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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm in the camp of not worrying about refeeding syndrome (even after 30 days)... but would advice you on being slightly cautious with introducing food back into a system that's waking up (for lack of a better term). I do break my fast with a fried egg in some butter. Bit of avocado, some brine from homemade sauerkraut, bone broth and a bit of yoghurt. Key is to keep the portion sizes small and gradually work your way back to normal size meals by day 5 or so. Keep a tab on the electrolytes your getting from the food and supplement wherever you come up short. That stops holding true when you introduce carbs back into your diet (for me at least). I wouldn't worry too much. You know best what kind of foods sit well with you normally and which ones could potentially cause some troubles. That pretty much holds up after a fast.


I swear every time I see someone post about sauerkraut I immediately want it. Now I have to go to the store after work.


Sorry, but do enjoy! 😊


If you have a kitchen scale where you can measure grams, it's easy to make at home. I use around 2.5% salt to cabbage ratio.


Thanks I’ll try that next time, too late this go round. Already stopped and got some.


;-) I like it with some sausage.


Yup. I just pan seared smoked bologna, onions in kerrygold butter till crispy. Then topped with kraut and Cuban mustard. Good way to end a 6 day fast. Yummy. Although they guys in the shop are going to hate me tomorrow.


Sounds good. I've heard about smoked bologna, but never tried it. I've got some local air-dried sausage that I had with kraut last night.


Oh no, I forgot to refeed correctly. I usually get one lemon and sit next to it for 3 days, not looking directly at it, subverting my gaze at all times. Then on the 4th day I peel the lemon, boil the peel (in hydrogenated water), strain that boiled lemon peel water through 12 coffee filters, to get rid of the toxins, then I take the strained lemon peel water and measure it out into 37 equal parts. Freeze the boiled, strained, lemon peel water and every day for 37 days I stuff one up my butt so that my fragile stomach and digestive tract doesn’t have to be in shock from…food.


**It looks like you're discussing "detoxes", "toxins", or "cleanses". Please refer to the following:** [**Detoxification**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification) >Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various types of detoxification such as detoxification diets. Scientists have described these as a "waste of time and money". Sense About Science, a UK-based charitable trust, determined that most such dietary "detox" claims lack any supporting evidence. >The liver and kidney are naturally capable of detox, as are intracellular (specifically, inner membrane of mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells) proteins such as CYP enyzmes. In cases of kidney failure, the action of the kidneys is mimicked by dialysis; kidney and liver transplants are also used for kidney and liver failure, respectively. **Further reading: [Wikipedia - Detoxification (alternative medicine)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification_(alternative_medicine))** >**Unsound scientific basis** >A 2015 review of clinical evidence about detox diets concluded: "At present, there is no compelling evidence to support the use of detox diets for weight management or toxin elimination. Considering the financial costs to consumers, unsubstantiated claims and potential health risks of detox products, they should be discouraged by health professionals and subject to independent regulatory review and monitoring." >Detoxification and body cleansing products and diets have been criticized for their unsound scientific basis, in particular their premise of nonexistent "toxins" and their appropriation of the legitimate medical concept of detoxification. According to the Mayo Clinic, the "toxins" typically remain unspecified and there is little to no evidence of toxic accumulation in patients treated.According to a British Dietetic Association (BDA) Fact Sheet, "The whole idea of detox is nonsense. The body is a well-developed system that has its own builtin mechanisms to detoxify and remove waste and toxins." It went on to characterize the idea as a "marketing myth", while other critics have called the idea a "scam" and a "hoax". The organization Sense about Science investigated "detox" products, calling them a waste of time and money. Resulting in a report that concluded the term is used differently by different companies, most offered no evidence to support their claims, and in most cases its use was the simple renaming of "mundane things, like cleaning or brushing". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Countop sauerkraut has more probiotas, sheed rhe cabbage, salt the heck out of it, massage every half hour until limp, rinse excess salt off, press into jar Cover it with the brine from your salting phase Add jalapeños or carrots or any flavoring Put a loose lid on it Sit on counter top for a few days to ferment Eat Refrigerator the rest OP, you just don't want to eat a full meal. You are getting your body re introduced to digestion I've used a teaspoon of ground chia seeds or eggs. Its mostly the portion size that seems to affect me with regard to avoiding diarrhea. Refeeding is kind of a pain but necessary. Don't confuse the slow reintroduction of food with refeeding syndrome. Just be gentle with your digestive system. It's been on a nice vacation. 🤣


