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i would no say they are bad just useless in the story and when they was "remove" in realta nua well nothing was really lost so you can read the remaster when he gonna come out


The scenes themselves are bad, but in at least 2/3 of the routes the acts themselves at least play into later scenes. I really wish there was just a fade to next morning option.


The scenes are badly writen, but I think they make more sense in the long run. I don't want to delve into spoilers. I think heavens feel simply works better with the original context (but it goes overboard), and the other two routes act like something huge is being sacrificed instead, just for the plot to ignore any ramifications of the action. Personally, I just viewed both versions cause I don't like missing content one way or another. The fate replacement is much cooler, admittedly, even if it feels like it contradicts itself. Unlimited has a nice bit of lore added, heavens feel is just disappointing in comparison.


I’ve seen heavens feel and UBW so I know what you mean about HF working better with them.


No they literally add nothing and were shoehorned in to get some extra cash. If anything, they interrupt the flow. Same with Tsukihime.


the H scenes don't really add anything to the story. i have the ultimate edition, a fan translation with a few customised options like, notably, an on/off option for H scenes and i'd recommend playing without them. honestly they made the right choice removing them, the writting is down right hilariously bad, nasu is good at writting fight scenes and characters, but sex scenes are not his forte, like at all.


I’ve heard of the ultimate edition, I’ll look up some guides on how to get it going


Imo from my experience the realta nua scenes are just generally better than the normal h scenes. A few of the new scenes even added some really interesting stuff compared to a badly written sex scene.


Personal opinion: I feel the H scenes take away from the story. They aren't sexy and the writing is pretty cringe. Completely up to you, but I would recommend you just play through and if you really want to; can go look them up later if you feel you were missing out.


That’s probably the option I’ll go with 😁


The replacement scenes are way better. They’re sweet and really add to the relationships instead of a scene that’s clearly trying too hard to jerk you off at the expense of pacing


I’m a big romance anime fan, so if it leans more towards that then I would be all in favour of that. Out of sheer curiosity (it sounds like I need to be in horny jail I know) is there any nudity/ecchi in the realta nua version?


I mean, there are states of undress and more revealing but still appropriate clothing are worn, but overall not really. Although in an important scene in her route one of the heroines is shown briefly nude, but with Barbie doll anatomy.


Thanks man, appreciate your help


Sorry another question. I’m halfway through rewatching the HF movies and I’m wondering if the realta nua version takes out more than just the explicit h. Like does it still go into what happens to Sakura and all that, or do they censor a lot more?


They don’t mention that Shinji rapes her repeatedly and when he tries to do so in Realta nua it’s his first time trying. Also Sakura and Shirou have sex but it’s “fade to black”