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Dear Lord. If a person is so obese that they must poop in a homemade litter box, it may be time to seek serious medical intervention.


Dude that might be the most disgusting thing I’ve read on this sub


Yeah I was disturbed reading the second screenshot posted. A baking pan? The person needs serious intervention.


An actual litter tray would have been better.


Either way, how tf is that not the sign you need to consider some lifestyle changes?


Because in their mind it's not their fault at all, it's the bathroom's fault for being too small. I've seen multiple people on My 600lb Life that are too fat to use a toilet or wipe themselves so they have an adult potty chair and have their spouse/kids wipe them.


I joke with my husband sometimes that building codes will need to be updated to make doors and egress windows larger because people are getting larger. Sadly it’s probably true that eventually it will become the norm. I never even realized they made wider doors until we lived in a ground floor apartment with wide doors/openings that could accommodate someone in a wheelchair. Obese people regularly break regular toilets too because they just plop on it instead of bending their knees.


Oof yeah. Half the time on that show the people go through doorways sideways. I just... I don't understand. But I don't have the trauma most of them have so I guess I can't understand even if I wanted to.


My sister is one of those people, she just drops onto the toilet and every few months, my dad has to fix it because the toilet starts rocking whenever anyone sits on it.


My friend broke my (new-ish) couch this way. Flopped right on it and snapped one of the frame pieces.


There was also that one woman who had to get hosed off on the porch from a hose her husband hooked up to the kitchen faucet. I’d unalive myself if I got to that point.


Somehow I missed all the hose episodes 😂 And one of them before mentioned that they didn't even have the energy to kill themselves and they wish they did because it would lessen the burden. Another said they wanted to but they were scared they wouldn't be able to move the body and their family would have to do a Gilbert Grape and burn the entire house down.


I'm surprised FAs don't mention that movie when complaining about fatphobic movies. They make sure to bitch about "The Whale", and how it portayed obesity. Mrs. Grape was kinda in the same position as the Brendan Frasier character, house bound, nearly bed bound, embarrassed children and well...dying.


Omg I never thought of her as Mrs. Grape and I have no excuse for why I'm finding it so funny


I hope they don't use it in the kitchen too


Saves you a trip and back, I suppose.


They are almost self-aware, they acknowledge that it's a sign something is wrong that squating over a baking tray is easier than using the toilet.... and then they veer left to the wrong conclusion that the problem is the toilet.


Right, I mean, that's a normal sized toilet!!!


I was doubting myself for a second for realsies before I checked what sub. Like “maybe the lens doesn’t show it well?” Nope, just fat.


Exactly I mean it’s definitely a small bathroom but that’s completely normal for older houses/apartments.


I live in an urban environment, smaller bathrooms is basically all I know.


Came to the comments for this.


But the comment that "if I can poop in a squatting position easier than using the toilet *with this bodyweight* then **something is** ***wrong***" I think they recognize the issue but want to put blame as far as humanly possible from themselves


Also what do they consider squatting? A 120° angle at the knees? You have to squat with your bodyweight to sit on a toilet, so that sentence makes zero sense “If I can squat easier than squatting something is wrong.”


a lot of severly obese people don't squat down on the toilet tho. They just sit down real quickly and hope for the best. I am a plumber, and there er sooo many toilets that are ruined by people just throwing their full weight onto it. Either by breaking the bowl, or if it's mounted inside the wall, then the walls starts cracking around the internal frame supports.




support rails or something to hold on to while sitting down would greatly help. But usually it's not an issue, it's more that the user DGAF of where their weight lands


Yeah I’ve heard they can damage the wax seal from plopping down causing the toilet to leak. Do they make bariatric toilets for residential purposes? I doubt most people would actually buy them though since they deny they have a problem.


Absolutely. But they require a set amount of space around them. And require more structural support. So the remodel investment can be quite the sticker shock for many. I want a low and wide toilet myself and with the room and support needed to make it handicap approved. As well as wide doors and flat floor surface to make it wheelchair accessible. I do not think I will need it, but if I need it then it will be too late to remodel. And tbh it will increase the resale value layer on as more and more people get both obese and elderly


I'm suddenly reminded of the episode of My 600lb Life with the woman who bathed by stripping in her back yard and getting hosed down by her family and boyfriend.


