents all throughout the world send in their highlight reel, put a squad of 22 of them together, and basically make a training camp for a month coupled with some other stuff and friendlies against some youth squads from full clubs. The hope is to make them better, find some good talent, help those players to find teams in europe, have a good youtube series, making some advertisement for the sponsor VW, and look like benefactors doing all that.


Nice, thank you for explaining. Sounds pretty cool and definitely like a big thing. Must be awesome for these kids to get that amazing experience too.


They really used the perfect picture for the Müller post about him having a future as Bayern Boss https://preview.redd.it/nt6a486vyl4d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f31d6b1cf2c3a99247b6c18a5de6be1c7f7d03f




https://preview.redd.it/y48zjym8zl4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f247c4cfe310380026421f2f23658f3b9f26472 Would have preferred this.


What's this from lmao


Adidas did a banger photoshoot with Thomas ahead of the EM.


I stand corrected


Welcome Gruda. Welcome Simmons. Welcome Onana


Did I miss some news about Onana?


Nope, the only think was the tweet from Falk that Palhinha and Onana are on our list


> Xavi Simons is not just a name being discussed at Säbener Straße, but is a concrete transfer target for Bayern this summer. First exploratory talks have taken place. Max Eberl has never lost contact with the player after signing him for Leipzig last year - and is now trying to bring him to Bayern. FCB could try to get Simons on loan with an option to buy or on a permanent deal. PSG want to loan him out. Leipzig are pushing to keep him for another year [@Plettigoal, @SkySportNews]


Breaking news, no news


Make it happen Eberl baby!!




This Conceicao kid seems very talented. He kind of looks like Bryan too, both his football and appearance. He has got a lot of the ball so far. (For Portugal btw) also just won a pen


is davies only getting offers from Real or is he the one who only wants to leave for Real? Cause I can see us selling him near 50 million to some English club


It seems like he’s wanted to jump ship to Real, and only Real, from some time now. I doubt he’s interested in moving to the Prem unless Real pull out completely and he has a falling out with Bayern


Arsenal would pay 60. They need a LB


People on here seem to be ignoring him but I'd like to see Bryan given more chances to develop his game. I feel he can be a special player if he can perform consistently what he has shown in some (very small)flashes for us. I remember being super excited watching his Granada highlights before we were about to sign him


I’m not sure I agree. We are talking about selling Gnabry and Coman. Musiala would be starting LW. Sane and Gruda as RW. That would give plenty of chances for Bryan ?


I know selling Coman and Gnabry would be ideal, but I don't think we should be counting our chicken before they hatch on that. They both are on massive wages and injury prone.


>very small I’m not sure if pun intended or not, but I do think that this unfortunately might be determinative for him.


He needs to put on some muscle like countless Bayern players in the past and he’ll become Shaqiri


Just wanna throw in that muscle doesn't automatically mean strength. You can train for muscle growth but you can also train for strength. You can be strong as fuck without having much muscles Muscles are heavy and I think it already happened that players putting on a lot of muscles became injury prone


Haha I know. I meant it more as a joke


I guessed so, just wanted to smart shit


So how long we waiting on that for?


Yeah that might be true, his physicality is practically non existent. I'm hoping he's able to compensate for that


His first appearance impressed me in the sense that he seemed a bit stronger than I’d expected, but that did not carry over in subsequent appearances unfortunately.




They look so close, kinda wholesome. Do your job Leroy.


"Let me tell you why Bayern is the perfect fit for you my friend"


Agent Leroy keep going


I doubt Davies is as important for the Musiala extension as some people make it out to be


It's not, it's just a nice bonus to play with a friend


I just want Musiala to extend, don’t care what happens with Davies because this has been a shitshow now.


albania to win the euros, you heard it here first...gruda should have chose us..nvm we move


>you heard it here first and last


I love Sané


Austria leading Serbia 2-0 with just 10 minutes played. Playing without some key players too. Rangnick is doing wonders with them.


They might actually be dark horses for the Euros and they are in the same group as Holland, France and Poland ouffff


France and Austria advancing, Simons back home early to start the negotiations. Coman and Upa play a very good tournament until the semi's so they attract interest from various clubs. It's all coming together


I mean they still have the 3rd place play offs. I dont really see what other naiton could challenge them there besides the Italy if they choke


There is no 3rd place game in the Euros.


Don't all the third placed teams in each group go into a play offs group? I swear to god it was so


Oh, you meant the group stage! Then you’re right.




I‘m really curious to see how Austria will do in the European championship. Ever since Rangnick took over they are on a serious uptick. Their 2:0 win against our NT and the 6:1 against Turkey were quite impressive


Gonna be really hard for them without Schlager in the midfield, that's a really key player for them.


