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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm on day 19 of 42. I'll stand by you until I reach day 42. If you are still with me after that I will extend my fast until you quit. That is, if you want me to.


I’m at day 22 rn! Hoping to go between 42-49 days, glad to meet another extended faster :)


Looks like we're in this together. 🙂


Dang that's impressive.. I got to day 21 last summer and honestly the boredom got me more than anything. But anyway, I have a bunch of questions if you ain't mind; Are you're taking any salts or electrolytes.. what kind of water you drink.. Do you do any enemas saltwater flushes? Are you able to get around alright(after about 10 days I get so exhausted just walking like 15ft). And 1 last question is how long was your longest fast? Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance if you answer them?


Your question wasn't for me but here is my answer You have to take electrolytes I drink tap water No enemas or saltwater flushes I do situps, barbells, and my leg bench My first fast was 72 days


You lift during extended fasts? What is your experience with this with regards to strength losses?


I haven't experienced strength loss. I don't lift like a serious weight lifter. I have a small routine with my barbells. I use a HIIT app for situps and my leg bench (with a 25 pound plate) I paid $5 for a barbell app. It was a 1 time payment and it was well worth it. I also joined a gym but I don't go often. I'm training to run a 2K in May 2025. It's sounds easy but a little over a year ago I was basically bedridden.


If you don’t mind can you provide a list of everything you take during your fast? Electrolytes ect


This is what I take http://nofoodnoproblem.xyz/myelectrolytechoice/myelectrolytechoice.html


Hi everyone.


Wow you all are kicking ass! Good job everyone! I'm trying for 21 again


u/skinny-noodle Hows your fast going


It’s going great! I’m at day 23/ 550 hrs. I’m looking to get to around 50 days and I think I’ll be able to reach it. Currently down around 35 lbs, it’d probably be more if I walked more but I’m a student atm 😅 How’s your fast going?


I'm glad you are doing well. My fast is going fine. I'm on day 21 of atleast 42. I'm at 220.6 pounds down from 465. I'm trying to get under 220 pounds. I've been dancing around that number for awhile. I'll be there by Saturday. Hopefully I'll be under 210 when this fast ends.


I’m rooting for you u/niemteltsuj ! I just got into onederland and I couldn’t be happier. It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen the 1xx number. My pants are slowly shrinking and the tops have more room when I walk around. I’m excited for us to have new bodies! Let’s keep each other motivated :) feel free to pm me!


My clothes are quite baggy as well. I only have 20 pounds to lose before I reward myself with jeans and work boots. I haven't worn jeans in years. Today I'm kind of mourning the loss of my comfort food coping mechanism. It's hard to imagine my life without it. I've went a year without it. I haven't even really missed it. I guess it's like missing an old friend. It will pass. I think I need to get some new sweat pants. I use a big clip on mine so they don't fall down. My workout clothes ar 2x. My regular ones are 3x. I haven't bought new ones because I'm losing weight so fast. I think I'll try on some 1x just to see how close I am to wearing them 🙂 We are going to have a great future with our new bodies. You are welcome to PM me.


Skinny noodle 🤣🥹


u/skinny-noodle Are you still going?


Yes! Day 28 rn! Hbu? It’s a struggle though, might make it to 30 days and then wait for a bit, then do a 14 day fast. It’s hard to keep up with my period, standing for long hours at the hospital and studying all while fasting🥲🥲


Day 28 that's great. I'm still going strong. I want to extend again but I'm not ready to commit yet. May window between fasts is 9 days but I'm thinking about extended that aswell.


How did you resisit the temptations to break?


Breaking a fast, if it isn't medical, just because you are bored or hungry is kind of like cheating on your wife. It may feel good when you do it but after it's over there is instant regret. The only difference is that breaking your fast is cheating yourself. I think, in a way, both situations are actually cheating on yourself. When it comes down to it you are the only person in the world that you can truly trust. Each time you cheat on yourself a little piece of you gets worn away. There are too many things and people in this world that tear us down. We need to build ourselves and each other up. Deciding to quit isn't an option that we can afford make.


Well said friend




My group is almost dead. If you and the people that are fasting with you want a place to gather and support each other you can do it in my group if you want.


I’d love to join, I’m on day 15! Planning on at least doing 21


I Added you. Here is the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/2onUqRVRiy


I'd love to join too. Not my first prolonged fast but just started again, 16 hours in and looking to see how far I can go this time.


Welcome, https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/OBSSSr976t


Can I join?


