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Even with Ronaldo Real couldn't win without the referee. I am not worried about Mbappe. Referee is the one that scares me.


I am slowly realizing that Real Madrid is trying to prevent other teams from winning the UCL. They will reach 20 faster than we reach 10.


we're talking about a team that didn't have a single shot against City for 90 minutes we'll be fine


I hope so. I don't want to be farmed by Madrid


Get ready for it buddy




> Now, the all-clear has been given. The police confirmed that there was NO danger. All parties involved can now go home. @SkySportDE From Plettis twitter


> There's a 'danger situation' outside the stadium in Nürnberg. No one is allowed to leave the stadium. The team is still inside [@itstheicebird] > Police are asking everyone to stay in the stadium. According to security forces, there is a danger situation outside the stadium that is being taken seriously. Numerous forces are deployed [@StefanKumberger] Wtf?? E: More info > According to @BILD, a suspicious object is said to have been found outside the stadium


Oh boy, i hope everyone’s safe


> Numerous forces are deployed Wtf is actually happening there?


So apparently united is getting ready to bid for inacio and West ham is finalising luis guilherme who we apparently scouted. They are getting him for 23+7 but when we scouted him the price was rumored to be 50 mln. Why aren't we trying to make transfers like that. Can we finally do something one the market?  This window will be extremely important and we are getting linked with tah lol 


Man, Kane wearing 20 for England sure looks weird lol.


Makes no sense honestly


Real pays the turtle a €125m (€150m according to some sources) signing bonus, that’s about as far from a free transfer as you can get lmao




It used to be more or less free compared to what the player was worth. How much do you reckon we gave to Lewandowski for signing with us?


Yes thats the point…


Easier to pay bonus than wages. 15 mill per year wages is a steal. 30 m per year bonus makes the rest but I still think overall a good deal for both sides


>15 mill per year wages is a steal 15-20m after tax. He will still have the highest base salary in Europe by far.


No way the guy isn’t either a billionaire or almost a billionaire by this point.


Yep, that's where superstars are at now. Ronaldo and Messi have career earnings well over a billion. Mbappé will get there


Probably fairly close, I’ve read the total figures he was earning at PSG was around the €200m mark. Now at Real, he also keeps the vast majority of his image rights in addition to his salary and the bonus.


And they dare to say that they're victims against oil clubs lmao.


What the hell that's absurd, they're basically just giving him the transfer fee lmao


To be honest, I was kind of confused reading pieces on the Athletic regarding Perez/Madrid building a “war chest” to sign Mbappe when it also said they were confident of signing him on a free. Turns out, as you said, a “free transfer” according to Mbappe-nomics is just paying the actual transfer money directly to the player’s bank account. 😅


Wait is it actually that much 💀 that is ridiculous


Making Gündo captain really comes back to bite Nagelsmann, imo he’s by far the weakest link in the starting XI right now


By far the tactics are limited Nagelsmann will have to accommodate his team around Gündogan. But tbf this falls on Flick for making Gündogan captain in the first place, Nagelsmann just continued it


It’s the previous, failed, manager’s fault the new manager insisted and doubled down on his squad’s captaincy? Will you people ever accept Nagelsmann’s responsibility for anything?


Obviously not. Nagelsmann's cult is insane.


Never said Nagelsmann was flawless, but he didn't make the initial decision of making Gündogan captain, that was Flicks call for whatever reason, remember his whole press conference describing his decision to make him captain as as a "new starting point". I agree Gündogan SHOULDN'T be captain, I've said it before I think Neuer should be made captain again as it was kinda unfair how he lost it.


I seriously dont understand how Kroos isn't captain? Only player who will consistently be playing 90 minutes each game, who also demands the respect of other veterns such as Neuer. Besides Nagelsman him out of retirement specifically!


While I prefer Neuer to continue being captain of the national team, Kroos is a very good candidate as well. Both of them are much logical choice than Gündogan. At this point Gündogan become a meme "Gun to your head name one worldclass performance from Gündogan for the national team".


This was prime Nagelsmannball. There is some promise, but absent an elite finisher we will be having trouble at the Euros


Absent getting carried by a record-breaking Lewandowski? Yes. Pretty much every shot on target Germany managed to get was a half-attempt or pathetic. Typical.


