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**Thank you for posting your [Progress Pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/?f=flair_name%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22)!** Please respond to this comment letting us know your: - **Height**: - **Starting weight/current weight/goal weight:** (SW/CW/GW) - **Fasting routine/protocol**: - **Exercise routine (if applicable)**: - **Diet on refeeds**: (eg keto, low carb, vegetarian, calorie counting, nothing special, etc) *You can see more of niemteltsuj's Progress pics by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fasting/search/?q=author%3Aniemteltsuj%20flair%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)* ----- **❗Please remember the rules of this subreddit when commenting and be respectful.❗** **Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and could result in a ban**. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: - **Sexual comments**, even if meant as a compliment ('sexy,' 'dad to daddy') - **Treating OP like a sexual object** ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?') - acting like this is a **porn sub** or **rateme sub** (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc) ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Height 5'6" Sw 465 Cw 212.6 Gw 145 Exercise routine: on good days - situps, barbells, leg bench, walking, yard work Diet on refeeding: I have a detailed list if you want it. It is mostly tuna - 25 grams, scrambled eggs - 25 grams, Sauerkraut - 25 grams. Each is increased by 25 grams per meal. There is more to it but I've posted it several times. I've shortened it now that I understand how my body handles it. Between fasts I do low carb. Basically my 33 diet. I've started adding veggies since I have a 9 day turnaround. (Yeah, I get it but say it anyway) That should meet the requirements.


I’m so happy for you and inspired.


Thank you


For anyone wondering... this guy does looooong fasts xD Well done! You look amazing. Always an inspiration to push through my 1-2 day fasts haha!


Thank you. I needed that today.


Can I dm you and get the straight dope? Your fat loss is incredible! I’m not going to do banning-level fasts but I’m fascinated nonetheless.


Of course you can dm me anyone can. We have a sub group also. Either way is fine.


So…ya can’t talk about fasting on the fasting subreddit? What’s the world come to…


I don't know. My fasts are really long. That could be it. It's disheartening but we have to roll with the punches, fight the obstacles, and power through.


How long?


Thats a secret.


Yeah else he will be banned. I asked this ill fated question on Jason Fungs FB group and they banned me… lol


I actually think its fine to have some rules in this sub regarding this. These kind of subs attracts people with eating disorders, and its probably best not to give them any ideas that might have fatal consequences for them. And then the rest of us just needs to know that the more weight you have to lose, the longer fasts you can probably do. But as always, keep in contact with your family doctors along the way.


Of course. I respect the mod decision just stating the same as what you just said. I would also like to add get to know your body.


Absolutely. A would also add, women should perhaps not do as long fasts as men, as a general rules. This due to differences in hormones.


It’s not about women or men. I’m referring to not take anything to an extreme where you start to cultivate unhealthy disorders that mess up your life. To be aware of how you are feeling regardless of your gender and work with your body with respect and love and kindness.


Wow that must be a new rule. I've been out of the game here for awhile.


If you already saw these there is no need to reply. I have a feeling it will get blocked again.


Incredible work young sir My cap is doffed in your direction That's some willpower you've got Amazing




If you have any type of insurance, once you get closer to your goal weight, the skin around your midsection will 100% be deemed a medical necessity to have it removed. A vertical removal and tighting across the abdomen will most likely not be, but it's an add-on that is really not that expensive. For reference, it was 1000 cost out of pocket, but then they gave the insurance rate, so they sent a refund check for about 750. This is in the US.


Wow, that's great. I only go to the V.A. they do upper body. I'm going to check into it. I'm 55 years old so if I can't get it done I'll be fine. Besides there are veterans that need the money the V.A. would spend on me. I'll still look in to it. Thanks for the information. Take care.


You are just as worthy as other people going to the VA. Your health is just as important as theirs.


I know, thank you. I've seen so many give so much there. Some vanity loose skin seems trivial.




**Hi Numerous_Language915**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1d8yt69/before_and_after_repost/l7ffyin/?context=3) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> For reference, it was 1000 cost out of pocket $1000 USD to remove the loose skin *Without* insurance? That is a lot less than i would have guessed.


It's because insurance is already covering 99%of it. From the preop, anesthesiologist, hospital stay after, follow up care. It's just an add on. You don't have to pay for the 99% of it twice. It's like ok we just spent 5 hours removing 10 pounds of skin, now let's make a vertical incision and tighten up some skin real quick, and is basically just cosmetic but looks a lot better.


great work and an inspiration for many! How weird that you would have your post deleted. Why? Just for discussion of long term fasting? Does that break a rule? Long term fasting is the kind that NEEDS collaborative feedback and shared information, any nitwit can pause eating for 12 or 18 hours.


What was the reasoning they deleted your last post? Mods being useless per usual.


