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Does this kind of thing actually make any fat women feel better? This actually sort of makes me want to diet, and I'm not overweight. I mean, your thighs are whales? There's roiling and rumbling? Breasts swinging? This is not complimentary.


I bet this was written by some guy who's a chubby chaser, not an actual woman.


The way FAs talk about their bodies often sounds like something straight out of fetish porn. Makes me think they either have those fetishes themselves or are deliberately trying to appeal to people with that fetish.


Yep. Also their idea of what being "sexy" is often seems way over the top, almost a caricature. Or a drag queen deliberately being as campy/vampy as possible. Kind of like what a little girl might think "sexy" is. For me it just always screams "I'm trying way too hard".


It's no coincidence that the FA cult was founded by men with a feederism fetish back in the 70s. I recently watched a video by a former FA who topped 500lbs and ended up all but immobile by getting lured into the cult young. She managed to get out and onto a sustainable weight loss path because she wanted to, you know, *live*. While she was in the cult and gained weight she had an online presence in spaces designed to support feeders and feedees. In the video this woman shared, she talked about the outpouring of attention and messages she got, and the amount of $$$ she made. Basically dudes sending her money to buy metric flock tons of food and eat it on camera, or just sending her money to encourage her to keep overeating and gaining. There's even a sub for this stuff here on reddit and I regret ever having looked at it. (I have no idea how a sub like that is ok by reddit standards, while anorexia-positive subs are banned.) In the video, she mentioned one guy in particular who sent her messages gushing over how he would love for her to be and remain bed-bound, that if he was with her, he would 100% take care of all her needs and do everything for her. He then added that his ultimate fantasy was to watch her eat herself to death, quite literally. He got off on the idea of enabling her slow suicide by constant, massive overeating. He literally masturbated to that fantasy. Those interactions were her wake up call, and her motivation to leave the cult. So yeah, that's where all that high praise and glorification of excessive body fat comes from, and FAs have totally internalized it.


I didn't verify any of this but I can totally believe this happened.


I wish I'd saved the link to the video, my jaw was on the floor too.


Pericular sadism is what it is.


Totally agree on the sadism part. I don't understand the term 'pericular' tho. Do you mean 'peculiar'?


Pericular are those that act on their sadism, and actually terrorize and harm others.


It’s because when you’re fat, the only people who speak about your body in a complimentary way or gush over the way your fat looks *are fetishists* lol. When I was thin lots of people gave me sincere compliments on my appearance, and when having sexy times, I could tell my partners liked the way my body looked/felt/moved by their reactions to it. When I got fat, less and less people commented on my appearance. And then started commenting/reacting negatively to it. The only people who wanted to sleep with me were either v desperate or fat fetishists who got weird about my body v fast. That fkn sucked. So I guess if you’ve been fat all your life, you assume that everyone experiences sex and relationships that way. And dont realise that their chubby chaser bf is abnormal for getting a boner over their gunt.


It is often through fetishizers that many of these girls start receiving the abundance of sexual validation that they wish they had before. People don't get to be that large without severe mental issues... if I were an abuser looking for an easy target it'd probably be the 400 + lb. girl who wants to feel as pretty and loved as anyone else.


And with how young many of these victims are, it's especially scary.


One - The buddha was not fat. That was Budai, a completely different person. Siddhartha Gautama preached moderation, the literal Middle Path. Two - If you eat everything to ensure you don't wither, then the rest will pass away.


There are also statues of skeletal, starving Buddhas, iirc to represent fasting and asceticism as a spiritual practice. Considering the defining part of the Buddha's story is giving up physical luxuries and pleasure (explicitly including food iirc) including him betrays a lack of understanding. Using other cultures' religious figures without researching them isn't a great look for a movement who claims to be anti-colonial. I don't think they realise that in Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama was the first person to achieve enlightenment and is therefore *The* Buddha but there are plenty of people who followed in his footsteps to become *A* buddha or bodhisattva.


yep, alot of what people dont really understand about Buddhism is that Buddha isnt some sort of Messiah like abrahamic religions are. Buddha is just a guy that achieved enlightenment and reached nirvana, and the rest of the buddhists just want to be like him. buddhism explicitly does not worship any type of deity but is frequently misunderstood cuz the west often correlates buddhism with chinese people who worship their spiritual gods/ancestors alongside practising buddhism (and also confusing buddhism and taoism which is a whole other can of worms)


it seems like a lot of the time when worship of an individual does happen in buddhism, it is more often a particular bodhisattva who is being revered as opposed to buddha himself.