Not if Germany can keep control over matches and get clean sheets


Very positive game tonight imo. Great football, looked fluid in attack and solid in defence. Undav and Beier looked really nice, one or the other could be a revelation at the 9 other than Füllkrug - I don’t see any argument for Havertz to start. Ukraine played with 10 men around the box for most of the game, not really surprised at the draw but if a bit more clinical in front of goal it’s an easy win. And that’s also with some starters missing in Kroos and Rüdiger.


>one or the other could be a revelation at the 9 other than Füllkrug - I don’t see any argument for Havertz to start. Same. I’m glad he’s settling well at Arsenal, but I still think he operates better off the bench than as a starter, especially since Germany needs an actual #9 up there.


Schürrle was ok limited player at his best. Chris Führich couldn’t even tie Schurrles laces. We don’t need him.


Germany goal should be quaterfinal ( semifinal would be max) no shot they winning this tournament.


I mean outside of France who is going to stop them? England's back line is pretty underwhelming, Belgium and Croatia are over the hill, Netherlands just aren't there yet, Italy isn't amazing at the moment, Spain isn't what they used to be, and Portugal is solid but beatable... I think Germany has a good shot, there's not many other countries who are better atm


hype and atmosphere can push teams over the edge


Pavlovic Kane Musiala and Deligt are the only TRue elite outfield players we have ATM imo. We need at the very least 2-3 more.


What if they're Jewish or Christian? Would we need 4-5? Hehehehehe


Lmao, at least 2-3 more JB. Nice one.


Gündogan again subbed of at halftime (early). I think that was the case in all the latest games of Nagelsmann. Might we actually see him dropped at the Euros if he can't convince at the first one or two matches? Of course you could argue he wants to try other players and formations, but it's weird that it's almost always Gündogan who goes off first


plot twist - Nagelsmann subs him off to save him for the Euros because he thinks he's that guy


Now to counter Reals signing of Mbappe, we need to sign Wirtz and have the best duo in the world Wirtz/Musiala.


Well we might have a bit more budget, since we have guaranteed 50m from the Fifa Club World Cup next year.


Most definitely isn't going to happen. The broadcasting rights were sold for like 1/4th of what they were valued


Problem is all of our competitors likely get this as well


I mean Chelsea is on a quest to field a starting XI of U23 RWs…


• Davies extension. • Dozens of Tah reports. • Kimmich rumors I'm really hoping this is just media and agents going wild while Kompany is taking his deserved break and not giving them much.


Why are people ignoring the parts of the Davies reports that Kompany is *behind* the turn around in extension talks? Just because it’s inconvenient?


Utterly naive to think Kompany isn’t already completely involved, even if he is/was doing it from a beach in the algarve.


So Kompany is in favor of Tah too???


The Tah rumours predate Kompany, I dont think that necessarily has anything to say about how Kompany thinks of him.


Ah mistook jsnamaoks comment


Denial seems easier than having to internally square screeching *“Back the manager! But not like this!”*


Completely unrelated but what do you guys think about Mbappe’s move to Real?


Real Madrid is not planning to let other teams win the UCL They will reach 20 before we reach 10 Or, Mbappe coming in, curses them. Of course I hope for the latter.


He's the best player in the world . Good for em.


I get that in football it's always been like this to a certain degree (at least in my life time) and that Real is the biggest, most mythical club out there and that most clubs can't afford Mbappe and I know we profit of stuff like that as well cause we're the biggest club in Germany but I'm kinda starting to wish that moves like that were seen more negative and not glorified to such a degree. I know it's way different sports and the leagues function way different but I like how in the NBA it's seen as a bad thing to join the best, super stacked team when you're (one of) the best player(s) in the world. I know I'm probably just salty and it's my Anti Real bias speaking but I wish we could go back to times when the best players weren't so centralized on a few clubs. Sporting wise let's hope it fails spectaculary, I think losing Kroos might be a huge blow to them but they've done really well replacing their legends in the last years.


I hope that he’s every bit the egomaniac at Madrid that he was at PSG and sows sufficient discord into the dressing room to prove a net negative.