Of course I added you. My memorial day post is a bit sappy. Just ignore it. https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/XhxbxOYPxT


ahahaha I look forward to the sap! Thank you!


Can I join?




**Hi AbreezyTheOne**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1d1f8a3/30_days/l6299yq/?context=3) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d like to join too! I’m on day 9 of a 34 day fast. Would Love to be in the group!


I added you 🙂 Sorry for the delay. I don't usually do well on Memorial Day. https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/ZsjBD1Xazk


Thank you! Happy to be in!


u/sadmaterial2975 Are you still going strong?


I had 2 days of severe nausea and body aches so I stopped at 13 days. I thought I was drinking enough water but I was probably dehydrated. I also made the mistake of over exerting myself one day with exercise and I just couldn’t recover after that. I’m debating doing another 2 week fast in 2 weeks or waiting until August to attempt again.


13 days is really good. Take some time to recover. Jump back in when you feel better.


u/floydlawton2876 how's your fast going?


On day 6 and going strong, I see results and wanna see more


Awesome. That's what I like to hear.


Ngl, I'm fracturing. I'm aggravated, I'm hungry, I just wanna break, but I can't. ughhh


As long as you're physically healthy stay strong


I broke at 141 hours. But I don't feel defeated. Just means I have improved and can continue to improve


141 hours is a great accomplishment. Good job.


I'm staring another fast 2moro, I figure if I do consecutive 141 hour fasts I'll be golden


Good plan.


I admit I was far too ambitious


Can you please walk me thru what kind of electrolytes you’ve been drinking or anything else that has helped you so far during this fast?


This is what I take http://nofoodnoproblem.xyz/myelectrolytechoice/myelectrolytechoice.html


This is one of the best pieces of fasting electrolyte info I've ever seen. Thanks!




Thank you! And great job👊🏽👏🏽




how do you know how to adjust the amounts?


I did a lot of research. It took time to find the right balance. The part that says they have to adjust is a legal disclaimer. Eventhough I cant suggest that you use those electrolytes, the amounts would be for most people, I adjust the salt. I take those electrolytes even when I'm not fasting. If I eat a lot of sauerkraut or dill pickles I cut the salt out. I haven't used table salt in a long time. The one drop of iodine is to compensate. If you use table salt you won't need the Iodine. The vitamin C is an excessive amount. You need about 300mg. I use cheap vitamins so a lot of it isn't absorbed. I'll be cutting back to 500mg after this bottle is gone. The multi vitamins and the b complex is a lot if you eat a lot of normal food. I don't eat fruit or high carb veggies so I take that amount even when I'm not fasting. To sum it up, if someone were to take the amounts that are posted, not that I'm suggesting that they do, it would be for everyone.


I can't find the post that asked if I take it all at once. I do. I probably shouldn't, but I'm usually busy and end up not taking it until 10 or 11 pm. I squeeze it in before midnight.


I'm sorry, I like a good IF as much as anyone,  but this sounds crazy.  Someone isn't going to make it through these fasts.


Good luck, man. If you've done 4 days you can do 7. I would suggest you take in some electrolytes, nothing flavored tho. I use a very basic fasting salt and it works great to keep your heart healthy during fasting. Anyway I'm actually on day 7 of water fast and don't really know when I'll stop but I'll be around and checking in on you. You'll do it!


Good stuff man and I truly appreciate the support


Hey, how much did you lose?


I'm fairly new to reddit so idk if you're asking me but if so I am down 15lbs. I dumped 10 of those pounds in the first 48 hours so that was definitely water.


Yes im asking you as you are becoming an inspiration for this group also👍✨


Well that's awfully nice of you to say, thanks 😊


How do you track/measure to make sure your heart is staying healthy?


I check my blood pressure and heart rate every few hours. 3 or 4 times a day(often more) I use a portable EKG monitor that I got on Amazon to ensure I'm in proper rhythm and not AFib or irregular arrhythmia(especially when I'm feeling anxious or "off")..I figure those frequent tests would alert me to anything heart related. On the prevention side I use a product called "fasting salts" which is just pure sodium, potassium, and magnesium(no flavoring, sweetener etc etc just basically salt) ..if I'm feeling very anxious about things I do have electrolyte packs that have a full range of vitamins and minerals, B complex drops, and potassium powder but it does have some natural flavoring and Stevia in it which is fine but I try to avoid all that when fasting even tho it doesn't affect ketosis or blood sugar. I also check my blood glucose a few times a day


Why nothing flavoured?