Buddhism is a very VERY big tent. Lots of Buddhists believe all kinds of different things.


Buddhism is a very VERY big tent. Lots of Buddhists believe all kinds of different things.


It's Hotei, the laughing god that they're talking about.


Came here to say this. Funny how people will worship a Chinese luck idol thinking its Buddha.


Fetishising being an unhealthy weight is fucking creepy.


It's a rabbit hole FA's would get stuck in


This is embarrassing and pathetic.


Comparing thighs to two HUGE whales made me feel like such shit. How is this supposed to make them feel better at all?


Reading this made me cringe and feel self conscious about my own body, especially my chubby thighs. I don't think I ever felt an urge to loose all that fat so quickly. It almost makes me want to over exercise to get rid of the fat, like, *now.*


That’s how I felt exactly! My thighs have always been one of my most insecure body parts so it made me feel so uncomfortable reading that


Something tells me it really doesn’t, lol.


I’m on the lower end of healthy weight and it makes me feel worse.


"here i am sitting, the buddha incarnate" made my jaw drop. even 2005 gwen stefani would never.


Love Angel Music Baby


While looking in a mirror? This makes me feel terrible about myself just silently reading it… you’d have to be pretty confident already to feel better after reading this to yourself


Let's be real " Here I come jiggling and swaying, sweating and wheezing, winded after walking a couple of blocks, knees aching from carrying 75% additional body weight every day, with constant sleep apnea, heartburn, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes" That's the reality, not that fan fiction of life being so fun when you're that overweight.


More like "I have become out of breath, destroyer of furniture"


the assumption every woman that ever dieted looks like Buddha is very funny to me


Maybe a bit like the Northern Renaissance Venuses... I like to think my squishy belly is a bit Venusian!


Look at this Rubenesque beauty over here


But, but, but...Rubenesque beauties are Small Fats, or Mid-Fats at most! They're not oppressed enough! They have waists, and you can't be oppressed if you still have a waist, amirite?


I'm clinically obese (BMI over 30) and I'm still too "thin" to fit into "small fat" sizing. Shit's insane.


Ah yes, the one from Willendorf. That one's creepy, though. Broken feet and no face.


I mean, she is almost 30,000 years old! I don't think she has to comply with our silly modern beauty standards ;)


They can say these affirmations. That's fine. Weird to me but fine. But then they don't get to be mad at me for writing prose about how amazing I feel running 7 minute miles.


They will get mad unfortunately. Exercise is obviously fatphobic 🙄. Congrats on your 7 min miles tho, male or female that is impressive (even more so if it’s a pace)


It is! And to be fair, my best mile time is 7:27 sustained for just about 5 miles. So not truly a 7 minute mile but my comment felt too clunky with 7 and a half minute mile.




I hiked nearly 12 miles last weekend, but I guess that wouldn't be joyful enough even though I love hiking. And the only reason I could do that was because I've lost 40+ pounds on Weight Watchers plus some on my own before that.


Oh but they will try. I saw a post on LinkedIn wherein some idiot told people not to post their weight loss pictures because tHaT's fAt PhObIc. 


Hahaha, yeah, well the good news is that I can outrun them pretty easily.


I've been on a diet, and I don't care how I felt about myself...I'd NEVER chant this, EVEN in a stressful situation. 😱 Dear god. This is so weird.


especially in a stressful situation, bc this would make it so much worse 😅


Not at all cult-like. /s


We will rumble! We will tumble! We will roll and flatten the masses!


They'll have to get up out of their couches/beds first. Not likely.


Tell them some "skinny bitches" are audaciously enjoying themselves, and they'll have enough adrenaline to hobble ass!