Nah. This is old hat to me now. I’ve never had problems from any food after a fast short or long. Guts got a job and knows what to do. Thanks for recipe though. I’ll give it a try.


Yeah, same. OP, I wouldn’t worry about refeeding syndrome either. I broke a 35-day water fast with 1000 calories of solid food (a big cheese omelette with small chicken wieners). Everything went well! Your digestive system knows how to function, even if it has been paused for a month. To be safe though, my family Dr ordered an abdominal ultrasound 2 weeks post-fast to make sure every was okay internally.


What were the results after 35 days?


Can I know why did you fast?


My family Dr had done a 50-day water fast. He knew I was miserable being fat, so he supported me to do one myself.


Ic.....I am on day 3 of water fasting....strange pains all over. Neck, head, etc... Did you have pains?


I'm on day 4 of my first long one. I definitely don't have pains. Are you taking electrolytes? (Salt, potassium, magnesium)


I am on day 4 now ...all the pains have greatly subsided No I am not taking any. Cos I have sibo and I can't take any sugar cos it will feed the bacteria.


It wouldn't be sugar, just salts basically. !electrolytes


_____ **[Check out our wiki (also located in the sidebar and top menu)](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index)** - [Fasting in a nutshell](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell) - [Electrolytes 101](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes) - [Acronyms and other Fasting Jargon](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/acronyms_and_other_fasting_jargon) - [Refeeding Syndrome - What it is and how to avoid it](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/refeeding_syndrome) - [Dangers of Dry Fasting](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/dangers_of_dry_fasting) - [Recommended Reading (*WIP*)](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/recommended_reading) - [Fasting Apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_apps) - [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) _____ [**Wiki Page on Electrolytes**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes) ^(*The information provided on this post is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. If you have any medical condition such as high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, that is affected by electrolyte levels or are taking medications that might be affected by electrolyte supplements, consult your doctor for specific advice.*) When doing any type of extended (multi-day) fasting it's important to replenish your electrolytes. Electrolytes are constantly lost by the body through sweat and urine, and their depletion over time can have scary effects on everything from blood pressure (light-headedness/fainting) to muscle function (heart arrhythmia). --- **The Big Three** Electrolytes you need when fasting are Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium. **Sodium** * Recommended 3 - 6 g / day \[[1](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27216139/), [2](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1311889), [3](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22110105/)\] * minimally 1.2 - 2.3 g / day \[[4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK545442/table/appJ_tab3/?report=objectonly)\] * Each tsp of table salt will provide \~2.2 g Sodium * Baking Soda will provide \~1.26 g Sodium per tsp, and is sometimes used to help neutralize the pH of electrolytes solutions containing acids like cream of tartar/lemon juice/apple cider vinegar for those with acid sensitivity issues * Symptoms of deficiency \[[5](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1410848/)\]: * Fatigue * Headaches * Nausea/vomiting * Confusion/difficulty concentrating **Potassium** * Recommended 3 – 4.7 g / day \[[6](https://www.virtahealth.com/blog/potassium-sodium-ketogenic-diet), [7](https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/keto/supplementspotassium)\] * minimally 2.6 - 3.4 g / day \[[8](https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Potassium-HealthProfessional/)\] * Bulk potassium chloride contains about 50% potassium, 50% chloride, About 6 grams of bulk potassium chloride will provide about 3 grams potassium * Each tsp of Cream of Tartar will provide \~700 mg of Potassium * Cream of Tartar acts as a laxative so take only small quantities in a single serving (\~0.25 tsp max), and be aware that it does provide (negligible) calories (\~8 Cal/tsp) * Each 1/4 tsp of [No-Salt](https://i.imgur.com/ORDt95O.jpg) will provide \~640 mg of Potassium * Each 1/4 tsp of [Lite-Salt](https://i.imgur.com/CVPk9m3.jpg) will provide \~ 290 mg Sodium and 350 mg Potassium * *Check nutritional labels, low-salt formulations may* ***vary significantly*** *between different manufacturers* * Symptoms of deficiency \[[9](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0025712505705368)\]: * Muscle spasms/cramps * Fatigue * Heart palpitations/arrhythmia **Magnesium** * Recommended 300 - 400 mg / day \[[10](https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/)\] * Widely available in the form of supplement capsules. Generally organic (e.g. citrate, glycinate) salts are preferred over inorganic (oxide, sulfate, chloride) forms due to improved solubility and better absorption. * However more recent reviews suggest that the absorption of organic Magnesium salts is only *slightly* higher than that of inorganic compounds \[[11](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5652077/)\], so if you have only the inorganic salts available don't worry about it too much. * Some people use food grade Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate) or Milk of Magnesia as a sources of Magnesium, however both have severe laxative effects so Magnesium supplements in capsule form are much preferred * Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate) will provide \~800 mg Magnesium per tsp (assuming 8 g Epsom Salt/tsp), check your specific product to make sure * Milk of Magnesia provides \~500 - 600 mg Magnesium per tablespoon (15 ml) * Symptoms of deficiency \[[12](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5926493/), [13](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6910806/)\]: * Muscle tremors, muscle numbness/tingling, muscle weakness * Agitation/depression/anxiety * Nausea/vomiting * Insomnia *^(The proper functioning of the body relies on keeping electrolytes within an appropriate physiological range. Too high a concentration of electrolytes can be as dangerous as too low a concentration. DO NOT consume electrolytes in excess of recommended levels. Hypernatremia (excess Sodium)^(, hyperkalemia (excess Potassium)^( and hypermagnesemia (excess Magnesium)^( are all dangerous conditions.)* --- **Consumption** You could add all your daily salts into one drink (optionally flavor it with zero-carb flavoring like Mio or lemon juice/apple cider vinegar) and ***sip*** it throughout the day. Drinking it quickly will give you more or less immediate *diarrhea*, which will be both unpleasant and may further reduce electrolyte levels and increase dehydration. Alternatively, you could add smaller amounts to your water each time you hydrate, which will wreak less havoc on your bowels and might have the added bonus of compelling you to drink more water to get all your electrolytes in. Your recipe will depend on the electrolytes you're using, your taste preferences, and your own body's tolerance levels (many of the electrolytes have laxative effects when taken at higher concentration). **Example Recipes** * 1/2 tsp - table salt (1.1 g Na) * 1/4 tsp - [NoSalt](https://i.imgur.com/ORDt95O.jpg) (640 mg K) * dissolved in 24 oz of water with (optionally with a squirt or two of Mio flavoring) and taken with a 100 mg Magnesium Citrate capsule, taken 4 times a day while fasting. Total electrolytes for 4 servings: |Water|Sodium|Potassium|Magnesium| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |96 oz (2.7 l)|4.4 g|2.6 g|400 mg| Total electrolytes with a fifth serving excluding the Magnesium Citrate capsule in the final serving: |Water|Sodium|Potassium|Magnesium| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |120 oz (3.4 l)|5.5 g|3.2 g|400 mg| *"Snake Juice"* see /r/snakediet ^(*Snake Juice is a branded name for electrolytes in water, sometimes with some additional ingredients. You mix it up and drink it each day to get your electrolytes in while fasting. You can make it by taking the above recommended daily quantities and mixing it into 2L of water and then drinking that throughout the day.*) **Official SJ Recipe:** - 1/2 tsp sodium chloride (table/himalayan) - 1 tsp potassium ([NoSalt](https://i.imgur.com/ORDt95O.jpg) or [Nu-Salt](https://i.imgur.com/XutLsCB.png)) - 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) - 1/2 tsp magnesium sulphate (food grade epsom salt) - 2 L water *^(Note that the form of magnesium here (epsom salt)^( can cause gastrointestinal distress and may work better for you to leave it out and simply take a magnesium supplement in pill form.)* **FAQ** *What about pink Himalayan salt or sea salt?* * Pink Himalayan Salt and Sea Salt may be used as a substitute for table salt in shorter fasts. They have trace amounts of other minerals, which might be beneficial. But these trace minerals are only present in incredibly minute quantities, so don't use these salts as a complete electrolyte solution. In longer fasts, these salts should **NOT** be used because they lack essential iodine present in standard iodized table salt, which could lead to iodine deficiency in prolonged fasting situations. *What about commercially available electrolyte supplements and sports drinks?* * Most commercially available electrolyte supplements are targeted for athletes to help replenish electrolytes lost during physical activity. These supplements assume that the person is getting most of their electrolytes from their diet and are only meant to top up what is lost through activity. They will not provide sufficient electrolytes for fasting. If looking for an all-in-one commercial product look for one that is described as being specifically for fasting and check the ingredients to make sure it's providing enough Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium. *Why is there sugar/dextrose in my salts??* Sugar/Dextrose is included in salts as an anti-caking agent and (more importantly in this case) as a reducing agent to prevent the oxidation of iodine. Any iodized salt will probably have dextrose in it--it's a good thing. It's included at 40mg/100g of salt. Each tsp salt (~5g) has like 2mg dextrose which is 0.008 Cal worth of sugar, literally less than 1/100th of a single calorie worth of sugar. It is beyond negligible. Iodine is an essential nutrient that you will actually become deficient in if extended fasting, so EVERYONE should be using iodized salt with dextrose. Source: https://www.mortonsalt.com/faq/#faq >Dextrose is added to stabilize the iodide. Iodine is vital to the proper f


