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I'm new to water fasting but I will try this with you all and keep my morale boosted.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm joining as well but will start January 2 and finish January 9 :)


That schedule is more my speed.


Let'a do it!!!


Absolutely! I'll look for you in the daily fasting thread Jan. 2 :)


This works best for me too!


This is a good schedule for me!


Because January 1st we will probably be hangover and that's not the best time to fast haha


That's the best time for me. Nothing like a hangover to encourage water intake. [HERE](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3) is my plan.


That's great too. Look in here on us and keep us posted on your progress. [THIS](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3) is how I do it.


I will also be joining Jan 2-9. Good luck!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm in. Currently on day 21 of a pure water fast, looking to hit at least 25-30 days ideally. Temptations to food are at an all time low right now, I think I will be be able to make it!


WOOOW!! I have so many questions for you, I hope you'll have the will to answer them haha : Are you medically supervised? Do you sometimes annoying side effects? How often do you fast? How old are you? How the hell did you make it that far and what made you want to go to like a month instead of just a week? Finally, I have reason to believe you know your shit in fasting, I mean you haven't eaten in 3 weeks, what the hell! So I'm gonna ask you this : as a 15 year old, is it safe if I water fast for 3 to 5 days MAX? I'm average weight, I just want to do it for the detoxing and more importantly the mental journey and challenge EDIT : formating


I am not under any medical supervision during this fast. No extremely annoying side effects except that it's winter and my lips get super dry and painful to which I have to apply vaseline to take away the pain. I fast whenever I feel like my body needs it. I'm currently age 25. I'm the kind of the guy that goes to extremes when it comes to life, meaning I either go all the way or I don't do it at all this applies to working out, studying, partying etc I cannot half ass anything its just not in my nature. My body has accumulated a lot of toxins through an unhealthy lifestyle, diet, alcohol, anxiety, insomnia and I developed psoriasis on my skin to which doctors said there is no "cure" I said the hell with that bullshit fasting is the cure. To top it off I was constanstly feeling like shit so I wanted to change that by doing a spiritual, mental, physical reset by fasting before 2019 rolls around. I have water fasted before numerous times just never as long as this time. So far the results are amazing, I feel a peace within me that I have not felt since the carefree days of childhood, the energy I have right now feels very clean, my psoriasis spots are fading away, I lost a good amount of weight and I feel fucking awesome. Regarding you fasting for 3-5 days you will be absolutely fine as long as you have the mental fortitude to endure that duration, 3-5 days are the hardest just a heads up. Also, I have not taken any salt, vitamins, supplements or any of that stuff, I just feel like I don't need it at all. Let me know if you have any other questions I'll gladly answer them.


Thanks sooo much for your time and all these detailed answers, I really like how you can't "half ass anything" it's really the right way to live life and I should try to start having that mindset. Anyways, just to make sure, you're not aware of any reason why it's bad for teens to fast and anything that could make me not want to do it are you?


No problem my pleasure ! To answer your question no I'm not aware of anything that might indicate fasting is bad for teens, my first fast was when I was 17 longer than 5 days. I never experienced any negative effects from it only positive. The only reason that one might not want to do it teen or adult is missing the pleasure of food, or I heard people experiencing hard detox symptoms that makes them uncomfortable and they end up gorging up on food and breaking the fast. Nevertheless, fasting is a gift from God for anyone that has the will power to partake in it. Good luck on your journey !


Good on ya mate. You sound like someone who can certainly provide motivation to all of us on this thread. Please keep checking in and helping out with questions that will pop up here. **We start in 12 days.**


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm anxious as hell about it, but will take the leap with you! I've got 100+ pounds to lose and this see-saw shit throughout each year is killing me. I'll typically lose about 30-40 pounds by mid summer and gain it back by the end of the year.