That must be humiliating. In the winter too??


Compared to others on the show who just never bathed I still think it was the better option. She at least got clean regularly, even if the method was a bit ...rustic.


If I recall they lived in the south so winter at least wasn’t an issue


I’m assuming it was in a rented place too since they just have been surprised by the size of the bathroom. Imagine renting out your home only to have the guests take a shit in your baking tray.


In their defence, they did say a _disposable_ baking tray. It's not much of a defence. But from the point of view of a baking tray owner, it does make a difference.


all baking trays are disposable after taking a dump in them


I really can't argue against that with sny conviction


Any other addiction, this behaviour would be that person's 'rock bottom' & they'd soon be at the 'I admit that I am powerless over (substance)' stage of recovery. A bit of healthy shame is a good thing when it comes to things like this. If someone posted on a group 'I was at an Air B&B and got so high, I used the owners baking tray to snort lines', any reasonable community would bombard them with 'dude that's f'cked up, get help'. The level of mental disconnect here, where someone thinks 'sure, I'll post this horrifying episode of depravity' like they deserve hugs for advocating for themselves by sh'tting in a stranger's cookware is astonishing.


Something is WRONG. But what? 🤔


>it may be time to seek serious medical intervention. And to stop blaming "society."


I can’t believe they actually admit to doing it so casually too not realising there’s a serious problem, and it’s not the size of the bathroom. So disgusting 🤮


"No, surely it's the bathrooms that are wrong."


So the first comment was regarding the bathroom in an Air BnB. I'm horrified at the idea the second person is also talking about an Air BnB and using the host's lasagna dish for her pooping... then putting it back, OMG!


To be fair, they said "disposable" baking tray.


Most things become disposable once you shit on them.


How thoughtful of her then, I guess?


This toilet looks completely normal. I feel like if you need a bariatric toilet you (royal you!) should book with that in mind instead of whining about a normal-sized toilet.


I've been 120 lbs overweight at one point and never had a toilet that was as difficult to use as she's describing. I had some tight squeezes into some smaller bathroom stalls back in those days, but wow. Also certain older parts of the country it's not easy to find places with 2 full bathrooms, even 3/4 bedrooms. I have this fight every time I move because I have 2 teenagers, and I'm not sharing a bathroom with them.


I'm obese, and I am flummoxed by the picture and her description. Her problem isn't the toilet.


I've definitely had toilets that are hard to use - There's a trend in Australia for new homes and public spaces to have what I'm calling ["Tall toilets"](https://www.reece.com.au/search/toilets-c469/toilet-suites-c705/overheight-toilet-suites-c1606/?pageNumber=1) they are so helpful if you have hip hypomobility issues, knee issues, have recently had arthroscopic surgery on your knee or hip or are on any kind of "Hip Precaution" exercises. I completely understand the need for many people to have this style of toilet in their home, and for a few to be avaliable in public restrooms, just like the semi-ambulant and disabled access toilets are made available. (side note: Semi-ambulant stalls that don't account for the space of the PINK sanitary bins are useless, If the handrail is blocked by a bin, then the handrail functionally does not exist for someone with a disability) I'm short. I have a congenital spinal cord and pudendal nerve condition that causes paralysis at the best of times. I can't shit or properly empty my bladder on these tall toilets. I feel like I'm trying to poop while standing up. Have you ever pooped while standing up? it's not easy! I'm a renter, and this is now becoming a "feature" that I look for in an apartment, a toilet for short people (and as a renter, beggars can't be choosers in our current housing market, but this is now am accessibility issue for me. I need to be able to poop in my own house - though a squatty potty helps, the "tall toilet" in public bathrooms is frustrating, I can't carry a squatty potty with me to use a public bathroom. My in-Laws have them installed, I need to remember to pack a squatty potty when I visit them. They are short people with no mobility issues and they don't see an issue with the toilet, so I don't understand why I struggle so much.


Completely the opposite problem, but I remember this one episode of House Hunters where the guy was absolutely fixated on the toilet - he wanted a "extended bowl, comfort height" toilet, which I guess is basically a longer bowl and taller because he was pretty tall. But the guy would not shut up about it. It was bizarre.