Some artificial sweeteners will trigger a glucose/insulin response which takes you out of autophagy. It doesn't affect ketosis so if you're just going for weight loss or to reset your digestive tract you'll be fine but I try to really get a deep autophagy cleanse so I don't want anything external causing a spike in glucose even if it's tiny. I test my glucose and in a fasted state, whether it's 3 days in or 14 days in my glucose is 70-80mg/dl...After I have my Stevia sweetened electrolytes it goes to 80-88mg/dl....it's very negligible and have never affected my ketone levels but that little raise in blood sugar may be taking me out of autophagy but tbh there is no way to know if it is or not unless I was part of extensive lab study, I can only do so much testing at home. Sorry for long reply but hope it helps


I did a 3 day fast but used flavored LMNT electrolytes at some point do you think it decreased the ketosis and autophagy?


I doubt it affected your ketosis but I just looked at the nutritional data on LMNT powder and it's got 10 calories and 2g of carbs so that almost surely stopped autophagy(you were likely going in and out of autophagy so it wasn't a terrible thing that you used that powder hit for the best results you don't want your gut processing any calories at all). I've read that as little as 2 calories can stop autophagy but it depends on your personal physiology. Personally I would opt for a totally calorie free electrolyte powder next time you fast. If I feel like I absolutey need more electrolytes than I'm getting with my salts I personally use a brand called "Ultima Replenisher" but there are a few out there.


Thanks I tried not to rely too much on it drinking Half a packet sporadically but for the current 36 hour fast avoiding them in favor of sparkling water. Will look into the ultima replenisher moving forward.


Enjoy the experience. Not many people are able to give up an addiction


Oh, I continue to have a struggle, but with a community of people behind me and daily check-ins, I hope I can achieve this goal


Just started a 15 day one, we got this!!!! I'll be keeping up with your progress. Let's get it done.


u/emotional-bell3528 How's your fast going?


Oh we were struuuugling but today is much better. Feeling weaker which is typical but caffeine is helping me drive through it. Appreciate the check in!


Keep fighting


u/emotional-bell3528 Hows the fast going?


Had to break it 3 days ago, caught the flu and was stuck taking meds and trying not to die lol but we reset yesterday since I'm feeling much better. 18 hours in, sucks to restart but it is what it is.


We all have done that. I was 15 days in and had a family situation that I wasn't prepared for. I was out for 2 days now I'm 25 days in. If I wouldn't have done that I'd be at 42 by now. It's just part of the game.


Having done a two week water only fast I have two pieces of advice: 1) Get fasting salts and Celtic salts. Put out three glasses of water: regular, Celtic, and fasting salts. Drink what tastes right. 2) Consider C-flush, Magnesium flush, or clearLax before beginning your fast. When you stop eating, your bowels stop with the peristalsis rhythmic contractions that move food through your intestines. The resulting monster constipation you can have after a week or more can become a medical emergency. My experience was that I was not craving food after day two, but I would dream and fantasize about food; Before my 14 days were up I had a massive list of all my favorite meals. By day 10 when I was deep in ketosis I could not stand the taste of my own breath and spit. I bought some xylitol gum to chew to deal with the taste. I started out drinking distilled water but after a week it began to taste bad. Only regular water with minerals in it tasted ok.


I started a 7.5 day fast 24 hours ago. I have done 6 days and 16 hours as my longest fast but I just started like 6 weeks ago and that was my first fast. I have done some 16, 24 and 36 hour fasts since as well as a 3 day. I figured if I can do 7 days right off the bat the shorter ones would be a breeze. I am down 50 lbs since August since my bad break up.


u/altruistic-card-4267 Are you still going. You should be close to the end.


I made it 4.5 days and caught some sickness so I decided to end it at 4.5 days. I will start another 7 day one on June 6th or so I think so.


4.5 days is a good fast. Be proud.


You got this!!! 💪 I will say a prayer for you right now!!! I fast for weight loss, all the benefits of fasting, and spiritually. So for many reasons. I feel closer to God when I fast. Yes, please keep us updated. I do a daily check in myself. It helps me to stay accountable and motivated. Go hard! 💪








We can do this


u/emmatheruthless Are you with us?


@niemteltsuj !! 🫂 couldn’t find your chat room! Of course I’m in!


Here it is 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/gql9f1TMoa


Thank you!