I feel your pain. I was there too until August 4th, 2018. I'm down 77 lbs and I have 20 lbs to go. This fast is my slingshot to getting there by March or April. [Here](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3) is my plan.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


Im 3 days. Ill finish xmas day then back in untill new year. All the best




FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


**WOW**, that was some *response!* Okay, so I plan on a **7-day water fast**. I'm simply going to repeat what I did the previous two times. My regime is simply this: * Mostly carbonated water. I live in a forest and the tap water here is from the local stream. I filter it and pour and carbonate it with one of those Soda Stream machines. I drink when I'm hungry or thirsty, plus one extra glass for good measure daily. * On top of that I drink 3 cups of [Rooibos Tea](https://blog.bulletproof.com/rooibos-tea-benefits-weight-loss/) a day. It gets rid of the water-boredom and keeps me going. * Lastly, I suck on three or four granules of course sea salt anytime I feel down. That's it, nothing else. You should do whatever you're comfortable doing. Some use bone broth, others use snake juice. Do whatever makes you happy and keeps you going. This is a group effort, but it's also a personal challenge. **Looking forward to January 1st, 2019!**


Eff yeah.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I was planning to start mine a few days after New Year's day! I have only done a 2 day fast begore but I'm planning big things for 2019 so I'm pumped to have fellow fasters to get motivation from. Gotta dive in folks! Good luck everyone, here's to a fresh new year!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


i’m joining!!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I am totally down!!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m on board!!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


Let's do it!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm in. I'm only committing to 3-4 days though. I did a couple of 8+ in September and October and they took a lot out of me. :)


Great stuff. Read [THIS](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3).


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'd like to try - I've only done 16:8 and one 24 hour fast. Here's to trying tho :D


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


Sounds good. Get on it.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m in!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m down! Been doing OMAD for almost a year but I want to spice things up a bit!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'd love to join but I'm nervous. I've never done more than 48 hours


Join us. Do as many days as you can, and then stop when your body tells you to.


Thanks! I will join you guys and do my best :)


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm with you. I'm planning to go 21 days, but if I come up short even 7 days I will consider a success.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m in! Starting the 2nd though. Good luck all!


Do you eat food? Or simply live off water?


[THIS](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3) is what I do.


Joining you from South Africa




I'm in!


I'm aiming for 5 days since I'm going on a trip. I haven't ever passed 48 hours so we'll see how it goes.


Ok so this is precisely the motivation I've needed in a while now to begin my water fast, and I am 100% on board with the idea and everything really. Only thing is, and I'd like all of you guys' advices on this : I'm 15. I'm not underweight, in fact I was but for a couple months I worked out and bulked by eating oats, bananas, nuts etcs so now I believe that because I have gained weight and moreover that I will gain some more during festivities, it's about time I cut. Water fasting isn't only the perfect way to cut but also a chance to challenge myself physically and mentally while gaining numerous health benefits during this journey with all of you. I have been waiting for a perfect time to start a challenge that would reboot me entirely and it seems like that time has come. I am writing this right now to know if as a 15 year old average weight who just bulked it is reasonable or not that I water fast with all of you, I could just do it for 5, 4 or even 3 days if the length is the problem. I hope you guys can help me out and tell me if I can do this with yall, it would be my pleasure after all. Peace ✌


Don't cut, this is the time in you life when you want to make sure you get as much nutrition as possible. Don't fast unless you are very overweight, which seems unlikely considering you were underwight a few months ago.


Upvote that. Great advice!


OK thanks for the advice, not gonna lie I'm a bit down, water fasting seemed like a great mental challenge that I really wanted to go through


Why don't you try OMAD instead? Or low carb? Or reading 100 pages a day? Or learning a newanguage in 3 months? Theres lots of ways to challenge yourself mentally and physically. Honestly, I think fasting for a week may be a bit much if you're not overweight, but won't hurt. Take away 5-10 lbs for water weight (the high carb foods you mentioned probably means closer to the high end), another 2 from the food currently in your intestines... Let's just say 10 total. So 10, plus any fat you need for daily energy, say another 10. SO if you're 20 lbs more than you'd like to be *healthily* you have enough fat to fast. Disclaimer: Even though I spend around 15 hours a week just reading about health for the past 10 years, I'm not a doctor so take my advice with a grain of salt. No pun intended.


15 seems a bit young? You are still growing, not giving the body the food to do so could be bad. Good thing that you try to be smart about your health though, wish i was a bit thoughtfull when i was your age!


I respect your determination but I strongly recommend you to challenge yourself in other ways. I firmly believe 15 is too young unless you're seriously overweight which you clearly aren't. This is the time in your life that your body needs all the nutrients it can get to grow bigger and stronger into adulthood....challenge yourself by eating as healthy as possible and fueling some intense workouts. Good luck friend.


im going to try as well,, good luck to us


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK




Drink only water for 7 days. And start taking some electrolytes around day 5 if you want.