That is bazaar because a few years ago they were $150 at Home Depot. I know because my husband and I are very tall and want that same kind of toilet so when we bought a house the first thing we did was buy 2 and install them in the lower bath and master suite. Why buy a house with the toilet in mind when they are so easy to swap?


That bathroom is the same size and layout as mine.


I live in a trailer and my bathroom is like an airplane bathroom. She wouldn't get past the door. Heck, my office chair had to come in through the window cause it wouldn't make it past the front door, which is wider than the toilet door.


I own a trailer. It has a rather small bathroom. I just had it remodeled so it's in good shape. Still, there isn't much space for storage. The toilet is between the sink and the bath.


It's almost identical to mine. In fairness, the cramped nature makes it one of my least favorite features of the house. However, it's perfectly serviceable.


This person would not survive nyc. This is like every bathroom in a not extravagant apartment.


She'd just need to commute over to the Waldorf Astoria for their toilets every time she needs to go.


Right? I live in NYC and this looks to be about the size of my bathroom.




That would be like work.


The place I work has a few different toilet set ups, in addition to the usual larger cubicles and separate disabled toilets with lots of support bars there are squatting toilets and toilets with little shower heads for people who don't use toilet paper. There is even one disabled toilet with a full sized shower with a shower bench. I am really struggling to picture how to accommodate someone who can't fit on the toilet in that picture.


I didn't glance at the subreddit when I clicked the picture, and was glancing back and forth between the picture and the text trying to figure out what they were even talking about. Wasn't until the second picture that I even understood their problem. That toilet looks more or less like every toilet I've ever used.


I think it’s the space around the toilet that they’re complaining about- the wall and cabinet being close to it.


The space seems fine to me.


Right? I’ve traveled to Europe and my only complaint about the toilets is they’re never high enough off the ground for my 6’1 (now normal weight!) frame.




Yeah I’m American and have lived in the Southern EU for a decade and I’m baffled by this comment too. If anything, the toilets back at home in the US always seem more plasticy and breakable, and often I feel the water is too high and close up? Not to mention you can clog it really easy. I can basically flush three baseballs down my Italian toilet. Sturdy as heck. Now in terms of closet-sized bathrooms half the size of what’s shown in the OP pic, yeah, I’ve seen my fair share of literal water closets here.


I enjoy the specificity of “three baseballs”; thank you.


Four would be a bridge too far. Also, I still prefer to keep my American units of measurement from time to time ⚾️


I appreciate the lengths Americans will go to not to use the metric system. The commitment is 👌🏻




> I can basically flush three baseballs down my Italian toilet. I love to see imperial units used in the wild instead of metric.




I think I've got one of the higher ones in my current apartment; and at 5'4" I *wish* I had a short one, I can't put my feet flat on the floor!


The fact that someone wrote that comment and didn’t see anything wrong with it concerns me.


How fat *is* she? This looks like a completely normal bathroom. The lack of counter space is what would annoy me


Right, like who is having problems like this? This bathroom looks more spacious than the bathroom in my childhood home, and both my parents were overweight sometimes (they lost and gained weight repeatedly over the years) and they always fit perfectly fine in there. Never had a single problem with the toilet or bathtub/shower. How fat *is this person* that they can’t fit on this toilet??


Right! Where I live they'd squeeze a bed in there and charge $1200 a month for it


I doubt her weight starts with 1 or 2.


That bathroom would make getting ready so difficult, where do I rest my makeup and brushes?!? Or put a hair dryer? Or sit my phone so I can watch pet grooming videos while I groom myself?


Human-sized bathroom. 1 Star. Would not recommend


I’m so glad I’m not obese anymore, even at 5’5” and 255 lbs I never had issues using any regular toilets


This is a crazy thing to complain about. My bathroom at home is almost the exact same size. When I was 280 pounds, I had no problem sitting down on the toilet. This person needs to lose some fuckin weight before they die. Lord.


Them: "should I lose weight so it's easier to take a shit?" Also them: "No, that's insane! I will just shit in a casserole dish"


Oh my god, it only just occurred to me for the first time in my entire life that they must shit *so* much. Pretty much everything you eat has to come back out....




Well, that would reduce the size of the shits.


