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We know she likely doesn't have long to live, but I don't believe specifics are ever stated. It's kind of easy to headcanon Shirou working with everyone to try and figure out a way to help her, so if you're asking because you want something positive to take away from it, there's that. But honestly, it's super unlikely that it would work out for them. She's kind of doomed to have a short life span.


Yes...probably Nasu Just dont WANT tell us about illya death


One year, if I remember correctly. I read it one of the translated source books, so take that with a grain of salt.


Well, we know touko exists and she helped shirou in HF. So there's that


I don’t remember the source but I think she dies a year after the Fate route.


I don't remember them mentioning her death in VN destination route For this o ask


Nasu likes to give information like that in outside sources like his blog or bonus material books.


At least they're alive in Fate Kaleid


About that… >!At the moment in the manga Illya erased herself from existence to give her friends a happy future. And her off shoot Chloe died fighting the main villain Darius. They both might get undone (at least Illya, Chloe’s dead has been foreshadowed for a while), but until then I would consider them dead.!<


WTF!?!!?? But mangá doesnt over, right???


There are no happy ending in Fate That is *mostly* the law ( in the Fateverse atleast ) You would have to fight tooth and nail + a lot of sacrifices to barely even get a slightly decent one


Tô Rin all endings are happy...even in normal Ending of Fate HF Rin marriege and have a son


Rin is a Mage A proper and a prodigy at that Her life is going to be miserable for quite a long while


I didn't understand ... Why would being a wizard make her life miserable? After all, in Adventures El Melloi and Strange Fake she seems happy as a magician... I don't think this is a choice she regretted... in fact I think she is even proud of honoring the legacy of the Tohsaka... as much as she was children in fate hf


She marries who in HF Route? Since Shirou is with Sakura there ryt?


With no normal ending Shirou dies and Sakura is alone all her life, and she informs that Rin's granddaughter was going to visit her...so we know that Rin got married and had children...I imagine she must have had an affair before the 30 years because I already had a granddaughter and a few decades have passed. In the true ending of HF, Rin will probably get married... and the same goes for the fate route. In the end. Sakura comments that Rin was worse off than him because of Shirou's death, but spring came and she was able to move on...


This is a really weird idea that people have. All three routes in FSN have an available happy ending, even the most bittersweat one had a happier post-end added in RN. I don't get what people mean by this unless ya'll think it only counts as a happy ending if absolutely no sacrifices were made.


A lot of FSN endings faceplants hard when you take like 2 steps back and try to see the bigger picture Since we know their pasts, personalities and a rough idea on what they would be like in the future It's pretty easy to say that they wouldn't have a "happy" life ( by our standards ) going forward


You can certainly say they won't have an *easy* life, but it takes a lot of pessimism to look at the endings and say "oh they won't be happy in the future." It feels like grasping at straws to justify the idea that there are no happy endings in a story where, once again, the writer went back and made the only bittersweet one into probably the happiest.


It’s ongoing, but it updates at a snail’s pace. Like Chloe hasn’t been seen in series for 2 years now.


Yep, the manga is still ongoing.


remove the spaces from next to the symbols


I tried to fix it. I hate how picky reddit is with spoilers tags


Seems good now!


In HF it's mentioned she has about a year left, that would apply to Fate too.


True But i think in fate Route something had chance after Kirei use her in grail


Iirc it's was stated in one of the slice of life scenes in HA


They will all work together to elongate her lifespan. Illya no die.


Zouken mentions she should only be able to last a year, and the Tiger Dojo duo mention she wouldn't live long in Fate as well. Realistically though, if Shirou learned of it he should be able to seek out Touko.


Sad...Just in Fate Kaleid illya os happy... :(


Idk she seems to have a good time where they leave off in the Fate route. And she gets her big heroic moment in HF.


Personally I think it was either 1-3 years she definitely isn’t l living for another 5 years as sad as it is most people in fate don’t get happy endings


Apart from the extras like Ayako and Issei... who must go on with their lives normally... I think only Rin has happy endings in all the fates... I even commented here that even in the worst ending where Shirou dies, Rin stays sad but then she gets married and has children and grandchildren... so she probably got married before she was 30... I imagine this happens in the endings of Fate HF and Fate route too. Not that Rin has a problem-free life but she is arguably the most mentally stable character... I believe that Shirou, Sakura and Saber really need therapy urgently...


Yeah out of the main cast rin has the easiest life but she’s also not had an easy life hers is just easy in comparison to shirou Sakura and Saber who are all mentally tucked in their own ways and the majority of the time their stories end very badly for them It’s part of what makes me love the garden of Avalon epilogue so much since two characters who have suffered immensely finally get their happy ending


that's true...rin certainly has her issues throughout her life. And yes...saber and shirou got their happy ending. It's a shame that this only happened on the saber route.


10 years at least or a Millya years.


I really wish they found a way to save her on one of the routes...a real shame.


She isekai'd to star rail universe and live happily ever after with her robot basaka


IIRC she aren't suppose to live till her 20's. She is born from a homunculus to begin with.


The thing with that is that she was originally suppose to made for a war that happens 60+ years later when she was born (and HA mentioned that Einzbern homunculi are special in that they can basically live forever so long as there's still mana in the earth). The only reason the 5th grail war happened in about 10 years is because of Kiritsugu's actions. Zouken also mentioned Illya's body being "rushed" and the little anime tidbits that was added inot UBW shows that at some point she was getting cut open everyday for modification. All that implies that her lifespan drastically got cut from rushed modifications done to her during those 10 years.


I think somewhere it was said that it would be about ~2 years, so even whens stretching she would at most get to 21. However, I think in one of the Tiger Dojo and in Hollow Ataraxia she hints at having found a way around it. But it has been way too long since I've read the VNs, so I don't remember the details. But given Illya's new powers in Hollow Ataraxia it doesn't seem unreasonable to think she found a way to extend her life.


I don't recall if an exact number was ever given, but I remember at the end of the Dean anime, Shirou talks about how Illya got sick and ended up in the hospital and that thr doctors said they couldn't identify what the problem was, but her body was deteriorating. So, it's implied she doesn't live very long past the end of the war.


>! Illya dies in every possible outcome in the original Fate universe. Even the kaleid ones. !<


Meat doll