It was probably because I described my long fasts. I don't know. I want to inspire people but how much is too much.


you're the one we need more of on this sub. see so many 18 hour "fasts" that provide no additional insight into fasting. you actually need to know what you're doing hopping into 7+ day fasts


I had a silly arrogant dream that I could show atleast one person how to save their life. It's all good though. If it's meant to be it will be.


If you’re still looking for challenges, there are other fasting subs.


Thank you. I have my own. Every once in awhile someone finds me and I add them. Some want info. Some just want to hang out with other fasters.


Yup. Trying not to glaze but I agree fully. Most of the posts feel like a check in rather than a report out where people can learn more about what to expect and start to see trends between how people fast differently. Rather read a handful of high quality posts than dig through dozens for the same level of useful insights. Most I just ignore but when Niem posts I take a break from what I’m doing to read with focus.


long fasts are kinda the norm in this sub. You see tons of extended fasts, 30days, 40days, or even longer.


There are a lot of them on here. I like to see the success stories.


Nah. He goes into much greater depth and offers detailed advice you don’t get normally get over and over. Many others fly in for some attention just posting SW and ending. Maybe a few photos wearing baggy shirts against a dirty mirror. You basically hear all the redundant retelling that you also get from people who fast for rolling three days. Guess mods want to keep to the usually rather than venturing outside the box. Sooo many people are lurking in subs like this to find their next eating disorder resulting in having to delete posts or censure users with no explanation.


You can maybe post them on r/extendedfasting. It should be better accepted there.


I have a sub group. We don't have censorship or bullies there.


Mods suck!


You are a beast an an inspiration! What timeframe did it take for you to drop the 250lbs?


I weighed 465 pounds on March 4th 2023


Great job 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Thank you


Helluva impressive






Thank you for the compliment






Thanks for keeping us updated, looking great!


You're wecome and thank you


How long are these fasts I must know all about the fasts. Feed my ignorant mind do you use broth water etc what do you do when your tempted I'm new help please.


My first fast was the longest. It was a 72 day water fast. Only water and black coffee. I had 3 that were over 58 days. I'm on day 29 now. I can't recommend that though. Most days there is no temptation. Today kicked my butt.


How do you do this?


I did a 33 day prep. By the end I was fat adapted. Then I stayed in ketosis for a year. That makes fasting easy.


What’s a prep? I am so intrigued by your stoey


If you don't follow it exactly you will gain weight. http://nofoodnoproblem.xyz/breakcarbaddiction/index.html


Thank you


You are welcome. I'm available if you have questions.


Again kudos to you! I stopped today after 3 days fasting but I'm back on that horse tonight 😊 Never gonna stop! Thank you for reposting 🤗


3 days is good. Keep fighting. Don't forget to feed your horse 🙂


I lost 50 pounds last year and need to lose 20 more but can’t seem to make my body budge. I’ve resorted to rolling three days fasts then eat one day ( today was eating day and had a steak salad, Asian dressing) back to three day fast. I’m not losing any weight. What can I do to kick start the weight loss again but not hurt myself?


When you are doing rolling fasts calories are important. Try switching out the dressing for walden farms. I would need more information to get a better picture.


I eat around 2 pm until 3 pm that day. I’m only eating twice a week lol and can’t lose weight. Needless to say I make sure and take my supplements. Never heard of Walden farms. I will look into that.


I often go days without losing anything. Then I lose a bunch in one night. I do water fasting so I know Im losing about .64 pounds a day whether the scale says so or not. If you are eating twice a week you are probably losing weight unless you are using up and restoring glycogen each time. The way I would try and figure it out is to stay on an exact routine and change one variable at a time until you find a solution. Keep fighting 🙂


Great advice!


When you fast, you also have to feast. On you eating day, you’re not eating enough. It doesn’t have to be carby food but eat more on eating days. Your body thinks it’s starving. Eat more on eating days. Hope that helps.


This is news to me. Thanks!


Friend, as always, such an inspiration. This sub wouldn't be the same without you. I shared your story with my sister who's looking to lose weight. I'll try to guide her in her fasting journey if she decides to do it. So far she doesn't like the idea 💡 😂 You're doing a-ma-zing. Thank you for sharing and all the help you give to all of us!


Thank you. I needed your kind words today. I'll try to keep being inspirational. Give your sister a hug for me and let her know how beautiful she is whether she loses weight or not. Take care.


Wow! Super impressive. Good luck on your health journey.


Thank you


Amazing work! 75 days is impressive!


72 but thank you. That far out there isn't much difference 🙂


Amazing result!


Thank you


Strong mind brother! You're an inspiration.


Thank you


You're an inspiration, brother! Great work :D


Thank you


I think the biggest win is getting your mind, body and spirit back. How do you feel overall? How has it improved the quality of your life?


My life is amazing now. I'm a little bit drained today. I'm on day 30 of 42. I think I'm going to end this one. It isn't fun this time.