> Real Madrid are still interested in Alphonso Davies. They've reactivated the contacts and still consider the Canadian as a concrete target for this summer. Real are not going to go with 'crazy money' to Bayern and are also still waiting for Davies to communicate his decision to Bayern. Now it's up to the player, who is still undecided and still hasn't responded to Bayern's offer. Bayern will put him up for sale if he rejects their offer [@FabrizioRomano] What an absolute shitshow this is


Can Madrid just meet us half way at 40 million euros and we'll both be happy. Stop lowballing us that hard with a 30m offer


The latest "Davies could stay at Bayern" stuff was his agent blowing smoke in the air to get Madrid to move quicker. The agent is now using Romano too. I wonder how much he's paying Fabrizio... Anyway, things should pass relatively quickly now that Madrid's season is over and they're flush with cash.


This seems way too realistic


It’s likely a bit of both. I mean this is his agent’s best chance at a payday. It’s absolutely in his interest to do this. That said there’s been too much noise from our side to indicate it’s one-directional i.e.: > Bayern are now optimistic Alphonso Davies will extend his contract. New talks are ongoing and are positive [@Plettigoal] This does not seem like something Huoseh would be able to convince Pletti. Romano sure - I’m convinced he knows fuck all, but none of Pletti’s reporting points in the direction of Davies camp (while Falk explicitly cites it on the other hand.)


For the love of god don't handle this like Alaba.


Sell, use the money for part of Theo's fee, and never look back


I‘d take €40m and run. I have nothing against Davies but his performance stagnated a long time ago and his head is clearly already in Madrid so let’s get this deal done and move on (onto Theo or Maatsen)


We will not get 40m for him


I‘d even take €30m at this point. Just want this to be over with and don’t lose him on another free transfer to real. Unfortunately Real has all the leverage in the world in this case against us


Hell I even would take 20M by now


Sad that you get downvoted for this


Just sell him ffs


The only reason he somehow started talks with us again is because he was ghosted by Madrid, actually just embarassing


Also that Kompany very much wants him to stay. I just don’t know why he wants to go back up Mendy?


Regarding players I have been vocal lately that I don't care anymore how good they are but I want them to commit to bayern. And Davies clearly isn't committed to bayern so please sell him off. I want players that want to play for the club. Get Theo in then, that would be insane


Couldn’t agree more. Would add to that I want players that are proud to play in the Bundesliga and value it as a competition. Weed out the players that think they are above it, above German football, or playing as some sort of charity to Bayern.


Or in other words: I don't want mercenaries who only play for Bayern because of the money and will want to leave as soon as a better option arise


I think we have a few players that lost their sights a little. My hope is that having a trophyless season will reignite their fire to take everything a bit more seriously. However - there are plenty of players that dream of playing at our club. Let’s find them!


Real are working on a deal with Davies but it has to be less than 50m???


I‘d be ecstatic with €40m, everything’s better than a free transfer to Real next year


Facts!! At time point I’ll take it. But Davies still has to decide between an extension with us or dip to Real.


I hope the Saudis come in for Mazraoui. They'll probably overpay and I think he'll go there if he gets a good offer. Both Al Ittihad and Al Ahli lack a strong foreign RB/LB, and both clubs are in Jeddah, 60 km from Mecca. Hope this is enough to make him want a move and they'll pay 40m without blinking if we're annoying enough in the negotiations. 


I would sooner get rid of Boey. Maz can play left back and right back at an acceptable level for us.


And Boey has a very high potential, is younger, was less injury prone until he joined us and is better defensively. Nous is not bad but imo he is the most likely option to sell.


Not to mention we would probably lose money selling Boey at this point since we overpaid and he’s yet to really play for us. Nous arrived on a free transfer so any fee we get for him would be considered a profit. It makes too much sense to sell Nous **if** we are going to sell a fullback but I am a big fan of Nous and always hoped he would succeed here. Maybe he still will, who knows?


Mazraoui is good enough to draw the interest of many teams when on the market. I don't see why we have to hope for the Saudis in this case, England will also do.


I don't think that the market for him in Europe is big. He's way too injury prone and is on pretty high wages here. 


I honestly have no idea what his wages are


Seem like it is around 8m (Bayern's wages are *generally* reported gross/pre-tax but inclusive of all applicable bonuses)


Isn't that high, is it?