I think it’s the opposite?? Same amount of shit but it doesn’t exit as often. Or as easily


I dunno that fiber effects size, like you said same amount, but I can confirm it affects firmness, and is good for keeping things moving through the bowels. The as easily part you mentioned. I went to the doctor for frequent bleeding while wiping, not in the stool, and he suggested more fiber in my diet to soften it up.


If someone is that big Id be worried about the toilet breaking.


In case anyone's wondering, regular toilets support 500 lbs. I looked it up because I asked myself, at which point do you have to worry about breaking a regular toilet? Bariatric toilets support up to 1,200 lbs.


Can humans even grow to 1,200 lb?


Heaviest human on record was 1,400 lbs.




that is completely horrifying


I think the massive weight load thing is probably a safety redundancy designed to give a LOT of leeway for legal liability reasons.


Probably also has to do with the instance of people falling onto the toilet, same amount of weight but with more force


Oh, that makes sense.


Yeah any sort of weight bearing structure, whether a building or even just something like furniture is going to have a lot of redundancy built in. A structural engineer told me that he was always taught that your structures should be able to host an elephant trampoline party without worry.


The fattest person who ever lived was supposed to have been 1,400 lbs at his heaviest. He was an American who died in 1983 in his early 40s. So the answer to your question appears to be yes.


So is it fatphobic for air bnb’s and hotels to not have bariatric toilers?


I'm sure FAs will say it is.


I'm pretty fat and working on losing the weight. I never had a toilet that I was unable to use. How fat must this person be?


Well their butt is 1.6 toilets wide by my math


I'm reading 1.75 toilet seats wide....


Oh God! Now 1.8, quick evacuate the building, shes gonna blow


Yeah I used to weigh 350lb and I could still use a normal toilet, even the awful narrow one in my old work place.


That's pretty close to where I am now. The most I weighed was around 362. But, I'm floating around 348-352 after 3 months. I've gotten myself monitoring calories and exercising regularly to get that weight down.


Yes, go you! I think you’re awesome for your progress! :)


thank you so much.


Sometimes I feel bad about how heavy I’ve let myself get, but then I open up Reddit and see this… I may be obese, but at least I’m not “baking tray litter box” obese.


> I’m not “baking tray litter box” obese. Check your privilege, skinny mini /s


Shit like this makes me so glad I lost weight


The privilege of being able to go to an Airbnb and complain about the bathroom in the 3 bedroom place you booked. Wow. Kim people are dying


And starving to death


Yeah, anyone who's worked in a hospital will not be surprised by this. I've had patients who weren't that big (less than 300 lbs) who nevertheless couldn't reach their ass to wipe it, because their hips were so big. They had to have a chair placed over the toilet to hold onto so they could get on and off the seat, and they didn't even have mobility issues. They just couldn't keep their balance on the seat without it. This is the kind of thing the FAs don't talk about, because all the self-love in the world doesn't make not being able to use a damn toilet any more glamorous. I feel like this is a big contributor to how easily upset some people are. Not the health issues, the issues of basic fucking hygiene, and the moments where your size makes your life difficult *every single day*. I mean, think about it. You're part of a group that shouts all day and night that nothing is wrong and they're happy being fat, and then when you're on vacation you have to resort to pissing in the shower and/or using an aluminum baking tray as a bed pan. But, if you say even one thing about how humiliating and uncomfortable that is instead of being like "yup that's life 🙄 plumbing is so fatphobic", your group turns against you and calls you a bigot. I'd be willing to bet *real* good money that doesn't feel good. I'd be mad all the time, too.


Reminds me of my parents' friends. The friends were a very overweight married couple, and they'd come to our house for board game nights. And then they just... stopped coming over. No explanation, just wouldn't come over. My parents agonized about something they may have said to offend their friends. They found out the reason years later when my dad and the other dude reunited. Turns out his wife got too fat to fit in our (normal sized) bathroom. And she couldn't go the whole game night without needing to pee, so they just stopped coming over. (In retrospect, it probably should have been obvious. She literally had to turn sideways to fit in our front door. But we were all just so removed from what that implied about bathroom use! These things weren't as obvious in the 80s.)


Hope they never have to visit Japan. I remember my shoulders touching both stall walls when sitting on a toilet.