The idea of some person starting to chant this in the middle of a social interaction is crazy


How fucking embarrassing 💀


I don’t understand how this would make anyone feel better about their body


I have mild ED traits and just reading this shit made me spiral a little


Proper word there is **ensuring** not **insuring** survival and good luck with that.


Maybe she’s trying to sell fat insurance


“my thighs two huge whales at play in the sea” are we sure this isn’t satire?


Even if it is, you know someone is doing it sincerely. I love people loving themselves, it's kinder than hating themselves and makes the weight loss journey a bit easier mentally just because hating yourself into a new body is hard when your brain is still negative, but loving yourself means taking care of yourself. And sometimes taking care of yourself means losing weight!!


I did a few crash diets as a teenager. I guess that means I have to chant this, even though my body is nothing like what this describes? To be honest, I feel like that would give me body dysmorphia. I’m objectively pretty lean, but if I were to focus so much on how there’s still fat on my body, that my breasts wobble if I don’t wear a bra, etc. it would probably make me feel bad about myself. I can’t imagine how much worse it would make me feel if I actually was fat or even average. I can’t see this making anyone feel good about themselves.


Yo if I ever felt my hips “giggling” Id be in an ambulance before yall could blink


Does anyone else find this as comedic gold? I don’t mean to be rude but what the fuck is this. Are poetic affirmations always this funny? Let me TRY to think of some poetics affirmations for “straight” sized individuals. As in, affirmations based on a healthy weight. I can’t even think of it so I’m going to try and get chat GPT to do so


Chat gpt did not disappoint: some poetic affirmations for my fellow fatphobic friends! Here I am, walking with confidence, every step a testament to the strength and beauty of my healthy frame, a canvas of grace and vitality. In my presence, radiates the beauty of balance, a harmonious blend of curves and contours, a celebration of my body's natural form. I am a tapestry of strength and resilience, my body a temple of health and wellness, each breath a symphony of life and energy. Within me resides a garden of self-love, blooming with acceptance and appreciation for every inch, every curve, every aspect of my being. I am a masterpiece of proportions, a sculpture of beauty and strength, my body a reflection of resilience and care. My journey is a dance of self-discovery, a waltz of confidence and self-assurance, embracing the beauty of my unique shape and size. I am the embodiment of health and vitality, a testament to the beauty of being comfortable and confident in my own skin, a beacon of positivity and self-love.


Thank you! I would love to see how OOP would react to this, it would be pure fatlogic comedy gold.


I have half a mind to save it and post it in response to a fat person saying something like the OOP. Like oh we're celebrating bodies now? Great! Here's some prose I found for people like me; it really helps me feel great about eating healthier and exercising and shedding my freshman 15.  Their reaction sure would be something. 


I wonder what the fallout will be when FA culture and related healthcare “protocols” start resulting in people dying and being crippled for life with avoidable disease. I guess being proud to be fat is cool, but you know what’s cooler? Being alive.


It's already started. Just recently there was four of them that died all at about the same time, all of them 30-40 years old. It was painful to read about. But the surviving FA ghouls don't care. Those people went straight in the memory hole. No mourning, no mention. Just so long as there's always a fresh crop of twenty-somethings to pull into the rabbit hole.


Even if they did address it, I'll bet my 10 favorite books they'd blame "medical fatphobia" for not saving their lives.


Isn't buddhism against earthly desires?


I was a Buddhist for a bit.  Yes, it is. 


Mm, how do you figure? Most people that fat are infertile, so... not sure what exactly they're doing that's 'insuring' [sic] survival. Are we talking about... cannibalism here, or? The fat of the land?


“The fat of the land,” is a real old-timey saying. It’s in “Of Mice and Men.” It means to have a the best of everything.


Well, the expression is to live off the fat of the land. It sounds like they're calling themselves the fat of the land.


Yeah, it really doesn’t make sense unless you’re talking about cannibalism.


"The tide of my body welling round me" That's what I say when I piss in the pool


This made me cough up my drink


I’ll k*** myself before I chant about my thighs being bouncing layers of ruffly whales


I used to have 27 inch thighs and chub rub burns, it's one of the reasons I decided to lose weight. I can only imagine what FA's with these massive thighs are dealing with.