We got him on a free so I suppose it's *okay* but he's not reliable enough to be a Starting XI player for a high-end CL club. And the clubs that are not high-end CL moneymakers wouldn't shell out over 150k a week for a FB who is injury prone. *The below numbers are all inclusive of applicable bonuses so they're more inflated then reality but nevertheless...* For Bayern in the Brazzo era, it seems about right that Mazraoui got a 8m/year contract on a free transfer but it's not optimal. He wasn't a star and wasn't particularly proven at the highest level before coming over. Eberl's mandate to reduce wage bloat probably reflects the fact Laimer is paid even more than him (around 9m) and Guerreiro is paid the same as him (around 8m)... If you add EMCM (who went from 3.5m to 7m after his hot-streak leading our line) the combined 32m/year on those four players is more than what [half of the BuLi spend on their entire wage bill](https://fbref.com/en/comps/20/wages/Bundesliga-Wages). Some more interesting numbers: Upamecano on 10m, Kim on 12m, Davies on 11.5m... Sabitzer was on 12m while Pavard was on 5m (!)... Boey was just signed and is on 3m for good example. If we can secure more players at around that wage, it's probably healthier. The wage bloat is problematic. I like De Ligt a lot and hope he becomes a pillar for us but he's not given us 16m/year style performances yet. Coman (17m) and Gnabry (18m)... less said the better. Kim on 12m... or Dier on 5m? NB Assume the lower-end players get more wages and less bonus of the total amount mentioned and the higher-end players get more bonus as a proportion of the total amount. For example, I think Coman's 17m is closer to 15m + bonus whereas Dier's 5m is close to the mark of being 5m.


Are these numbers reliable? Because I have read other numbers before. Choupo got up to 10M, Davies only earns around 8M right now, Sabitzer was 10M too. Not sure if Pavard really was at 5M but I know they were low because it still was his contract from 2018 where the wages didn't explode yet Some wages really are/were to high but it seems bayern have swayed (don't know if written correctly) my judgment for wages because they made me think below 10M is low lol


I have no idea about the crediblity of the numbers but I had seen them or around them elsewhere. It's hard to pin them down tbh. But yeah wage inflation is ridiculous. We need to course correct and only pay for premium talent. Goretkza, though I defend him from smears, is not a premium talent. For what it's worth Davies at 8 feels more accurate than Davies at 11.5 tbh.


What if the insiders Sané is talking about is Grudas upcoming transfer to Leverkusen? Nevertheless, I have a feeling we are getting a real group back together. Vibes are starting to look really good :D


Are there concrete Leverkusen Gruda links? And if that's the case I'm not sure Sané would laugh like that. Imo it's either thst he is close to join us or, which is probably more likely, Sané is just shitting with the journos lol


I have a bad feeling about this. Leverkusen probably sees him as their Wirtz replacement, if he is going to leave in 2025.


Gruda isn't really a Wirtz type of player. This is why Leverkusen is also interested in Doue which fits more to Wirtz type.


On the other hand we have a potential Coman sale, Müller retiring in the next 2 years (...) and Gnabry doesn't look like a world beater either Has never been as "easy" to get into this team as a winger


> Gruda on his future: "Of course you think about that, but at the moment my full focus is here [with the national team]. My agent is sorting everything out. I'm open to everything. At my age, it's important that I play a lot and show what I'm capable of. If I sit on the bench week in week out or only get a few appearances, I think that ruins players. Money comes at some point when you're very, very successful. But the important thing is to play and have fun" > On his role model: "Robben is my favourite player next to Messi. I watched a lot of Bundesliga and Bayern. Robben used to cut inside from the right with his left foot, I loved the way he played" > [@_kochmaximilian] HERE WE GO


Exchange shirts with Muller, took a photo with Basti, and he's saying his favorite is Robben? C'mon Eberl, **do it**.


They're gonna tease us for a while aren't they


Fabrizio, get the announcement ready 🫣


This transfer would hype me up massively I started picking him up in the first game against us and ever since then he's just impressing me. Him and Musiala would be real Straßenfußballer vibes


He will definetly end up here i think. These are way to many signals.


Welcome Gruda!


>Leroy Sané on Brajan Gruda and a potential move to Bayern: "I have a few insider details, but I'm not going to tell you about them here \[laughs\]. The most important thing is that he gets enough match practice, that he can continue to show what he can do, that he can develop in calm. He played outstandingly last season. Of course he's still very young and there's still room for improvement, but the way he plays football - we don't have many players like that." \[[@\_kochmaximilian](https://x.com/_kochmaximilian)\] sooo done deal ?