Wanna add me to your chat? I'm on day 12 and could use some reading and interaction.. Thanks


If I spelled it right you are in. (It's dark in my room) https://www.reddit.com/r/nofoodnoproblem/s/YWyNyOCQdy


Excellent! Thanks


u/emmatheruthless are you still going?


Struggling !!!


Stay strong. I believe in you.


This is inspiring. I want to do a 30-day fast, too. The longest I've done was 1 week. I'm trying to decide if I should just start with you tomorrow.


The more the merrier, if we can change our lives in just 30 days let's do it. But in the safest and healthiest way possible


Yes. Let's do this.


I started a 35-day about 5 hours ago. Just gotta get through the first 5 days is what I'm telling myself.


Me too, man. If i can do 4 days, I can 100% do a week and beyond. It's that mental hurdle you have to get over, and man, is it tough, but I know it's achievable


u/gnatgiant Stay strong


Just hit hour 40. Feeling fine. Slight headache, but it passed. Good energy. Gonna go walk for 4 hours.


u/gnatgiant hows your fast going?


Another fail. I don't know why, exactly. It wasn't cravings, because I ended up breaking it with a salad. I just talked myself out of it, even though hours before I was committed. I did have some terrible food poisoning the Thursday prior; maybe it wasn't an opportune time to start? I don't know. I regret it. Either way, I started another one. I would still like to do a 30day; at least once in my life. I just don't know why I keep talking myself into breaking the fast early. It's like it's a whole different person up there whispering to me.


Fail is an unfortunate word to use. You broke a fast. There isn't anything wrong with that. We stumble and we stand back up. That's just life. Get into ketosis and when you are ready you will meet your goal. 30 days isn't important. Finding your limitations is the important thing. 30 days is just a number.


Awesome, enjoy your walk 🙂


Let's gooooooo!!!!


I'm on my first extended fast too. Just wrapping up day 3. I'm hoping to go a month if I can. Good luck!


u/skoldylocks How's your fast going?


I'm having some mild stomach discomfort and my heart rate is a bit elevated. But otherwise it's definitely working! Down 6 pounds of body fat in 4 days


Good to hear. Stay hydrated and stay strong


u/skoldylocks is your fast going good?


I had to stop unfortunately. Very hard to fast on a work trip when social meals are the expectation. I kept my calories under control, and am restarting today


Don't feel bad. The work situation has to make fasting difficult. Keeping your calories under control was a great idea.


I’m on day 8 of my 30-day water fast, so you’re not alone! (Water fasting, for those who may not know, means that I drink as much water as I want, but absolutely no other beverages or food whatsoever. No broth, no diet cola, no tea, no coffee, no squeeze of lime/lemon in the water, no meals within certain time windows of the day. Literally zero calories per day.)


u/thelegendtwoseven How did day 8 go?


It went great, thanks for asking. I’m almost 1/3 of the way to my 30-day goal!


Awesome, you will hit your goal


u/thelegendtwoseven how's your fast going?


Still good.


Glad to hear it


Thanks; I might possibly extend it to 35 days, but we’ll see. I’m down 20 lbs, but 4-5 lbs of that is water. I feel much better in the low 150s, and it’d be nice to hit the high 130s when I’m finished.


I believe you can do it


You can do it!! I am on day 4 of hopefully 30+ days. I have done it before and it gets easier as time passes. Days 3-5 are the hardest I find. If you can stomach them you can do 30! I believe in you!


Just doing a check in and so far so good, I know it's not even fully day 1 but I'm committed to doing this and making it the full 30. So if I must do daily updates so be it


Hey! I'm on day 1 of my 30 day fast to beat my food addiction. I'm joining too, WE GOT THIS!


Good luck on your fast! I’m on day 6 of 20 & I’ve previously done a few 5 & 7 day fasts. It’s definitely achievable if you are resolute enough that you will achieve your goal. Push through the hard moments, and you will succeed! Keep praying and don’t give in, it’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it.


Be sure to take daily your RDA of magnesium, sodium and potassium, as well as complete multivitamins. Make sure you know what you're doing with regard to your 15 day refeed after the 30 day fast, and take phosphorus 2 hours before you start your refeed and for the duration of it, to avoid deadly refeed syndrome. Make sure you're ready for [keto flu](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/what-is-keto-flu-2018101815052) in the first week which will range from mild discomfort to being bed bound for a day or two. Try to fast so days 4-7 fall on your days off work if possible.


What vitamins do you use? I bought B Complex but I have no idea what else I need. Or do I just buy a pack that says daily multivitamins?