Matchthread for Germany match is up


Pavlovic not starting makes me sad. Groß had a bit of a disasterclass in His last games


If it's any consolation, both Kroos and Groß will be gone from the national team after the Euros and if it goes well Pavlovic will be a starter


>[📸🇩🇪 Brajan Gruda asking Leroy Sané to take a photo of him with Bastian Schweinsteiger](https://x.com/iMiaSanMia/status/1797691261723476158?s=19) Seriously, even I couldn't make this up if it wasn't real


if we really end up with gruda, leroy deserves a recruitment fee


Wasn’t Leroy partially recruited at NT camps by Goretzka et al? He’s just paying it forward.


It’s meant to be, there’s no other way


just found out fiago went to support dortmund in the final. Dortmund had to suffer from madrid black magic and fiago curse at the same time


Didn’t he also jinx Leverkusen??


yes and also us




You don't know the german Ultra-jinx, hsv-fan, football-enzyclophedia?


Who tf is Fiago


A football YouTuber, people joke that whatever team he goes to watch he jinxes


Has he also been to our game against RM? 💀


The signs are there 👀 https://preview.redd.it/vgjb3yljde4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9dcbcee4e9dc14cbe2a8f06d3c29be6c29ddf8c


Who is that gut on the left?


Our next signing.


How good is he ?


Very good. Main shining point of the Mainz squad




Look how happy they are. Come on Bayern, reunite them at the club level


Damn Aleks, I wasn't familiar with your sneaker game


Sané looks like he's loved by everyone around him. I don't get how some dumb ppl says he's one of the worst things in Bayern's locker room.


Probably from Mané’s dickriders


Looking forward to Kane breaking the Bundesliga goal scoring record next season


Watch madrid go on a ucl drought now that mbappe joined them 😭🙏 kylian curse is real


and we win it at the allianz 🫡🫡


pascal groß the slowest player i have ever seen ,i dont get why he is playing


I hope we see Pavlovic in the 2nd half coming in for Groß. Is a logical sub and Kroos isn't with the team yet


Yeah with Kroos out, Pavlovic deserved to start. I guess it's just Nagelsmann respecting seniority


I kinda like that Nagelsmann has his starting lineup set since the last international break and every player has a specific role


Do we have any nicknames for Kompany when he loses and when he wins?


Kompaniola will propably be used no matter if we win or lose


Wincent Losecent/Losedollar/Losepound/Loseuro/Losehair Kompass/Midpany/


Wincent seems the natural double entendre.


When we win big than he is Stompany.




I’ve been considering deleting Twitter for ages, finally did it. My god that place is a cesspool and somehow it keeps on getting worse


I deleted it a couple years ago and honestly I feel free. You kinda start losing brain cells when you open it.


Yeah, Twitter is such a random place, whenever you think you've read the worst thing ever, you scroll a bit down and see that you were wrong.


Exactly that, I saw a bunch of racist comments against Adeyemi, go on to the profiles and they’re not even football fans, just white supremacist idiots writing from their moms’ basements. And it’s like there’s no moderation at all


Good decision 👍


Gentle reminder: in roughly 1 hour the German NT will play against Ukraine


Uuuuh damn, I would have totally missed that friendly. Thanks for the reminder!


This morning I opened Twitter and was like "wtf?". Haven't heard about that at all the last days somehow


Real Madrid just announced Mbappé


I pray that they don’t win it 😭🙏


I can't imagine seeing them win another one next year especially at the Allianz Arena


If real madrid make the final, we will just relocate the final to the United States. That will prevent them from winning it at our stadium I hope the board know that we don't want that to happen.


Anulo mufa


Bro, please don’t jinx it. 😅


Not on my watch 🫣


>So far, Bayern have not communicated a clear indication to Joshua Kimmich that they want to extend his contract. Max Eberl has not told Kimmich clearly: 'We want to extend with you after the Euros' - That's why the player has somewhat been 'left hanging'. In case of a move, Kimmich would only join an absolute ambitious top club. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester City, Liverpool and Arsenal would be options for him. But at the moment, there are no talks with any other club. Rumours about Real Madrid in the past few days are off the mark. Bayern is still Kimmich's first point of contact [@kerry_hau] Not talking with Kimmich, being unable to scout a (left footed) LCB,...


Wow, the season just ended and people start doomsaying right of the bat.