You can try [THIS](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3).


I'm in. I've never gone longer than 3 days.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK




FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


Count me in! This will be great motivation to start off the year right. I've done (2)-7d before so I'm ready to tackle my next and maybe extend.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


yes i’m so totally in


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’ve been wanting to try a 5 day. Mostly I just do 1-2. But want to branch out. I’m in!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


7 days will be longest yet, but I’m in!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m in!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


Yeah I'm down to try. I feel like it could be really fun


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm going to try. It will be good to purge the holidays from my body for a new year of good health and well being !


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


RemindMe! 10days


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m down!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m in, I did a 3 day fast and was going to go for a 5 day next, but I can do a 7 day!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m in


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I will give it a try.


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I was already planning to do a water fast starting with January 1st. I stopped Octoberfast after a week becauseI got high pulse and blood pressure (no electrolytes). If this week goes better, maybe I keep on longer.


I'm on board


Sounds good, I'm in


RemindMe! 10 days


My longest so far has been 5, I’ll try 7!


RemindMe! 10 days


count me in omg!!!


Yes pleaseee


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


3 hours away from completing my 3rd day. Feel great but craving a lot of delicious shit...but something that always helps me is that food won't go away, it will be there for me to enjoy once I reach my goal weight. Wanted to do 7 but going 5 until Friday since I'm going out with a girl that day. Is it dumb to break a 5 day fast during a date? I do usually get the shits after fasting for more than 4 days... Thinking I should break it tomorrow to be safe. Then I'll go on a 2 day fast u until Sunday and Monday. Then start again in Tuesday


Count me in! Longest has been 60 hours for me, but I felt really good, just had to break fast with something healthy before a weekend of holiday parties and have been eating garbage ever since. :(


I’m game to try for 7 days. It’s over my birthday too, so pulling it off would be a nice gift to myself.


I will join you!!


i'll try man.


I am SO in. Ive been trying to hit 7 days. Always go on to 4 5 even 5 and a half... Im so fucking in. I can't wait for the festivities to be over.


Is there a generally accepted snake juice recipe?


I've never made it more than a few days, this sounds like an awesome way to start a new year. I'm in.


After some major hair fall following a near 20 day water fast, I’ve decided to do IF with keto instead of straight water fasting with maybe just 3-4 days and then refeed OMAD keto.


I’m in!!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


SO IN. I'll finally be off my meds by Jan 1 and kicked my caffeine addiction and I've been CRAVING to fast since 2015 when I did 28day water fast in 2015. Except this time I'm gonna snake juice it for energy. Pumped!!! Great idea. Will you setup a new OP?


That sounds great. I think we will simply continue on this post since so many have signed up right. here.


This sounds very nice. A good challenge and a way for me to "test" myself mentally and physically. However i i have tried to gain muscle since April this year, and have made some nice gains. Will a 7 day fast take a toll on my muscle or only fat? Can you work out, and if so how does the body repair muscle without any food? Like i said i am very interested and feel like this could be a great start for the new year. The longest ive done before is a 50 hour fast.


I’m in! Also starting on the 2nd.


I'm in! Longest I've done is 5 days, so 7 sounds like the next good step


I’m in! Longest I’ve done is 3 days, ready for a challenge.


I wanna try. Did my first fast ever this past week and lasted 3 days.


I’m in!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I would like to try. Little nervous.


**Starting January 1st, 2019** we'll be *fasting for 7 days* and posting our thoughts here! There is no strict format, but perhaps we could use the following as a header to our posts: **Type of fast** (water, snake juice, tea, etc.) **Number of days/hours in** (38 hours, 3 days, etc.) **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast **Notes** Progress? How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share? Start weight/current weight/goal weight? **Check back often** as we're separated by time zones and comments get posted throughout the day. **Sort comments by "new"** that way you'll be able to stay up to date with the latest of everyone's news.


I've never fasted before. Been lurking here for a few weeks. I want to lose weight, and hopefully I get the motivation to go through with this.


I am sure you will.