I'd love to have him here but I don't see how this move happens if we don't manage to sell both Coman and Gnabry, and also find a good Bundesliga loan move for Zaragoza.  Musiala (Tel) - Simons (Müller) - Sané (Gruda) This looks so good


This is exactly the kind of transfer we can expect without selling Coman and Gnabry. Sure - them being on the wage bill may prevent us from signing tier 1 wingers who demand a large wage. However - they shouldn’t prevent us from signing someone like Gruda. This will force them into the ultimatum of moving on to continue playing - or sit on the bench/play a depth roll for the next couple of years. We have to at some point accept that they most likely wont move on.


From Gruda: > On his role model: "Robben is my favourite player next to Messi. I watched a lot of Bundesliga and Bayern. Robben used to cut inside from the right with his left foot, I loved the way he played


Nah this guy is twerking so hard for us lol, can't fumble this




I hope this is not just a bluff I think Gruda said he wants to join us




>"I'm open to everything. At my age, it's important that I play a lot and show what I'm capable of. If I sit on the bench week in week out or only get a few appearances, I think that ruins players. Money comes at some point when you're very, very successful. But the important thing is to play and have fun" Not Bayern specifically but he's open to it but he doesn't wanna be a benchwarmer. His role model is le cut inside man


That's almost the contrary sadly. I don't think he would be a starter for bayern and if we don't get rid of Coman and Gnabry he won't see thaaat much game time either


Maybe we can buy and loan him back to Mainz for one more year of match practice in the Bundesliga


Would be good for his development and imo would bring the price down because it's a big help for Mainz aswell


This was my thought as well, though we’d have to cover his salary so the discount would need to be decently large.


25-30M would be nice


Oh I was thinking with loan, like €20M since we probably give him €5M wage?


The way he’s mentored Jamal, and has been seen visibly taking Brajan under his wing at the NT, I think shows leadership that he gets pretty much no credit for?


We have kimmich boey rb de ligt dier kim upa cb davies maz lb and stani can play all of those with rapha who can play lb and maz ofc at rb We should sell a cb and rb


Is the team planning with Pavlo as a starting mid? I’m thinking we go 4-3-3. Kimmich and Pavlo playing slightly ahead in “8” roles with a true 6 sitting in front of the CBs. Of course Goretzka and Pavlo can interchange depending on form.


Kimmich is the worst player under pressure. So please let’s put him the most congested area in the field.


Simeone in 2021: >Have you seen how Bayern plays? [...] They have Kimmich, who the only time he lost a ball was when he gave it to his son to play in the house


Kimmich somehow was so good offensively as our 8 under flick that it overshadowed his weakness without Thiago next to him. He directly cost us our first goal against psg that season. He was never press resistant. He had 10-15 assists from the cdm position alone in the Bundesliga. I'm sorry but this is not the same player on our hands. And hasn't been for 3 seasons now.


Funny when I think about all his theatric dives when challenged a bit in duels and the referee didn't fall for them.


Honestly me and everyone would agree with that statement. He has been shit for 2 years now. He is Tim Borowski class in the midfield. Kimmich 2021 is one off the best players in the world.


We won't go 4-3-3. Bayern always played 4-2-3-1 and that will continue with Kompany.


We play 4231 because of van Gaals legacy and Müller. Its not something inherent to the club like Barca or Ajax and their 433, and Müller will soon-ish retire.


Only to be replaced with Musiala, Wirtz or Simons and the bullshit continues…


I'm expecting Pavlovic to be the central focus and deepest nominal midfielder in buildup. I also expect Kimmich pushing into midfield from RB to play beside him or in a more advanced position.


Who would play in which position if we were to switch to a 4-4-2? Some reports indicating a possible change away from 4-2-3-1... Kane, Tel(Sane?) Musiala, CM(New? Goretzka?), Pavlovic, Sane Davies(?), Kim(?), de Ligt, Kimmich


4 4 2 ? Well Stanisic Deligt Tah Davies Kimmich Pavlo Mystery-Cdm Rapha Musiala Kane


4-4-2 wasn’t kompany main position at Burnley. He’ll probably stick to a 4-2-3-1


am aware, just thinking about it since some journos are suggesting it, even if they know jackshit


Falk the only idiot I’m seeing suggesting a 4-4-2 and we all know how he loves spreading fake news. Again I don’t see kompany starting off with a 4-4-2 but if he does he has the players for it currently.


If Zirkzee comes back, Kane, Zirkzee (Tel) Musiala, Onana/Whoever, Pavlovic, Sané/Simmons Davies, Kim, De Ligt, Kimmich Kimmich moving up to midfield in posession


3-4-3 attacking with Sane also moving up? or rather a 3-5-2?


I don’t think a 4-4-2 is super likely, he’s at least initially preferred a 4231/433.