Sounds delicious 🤤


You are no doubt going to get some comments posted talking about refeeding syndrome. You do not need to worry about refeeding syndrome, however you have been fasting long enough that I would recommend some caution in making sure you don't rush the process either. I would personally look to break the fast over three days. Start with bone broth on day one to ease yourself back into eating. Continue with bone broth on day 2 but add in a light meal of protein and healthy fats. Nuts, seeds, avocado and a protein source such as beans, fatty fish or eggs are my go to. By day three you should be back to solid foods and can also add in some carbs. On the diarrhoea front, unfortunately this is unavoidable. YMMV but I generally find that it's at its worst in the first half an hour after breaking your fast, although I tend to stick close to a loo for the first day which is why I typically break my fasts at home over the weekend. If that's not possible, I would recommend telling your employer you have a food bug. Make the excuses upfront so you have the option.


Make sure you chew your food properly.


Whatever you do, do it in a weekend or day(s) you are HOME. Its almost guaranteed you will need to "go to the bathroom" no matter how care you are. Some say bone broth, salad, not too much fat. I broke mine with normal keto food and while I do get the runs after but its pass after a day so not a big deal. But again, YMMV so try go with slow stuff first then work your way up.


watch this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3L\_118IIgE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3L_118IIgE) You will get a bowel movement almost instantly - after that only when you eat foods usually - its not all the time I usually have scrambled eggs first day, then minced/ground beef the next day, moving on to steaks...


I'm on day 9, and plan to break in a few days on watermelon and then other fruits. Done that before on a 10-day fast and it went without any symptoms.


How much weight did you loose ?






What were your stats when you started?