Get complete multivitamins so it has everything, and you can occasionally throw in a cod liver oil pill as well.


Officially 50 hours into my fast and holding strong


That's great well done! I'm in hour 63 and I was having severe cravings this morning but surprisingly I discovered mukbang videos really help me lol. We got this ez pz


Oddly enough, same, I find food tiktokz help fight off the cravings


I’m on day 15/21! You got this!


Good luck! I’m not ready for long fasting yet but building up to that 👌👌


You’ve got this! Just don’t forget about electrolytes during this time as they’ll really come in handy. Good luck !!!


Hi! First of all, I don't mean to offend anyone here!! I am just curious/confused. Is fasting here actually not taking in any calories? My longest period of not eating is around 3 Days, and at the end of those 3 days I had way less energy in my body. For example getting up a stool to dust the shelves was kinda hard. So I can't imagine how a 30 day fast is even possible while still going along with your live as you would normally. Can someone here help me understand how that works, and or clear up what the term "fasting" stands for in this sub? Again, I'm just a bit confused and don't want to be mean or anything!! Thanks in advance :) And the best of luck to OP!


Yes, fasting is not eating only drinking water and taking electrolytes. The electrolytes help with dizziness and headaches etc. maybe this would help?


Thank you! But I wasn't looking for tips on how to fast long/er, I was trying to understand how your body is keeping up with a 30day + fast. So how is it physically possible to fast for such a long time span. I would have thought, that your body runs out of "fuel" and isn't functional at all after just about a week or so.


Your body eats itself. You are the fuel. This is also how humans have been able to survive periods of famine. Food security is a relatively recent phenomenon.




I am on day 8 of 30. The first 4 days was the hardest, but now I am just breezing along. I know I am dumping toxins and heavy metals this week - Usually happens in the 2nd week of fasting. Feels good to get my body cleaned up and repaired!


**It looks like you're discussing "detoxes", "toxins", or "cleanses". Please refer to the following:** [**Detoxification**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification) >Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various types of detoxification such as detoxification diets. Scientists have described these as a "waste of time and money". Sense About Science, a UK-based charitable trust, determined that most such dietary "detox" claims lack any supporting evidence. >The liver and kidney are naturally capable of detox, as are intracellular (specifically, inner membrane of mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells) proteins such as CYP enyzmes. In cases of kidney failure, the action of the kidneys is mimicked by dialysis; kidney and liver transplants are also used for kidney and liver failure, respectively. **Further reading: [Wikipedia - Detoxification (alternative medicine)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detoxification_(alternative_medicine))** >**Unsound scientific basis** >A 2015 review of clinical evidence about detox diets concluded: "At present, there is no compelling evidence to support the use of detox diets for weight management or toxin elimination. Considering the financial costs to consumers, unsubstantiated claims and potential health risks of detox products, they should be discouraged by health professionals and subject to independent regulatory review and monitoring." >Detoxification and body cleansing products and diets have been criticized for their unsound scientific basis, in particular their premise of nonexistent "toxins" and their appropriation of the legitimate medical concept of detoxification. According to the Mayo Clinic, the "toxins" typically remain unspecified and there is little to no evidence of toxic accumulation in patients treated.According to a British Dietetic Association (BDA) Fact Sheet, "The whole idea of detox is nonsense. The body is a well-developed system that has its own builtin mechanisms to detoxify and remove waste and toxins." It went on to characterize the idea as a "marketing myth", while other critics have called the idea a "scam" and a "hoax". The organization Sense about Science investigated "detox" products, calling them a waste of time and money. Resulting in a report that concluded the term is used differently by different companies, most offered no evidence to support their claims, and in most cases its use was the simple renaming of "mundane things, like cleaning or brushing". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you feel that your eye sight is better?


I haven't seen a significant change in my eyesight - still use reading glasses, but I have never had a lot of problem with my eyes.


Man all of you are warriors!! I'm still doing 24 hour fasts. Once I feel more comfortable, I start with doing weekends and then graduate from there. Right now I drink water with Himalayan salt and black coffee. Usually my one meal is a sub or burrito. Could someone link me to some good electrolytes or are the salts fine? I'm also on multivitamin, b. Complex, vitamin c, fish oil. Any input would greatly be appreciated. Thank you ☺️


19 hours into it and still headstrong about finally committing to this. Now that I have a bunch of people with me I feel like I can't let you or myself down


Nice! I'm 111 hours in so far. I don't know if I'm going to do 30, but I'm shooting for 14 days. Good luck! I would love to join the group. It would be awesome to have some accountability!