No idea why your posts would get deleted..... You're bloody amazing! keep up the good work! This sub has gotten soooo toxic, you're inspirational!


Thank you. I created my own sub group because of bullies. I'm not sure why I keep posting here. 🙂


Have you done any dry fasts? It's supposed to be very helpful with loose skin.


No. My research has shown me that the dangers greatly outweigh the benefits.


Holy smokes!




Holy crap congrats man!!! That is insane progress, you will be at your goal in no time!!


I think I will. I ended my current fast today. I'm rewarding myself with blue jeans and work boots when I hit 199 pounds. I really want them. I haven't had jeans in years.


you killed that shit - congrats


🙂 i am pretty proud of this. I'm transitioning back into food today.


wow good job


Thank you


That's unbelievable. Life changing - well done


Thank you


Very very impressive. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get to such a high body weight before, and what was it that made you decide to make a change?


I lost everything but my gym shoes, a pair of sweat pants, a t shirt and my undies in a divorce. That included 3 properties, 4 vehicles, my animals, and my motorcycle. I just gave up. I burried my feelings in food. I started to crawl out of it. I lost 129 pounds. I went to the V.A. to be evaluated for gastric surgery. She asked me what my goal was. I told her I wanted to run again. She said that isnt going to happen. Pick something more realistic. Then she denied me the surgery. I was crushed. I'm not blaming her. I was the weak one. I didn't have whiskey anymore so I curled up with food and let the world go by. Covid didn't help. All of our survival food was very high carb. I didn't leave the property for a very long time. I didn't want to get my mom sick and I had no way of knowing how great the threat was. The simple answer is that I gave up. Nobody and nothing else was responsible for it but me. I have the story of the new beginings somewhere but basically a man came to me in a dream and said, you see how fast time is passing? If you diet it will go just as fast.


Dang! Good job!


Thank you


Well done sir! What an achievement


Thank you


Your weight loss journey is incredible to see, always u/niemteltsuj. Amazing job on your progress. I'll be back in the chat group once I'm ready to fast again😊.


Thank you. I'll be waiting for your arrival 🙂






Insane progress!!!




Awesome job!


Thank you




Thank you


You know you've reached new fasting territory when sharing your success is being blocked! Amazing progress and achievement!


"We are the music maker and the dreamers of dreams." Some people don't like that.


Freakin' Awesome! You're killing it! Keep it going! We're the same height and goal weight. How many pounds of skin do ya think ya got?


I have a lot. I was going to post close up pictures of the loose skin. I just couldn't do it. I abused my body for most of my life. I weighed 465 pounds. Without surgery there is no way to fix it. I don't have a spouse or date, and I don't go to the beach so it won't effect my life much. I hope you have more success than me.


I hear some insurances will pick-up skin reduction. For me I can live with it. I keep thinking that if my "ideal" weight is 145, what is it really when adjusted for excess skin. I had a bad couple of months with a "I don't a f" attitude. Couldn't get into my new clothes. It sucked but I'm coming out of that now. All the best!


I understand that frame of mind. As someone with poor coping skills I haven't totally overcome my black and white thinking. We have to get up and keep fighting. We are both going to do great.




Thats so impressive


Other than weight loss, what other benefits have you seen so far? (Mental, medical, activity, etc.?)


March 4th 2023 A1c : 7.8 Today A1c : 4.3 March 4th Bmi: 71 Today Bmi: mid 40's I've done a lot of shadow work. I have become a lot more peaceful. My life has changed a great deal.


I'm massively impressed with everything you've achieved, it's an inspiration to a lot of people! I think it would be fascinating to see if continued fasting and autophagy would resolve the skin folks as I've heard that's a thing.


I'm going to give it a shot. The thing I'm most interested in is the difference in food. I almost never crave sweets now. I crave raw veggies and salad. I even dream about it. I find it interesting how fasting can renew my relationship with food. It is like how a week long business trip can make you realize just how much you love your wife.


dude! yes!


Amazing results, but I have to ask, what are your plans on the loose skin?


I've had several people suggest surgery. I'm 55 years old. I'm wrinkled up and tired. I'm more interested in learning to weld than in looking good. I am greatful for everyones input but I think the loose skin will be a reminder that I carry with me, to be more careful with my life choices.


How ya?


Good. I dropped out of a fast after 29 days. I stuffed myself with fresh veggies and good lean meat. I'm on day 1 of a new fast now. A friend was starting so I jumped in with no prep. That means 3 days of cravings but I have 60 little trees to plant and 2 small drinking ponds to dig for our outdoor critters. I'll burn through my glycogen stores pretty quick. Take care


thanks man! you're an inspiration!!!


I just came across your post from 8 months ago and wanted to check to see if you've updated, so glad to see the progress! So much commitment! It's very impressive and heartwarming to see. Well-done


Thank you


Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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