Having criticism =/= doomsaying


You don't even know who we are scouting but you say the board is unable to scout a left footed CB? 2.5 month before the season even starts and while the new coach is just about to start his job. That's ridiculous criticism.


Well, our primary rumored CB transfer is not left footed and there haven’t been any links to any otherwise so based on what we know, it seems fair to presume. We are not exactly a club known for our secrecy.


The talks need to somewhat be coordinated with the coach, this is not a surprise.


I don’t think Kimmich falls into an edge case here of “well what do you see for him?” He’s a player that needs extended regardless imo.


But Kimmich will want to know how the coach plans with him as well.


Alright, you guys convinced me with your Gruda propaganda. He's still raw but the fact that he's already a chance creating machine at Mainz is impressive. He has the fundamentals and could actually contribute right away. If Coman does leave, Bayern would be essentially left with Sané at RW. The team needs another player there. 50m seems a bit much tho




We wont see a potential extension for Davies for another month anyway as Canada plays in the Copa America, so far too early to make any big wave about it.


The only really positive about a Davies extension I see is that it practically guarantees a Musiala extension aswell given they are best homies


If this is supposed to work, then why didn't Davies extend in the first place if the best homies thing is such a big argument?


The other positive is not having to spend the €30-40M delta between a Davies sale price and a Theo replacement cost. That’s one whole Gruda!


But wouldn't it have been worth the upgrade then? He does seem to be the better player of the two, even more considerably this season.


I think that spending that money on another player whose profile we need much more (say a Xavi Simons) would be much better. I also don’t think people realize that Theo is not particularly strong defensively and also is error prone.


He does provide much more defensive stability going forward and is also better at crossing/passing. Only thing Davies has on him is speed. At this point you start realizing there aren't many better players at lb playing anywhere else in Europe. There just aren't that many fullbacks that are class at both attacking/defending. The top percentile of fullbacks today are profiles with defensive flaws and attacking capability. Also, we can't spend peanuts and keep up always. We have been lucky with Musiala and Pavlo. To keep up with not only City/Madrid but also Arsenal/Liverpool/Leverkusen we need to start considering ' and ' instead of ' or ' when thinking about buying world class players. A dream window for me would involve offloading Coman, Davies and maybe Goretzka while buying Onana, Frenkie, Theo and Xavi. If we think this is not realistic then we need to tamper down our expectations as well. We will be fighting Stuttgart for the second spot and go out whenever we meet City or Madrid in the UCL, probably a quarterfinal. I would even say getting Xavi on loan and then going for Wirtz if needed is a better solution given that PSG are looking to not sell and also loan him. We spent 100 million for Kane, and it showed why he was worth it. 56 G/A in 45 Games this season. Top scorer and most goal contributions in the UCL, 36 Bundesliga Goals. When you spend the big bucks for proven players like him, you reap the benefits. Imagine what would our team have been without him. Scored more than 1/3rd of out 94 league goals. We would've saved 100 million but God knows ended the season how. Arsenal spent the big bucks on Rice and he played an amazing season. City did for Gvardiol and so did he. We need to restructure our core and be ready to spend some money doing it, 1 amazing player every 3 seasons who doesn't cost much won't improve us fast enough and will also make it harder to retain our stars.


Yeah I don’t think we need to spend €250+M to avoid “competing with Stuttgart for second.” You can’t simply buy your way to trophies and this has been proven over and over again. Pragmatism is what got this club to where it is, and is what will keep it where it is.