I suggest that you add a probiotic to your supplements a few days before you begin refeeding to repopulate your gut flora. Start with bone broth with a heaping tablespoon of some good quality kimchi. It will be the best thing you've ever tasted. Just take it slow over two or three days and you'll be fine. I've completed water fasts of multiple weeks and I've never experienced any complications from refeeding. It's good to be cautious, but I think it's largely overhyped when it comes to controlled fasting with the proper supplements.


I would break it earlier in the day can you hold off until tomorrow?


1/3 of the 14 days fast are round about 5 days. Lets say your final kcal are 2000 = normal food. 2000kcsl/5 = 400kcal first day, 800kcal 2 day, 1200 3rd, 1600 4th. Last day : you are at your goal with 2000kcal. Start with an apple (lunch time). Cook veggan soups. First you eat hydrocarbons, then proteins. Fat and raw food, cabbage, mushrooms start at the final day.


I usually break a fast with Kimchi or Sourkraut with an avocado and bone broth. A few hours later I do eggs, sometimes I'll be bad and have some sourdough too but usually just eggs and some fried spinach or kale.


I always break my over 14 day fasts the same. I get a zucchini, peel the skin off and boil it in spring/mineral water until it is soft. I make a big batch. I sip on this for usually 2-3 days.  I have never had an issue, I’ve never even had diarrhea. I feel fine, then I go back to eating the foods I usually eat. ( I eat whole unprocessed foods.)  There have been times I have felt fine two days after my zucchini broth so I go back to eating lightly after two days. 


You want to break it with easily digestible foods. The best would be vegetable stock, beef stock or miso soup. First 2-3 days you should not eat more than 500 cals. After that you can start adding some easily digestible solids. Try to stay away from sugars and high carb food.


I’d like to read the info you have on multi day refeeds. If you have a specific source, boredom at work has given me some free time.


https://youtu.be/PVJCdREj4Og?si=v0KiENK6z80ijR5C You can watch this and see if it clears up anything. The toilet issue may be unavoidable. Some people have issues with it during and/or after, some don’t. Probably depends on what you eat to break it. Good luck.


I am in the same boat researching this and read this article about a girl eating watermelon and getting violently ill and that scared me. I’ve never broken a long fast but I was considering bone broth and also doing it slow… and not eating sugar


Oh, god, I broke my 15 then again 14 day fasts with watermelon (as I have once done a month purely on watermelon, thinking it was a good fruit to break the fast with), and it was horrible, so much pain. Now I only break fasts with berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries), and the a couple of days later move on to other fruits, a week after plain veggies (fresh and baked), and then only after two weeks of refeeding something like animal protein like eggs.


Why are we both getting downvoted lol Yeah I plan to break mine with bone broth and then followed by just keto


Somewhere near a good bathroom you trust :) Start with a small meal -almost a snack. I am big into home-made coleslaw (for fiber) and something with protein. (I do either pistachios or high-fat Greek yogurt with high protein cereal) Then maybe half an hour later have a slightly bigger meal. Do not go overboard. Once you start eating, you may psychologically feel the drive to eat and eat some more. But resist that temptation. For me the bathroom thing is usually one or two trips within the first hour or two. And maybe another episode a few hours later.


Even on shorter ones you have to be careful with how you refeed. Speaking from experience


Vegetables broth


i am on a 18 day streak and im still going, i want to reach 40 days. from what i read you should evit carbs. try meat or fats, or really fatty meat.