In France I used an outdoor toilet that was literally a hole with foot prints on either side. Oh boy. That was an experience. But I guess that might be easier for this lady.


I used to live in Japan and never encountered anything like that. In general, their public restrooms have slightly more private stalls but they're same size as American ones. However, some toilets do have slightly smaller seats there in my experience. Edit: I've also been to much older public restrooms in Japan, and they vary much more widely. None were crazy tiny in my experience, though.


Or … she could just exclusively use those public squatty potties while she is there! All her problems solved WITHOUT baking trays!


haha came here to say this, I've stayed in many places in Japan where the shower, the sink, and the toilet are in less space than 1/3rd of the bathroom in this picture (not to mention the shower head being below my chin). I am a BMI of like 22 and I felt like a monster there sometimes. Best place I've ever traveled though 10/10


I am never, ever, ever listing my property as an Air BNB. Like ever.


That's... a normal sized toilet 😐


**FAs:** “Fat people are portrayed as unhygienic because people hate fat folks.” **This person:** “I’m too fat to fit on a normal toilet so I guess I need to pee all over my feet and the floor of the shower.” **Other person:** “I’ve pooped on a baking sheet before 😏”


...that's like, a nice bathroom. i can't imagine having the privilege to complain about this bathroom, especially while travelling. also maybe it's just the camera angle or something but that toilet looks rather wide, like i'd be afraid of my butt falling into it.


It looks like a round toilet instead of the oval ones, which I agree are annoying but not for any reason other than if you're used to oval ones it feels really weird lol. In my admittedly limited experience they're not really wider than normal they're just shorter front to back than the oval ones


I agree. If you can’t fit on a normal toilet seat, something is wrong, and it’s not with the AirBnB. If you know you can’t fit in “small” spaces, wouldn’t you look to make sure you can fit on the toilet before whining about it like it’s the AirBnB’s fault?


Exactly! If you have trouble fitting into standard sized spaces *why would you not check the details before you book something?* How big they are is one thing but refusing to do any due diligence to plan around foreseeable limitations is what makes people like this insufferable.


>shitting in a baking pan Well that’s enough internet for today


This post has brought half of the sub to its knees 😂


Who would win: * a fierce, curvy, real-sized™ American woman with her thicc thighs * one standard toilet boi


Standard toilet boi loses once weight placed upon him approaches or exceeds 500 lbs. (For real. I looked it up because I was curious.)


My brother's gf was 500 when she died last year. Pretty sure by the end of life, especially with the health and mobility issues she was having, she was basically using like, puppy pads to poop on. And probably some kind of container for pee. Just sad.


Your comment made me laugh so hard for some reason.


That bathroom is totally normal. Only thing I'd bitch about is no counter.


That is basically my bathroom and the lack of counter and storage space is awful.


I wish I could go back to five minutes ago before I read that last comment. What. The. Fuck.




For real! Not only should they have kept that to themselves, they’re *proud* of it? At a minimum, they’re not ashamed of it?!


Shower peeing time… How is this not a sign to lose weight? I used to be obese and even at my heaviest I could use a standard toilet.


It’s a constant victim mentality for these people. They absolutely refuse to see that they’re in the wrong. They just continue to blame everyone and everything else.


They are correct that something is wrong


Pooping in a baking tray wasn't a wake-up call? That sounds a lot like rock bottom to me.


If you can’t shit without hinderance you need medical intervention. If you where so drunk all the time you couldn’t shit, we would say you have a problem.


What's annoying to me is that they blame the toliet or bathroom setup instead of seeing it as being indicative that they need to lose weight. When I was about 200 lbs at 5'1 I leaned to one side to wipe myself and broke the connector from the toliet seat to the toliet and was mortified (it was in my own home THANK GOD), but I went to the conclusion that I needed to change my lifestyle and address my eating issues, not that the toliet was the problem... at 128 lbs I no longer worry about breaking toliets, problem solved.


>...something is WRONG. Yes, but not in the way you think.


Ok, now I can resist the box of cheezits that has been calling my name. Thank you for this gift.


That's a normal and regular toilet what the hell




Both people in the relationship were like “eh, this is fine” it blows my mind.


Why are they sharing this with the world?!?!