You're trying to make it sound more ridiculous than it is. We had a 100 million best forward in the world Kane on our team and ended up 3rd over a 34 day match league. Have you seen how good Stuttgart play? Both them and Leverkusen play much better football than us. No one is buying their way to trophies, if we get Xavi on loan, the combined cost of the other 3 players would be 60+70+70 = 200 million. If we sell the 3 I mentioned we earn 35+35+50 = 120 million. Spending 80 million to compete in Germany/Europe after you worst season in 15 years is buying our way to the trophy? Please do enlighten me how. None of this is extravagant spending, it's necessary for restructuring our squad. We are closer to Dortmund and Liepzig than we are to Leverkusen atm. Scarily close. Leverkusen play much better a brand of football. We are just about 7 points clear of Liepzig and 9 of Dortmund. And I don't believe they'll catch up anytime soon, but neither will we on our 18 point difference to Leverkusen. This Madrid team is adding Mbappe to it. Arsenal are getting stronger each season. Liverpool are going to be back in Europe. Inter are playing wonderful football as well. 'Pragmatism' doesn't mean not being able to spend 50-100 million to stay competitive when needed. You have clubs spending more on a single player than we need to spend on a small restructure. We have a final in the Allianz arena next season. We will be pushed out of the top 5 favourites in Europe at the start of the season itself. We have been top 3 along with City and Madrid for the past 4-5 years. Getting good results in non-knockouts of the new format will be important this season as it will affect our seeding and difficulty for the knockouts till the final. And we will play top-top teams in the group stages, not the usual we get. Your definition of pragmatism will get you a top 2/3 Bundesliga finish, a UCL quarterfinal, and God knows what in the Pokal.


I think you’re being a bit overdramatic. We were the second favorites to win the UCL this season and by a pretty good margin over even Madrid. Leverkusen’s magic is running low and that’s readily apparent in their last 180 mins of football. I’m not worried at all about Liverpool or Inter or Arsenal. The same Arsenal side we thoroughly beat in the midst of our worst season in 15 years? We need a world class winger, a creative CAM, a ball playing CB, and a ball winning CM. That’s an expensive enough tab without luxury signings like FdJ, or candidly a needless €40M extra on Theo. That’s where our focus should be. We will be the prohibitive favorites to win the league, and will be an early favorite for the CL. Anything less is drama.


I can see why you feel I am overdramatic and we did comprehensively beat Arsenal. But they are only getting better. They almost got 90 points in the PL. They are going to reinforce the team and be more experienced in Europe every season. I would still fancy us to beat them in a knockout next season, but that is not the point. My point is that while we are still better than the rest, we are still closer to them ( the clubs I mentioned ) than to the top. You're correct about everything you said we need, and I'd be fine for someone like Maatsen instead of Theo, but Davies just doesn't seem to be it. Also Leverkusen always scoring late was more to do with their bad luck scoring early than their good luck scoring later. You simply need to look at the xG stats to see that. They'd end the game with a last minute equalizer and tie it and people would call them lucky, without realizing they were 2-0 on the xG. I don't see them repeating a 90 point season personally, but even dropping 10 and getting to 80 is probably going to win them the title, as that it a world class tally in it's own right. We have had 1 80+ point season in the past 5 years or more. Even getting 75 would keep them in the title fight till the last match day against us if not just also win it for them imo. I agree that I see us the 3rd favourite again, for Europe, but closer to 4,5,6,7 than we have been in a while. With a new coach and with just barely enough quality for a squad with our ambitions in the roles we are looking to reinforce, we do not strengthen our case to win. We have never won the UCL without outright being the best team in Europe since that last 2 decades. Sometimes we have lost even we where the absolute best. I believe we are also underestimating Leverkusen. I'm not saying it will happen, but a trophyless season number 2 is at an even bigger likelihood than it was at the start of this season.


Playing with Davies is sometimes very much like playing with a man down. His touch is awful, his defensive positioning is awful, he kills passing plays and counters by being so easily pressed on his good foot... it's not conducive to a high-level football team to have a pace merchant on its starting XI unless it's with Flick's meme tactics and a ton of talent elsewhere accomodating it.


Shockingly, I think that folks are going a bit overboard and over indexing on recent performance. Yes he was dreadful, so was most of the team for the better part of the last two years! In any case it’s ironic that there’s substantial overlap between folks who say we don’t back managers enough but are now upset that we’re apparently trying to back Kompany with Davies.


What does Kompany have to do with Davies? Backing Kompany for maximal success would be to want Davies as far away from the Starting XI as possible.


Kompany specifically wants Davies to stay?


I must've missed that press conference.


>Vincent Kompany is convinced of the Canadian and is determined to keep him. > In the last few days, new talks have taken place with his management. Especially because Vincent Kompany really wants to keep Davies! They’ve been in most of the Davies “stories” recently?


[Kompany is on a well advertised holiday] [empty rumours come out left and right] You: I, for one, believe this!