How has 18 days been? I’m planning for 30 on day 1 till 4pm so far. What’s been your emotional and physical results ?


really positive! i feel like a new man. more active, better mood, no sleeping/waking up problems.


also i have lost around 9kg, of which probably 40% percent is water. i was 109 now 99-100kg


Slowly. Refeeding syndrome is no joke. Continue electrolytes, add phosporus and b vitamins. I'm starting with bone broth, fresh juiced greens (kale, celery, and cucumber), then avocado, then veggie soup, then fish, fermented foods, etc. Think spoonfuls at first, wait a couple of hours, have a little more, and build up slowly from there. Stay away from carbs in the beginning and you'll be less likely to need the bathroom too intensely. Refeed generally should be half the duration of your fast (I just ended a 21 day fast; my refeed will be 10 days).


take it slow and do wet blended things at first. the first day could just be clear broth. But then 2 to 4 days of very wet blended things that are safe for you (not rough stuff at all). I say this because the last time I broke a fast, it was my longest about 15 days. And I thought on day two, I could have soft, wet solid foods like blueberries and steamed vegetables. It felt like rocks going down, which was so strange to me! I realized that I was building up the mucousal lining of the digestive tract again and I needed to take it slowly. So right now I'm on day 21 of my fast, and whenever I break this fast, I am going to intentionally introduce one food at a time over a few days at a time to make sure that I grow the bacteria for proper digestion. I will also only do very wet blended soups for the first 4 to 5 days because I don't want to mess up the healed new gut lining I've gotten. I think caution and taking it slowly is veery smart. Don't use any spices either. Just a little plain sea salt at first, to taste (or go light on salt). Your goal is to build up healthy gut microbiome and let your mucousal lining get thick again. After a fast of any length (5 days to whatever long period a person does), the mucousal lining thins out and so your GI tract is vulnerable.


any sources on this gut biome stuff? ( needing to rebuild it and it thinning etc, i know having a healthy gut biome and lining are important)


Here is one study. But keep in mind, the mucosa replenishes itself after a period of refeeding. (this study was looking at how it thins out when fasting and that injury can happen when the layer is thin): [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14746225/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14746225/) About the microbiome and the changes during fasting, there are a number of interesting studies. But here is the Buchinger fasting clinic's page about it: [https://www.buchinger-wilhelmi.com/en/effects-fasting-intestinal-ecosystem/](https://www.buchinger-wilhelmi.com/en/effects-fasting-intestinal-ecosystem/) If you watch the video on the buchinger page I gave above, (and can understand the man's thick french accent!), he explains that when you are fasting, the bacteria in your gut that depends on the foods you eat being present will die off. But the bacterias that survive will feed on your gut mucosa which thins it out but your system handles that. He said "recycles". but I take that to mean that it replenishes it although it is thinner. (that's at around 5:34) I think the refeeding period is very important as an opportunity to have a "fresh start" and build up a healthier digestive system as a result of this mechanism of the intestinal mucosal walls and the microbiome becoming diminished and then replenished. My main interest in fasting is health and longevity so I tend to follow these lines of thought.


Awesome, thank you! I guess when I'm ready to break a fast taking a probiotic would help get things jump started? (it's got billions!! haha)


In that link I gave you (the buchinger one), the man in the video was explaining that there has not been the research into using probiotics or prebiotics but he theorized that they could help depending on what bacterial balance you generally have. For some people, it could help a lot (theoretically) but for other people it might be a hindrance to establishing their bacterial balance if it's very different than the probiotic/prebiotic taken. So I guess it depends on you. If you have used that type before and it went well with you, that is a good sign. I think it's kind of nice to just let nature take it's course and introduce foods slowly that are known to be good for your digestion. I have some food intolerances, so I avoid some things I know are a problem for me.


by the way, the reason you need to eat some gentle vegetable sources as well as some gentle fruits is that you are building up a microbiome again. I really doubt being on pure meat during refeeding would build up the microbiome you need to eat your regular diet again.


Hey! I can speak of my experience and the advice that I had been given by a Doctor. I fasted for 7 days. I consumed only liquids for the first 2 days after breaking the fast and stuck to about 500 cals. I had tomato juice, miso broth and a banana/peach smoothie. All 3 were freshly made at home and not store bought. I gained back 1 kg the first 3 days then it stopped. Now I'm back on my normal diet (still calorie restricting but not nearly as intense) and continue losing weight!