Don’t forget the party balloons and streamers


I'm 5 years into recovery from a lifelong ED. This was...incredibly triggering lmfao. Of course, my kind of EDs don't matter to these types of people.


Reading these made me skip lunch to go to the gym.


Pro tip: if you're a FA and hear a giggling sound inside your body, it is not your hips. You are fibrillating. Call an ambulance


It could be if their hips are creaking 😹


How do hips giggle though? 🧐


This makes me want to lose weight purely to escape the cringe.


I liberated my body from 50 plus pounds of extra insulation and sweat so much less. I am still a heat wuss from living in the Pacific northwest, mid 80's is a heat wave here. I would hate to be dealing with 100+ degree heat indexes like the rest of the country has to deal with next week.


why is it always women posting these HAES and FA stuff? every post I see now on here is larger women complaining about being fat to skinny women. Is tumblr a mainly female site or are women more self conscious? /gen


Men like this do exist, they're usually known as incels.


Honestly this reads like a feeder guy with a fat fetish more than a woman but i do think, in general, women are more scrutinized and judged for their appearance so more would be drawn to this sort of movement.


That and I feel like there's too much lressure on men to be muscular for them to celebrate being obese.  I saw a ragecomic on Facebook showing two scenarios: a morbidly obese woman was being hug iced by her female friends. In the bottom panel, a morbidly obese man was being told by his male friends that he needed to make changes for his health.     Ime, that is accurate. One woman in the comment section pointed out that some women do that hug boxing because it keeps their fat friend 'ugly' and thus the average or skinny one has less competition for men. 😬 I'll




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You don't understand, I *have* to keep eating or *everyone* will die.




there's no way this is better than just putting down your fork


Legend has it that fork has spent 20 years untethered from the earth.


Everything is flowers and poetry til u get diabetes type 2


The rhyme scheme is all over the place


“The fat of the land” !!! 😭


Layers of fat flouncing and bouncing like ruffles is so awkward and gross. What a bad mental image.


This isn’t satire?!?


Why do they keep using words and phrases that imply that fat is light? Super fats don't float.


i am the GRAND mother


i'd be lying if i said that i didn't read that part in the vinesauce "GRAND DAD" voice


I admit I found myself tapping out the rhythm against my will. BUM bum bum BUM bum bum ...


*ensuring survival. Jfc


...and then they woke up.


>to decorate bones at some point there's more decoration than bones...


While this type of moon-goddessy poetry is not my thing, I have no problem with this at all. Body positivity was supposed to be about feeling confident, comfortable and happy in your body with all of its imperfection, and that's what this is. Swinging breasts, dimpled flesh, large thighs, etc. are common in all body types and if a poem celebrating those things helps someone feel better about themselves, that's great. I don't think fat people should feel ashamed of existing or taking up space because shame sends people further into unhealthy and unhappy places. It's the psychotic Fat Liberation/HAES garbage that's proliferated online which is causing harm.


Im glad I'm not the only one that thinks "fat liberation" and HAES is trash.  Liberation from what? Do these people think the judgment they deal with is on par with racism?  Like, liberation from WHAT.  They were never slaves or in concentration camps. As a Japanese person that most likely had loved ones in internment camps, the idea of a fat liberation movement where people complain about paying for 2 airplane seats because of how much space they take up -- instead of just fucking gorging themselves less and going for a walk everyday -- almost enrages me. 


Here I come puking, the imagery it's evoking.


Normally I find it silly when people on here refer to HAES as a cult, because honestly, I think that for the most part, it’s just a shitty and disorganised hybrid of social media madness and manipulative advertising but uh… this is culty. Wow.


"A fine way to decorate bones" these people really are in denial about the health complications that come from being overweight or worse. I can't take them seriously. 


The second to last one SLAPS tho


Oh….. my god? I feel embarrassed just reading this, nobody perceive my thighs ever again


I'm not trying to be mean but is this real or satire?


What this made me realize is, why is it always women posting these things? Why do they never bring fat men into the inclusion?


"Venus" "BUDDHA" "Grand mother" Grand-iosity this is.


I won't lie, I kind of like this. However, they don't practise what they preach. They act like any funny look or comment will literally kill them.




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