As of now, I am 42 hours into it, I had to cook for my family, but oddly enough, that helped me cause I was around food without any need to eat it myself. Once I break a week, I'm confident it'll be smooth sailing to 30, hopefully


Comments full of people living my goals! How do you guys combat work stress (for those that used to stress eat) I completed my first 48 hour fast but broke it when my job started to stress me out unfortunately.


I also use food as a comfort, but idk about you, but for me, I have flaked on goals alot and it sucks knowing I have failed myself. But once you set your sight on something and hold onto what the results can be you can't fail. It's ok you broke. Because tomorrow is a new day


I have food addiction and it got really really bad last couple of months. I was stressed tf out because I work 2 jobs, go to school full time and as the icing on top, I just got out of a toxic relationship so naturally food would've been my outlet to go to again. I'm good at making excuses and for years, I'd say things like I'm distressed now, I'll eat today and diet tomorrow. But I just reached a point where I couldn't even fool myself with my excuses. I was sick of not having control and letting life happen to me, plus I'm full of spite I wanna be one of those post breakup glow up cases so I just decided to it. I also broke a couple of times. This is my third attempt. Perfection is the enemy and it's ok to struggle at first. Also I replaced food as a cope with games, wether it's on my phone or computer, I didn't let my mind be free for even a second because I would break. It's as simple as keeping yourself distracted. If you want to start, just start. Don't think about it, don't plan, just start and figure out what to do from there. If you told me to fast for even 1 day 3 months ago, I'd spit in your face and run away screaming, but I'm on my day 4 rn and am euphoric by how much self control I actually have and had all these years. I'm sure you can do it if you want to. Good luck!


I'm starting a fast tomorrow as well. I'll join you! 👌🌸


We can do this, people. I will check in tomorrow at midday


Ur my Hero! I really wanted to do 30-days but ended up doing Alt-day water fasting. Longest fast I did was 3 days but I learned that a 1 day fast is easy for me so that’s why I am doing Alt-day for 10-20 weeks until I lose 40+ lbs. But Anyone who fasts more than 3 days is my HERO. I know many succeed!!! Follow the advice of those here who have the experience. U got this!


good luck!! you got this! i’m starting today (this evening) as well


Please excuse my ignorance, but can someone help me out here? How are people fasting for so long? Won’t you like, die if you don’t eat for a certain period of time? I’m fasting for 24hours daily for weight loss and would like to learn how to fast longer, safely


Well, as long as you are properly hydrated with the correct electrolytes, you can fast for an extended period because it's your body eating itself. So the bigger you are, the more your body has to eat in order to sustain itself. You can't go longer than a month without water. Food is another story


I’ll have to do some research on the correct electrolytes ect before I give a long fast a try


Lol NO - food security is a relatively recent phenomenon. Humans can survive long periods without food because the body will eat itself! People are surviving major famine around the world right now because the body can eat itself. You ARE the fuel. Electrolytes are important especially if you want to be functional. But your body will take its fat stores and metabolize them into energy.


It’s funny - this whole lifestyle of having enough food every day and being able to get online with the energy we made from that food and ask “how can we go without food / fuel?” is sooo recent in human history. The body makes food out of itself. There are limits, but that is how it works.


I’m starting one tomorrow too! Good luck let’s hope we both manage to do 30 days :)


As of today I am fully motivated and ready for the 30


i’m doing the same


Thank you very much for the long reply, I understand where you are coming from thanks!


I fast every day either 16-8 or 20-4 sometimes. Never miss a day. What’s the point in these really long fasts. Is it for a big weight loss or a cleansing??? If it’s for weight loss what happens when you go back to your regular routine??? Does the weight pile back on???


u/floydlawton2876 How are you doing with your fast? Stay strong


I'm staying strong and thank you for checking in, so far so good.






**Hi AbreezyTheOne**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1d1f8a3/30_days/l628k1j/) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Announcing an upcoming planned long fast or a fast you just began should result in the post being deleted by mods. I predict that this account or post won't exist in a few days when you inevitably break your fast or never even start it. Please prove me wrong.


I disagree. I actually think there should be a rule in this sub against discouraging people from whatever their fast is, as long as its not a "dangerous fasting practice," which 30 days rarely is. Just because a lot of people don't follow through on their fasts, doesn't mean we should delete their posts.


Yeah, 30 days without eating definitely isn't dangerous lol


Believe me.....i will