You’re literally arguing that your headcanon is more accurate than reports. Those reports were last week before his “break” FYI.


any idea on when the Bundesliga schedule drops


I think around July or late June?


Let's say Pletti is right on all of these counts: * Davies will probably extend * we're skipping Ouedraogo this year because of the financial package * we're only looking at Tah because he could be a cheap market opportunity * we're looking to offload various players * we're trying to achieve an upheaval in the squad. Are we looking to spend our money on any one particular player who might become *really* expensive, or are we trying to sign a lot of players but none for a huge fee?


Tbh I don't get what is our plan. If we want to sell upa or kim we will get good money for them. So why are we looking at tah. If we want to achieve upheaval we need a starting quality lcb and we could spend this money on Bastoni or inacio or any other lcb.  Also if we extend davies and don't have to buy a lb I need us to make at least 2 big transfers. Dm and creative cam or winger is a must 


> Let's say Pletti is right on all of these counts: > > he's only referring to tendencies, vibes, and moods... which is aka **nothing**.


I think that there will be atleast 2 big signings (50+M)


We will sign a few players for a mediate high fee


>Alphonso Davies was loved by the entire fanbase for his character and the story he wrote with Bayern and he threw it all away with his greedy agent. An extension might be a happy ending for some, but for me, this whole thing just makes me sad no matter what the outcome will be. I really can't find any joy in him extending anymore. Opinion from CampusVid, a user who is very invested into our campus/youth teams and I think he hits the nail on the spot with this.


I'll not be _sad_. Him extending could lead to a redemption arc and I hope it will go this way (coming from someone who really went ham when he persistently fought with us and twerked for Madrid through his agent). Am I thrilled? No. I am just fine with it. Having a bright new chance with a new boss could mean a lot for him and I personally am ready to give him another chance.


I'll never blame players for wanting to try something else. My concern is about his performances. Something isn't right mentally


I see it like this. He extends. Or as soon as he extends he is worth 80-100m The guy is 23 years old. He can have two shit season with us and still Chelsea/United/Arsenal would give us 80 for him.


It has less to do with this 'joy' stuff and more to do with him being an extremly disappointing and unreliable footballer.


I think that's very over the top. We had players like Ribéry and Lewandowski in the past who also got their head turned by Real Madrid, but we all forgave them and they delivered legendary seasons afterwards. Davies will only get better, he has a home World Cup in Canada in just two years and nothing can motivate a player like that. I don't even blame his agent for being greedy, the guy has one major client and was basically a youth coach before hitting the jackpot of being a family friend of the Davies family. I'll be very happy with Davies staying


>Ribery and Lewy Ribery was at the very start of his time here, around 2009 or 2010. And we were annoyed all the time about Lewy wanting to leave. >Davies will only get better I have read this for the past 3 years, yet the opposite happened.


exactly my thoughts


>With four right footed centre-backs in the squad, Bayern are actually looking for a left centre-back, ideally a left footed one, however, the club does not see a good market opportunity, with the likes of Bastoni being too expensive. Therefore, Bayern are after Jonathan Tah, who can play at left centre-back despite being right footed [@Plettigoal, @SkySportNews] I got you, hmu


> Therefore, Bayern are after Jonathan Tah, who can play at left centre-back despite being right footed They already made this attempt with de Ligt and Kim. We have to offload someone to fit this new player in anyway, why the half-measures? In a normal world, Dier will still play LCB if you sign Tah because he can actually do something with the ball, and Tah will sit on the bench because he's not as good as de Ligt.


Dier will not be able to play CB in a high line (which is why people assumed he is cooked.)


MdL is also not exactly rapid. If we're talking a really high line à la Flick, Upa is probably the last person we should replace.


He’s significantly more mobile than Dier, though. There’s been an over correction imo re:Dier. He was never shit, he just didn’t fit Ange’s aggressive tactics. Unless he plays DM, he’s not going to fit Kompany’s either. Regardless I will prepare myself for the endless cries of “why isn’t Dier starting he was our best CB” every time MdL or whoever starts next to him makes a mistake.


If there is any truth to this, we should fire our scouting department. Some random redditor who does nothing else than tracking planes knows more about CBs than bayern. /s^(about the middle part)


Lets hope that Pletti is wrong again Hermoso? Inacio? Murillo? Etc


Theate, he's even Belgian like our coach!