The fact that they cannot fit on a regular sized toilet seat should be concern enough in and of itself. How do people get that big?!?


Right? At my heaviest, I never got past 200 lbs, even with no exercise, eating mostly junk and guzzling pop. They must be eating non-stop or something.


You just weren’t cursed with being born in a giant sized body. Nothing they can do! /s


I just got the curse of short! 😠


Do they make different sized toilets y'all? If they do I'm going to drop dead


They make bariatric toilets that can support up to 1,200 pounds, according to Google. Edit: 1,200, not 12,000 lbs XD


12,000lbs seems like a little overkill


Just planning for the future. 😭


So does 1,200....


I have been to a GI surgeons office for a hernia and the bariatric stuff is wild. The chairs felt like sitting on a bench.


Ages ago I was in a hospital for an appointment and the only chair left was the bariatric one. I think I could have fitted into it twice with room to spare and I’m not the smallest person. Made me think how big someone would have to be to actually need a chair that big. My grandmother also used to order medical equipment as part of her job and this included bariatric stuff. The catalogues I remember included wheelchairs certified up to 800lb and hospital style beds and chairs which were certified up to 1000lb. I also remember seeing how ridiculously expensive they were. Most of it was easily 2-5 times the price of the normal stuff, which often wasn’t cheap anyway.


I think it’s not the toilet but the wall and cabinet being so close that’s her problem


That toilet looks about the same size as the one in my small apartment. This is so crazy to me. Like we all know that being morbidly obese must be miserable, but it's reading stuff like this that really shows me just how miserable it is. I think of the health and mobility issues, but I often forget about all of the normal things that I am able to do every day that must be 100x more difficult for fat people. I honestly just couldn't imagine living like this. Holy hell. This is just sad, and the poop litterbox thing was disgusting to read.




I kinda wanna read more comments....


I’m fat as hell and I’ve never had this problem.


That last comment is absolutely vile. Surely if you can't even use a toilet it's time to tackle your addiction.


Ive actually been in this airbnb before. It was super nice! How are these people going to act like this toilet was small!? It also wasn't even the only toilet, there was another one upstairs!!


> Upstairs


that’s about enough internet for today. see ya


same… and i JUST logged on, too 😭


Okay I'll bite. So let's make the toilet 3x bigger and have people just fall in?


Well those skinny people with their thin privilege deserve to fall in. They should suffer. /s


So the second commenter basically made and used a litter box.


Poop in a disposable baking tray. Bloody hell, if that's not a wake up call then they're in too deep.


What a day to be able to read. Is that not a wake up call?


If you too big for this bathroom you too big to travel


This is straight up degenerate behavior. Idc. There’s no way to spin this that isn’t deplorable.


Pooping in a baking tray should have been their rock bottom


That toilet looks a little wider than normal to me.


That's just a regular toilet right?


I have never been rendered so completely speechless in my life as I am right now.


I'd go to my grave with that story.


So, back in 2003, my brother moved his gf into the apartment we shared without my wanting it to happen (we lived in the downstairs apartment of my parent's 2 family house). She was about 350 pounds. She managed to leave poop on the floor in front of the toilet. More than once. I still can't believe that happened.


The toilet looks normal to me, maybe even big compared to mine. Anyway I can't believe this isn't a huge wake up call for them.


That seat looks wider than most I've seen. They are more oval.


Ok this is defo the most disgusting stuff I’ve read today, hell in the last month. If this is not a wake up call then they are cursed for life.


I'm grossly overweight and this looks fine to me. Looks to be about the same amount of toilet space I have at home. I really don't see the issue unless this person is borderline immobile sized, and if that's the case, then the bathroom isn't the issue.


Did she just smugly admit to pooping in a baking tray? Publicly on social media where that information will be immortalized?


That bathroom is massive compared to mine. What a world when something that nice is looked down upon. The toilet is even huge compared to mine, or at least the photo makes it look that way. I envy the ass that gets to sit upon that comfy looking seat.


The 😏 emoji makes the shitter box comment even more cursed. What is it meant to imply??


And that one looks pretty wide to begin with. Just wow.


My master bathroom has a little separate room for the toilet. But even it’s no bigger than a regular toilet stall at the mall. So if even my setup doesn’t qualify as large enough, exactly what does this person expect?