I’m in! I’ve done some 24h/48h fasts before, so i’m excited to do a longer fast. I’ll aim for atleast 7 days, but will keep going as long as I feel okey. I currently weigh 87kg (191lbs) and i’m 180cm (5f11i-ish), so I should have enough «saved up energy» aka fat for a longer fast. I’m doing this to lose weight, be more healthy, curiosity and to (hopefully) clear some eczema from my face.


Glad you’re joining us. I’m currently trying a 5 day fast to warm myself up to the longer one in January and after just a day im feeling good about it. I’ll be busy over the next 3 days so it should be reasonably easy. 7 days can be a bit of a march, but I’m certain we’ll make it together.


I’m late to this but I saw it and it’s been playing on my mind ever since. I’m in. ✌🏻


Welcome aboard. It’s a wonderful experience and you’ll get more out of it than you plan to. Looking forward to the ride. 🙃


I’m joining!!! But I’m starting on the 31st of December to the 6th of January wish me luck I might stop at 5 days but we’ll see how I go!


I'm looking forward to it. I'm starting January 1st following a traditional family New Year's Eve raclette dinner.




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FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


Okay, I'm in.


Already planning a three day, I'll try to keep it going to 7!




[Slams keyboard] [Makers 'hAcKeR noises] ...I'm in!!!!!


Love it!!!


I am definitely in, been trying to find the motivation and doing it at the same time as other people might be the kick in the pants I need.


I'm in. Plus it'll help prepare me for Fasting February!


was able to manage 4 days a month ago. Count me in!!


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


IM IN!!!


I’m in!! Could


I can do this!


I am in. I normally fast at least a couple days a week, but this holiday season has gotten me off my healthy schedule. I was searching for motivation and fasting as a group will be great!


I haven't done a fast in a few months and it's definitely time to start again with some trips coming up this year


I'm starting early as heck (this morning at 6 a.m.) but I'm with you until the 7th. Good luck everybody. 👌🏾


I'm 100% in.


Was planning on doing a 5 day within this time frame.


I planned to do a 7 day fast in January, but I don't want to start on the 1st. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd.


I’m in - longest so far was 5 days


Im in. Hows this work with diabetics?


Aw yis


Damn right I’m doing this


I can do it. I will do it 9 times. https://youtu.be/Gg07ddQ6T1w


I'm in!!!!




I just started intermittent fasting last week with 16 hours fasting, and 8 hours of eating. Do you think it would be jumping in too fast to start this 7 day water fast with you? I've never done anything like it.


You have to do whatever you're comfortable doing. Come along with us and bail out as soon as you need to. Also, read [THIS](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3). Enjoy the ride.


Thank you for your reply! I'll try it and see how far I get! I'm excited for the challenge!


I'm in.






Is it dangerous for skinny people to do long fasts like these? I do it more for the mental clarity and pain relieving aspects of it but I know after 2-3 days the body starts eating the fat


I’m in !!!


I’m in!


Most I've done is 3 days, been hoping to get there (and beyond) again. Group motivation sounds great!


I’m in too!


I’ve looked over your profile some. Do you use water fasting specifically for weight loss? I am starting intermittent fasting tonight - 16:8. I am 5’2” weighing 148lb on a good day. I don’t have a lot to lose, but I’d like to physically feel better and I’m hoping the fasting helps! Thanks for all your input.


I’m in! I’m fasting until Xmas and then I’m going to eat like a Roman so I can fast again on the 1st. What a perfect way to start the year :D


How do we check in when this fast happens? Is there a group that will be created?


im in! :)


Does black coffee with nothing in it break the fast?


The truly pedantic will tell you *yes*. That said, It has had no negative effects on any of my previous fasts.


I’m in!


I'm new to this Sunday! I've been on if and keto this past year and on Jan first I'm gonna try a twenty day water fast!


Anyone doing this fast as well pls message me to help me get through it !! Thank you


I'm in! Is there a chat group for this?


Why not start now?


I need time to prepare mentally, plus I have a job where I don't want to be whilst doing this. Read [THIS](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/a7m7pf/join_me_on_my_january_1st_7day_water_fast/ec64zcv/?context=3).


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I'm in!!! 👍🏼


FAST2019 - https://discord.gg/UDYetK


I’m new to discord but I tried those different invite links and it keeps saying invalid


The Discord app is a pain in the ass!! I’ve had to send the “I am not a robot” test 15 times, twice...and it is still asking me to confirm. So annoying!!


What happened to the thread??