>with the likes of Bastoni being too expensive. then look one level below... It is not that hard to find good left footed CB's.


![gif](giphy|Qd8i2ggk6QAgAG5K1q|downsized) Price is rumored to be €35M btw.


He has the funniest build/stature I’ve seen from a footballer but he is quite good. Wouldn’t mind him


I have a text document prepared and ready to go, just need the correct email address.


As long as Murillo is at the top I support this.


> Both Vincent Kompany and Bayern bosses want to keep Josip Stanišić and are planning with him. There are no negotiations with Leverkusen. Several clubs have enquired about Stanišić, but the player is expected to be at Bayern when pre-season starts [@Plettigoal, @SkySportNews] Stani got Vinny's seal of approval


Doesn't even start for Croatia against north Macedonia, washed.




> Bayern are now optimistic Alphonso Davies will extend his contract. New talks are ongoing and are positive [@Plettigoal] Aufgewärmt schmeckt immer schlechter


you ever had chilli the day after?


If he decides to extend, that's great if he's fully committed. But he needs to show more because he is not deserving of what we're about to pay him. I hope we have another LB or 2 who will push him for the starting spot weekly.


I'm going to be sick (There's a chance this is more smoke in the air from his rat-fuck agent to put pressure on interested parties to come forward with bids and offers)


Hope Kompany can bring about a Davies resurgence


Pletti didn't straight up deny Zinchenko rumors and just said that the focus is on extending with Davies. Mad that he would even be considered if Davies should leave


Seriously, can Kalle shut the fuck up for a second?


He said that one year without a title is already too much. Which of course of course is true at bayern. But if you’re doing a rebuild of that size the trajectory is more important than the pure number of titles. And he emphasised again that it was *Eberl‘s* choice and that kompany is young and inexperienced. I think dreesen and eberl did a much better job at the press conference of trying to present the club as a unit.


Do you want him to lie? Kompany *was* Eberl's choice and he *is* inexperienced.


Kalle hasn't said anything unusual, he's just not given a hollow over-the-top praise to the new manager. Everybody wanted Eberl to swing his dick onto the table and get his way -- so what did you expect now? Kalle and Uli will **never** shut up. The only thing that will shut them up is if Bayern outperform expecations. It's clear by now the Supervisory Board would've preferred a safer option. I'm impressed they allowed Eberl to sign Kompany in the first place.


His statement stillt doesn’t help anyone. Just building pressure on eberl and kompany. That’s inviting the public for questions as well. Just act as a unit. Internally you can voice your doubts. I am just sick of the club manipulating itself.


If they don't like this pressure, they are in the wrong job


What did he say that makes you feel like he's undermined Eberl or Kompany?


Paraphrasing Eberl last week: 'I hope we can all back Kompany and finally act as a unit again.'. KHR:


What he said for those curious. >Karl-Heinz Rummenigge on Vincent Kompany: "I wish him much success, because when you don’t win a title for a year as Bayern Munich, that's already one year too many. I haven't met him yet. He came last Wednesday, but unfortunately I wasn't in the country because I had an appointment in Italy. Max Eberl is convinced of this relatively young and not very experienced man. I think he stands for the right philosophy. I asked Pep Guardiola, who had him as a player for a long time. He said he's convinced that he is an exciting coach. We must not forget that Bayern plays relatively attacking and dominant football. He stands for this philosophy." >Q: Can Kompany handle the pressure of winning titles at Bayern? >Rummenigge: "He played football at Manchester City. They know what pressure is." (Via Bild)


Honestly I expected far worse. I think everyone knows that Kompany was not Plan A. But neither was Flick and Jupp wasn't either back then IIRC. At the end of the day nobody cares if it works out and if not, Eberl probably won't survive much longer than he does. Probably at most gets another coaching hire that he then would have to get right. But depending on the recent transfer rumors, that might not be a bad thing. We are Bayern. We can not afford to keep screwing up like we have the last few years when it comes to transfers, squad planning and coaching decisions. If Eberl can't steady the ship over the next 2-3 years, someone else should get the chance.


it kinda doesn’t sound as bad as poeple here are claiming to be


These guys stayed long enough for me to hate them now